Independence message from leader of the opposition Hector John

Opposition Leader Hector John
Opposition Leader Hector John

Respect for Self and Country by Hon. Hector John

The love for country comes with unselfish, dedicated, and patriotic sacrifices. Sacrifices geared at the constant growth and development of country and its people. These unwavering sacrifices must be deeply rooted in the respect and true appreciation for the dictates of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica. The Constitution should be uncompromisingly and meticulously followed and fulfilled. This provides us with the assurance that our democratic process is thriving successfully.

This year, we celebrate our country’s independence under the theme “One Mission, One Dominica, Celebrating 35.” This theme further strengthens the reasons why the Constitution should be held in the highest esteem. There cannot be One Mission or One Dominica when there are orchestrated and blatant violations of the Constitution. There certainly cannot be a United Mission or a United Dominica when we allow a few to create a rift between us by openly and shamelessly planting seeds of division. The celebrations cannot be harmonious when the public outcries of these unpatriotic behaviors are disturbingly loud.

The Constitution outlines the system of government and states the way that the country must run. It also safeguards the rights of the people and protects democratic values. This clearly demonstrates that our laws are geared at transparent management of state while empowering people. It further confirms that we are all equal, irrespective of our societal stratum. Simply put, that no one is above the law.

French historian Alexis De Toqueville gives credence to my point when he stated, “In the nations by which the sovereignty of the people is recognized every individual possesses an equal share of power, and participates alike in the government of the State. Every individual is, therefore, supposed to be as well informed, as virtuous and as strong as any of his fellow citizens”

This independence season, we should have one mission as we demand in one firm and nationalistic voice for the total respect of our Constitution. There should be unequivocally no compromise. Then and only then, we will begin the reawakening of true allegiance to the Nature Isle. This allegiance will help ensure a Dominica for all as we work towards the pursuance of economic stability and happiness. The economic stability and happiness in turn sets the foundation for nationwide celebrations of our proud cultural heritage and achievements.

Our new national dish of Callaloo will be the highlight of this year’s independence celebrations and will add value to our nutritious creole dishes. It will be a festive spectacle as the Madras decorates the streets of Roseau with everyone displaying their diverse independence outfits. The authentic creole music will add rich melodious flavor to this celebration as we take a little bump on the patriotic bouyon song of WCK as we are proudly “representing 767”.

Fellow Dominicans, in the midst of this year’s independence celebrations we should not lose sight of the dominant importance of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica. It will be to the detriment of the future of our sovereign state to give an iota of latitude to anyone bent towards its violation. We should all stand patriotically in accord to prevent any such tendency. This will send a stern message of national pride, respect and patriotism. The future of the Nature Isle depends on our collective national advancement and failure is not an option.

On behalf of the hard working and culturally proud people of Salisbury, Coulibistrie and Morne Rachette, I would like to wish every Dominican a peaceful and festive 35th Independence celebration.

May God continue to richly bless, the Commonwealth of Dominica.

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  1. Anonymous
    November 4, 2013

    “The love for country comes with unselfish, dedicated, and patriotic sacrifices. Sacrifices geared at the constant growth and development of country and its people.”

    That is why you guys should have obeyed the Constitution and presented your nominiee in the house within the 14 days.

    Stop blaming your lack of vision, foresight and insight of your mistake on the COSNTITUTIONALLY Nominated and elected President of Domininca.

    this is blatant disrespect on your guys part and assumption that the masses are blind and ignorant.

    it was NOT unconstitutional.

    you guys messed up, AS USUAL, and whenevr you do, you blame it on a violation of the Constitution.

    Remember when UWP own members had dual citizenship. it was right for them until the PM had it. then it’s unconstitutional.

    Move forward, try to work together with the PM while maintaining your individuality.

    UWP would be more credible if when things are good, they congratulate and appreciate… instead all they do is cry wolf.

    it can only work so many times

    • him
      November 4, 2013

      What are the good things? You marching up the steps of the Red clinic? The lazy attitude he has created in you is a good thing? Creating beggars is a good thing? A Prime Minister doling out money from his office to catch votes is a good thing? How can a country make progress with these corrupt thing happening in broad daylight?

      • anonymous
        November 5, 2013

        And it here it goes. Once someone doesn’t agree with the UWP’s idea of things- the insults are paraded and dropped.

        Get real.

        I’m sitting comfortably behind my desk, driving my nice car and living a big house… livng the dream of someone who was raised poor in Dominica and who migrated and made something of myself.

        So before you consider me a red clinic beggar as your call it – think of me this way – a LAWYER, a human rights lawyer, someone who understands and sympathises with the poor man. Someone who wants better for those living in poverty.

        Not only that – someone who has read, and understands the Constitution. So when it comes to legal issues and matters – i am verymuch more qualified than you are to offer an opinion on it.

        Quick uestion – you are so quick to say as fact that the PM doles out cash from his office – why not state your name and make this claim. why hide behind the screen with your alledged information.

        but that’s not the point of my post. The point is accountabilty, responsibility, respectability amongst other things but your small mind wont agree…cause you are what you are

    • Block 44
      November 4, 2013


      You behaving A Constitutional Imbecile. Read from Sextion 19 and you will see where the Opposition was not required to nominate someone at the time.

      Read your Constitution and stop listening to Ah lick De Arse and Scare It

  2. November 4, 2013

    if we moove this pm we finish in da thats all i have to say

    • him
      November 4, 2013

      Well we will have to finish, because is out he is going this time.

    • Papa Dom
      November 6, 2013

      People who profess to be Christians disobey the bible on a daily basis and the country doh finish, so what makes you make such a foolish statement? Is skerritt the ruler of the universe? Is he the fount of all knowledge? If he is why does it take a man from Barbados to direct every move he makes down to a simple speech to announce the date for election?

  3. christmas
    November 4, 2013

    if we moove this pm from there we finish

    • Newtown
      November 6, 2013

      governments come, governments go. the country has to move on stuppes

  4. man
    November 3, 2013

    dominica is higher than any political party. u all speak of unity but u don’t speak of it. carry on uwp the way you going and you will see yourselves once more again in the opposition.

    u may take 1 maybe 2 seats but that about it. ur a dreaming if u think u will form the next government. maybe next election.

    • November 4, 2013

      Do not be overly confident.

  5. November 3, 2013

    I know its only Hector and his coherts online right now as they are ashamed of attending a well attended Parade all throughout. Go to the Windsor Park right now and make your eyes boil your peas… We gonna lick you.

  6. November 3, 2013

    Thank you Hon. Hector John. All you had to say in your own words and not words from someone else written for you:

    “Our new national dish of Callaloo will be the highlight of this year’s independence celebrations and will add value to our nutritious creole dishes. It will be a festive spectacle as the Madras decorates the streets of Roseau with everyone displaying their diverse independence outfits. The authentic creole music will add rich melodious flavor to this celebration as we take a little bump on the patriotic bouyon song of WCK as we are proudly “representing 767”.

    On behalf of the hard working and culturally proud people of Salisbury, Coulibistrie and Morne Rachette, I would like to wish every Dominican a peaceful and festive 35th Independence celebration.

    May God continue to richly bless, the Commonwealth of Dominica”.

    Thank you.

  7. law and order
    November 3, 2013

    The UWP is responsible for Charles Saverind being President, by not going to the house to vote and presenting their arguments against in parliament they by default voted for his Presidency, they must learn to be politicians. Learn the rules of a parliamentary democracy, the PM is not the leader of the UWP, he cannot tell them how to do things, the constitution clearly says they had to present a nomination to the Speaker of the house, not to the PM. The UWP need to learn to be a functional opposition. They the UWP by their antics of abstinence failed the people of Dominica.

    • Papa Dom
      November 6, 2013


  8. Truth be told
    November 3, 2013

    I agree that our constitution must be protected and adhered to by every Dominicans and visitors alike. What I’m in difference with its ones perception that the constitution has been trampled upon when there is a complete other understanding of what happened by others. Where the nation is divided as to an issue arising out of the application of the constitution, the matter must be address by the court. Now, this speech in once again a cheap shot, one that causes more division than encouraging unity. As long as we place politics ahead of country we will always be selfish and bias in our deliberation. This independence is about unity, so please give a speech that brings laborites, UWPites, freedomites and the rest together.

    • bawi
      November 4, 2013

      I agree with you, this is not the time for cheap shots.

  9. law and order
    November 3, 2013

    Good speech, but remember we have a parliamentary democracy all the time, so learn to debate in parliament at all time, be present to make your point in parliament. You should have made a nomination for president you did not you should have attended the appointment and voted against the appointment of the present President you did not. You need to read the fine print of the constitution and be ahead of the game. Presently u are not. A good beginning with this speech.

  10. me
    November 3, 2013

    like the 767 part. happy independence Dominica

  11. Devoted Dominican
    November 3, 2013

    How can this person talk of sacrifice, when he has never volunteered to make one or to show that he is interested in one. Brainless leader…

  12. Anonymous
    November 3, 2013

    Great speech Spags.

  13. Discombobulated
    November 3, 2013

    I have read all the speeches. It is time of our independence, and though the speech is very well drafted it is not needed at the time of year. The prime minister talks of unity, and this speech promotes the opposite. I think that could be put aside for today. Show the people of Dominica that at a time like this, our pride, though we disagree, we are one people. It should not be a political message, not today. Uwp did so well in recent weeks but this message has undone all of that in my eyes. I love all Dominicans and god knows I love dominica. Happy independence

  14. bawi
    November 3, 2013

    It’s supposed to be a statement about our independence not a political statement on the constitution. Give it a rest already because you all are no different. For once put politics aside and just simply and directly wish everyone a happy and safe independence day.

    • Newtown
      November 6, 2013

      stuppes …

  15. Doc. Love
    November 3, 2013

    Great job, Mr. Spraggs John, your have really improved as a politician, unlike Skeritt whenever he opens his mouth to speak publicly to Dominicans mapuis must take first place. I hope this will be your last Independence Message as Leader of the Opposition. Next year I hope to be reading Independence Messages not only from Mr. Lennox Linton, but from all the members of the United Workers Party Cabinet.

  16. upwards
    November 3, 2013

    God bless the leader of the opposition on this our 35th year of independence.

  17. mac
    November 3, 2013

    when uwp gets into power Dominicans will leave happilly ever their dreams, cant not now .when they change linton and the rest of their cabal.or when a new party emerges then labour party will have a problem for now they are strong and united.

    • Newtown
      November 6, 2013

      u killing me hahahah lol

  18. cat woman
    November 3, 2013

    “There certainly cannot be a United Mission or a United Dominica when we allow a few to create a rift between us by openly and shamelessly planting seeds of division. The celebrations cannot be harmonious when the public outcries of these unpatriotic behaviors are disturbingly loud.”

    Fighting fire with fire much?

  19. wow
    November 3, 2013

    1st this was written for this man,secondly its just full of gibberish empty air,which qualifies him as fool of the year.Shame

    • _________________
      November 3, 2013

      @wow You are simply a darn dotard with an empty round ball on your shoulders,WHICH SADLY REPRESENTS YOUR BRAIN. You are a puppet and a slave of Skerrit, who has obviously blinded you to the extent that your understanding has flown throw the window. He manipulates you, has impoverished you,insulted you, disrespected you, he makes you who you are now (a beggar),and one with no understanding.
      I DUMP YOUR PIECE OF FILTH WITH great contempt. Now I can see why you love Skerrit’s mismanagement of Dominica so much.

      • Newtown
        November 6, 2013

        I will have respect for DNO. You are very rude and insultive idiot. Go get a life. I hope u have one idiot

    • November 3, 2013

      Oh Shut up

  20. PoKeSa
    November 3, 2013

    A well written address, which speaks volume!

  21. "O" STRESS"
    November 3, 2013

    Thanks sir for your speech as I read your independence message I am left to wonder when will we return to the days that we had an effective shadow opposition? Gone are the days When most of us would stop at any thing during our house of assembly debates oh boy I used to get goose bumps cause like a little brother I felt confident that we had a balance at those debates and those Stalwarts like MIKE and ROSSIE Douglas would stand their ground make them selves present at the house of assembly and take care of the people`s business. I missed those days.I sometimes wonder when will we return to those days? any suggestions???? I Am Dominican”. Are YOU?

    • "O" STRESS"
      November 3, 2013

      D.N.O. when we comment we expect once we meet the criteria our comment should be posted in a timely manner. Its a business and we are very much part of your business without us there`s no D.N.O. A little food for thought!!!!

      Admin: We couldn’t agree with you more about our readers being part (the most important part) of our business and we certainly do our best to approve comments in a timely manner. However, we are currently unable to do so 24-7. Nonetheless, we appreciate your feed back.

      • "O" STRESS"
        November 3, 2013

        You Welcome! That’s what I am talking about. Thanks D.N.O. for the ones who do not welcome positive feed back is like a chicken without a head. Thanks D.N.O. for leading the way. RESPECT!!!

    • pappy show
      November 3, 2013

      @ “O” STRESS”, that’s because back then in those good old days of Rosie, Mike, and others, the constitution was in tack and well preserved and respected by the then president, Prime Minister, and House Speaker. But gone are those good days and therefore patriotic Dominicans are forced to defend our constitution at gun point. So yes, I feel you but as the saying goes, “A different pill for different a diffennt pain.” Knowing Rosie and Mike Douglas as well as I knew them, I bet you if they were alive today to witness what their labor party has brought on Dominicans, not only would they boycott and protest, but they would physically put on their boots in defense of Dominica. By the way, you remember when Rosie Douglas was made leader of the DLP one of the first thing he did was to find PJ where he was and brought him back on the DLP as general secretary of the party until PJ resigned just before the 2000 elections? Just some food for thought.

    • man
      November 3, 2013

      shhhh let them continue to boycott they will see how far it get them.

  22. Anonymous
    November 3, 2013


    November 3, 2013

    From the beginning to the end, this is a brilliantly drafted, thought-provoking and patriotic speech. The nationalistic and patriotic theme of love for country is maintained throughout.

    The speech avoids the usual partisan bickering and deals with the issues that are germane to what we are celebrating today. The topic signals a very positive, relevant and appropriate message, “Respect for self and country.” Without respect and pride in self, one cannot respect our Constitution, our people and have pride for country.

    This vintage His Excellency Clarence Seignoret-type of Independence Day message. There is nothing more to add besides encouraging as many Dominicans to read and appreciate the message being conveyed.

    “The love for country comes with unselfish, dedicated, and patriotic sacrifices. Sacrifices geared at the constant growth and development of country and its people. These unwavering sacrifices must be deeply rooted in the respect and true appreciation for the dictates of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica. The Constitution should be uncompromisingly and meticulously followed and fulfilled. This provides us with the assurance that our democratic process is thriving successfully….”

    Well done Mr. Hector John, Leader of Opposition, Mr. Lennox Linton, the Prime Minister-in-waiting and to all those who contributed to this magnificently drafted and timeless speech. In deed, may God continue to richly bless you, and the Commonwealth of Dominica.

    Roseau Valley

    • anonymous
      November 3, 2013

      Patriotism???? Which party was waving a foreign flag during the 2005 elections? Just asking.

  24. political message
    November 3, 2013

    Is this an independence message or a political message. The constitution needs to be reviewed anyway. God bless Dominica.

  25. November 3, 2013

    Well lined out,but we the people of the Commonwealth of Dominica must continue to believe in our CONSTITUTION and the rule of LAW, without it we will all pay the price.

    • Anonymous
      November 3, 2013

      Who is putting thumbs down for this comment? Skerrit? He is one that I know who doesn’t care about the constitution.

  26. %
    November 3, 2013

    As I have said in the past,one thing I respect about you all in the UWP, IS THE ROBOST FIGHT that you all have put, and is still putting IN DEFENCE OF OUR CONSTITUTION.
    I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS BEFORE,but before this regime, our constitution was always highly respected anyway.!!!

    • man
      November 3, 2013

      is that a joke
      oh I forgot to laugh :lol:

    • man
      November 3, 2013

      they are not fighting they are hiding

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