Rethinking the Integrity Commission

Dominicans have been calling for amendments to the IPO Act to strengthen the Commission.

As regards the so-called Integrity Commission, the UWP and the so-called Bar Association have done the country a huge, though unintended favour.

For those who did not have eyes to see, they have made it very clear through their recent appointments to the Commission that they see the Commission as one big joke. The case of Dave Bruney has been sufficiently exposed and is now sub-judice. The case of the Bar Association’s nominee is hardly less heinous. I will not expound on this at this time except to refer all to the speech of the gentleman in question at the so-called anti-corruption meeting in Lagon at the height of the last election campaign in December 2009. Let anyone who is reasonably objective tell me that this is a fit and proper person to be sitting on our country’s Integrity Commission.

Unless of course the Commission is indeed really one big joke.

However if it is a big joke, then it is an expensive joke, costing the tax payers a lot of money. How many people are aware of the cost of the Comission; of the salaries paid to the Chairman and the other commissioners? Has this information ever been made public?

If the Commission is a joke, we need to get serious and suspend it while we do what is necessary to fix it. As Tony Astaphan had said at the time the Act should not have been put into effect without a number of amendments. Somewhat understandably, the Government was under considerable pressure to implement, (candle-light vigils etc. led by the usual suspects), and the Act was therefore put into effect as is. Those persons who were clamouring for its implementation did not pay attention to the real powers of the Commission and the need for amendments, and they found out only afterwards that the IPO could not do those things that they wanted it to do. They have therefore dismissed the Commission as a waste of time.

Thus, by way of a perverse set of circumstances, there is close to a national consensus that the Commission, if not ill conceived, was certainly improperly designed. Here is an indicative set of changes that need to be made to the Act:

1. Contrary to what the Chairman seemed to be implying when he called in his report for more “comprehensive” coverage of the powers of the IPO under the Act, the scope of the Act needs to be narrowed. The net is far too wide. Too many public officers have to spend time satisfying the requirements under the Act, thus taking time away from their paid duties, lowering g their respective individual productivities. To those persons fulfilling the requirements under the Act is a complete and unnecessary nuisance. The politicians seemed so peeved at having to subject themselves to the requirements under the Act that they decided to pull everyone else in with them – reminiscent of a former Roman Emperor. Thus we have the ridiculousness of the issues that have attended the positions of Senior Clerk, for example. Come on: Deputy Fire Chief, Chief Cultural Officer, and Board Chairmen – give one a break. By way of putting things right, let us focus on the politicians – the members of Parliament. Let us start off with just that lot; and let us add to the list on the basis of time and experience. The real “corruption” issue concerns politicians, not the Chief Cultural officer, the Financial Secretary and such like. We are harassing people unnecessarily; we are being too intrusive into the lives and affairs of too many individuals in this very small place.

2. The composition of the Commission is too obviously and explicitly political. Currently it is three nominated by Government and two from the Opposition. Explicitly political. Our President has no say in the matter; in who actually gets on the omission. Hence the nonsense of the two latest appointments to the IPO Commission. This is unfortunate. We should follow the example of Trinidad and Tobago where the appointments are made at the discretion of the President. He seeks suggestions from stakeholder institutions – Bar Association, political parties and others – but at the end of the day, the President makes the appointments in his own discretion. I believe this is the model we should adopt here in Dominica.

3. Related to the above is my recommendation that the IPO Commission should be removed from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Legal Affairs to the Office of the President. Hopefully this is a recommendation that is obvious enough. The independence, impartiality and apolitical persona that one desires of the Commission can most definitely best be achieved through locating the IPO Commission in the Office of the President.

I am sure other persons have their ideas as to changes that need to be made. This is why Government should circulate a White Paper on proposed changes to the Act and its modus operandi and invite public comment. This would be an excellent ode to transparency and operationalized democracy. Circulate and set deadlines for submitting comments. Let’s do this and put right this massive, unfortunate and costly wrong.

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  1. Hurting Dominican
    May 4, 2011

    Just a few questions for thought
    1. Who are the other commissioners?
    2. Who appointed them?
    3. Are They any more transparent or do they have more integrity than those supported by the UWP or the Bar.?
    4. Who determines the integrity of an individual?
    5. What Constitutes integrity?
    6. Who really does not have a side the prefer?
    7. How much are they paid and how often do they meet?
    8. Did all this confusion not start after a few high powered persons in the government cited by the IPO?
    9. Can two commissioners change the outcome or decisions of the IPO?
    10 does the IPO not operate on a majority rule bases?
    11. Does integrity mean support the government?
    12. Has any IPO worked in the Caribbean? really would like to get a few of these questions answered as I’m truly baffled as to why this has caused such a great stir.

  2. MVAGD
    May 4, 2011

    1. “the scope of the Act needs to be narrowed”
    The writer seems to have access to the facts pertaining to the subject so I would not fault him/her on that, but I query the reason for wanting to reduce the scope of the IPO, when the chairman is asking for it to be increased.

    2 “The real “corruption” issue concerns politicians, not the Chief Cultural officer, the Financial Secretary and such like.”
    Is the writer saying that the only human beings who can act dishonourably are politicians? Isn’t it well documented the world over that high level executives have crafted the art of corruption to its finest degree? Is the writer saying that the IPO should be strictly a political witch hunting machine?
    Then they should say so and change the name of the paper accordingly; not call it Integrity in ‘Public Office’.

    3 “Government should circulate a White Paper on proposed changes to the Act and its modus operandi and invite public comment.”
    Was this not done to the original some years ago before the document became final? If so, then that is the precedent and quite likely the precedent will be followed with any proposed changes.

    It should be noted that as is seen with this document, public participation does not guarantee perfection. We all fall short. As human beings we are all moving through a life that is a learning process. That tells us we should not deny errors, but learn from them . This open, learning environment will only be set when we learn to support and guide each other out of mistakes, rather than decry, tear down and kick out. Only then will we find mankind’s win/win.

  3. Saul..
    May 4, 2011

    @Dancea Lipson? are you for real or out to amuse the rest of the people, then humour yourself away my dear! So Dave Bruney being on the Commission and Mr Dyer suddendly makes it a joke..where were you when numerous calls were made for the Commission to act in accordance of the task that was set before it? Where was your outrage, or seemingly nauseating humour decree when Charles Saverin through Alick Lawrence railroaded Brian Alleyne, who on merit of INTEGRITY chose to resign? where have you been when so many questions are left in mid-air floating?

    Sometimes you all write detailed articles and PRETEND to want seek balance and open debate but it takes a second of reading for any fair minded person to see how the scale is tilting in the direction of those whose case you plead.ALAS this happens on all sides, so spare us the dramatics, the Commission has been a joke and if you are so offended by the appointment of Dyer and Bruney then one should speculate there is much hidden yet to be revealed. Your concern has nothing to do with the cost of the Commission, otherwise you would and should have questioned the salaries a long time ago, you are only up on stilts because of fear.. just remind yourself that Dave nor Dyer can’t bring to the affairs of the Commission to the public. The job is simple to ensure that people are above board and can account for their wealth or is that your sincerest fair, that they will discover the discrepancies?

  4. Doh Do that
    May 4, 2011

    DNO everything I said can be substanciated

    I think that it is general consensus that the IPO is ineffective and much to influenced by those who are supposed to be policed by the very same IPO. To imply that the requirements of the IPO is time consuming to the politicians is really laughable unless these politicians spend 70% of their time trying to conceal all unscrupulous dealings. The IPO requirements is part of their job description and if they cannot meet the requirements then quit being in the kitchen. The government implemented the IPO system why the excuses.
    The idea of the IPO started while the UWP was in government. People like Tony Astaphan and Rosie Douglas were the ones crying corruption corruption and rightfully so Dominicans reacted and voted the corrupt UWP out of government. While I say so I must add that the DLP has now taken corruption to the next higher level. Rosie is not there and guess who is leading the charge and who is bombarding the public with cover ups ,lies and deception. The very same flip flopper who was paid to investigate UWP corruption but came up with nothing. Was there really “nothing” or was it just part of his ongoing plan to bilk the limited resources of the treasury so that he could subsidize their Miami base dealings. I suggest that a good working IPO should be able to investigate those contracted to work for the government; the IPO should be able to audit the books of those subcontractors performing legal duties for the government even when the country has ministry responsible for legal affairs.
    How can we be assured that the standing/seating president will be impartial when it is obvious that the president works for the PM. After all the Presedent is selected by the PM. In my humble opinion the office of the president is no different than that of the office of manager of DBS or that of the productivity consultant ( for kicks and giggles). The suggestion that the president should be the sole selector of the IPO is yet another joke to the standing joke the IPO.
    Now that we agree that the IPO is nothing but a farce and that the police investigating department will not investigate their employers what are we left with? Politics as usual. According to the words of Edison James “ while in power we are in charge” and Earl Williams “ I know how to cover my tracks”. We know for sure those in presently in power are more than in charge in fact they are even in charge of the justice system – the only institution that we thought would administer balance and fairness for all; Blue , Green or Red.
    The onus is on the people of Dominica to decide. As indicated in the article the salaries and overheads of the IPO is unwarranted – so is are those of the seven special advisors, productivity consultant etc. The onus is on the people of Dominica to demand accountability from those in government and to include the police. I remain confused that in 1994 we stood up against obvious government misconduct yet the current government is flamboyantly filthy yet we praise them and encourage dishonorable public figures like Charlo , Tony and Paro.
    As for me I will stand for morality honesty and transparency in government and until my instincts tells me otherwise the political bunch in Dominica is just a big big circus.

    • Love doh do dat
      May 4, 2011

      I am in the diaspora (doh do dat) and when i read stuff like what you’ve concisely put together i feel there is hope. I am thinking of what way can i find you and to begin to work with guys like you. I am willing and able to take on the responsibility to form a structure to build on for the near future. I need a few good men /women like you. sometimes when i think all is lost people like you give hope and inspiration. Hold on brother be strong there are many of us out there who are willing and more hn able to mspin/turn things around but we have to be bold and different.
      I will find a way to reach you directly.Am thinking. finally i call on the caable and the willing to step up time is not on our side.

  5. Tickle Me Elmo
    May 4, 2011

    I think that it is general consensus that the IPO is ineffective and much to influenced by those who are supposed to be policed by the very same IPO. To imply that the requirements of the IPO is time consuming to the politicians is really laughable unless these politicians spend 70% of their time trying to conceal all unscrupulous dealings. The IPO requirements is part of their job description and if they cannot meet the requirements then quit being in the kitchen. The government implemented the IPO system why the excuses.
    The idea of the IPO started while the UWP was in government. People like Tony Astaphan and Rosie Douglas were the ones crying corruption corruption and rightfully so Dominicans reacted and voted the corrupt UWP out of government. While I say so I must add that the DLP has now taken corruption to the next higher level. Rosie is not there and guess who is leading the charge and who is bombarding the public with cover ups ,lies and deception. The very same flip flopper who was paid to investigate UWP corruption but came up with nothing. Was there really “nothing” or was it just part of his ongoing plan to bilk the limited resources of the treasury so that he could subsidize their Miami base dealings. I suggest that a good working IPO should be able to investigate those contracted to work for the government; the IPO should be able to audit the books of those subcontractors performing legal duties for the government even when the country has ministry responsible for legal affairs.
    How can we be assured that the standing/seating will be impartial when it is obvious that the president works for the PM. After all the PM is selected by the PM. In my humble opinion the office of the president is no different than that of the office of manager of DBS or that of the productivity consultant ( for kicks and giggles). The suggestion that the president should be the sole selector of the IPO is yet another joke to the standing joke the IPO.
    Now that we agree that the IPO is nothing but a farce and that the police investigating department will not investigate their employers what are we left with? Politics as usual. According to the words of Edison James “ while in power we are in charge” and Earl Williams “ I know how to cover my tracks”. We know for sure those in presently in power are more than in charge in fact they are even in charge of the justice system – the only institution that we thought would administer balance and fairness for all; Blue , Green or Red.
    The onus is on the people of Dominica to decide. As indicated in the article the salaries and overheads of the IPO is unwarranted – so is are those of the seven special advisors, productivity consultant etc. The onus is on the people of Dominica to demand accountability from those in government and to include the police. I remain confused that in 1994 we stood up against obvious government misconduct yet the current government is flamboyantly filthy yet we praise them and encourage dishonorable public figures like Charlo , Tony and Paro.
    As for me I will stand for m
    Onesty and transparency in government and until my instincts tells me otherwise the political bunch in Dominica is just a big big circus.

    • Tickle me ELMO & Doh do dat sound like...........
      May 4, 2011

      Sound alike. Are you two persons in one ? A litlle god.You sound like a holy duo unlike the holy trinity.
      remember god sees and knows all things.remember ur sunday school days?

      • Doh do that
        May 5, 2011

        It is the same person. I will take the higher ground and explain why I posted under different name. To be simple I thought DNO rejected my comment and (2) when I tried posting the second time with slight changes a notice came up that I was posting to quick thus the reason I changed my ID.
        thank god I’ve learned to be cordial rather than arrogant and insultive. I do hope that you can learn to engae in conversation without being abusive, arrogant and insulting. I’m sure an effort to change social engagement and discourse in Dominica would bring positive changes across the board.

  6. Life's Like That
    May 4, 2011

    You guys must remember that the views expressed is minority views. The majority are going happily about their business, and thankful for their way of life.

  7. whistler
    May 4, 2011

    wonder who brought about that evil spell on Dominica!

    Dominicans are so backward all they do it talk and more talk…

    Dominica will be the next Liyba.Skero will rule for next 30 years on…as the citizens are all afraid of him even the opposition they very timid in their actions….just on a radio station talking..

    once Edo is placed behind bars of standing for Dominica the uprising will begin..but as long as they take no action skero will always regroup and defy the opposition!

  8. Tedash
    May 4, 2011

    Is not that the government was under considerable presure . The fact is the government is a joke.

    i also disagree with some aspect of your first point. All senior civil servant ( those who can signed on behalf of government) must be included under the coverage of the comission. Those persons includes the Finacial secretary, paliarment secretaries , police commissioner, every customs and immigration officer etc and also all managers of statutory co-operations such as the manager of social security , tourism authority , finacial regulatority comission etc . The reason being is that as long as these persons can signed contract or has control over certain apsect of government finances they must be put under the coverage of the comission.
    This extended coverage is evidence in other countries , even where i work and it don’t take no extensive time away for their daily responsibilities unless if they are not brougt before the comission for questioning if they are suspect of any wrong doing . All happpens is that these persons are given a form that they has to fill up every year. That form you can take home and fill it up while off duty . If your assets don’t match whats one the form then u will be call in for questioning and etc

    On the matter of senior clerk . this one may seems a bit extreme.
    I think if you don’t see the reason for the extensive coverage , then you and all is a joke.

  9. the doc
    May 4, 2011

    I certainly agree with the article to some degree, My big question and i am sure that certain section of the populace may take issue with the writer, is the president appointed by the ruling party apolitical? has he shown a level of statesmanship that is acceptable to most ,It will certainly look better under the office of the president.Just one question can a president who is appointed by a party and who wants continued appointment (A Second term) go against that party?

  10. Amazing
    May 4, 2011

    Simply amazing what Dave Bruney can do….now you all wants to dissolve the entire thing to get rid of one man. This is simply how I see it. All its years of ineffectiveness, no one thought of re organizing this expensive monster.

    No. 3 and 4 is even more hilarious….which cell of the president is apolitical? A man who has basically disassociated himself with the monstrosity going on in the country. I think it would make better sense to get some organ in place…get a white paper going on how we are going to disband of the president. He is really costing the country much more than the IPO ever will …….25 milllion in one year….IPO I think is rough 2 million….do the math.

    I say get the white paper going….do we really need a president? Does it really make any economic or any type of sense for that matter?

    You see some people sit quietly milking the country and get away with it because for some mysterious reason some act is there to protect them….

    Are we really serious in this country? I continue to ask myself

  11. Piper
    May 4, 2011

    Is it too much to ask our small minded politicians to rise above their petty political positions and serve the people of this country? Why must they always place their needs ahead of that of the people? It just goes to show that these guys get into politics firstly to enrich themselves at the expense of the people. Just like those African dictators who fatten their bank accounts while their people starve.

    It is very sad that we have inherited the same traits from our African brothers.

  12. 'tis true
    May 4, 2011

    Well said, but first we need a President who is not indifferent to the current state of affairs.

  13. American Dominican
    May 4, 2011

    Everything in Dominica is a joke!! Dominica has become the laughing stop! It is lamentable, that there are no statesmen and stateswomen left in Dominica. We all have a price, and some of us come very, very, cheap!

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