COMMENTARY: Screams of A Nation

Jeffers JosephThe plight of the nation will rest heavily on the consciences of some members of the Diaspora, as well as indigenous Dominicans who relinquish their votes to the DLP in exchange for airplane tickets, money and other handouts financed on the backs of tax payers. The wrathful repercussions could be significantly mitigated should these citizens choose to do the moral thing by voting on principles rather than emotions to depose this incumbent government on December 8th. In the unlikely event of a victory by the DLP, how could one possibly be at peace with oneself knowing that he/she allowed bribery to influence their decision, hence affording Skerrit to perpetuate five more years in office?

Arguably, this election promises to be the most crucial one for as long as I can possibly remember; thus, we have but one opportunity to make it right. However, after careful evaluation of both parties’ stances on the issues – along with their road map for propelling the country forward, I am confident that you will soon concede that our leadership is desperately in need of CHANGE. When the total number of electorates exceeds the population, well, let us just say it has a pungent smell. But when illegalities like bribery, threats and coercion are resorted to in an attempt to circumvent the elections, it is adequate indication that CHANGE is indeed imperative. The mere act of accepting gifts of free travel tickets is in and of itself bad; what is even worse, however, is feeling obligated to surrender your votes as ransom for these unconstitutional and unlawful favors offered by The PM. Dominicans are inherently suffering economically. You are therefore doing the local citizens and the country an utter injustice by altering the course of the elections. After the damage is done, you will all return to your respective countries, leaving them to wallow in their misery. This is Indeed an atrocity.

The power of the people is greater than the people in power; therefore, the fate of our country rests heavily on our hands this election. The incumbent government has failed the people miserably. Dominica, therefore, should be approaching the dawn of a new day politically as the mantle is expected to change hands in a few days. I presume those who dare to contravene this are largely Skerrit, his cronies, and tribalists of the DLP. They will deny this since they are the ones who are benefiting from the government as they become wealthier and wealthier literally sucking the blood from the nation. Fifteen years is a very long time and there is little development to show for it. As such, we are charged with the responsibility of changing the leadership of this country if there is ever a chance of resuscitating her. Handouts are basically enabling and a country cannot continue under such circumstances. Without a strong vibrant economy providing equal employment opportunities to ALL (not just some), there is nowhere else to go but continue on this downward trajectory.

The time has come for CHANGE; hence, it is incumbent on US to ensure that the winds of change are headed in the right direction. The world is looking to see if WE as a people can save our country from ruins. Fortunately, we are blessed with a passionate, vibrant and energetic Team Dominica, ready willing and able to assume the arduous task of nation rebuilding. They represent a group of 21 highly educated and experienced professionals – with a viable plan to move the country out of this virtually stagnated position. Lead by Mr. Lennox Linton, the group, the United Workers Party (UWP) is fortified with individuals – each of whom essentially holds advanced degrees in the fields of Engineering, Economics, Law and Business. Never before have we assembled such a well-rounded collection of talented and skilled technocrats in the annals of Dominican politics. Realistically, the economic damage perpetrated on this country by Roosevelt Skerrit’s DLP will require some time to undo; it is my belief, however, that given the opportunity, Team Dominica can make significant progress toward accomplishing this goal in their first term.

On Wednesday, November 28, 2014, The United Workers Party launched their long anticipated MANIFESTO to Dominicans. Contained therein is the blueprint for a massive project to restore, reconstruct and revitalize a rapidly debilitating country. Among many other proposals presented was the creation of 5,000 jobs in three years – an excellent way to jumpstart the economy and begin the challenging recovery process ahead. This would also significantly assist in eradicating the recently cultivated culture of dependency and reliance on government, propagated by the current administration. Conceivably, tremendous work will be necessary to exalt Dominicans’ dignity, morale and self-worth back to the level which we once knew. This, we can accomplish, however, through the combined efforts of Team Dominica and the citizens of this beautiful country. During the campaign we witnessed the PM’s blatant flaunting of almost $1,000,000 to famous entertainers from other countries, while most citizens continue to suffer economically. In fact, upwards of $32,000,000 was amassed within a thirty- two day period on campaign expenditures – incredible! One has to wonder whether Mr. Skerrit even cares about the welfare of the citizens. When the star struck epidemic finally diminishes, the reality of the crippling issues we are faced with will reemerge, however. Then and only then we will do the right thing and elect the United Workers Party into office on December 8, 2014.

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  1. ????????
    December 9, 2014

    J J Joseph ok you are a UWP Supporter point blank. You article is not an objective one. Your article highly identifies you as a UWP Supporter so which constituency will you be contesting next election?? Are you Dominican?

    J.J. Joseph, Author of Democracy’s Hypocrisies. An article with that subject would look at all the hypocrisies in all political parties and not hit alone on the DLP. Biased you are and this is a democracy and you are entitled to support whoever you want and I am to mine as well. Rename your article!

  2. true dominican
    December 9, 2014

    I guess you have forgotten what the UWP has put us through the last time they were elected. That is just empty promises. They promised to lower VAT and as soon as they won they rised to 5%. do you think we are that stupid? We maybe a small country but we do not fall for empty promises. Like our own airline? ah really? 5000 jobs in 3 years. yeah heard that already. haven’t ever heard of empty barrels make the most noise? Dominican just do not trust the United Workers party period

    • Gregs Julien
      December 9, 2014

      ummmm vat wasn’t there while UWP was in power

  3. concern dominican
    December 9, 2014

    my fellow dominican people use the internet as a way to voice their opinon but there is one thing that you are guys are forgetting. what you write or say stays with you forever. it could be held against you forever. Becareful of slander and character bashing. it might be your ticket to prison or a heavy lawsuit

  4. Domnichen
    December 8, 2014

    Stop the double standard! UWP supporters came down to vote as well. It’s just that they are outnumbered by DLP supporters.

  5. Rabbit
    December 8, 2014

    The only diaspora that exists is the African diaspora. All you black Dominicans are part of it. Forget about China the U.S & Europe & look to creating relations with Africa.

  6. the lameness of it
    December 8, 2014

    Clearly this man (article author) doesnt live in Dominica and is biased towards the UWP. He says, ” in the unlikely event” anyone living here would know that labor still have a large number of supporters and it is very likely that they would win the elections.

  7. Tell it like it is
    December 8, 2014

    It is amazing how some people like to pass off their opinión as fact. The UWP has bribed and continues to bride people to vote for them so what is your point? I honestly wish you would grow a conscience because apparently you don´t seem to have one. But God is not a pólice and the Labour Party will get another five year mandate to continue developing Dominica under trying times. Deal with it!

  8. Anonymous
    December 8, 2014

    While I agree with you that there is a need for change of leadership in Dominica there is nothing else in your article that I can agree with. The replacement you proposed is far from credible. If we are going to have a change in leadership we should not be contemplating jumping from the frying pan into the fire. The office of the Prime Minister requires stable decision making, so that if we make a change we should do so with circumspection. The replacement you propose should have a track record of sound reasoning. We should not start with the Party we support and go along regardless.

    Your comment on the Voters list is invalid. The Voters list consists of persons who have been REGISTERED via a process that is scrutinized. The rules provide for valid objections, at any time, to names remaining on that list. The rules provide for the conditions of removal. The same rules allow you to petition the Electoral Commission for removal of names. There are some “leaders” who choose to make noises about sanitizing the list rather than doing the right thing and present a list of defaulting names to the Commission. The official POPULATION is a COUNT of the number of persons RESIDENT on the island on the NIGHT of the Census. Those are two different figures and are not comparable. The two figures will always be different because, as you are aware, Dominicans are constantly travelling to “greener pastures”. Only a dishonest or uneducated or uninformed person will not understand that. A leader who cannot understand such a simple idea is not fit for the office of Prime Minister where more complicated concepts and ideas have to be dealt with.

    You have demonstrated lack of understanding of the Economy of Dominica. You choose to blame the Skerrit administration whereas it is because of timely interventions by that administration that there is no starvation here as in other islands. We are operating a “free enterprise” system where it is the “invisible hand” ( According to the legendary Economist to Adam Smith) that control the direction in which the economy is led. This suggests that a promise of 5,000 jobs will be provided by the Government since they cannot force the private sector to create jobs. Locals have not been and are not investing in a significant way. Why? Remember this pattern precedes the Skerrit administration. Foreign investors won’t be coming any time soon until locals demonstrate that there is scope for investment, by themselves investing following which they (foreigners) will be coming to harvest.

    You are accusing returning Dominican born registered Voters of wrong doing by deciding to cast their ballot while you are actively attempting to influence the locals to support a Party of YOUR choice. This my friend is dishonesty and therefore inconsistent with the faith you profess.

  9. Just Observing
    December 8, 2014

    “They represent a group of 21 highly educated and experienced professionals – with a viable plan to move the country out of this virtually stagnated position. Lead by Mr. Lennox Linton, the group, the United Workers Party (UWP) is fortified with individuals – each of whom essentially holds advanced degrees in the fields of Engineering, Economics, Law and Business. Never before have we assembled such a well-rounded collection of talented and skilled technocrats in the annals of Dominican politics” In that grouping of “highly educated and experienced professionals” where does your chosen leader feature. We know he is a high School drop out (fourth form level) who never looked back and never ever took hold of any other opportunity to further his formal education, even when he was in well paid employment – thanks to the “I know somebody who knows somebody” aspect of our society. he is certainly not experienced. By his own admission he is a “novice”. What is your point Sir. Are you suggesting that in this day and age, when technology and science rule the world, Dominica is better off led by a high school out? After expulsion form High School, years later he pursued a non-formal training in media in the US. Even while he stayed with or befriended a rich family which later landed him a high paying job (connections), he never thought of furthering his education even when his friends were advancing themselves with academic degrees. He chose TM over everything else. Perhaps it assisted him with his anger management issues.

  10. Just Observing
    December 8, 2014

    It would be nice if we could know a bit about those individuals. Why should I accept his views on how Dominica is governed before knowing him and what he stands for? Who is this bloke. When last was he in Dominica? What is his contribution to Dominica’s development? What credentials does he hold to want to sway local opinion? DNO please help us know.

  11. Gary
    December 8, 2014

    It is sad to say that in Politics there is also dogma, this commentary is typical of someone
    more concerned about expressing their opinion created by dogma rather than investigating the truth.

  12. Barbara Saunders
    December 8, 2014

    Mr. Joseph,

    I am not one for this diaspora voting per se, but if the laws allow it, I have to keep my peace. The country is not run on how we feel as individuals but on the laws which govern us. At my polling station, I saw people who live overseas, not sure that they have been home within the last five years who were there to vote and based on their association, I conclude that they certainly were not there to vote for the DLP.

    There are a number of prominent Dominicans living overseas who have been vocal in the media on which side they are voting and they have come here, just like others to cast their vote. I am in no position to say who paid for their tickets and whether they are being paid now or will be compensated in kind, in the future for their votes and their public endorsements.

    I just can’t understand how some of us can pontificate about what is wrong on one side and there is so much glaringly wrong on the other side and we don’t have a word to say about it. That’s where I have a problem. I’m not sure if you live here Mr. Joseph but a lot of what you may have been hearing is tainted by personal agendas which don’t always paint a balanced picture.

  13. vali
    December 8, 2014

    Truth well spoken. we are praying that Dominicans will open their eyes and do the right thing.

  14. politbureau
    December 8, 2014

    what a load of biased BS.

  15. cathy
    December 8, 2014

    Don’t you all think that some people who came down are there for the season,or to see their familly, not everybody abroad is well of recession is everywhere,it’s even harder for us in a strange country,away from home; you would be happy if it were you, so look at things the other way round and stop hating; ask LOBA to help you get rid of the SPIRIT OF HATE which entered due to misunderstandings withyour parents or something you suffered in your young age ,don’t let it destroy you, break FREEfrom MENTALE SLAVERY

  16. cathy
    December 8, 2014

    DOMINICA is not the trees and earth,it’s the people who make the Island,all politicians act the same way ,certain followers today act on impulse politics is a game of monopoly and everybody want a piece of the cake,I saw DEFUNT Mamoy and a Real Estate MAN TONGUE FIGHT in the house of assembly, and after at the back they trink their glasses and drink laughing it’s a game people, and we are the pions on the game, when will you wake up;one thing i can say when i came home i was surprised to see the develpmnt,even in your homes you have to spend and make sacrifices for your familly ,and they stab you in the back;we cannot make omelette without breaking EGGS/keep cool my people and let people dress as the like or paint their house as they wish without intimidation,put ignorance away and help the P.M. to build the country,man to man is so unjust you never who to trust TRUST LOBA……..

  17. DEE
    December 8, 2014

    Some dominicans just don’t know how and when to give up>It’s over people.Uwp thugs will have to wine for 5 more.Some of uwp candidates are my friends and good smart people but they align themselves with vagabonds,so i do not feel sorry for them.

  18. December 8, 2014

    Election day is meant for the freedom of expression. You have clearly stated your point. I also have the right to state my point, since you are a news organization! The plight of the nation will rest heavily on the consciences of some members of the Diaspora, as well as indigenous Dominicans who relinquish their votes to the DLP in exchange for airplane tickets, money and other handouts financed on the backs of tax payers. Both parties are doing it.! You are insulting our intelligence. The reason why the DLP is favored to win the election is rhetoric and innuendos like this. Over and over your party has belittle us like you are presently doing now. You are referring to us like we are second class citizen. that is slavery mentality. Yes, house slaves and field slaves. The first has the privileges, while the field slaves are doomed. Is that the mentality of the UWP. No we are Dominicans and returning to vote is lawful. Get a life. I am a student and will no doubt challenge you ego and your goal of divide and conquer. Those of us who keep returning we are the ones supporting the economy. I AM A BORN DOMINICAN.

  19. StablemindedD/can
    December 8, 2014

    Hay I am a Dominican living here, Would you guys stop this foolishness, with the number of Dominicans following lour yesterday, you really think person coming from overseas could make that of a difference. We living in Dominica said it clear yesterday and will do it today that we want to continue with the Labour party stop trying to go on like we are not aware of what we are doing. I have never receive anything from a political party ok. So please……

  20. Good
    December 8, 2014

    Pure bullcrap!!

  21. Sour
    December 8, 2014

    I also have the right to my opinion. Your article is bias and one sided, you said, The plight of the nation will rest heavily on the consciences of some members of the Diaspora, as well as indigenous Dominicans who relinquish their votes to the DLP in exchange for airplane tickets, money and other handouts financed on the backs of tax payers. # 1 both parties are engaging in this culture. # 2 NO law isn’t broken, your view and rational isn’t like mine, therefore mine is also valid too. #3 We the people in the Diaspora are the backbone of the economy, by renting hotels, cars, local restaurants and etc. What the UWP has done is caused hatred, bitterness, animosity and strife between Dominicans. People like you should be ashamed of the division that you have caused.
    Créole Fest, carnival, fest rabbit, fest,teetwie reunions etc. we are there, now in your sick and twisted minds, you are saying we don’ have a say!. Your rational is of poor taste. Last month UWP met with Dominicans living abroad! WHY! How Can the Unity of Wicked People harbor such hatred and animosity. You have brought my family from Salisbury to vote! We are neither blind nor stupid. We are also Dominicans we well execute our rights. Shut the front door!

  22. Bluefuse
    December 8, 2014

    DNO you have out done yourselves this time; over the years I have read the litany of UWP garbage you have published; this is among the worst, totally bias and most offensive. If it was meant to to deter members of the diaspora now in Dominica from voting, I predict that it will have exactly the opposite effect. Sensible Dominican do not react well to boldfaced lies and insults.

  23. jobe
    December 8, 2014

    it sad sad sad to import voters to determine another man’s life for the next five years. These people are even more wicket then the persons who import them because they migrated to be aways from the measelity minimum wages and lack of jobs. Our heart are full of selfishness as long as we are ok to hell with the others .The locals are in their struggles please let them be the ones to determine who govern them for the next five years

  24. philme
    December 8, 2014

    but it’s ok for UWP to give tickets? many of UWP family members are here in Dominica.every white man and woman in the world can vote any where they go.

  25. Ahfouahwee
    December 8, 2014

    We needchange wether we like /dislike LL the corruption must end otherwise we won’t have a country to call our own by Summer of 2015.
    Remember the MOU with the Chinese? we do not know if we are already sold.
    Good night.

  26. KIP
    December 7, 2014

    Once a Dominica not always a Dominican man.

    -Come for festival
    -Come for independence,
    -Send the barrels,
    -Send the Monies home for us to take loans and get foreign exchange
    -Make investments
    -Purchase lands and build homes.


    What a load of crap.
    Regulators please block Q95,Kairi and DBS live streaming on the internet and put a digital cocoon around Dominica.

    ******** STOP CALLING YOURSELVES “DIASPORA” you are still a Dominican my people one love and peace..

    Come vote for PAPPY,UWP, FREEDOM or LABOUR. If you got a ticket to come thank the party for their patriotism and thoughtfulness to make you a part of the process.Only a forward thinking party can do that.

    There is no place like home feel welcome.

    God bless you.

    I am Dominica,So are you.

    • Bajesus John
      December 8, 2014

      you run from dominca and cannot return because things tuff your people begging you because things tuff DLP buy you a ticket because things tuff but you still come here to vote for the same party that have you running from your country . though you know things bad and the government failing the people .in that case I confirm you are a bloody wicked and useless person .

    • Nac Vibes
      December 8, 2014

      Kip go back to sleep with your idiotic comment, just because you can push a key on a board don’t give you the right to shout and scream rubbish.

      For your information, every Dominican has a right to vote providing they meet the criteria set in the Laws of the land, the Constitution.

      Let me clarify for you as you seem too lazy to read and understand something so simple as the law which governs the voting process in our fair isle.

      1) Now, if you are Dominican who is registered to vote and is on the voters list but reside out of Dominica and has done so for over Five (5) years, the law disqualifies you from the process, irrespective of how many barrel, trips or land you’ve bought. As you clearly have difficulty with simple understanding, visiting and residing are distinctly different.

      2) If you are Dominican who is registered to vote and is on the voters list but reside out of Dominica and has done so for less than Five (5) years, the law qualifies you to join the process providing that you are resident three (3) prior to election day.
      You also have to pay your own fares if you qualify and want to come and vote. GOT IT?

      December 8, 2014

      I am sure that you mother is ashamed of you. Most of the people coming down to vote has the same mentality as you that is why they could be bribed; they had to lie to their employers in order for them to get the time off work, they may not even have a job to go to when they get back. If they are interested in seeing Dominica move forward, then go back home and live; they may be better off in DA because the majority lives on welfare, they depend on food stamp and section 8, so they don’t care whether DA is in the hand of criminals.

      If you were a true Dominican, you would not be talking such garbage.

    • Pretty
      December 8, 2014

      @KIP, Why should it be every five years for election time ur PM remembers tht their are Dominicans who wants to come home and enjoy their land…nonsense, don’t u think if the PM was doing so well, he should not have to import VOTERS don’t u think so? Sorry I forget u are not a clear thinker….. All u getting is FALSE HOPE , EMPTY PROMISES AND BRIBING YOU WITH FREE ALCOHOL AND PERISHABLE FREE ITEMS… Do u think that’s all it takes to win ur VOTE? If you cannot see their SCHEME, you are clearly what YOUR LEADER think you are……LESS THAN SMART…..

    • December 8, 2014

      truth be said if the welfare of the country was really your concern then you would not wait on the party to send you a ticket to come down to vote. You should shoulder the entire responsibility by paying for your plain ticket and spending some of that foreign currency in the country. You may be a Dominican yes but when one party is using it to their advantage then it is a problem. some of you know nothing of what is taking place in the country yet you want to be part of the political outcome. some of you have not been to Dominica in how many years yet you want to be part of the political outcome. some of you claim to be from anywhere else but Dominica yet you want to be part of the political outcome. yes I said it because you know who you are. some of you would rather be associated with Trinidad or St Lucia or Jamaica or some other country because it is too much to explain to people where Dominica is yet you are quick to accept a free ticket to come down to vote. notice I said some of you because I know this does not apply to every one. anyway if you want the right to come down and vote every election cycle the you ought to show a little bit more interest in your country. you need to visit more often and spend more time and money in the country. Dominica belongs to all of us and so let us act like it is.

    • Tell it like it is
      December 8, 2014

      Thanks my friend for that comment. That is what the UWP supporters refuse to understand and accept. We are all Dominicans period!!!!

  27. TRUTH
    December 7, 2014

    Its a shame, the diespora people should know better, The opposition isnt doing nothing illegal but just offering DoMINICANS ,better governance ,just that , BUT , WHat do skerrit have to hide ,which he want diespora to help him hide,Are you all thinking ok people? do you care for your country?,Are you thinking of your country;s future?,do you all have a concience?Are you all GOD fearing?What is skerrit protecting?
    THink people Think

    • LOVE IT
      December 8, 2014

      You send us overseas for the betterment now you are calling us name. I am a Dominican by birth and will die a DOMINICAN. YOU are under the influence of Mad Cow disease it is contagious and it is within the UWP

    • Tell it like it is
      December 8, 2014

      The opposition has done many wrong things and that is why they will remain in opposition for five more years until they learn to respect ALL Dominicans….. ALL DOMINICANS! The UWP wants to gain power by any means necessary. This is the height of desparation and a desparate party cannot be good for Dominica. So we will reject them again. Deal with it my dear!

    • Babylove
      December 8, 2014

      The opposition was the party which started sending for diaspora to come and vote. Then it was okay. Now that labour has beaten them at their own game because hey have more money than them they are crying wolf. Anyway go and investigate properly cause people get ticket from UWP o come home and vote. What is good for the geese it better for the gander…… Vote wisely. justsaying

  28. TRUTH
    December 7, 2014

    cool i like that

  29. Fed Up #1
    December 7, 2014

    Thank you Mr Joseph. Like you, I am hoping that the persons who came in on the free flights will help save the country by voting for the superior team, UWP. It would certainly be a travesty if the members of the Diaspora could come here to install a corrupt Government and leave us with this stagnant economy and this mendicant society, and then return to their greener pastures. I pray that God will intervene and save us all.

    • Tell it like it is
      December 8, 2014

      @ Fed Up #1 if you were living overseas and was offered a ticket to come home to vote, you would gladly take it. You are just another hypocrite!

  30. awa we
    December 7, 2014

    Dude give up allu lose already…

    • Babylove
      December 8, 2014

      awa we,

      It is not over until the fat lady sings.

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