The Agnotology of Presidents and Prime Ministers…

CommentaryAgnotology is the study of wilful acts to spread confusion and deceit, usually to sell a product or win favour. It comes from agnosis, the neoclassical Greek word for ignorance or ‘not knowing’, and ontology, and the branch of metaphysics which deals with the nature of being. Therefore, Agnotology is critical in understanding how dictators around the world operate to remain in power.

Let us position this scenario in a Dominica`s context and ask what is this product being sold and by whom. The product is a deliberate political and deceitful act selling activities through many avenues by abusing the resources of the state to induce poor and vulnerable people and gain their loyalty through deceitful activities, for example, the red clinic and earlier the bin bobol fiasco. I was a target of this method and turned down offers swiftly but subsequently followed with frequent verbal abuse and some foul telephone calls. Meaning, you cannot, must not turn down Supremo Dictator.

Further to the debate above, we see why Agnotology makes reference to our people because Agnotology (formerly agnatology) is further defined and addresses the mentality of some of our people as the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data, well for example “something is happening”, when increased poverty is real and visible. This is a belief or perception as our people get these messages from many avenues all induced into this political melee. The agnosis chant of “something is happening” is repetitious and when you wake up and look around Dominica all we see is, unemployment, loss of business sector thus creating the increase of poverty, deprivation and the obvious vulnerability of our poor people. Some link agnosis to an indifference to, denial or shunning of; or defective knowledge. Something is really happening!

It has been observed that a high level of ignorance spreads like wild fire when firstly, the poor and vulnerable of Dominica in desperation to feed their family do not understand the concept of the working of this Agnotological operation backed up with deceitful activities (local parlance bobol), and secondly, when special interest groups – like circle of lawyers,  a politically inclined group work extremely hard and thus create a confusion about a national issue to distract the public deliberately keeping  them in ignorance.  In the case of ignorance about public funds, the increase of poverty, a vastly deteriorating economy and a politically illiterate society will “……Probably be more susceptible to the tactics used by those (politicians) wishing to confuse and cloud the truth…” (Robert Procter).

In the context of Dominica and according to Dr. Sam Christian:  DNO 24/1/16, “Morale is at an all-time low and malaise is at an all-time high in Dominica.” Dr. Christian further states that, “This year’s crop of calypsos colourfully captures that, don’t you think? It is sad that so many have given up on the vision.”  Therefore the question is: “What don’t we know, and why don’t we know it? What keeps ignorance alive, or allows it to be used as a political instrument?”And if we believe Dr. Christian, some day “Competence and experience will be celebrated, not shunned”.

We eagerly wait on that day!

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  1. Excited and impressed
    January 31, 2016

    You hit the nail on the head! Dr. Sam is right. The fraud and deception must come to a crashing end. May God hasten the day.

    It won’t be too long again. Dominica will be free. The chronic abusers of the public trust wil reap their just rewards

  2. Oh Yes
    January 31, 2016

    Excellent article. My fear is, those who need to read this article may never and so the ignorance that exists and the cycle of fear and misguided political culture persist.

  3. PoKeSa
    January 31, 2016

    When major Capital Projects are meant to come onstream and only interested parties benefitting, with the STATE only getting a White Elephant (for example Layou River 5 Star Hotel Complex) then what is that exactly?

    Please, please, please… where’s the accountability by Government to the people? Why, oh why, keep them in darkness through a lack of transpirancy.

  4. real possie
    January 31, 2016

    For the Concerned who wrote this could I not say it is you who’s preaching what you accuse the PM and President of? I back this government and I get nothing from them, what would you say about people like me? I know am just dumb right. You’re quoting Dr. Christian who made reference in public that the house of assembly was once burnt down by the people and it can be done again. The same man who walked around the financial center seven times that same one? You claim the loss of business, when you have an opposition leader who goes after the business sector for political gains what do you expect? DCP is closed was it the PM fault? You people are no better than the Republicans in the states, just rely on false accusations. Is no way you’re going to fool or brainwash people who don’t rely on red clinic. Again Linton called for demonstrators each time only five people showed up.

    • viewsexpressed
      February 1, 2016

      My friend Real, I concur with what is written there, most of us do as we read and understand this ailing economy under this corrupt government. FYI those professionals in government know what is going on, they shake their heads.
      Dominica is the slowest growing economy in the Caribbean with a rate of -2.2, we are last Kakarat., compared to Trinidad 2.2, Grenada 3.4, DR, 6.6, Antigua 4.2.
      Stop being personal, it cannot be your defence or you are either displaying ignorance for personal love of PM and corrupt DLP government …please stay focus. The more people like you try to defend the indispensable the more ignorance and denial is displayed.
      Hon Lennox Linton as has been said is not the issue, he has served us well. After denial of thievery the Bin Bobol money was repaid, thanks Lennox. The issue lies solely at the office of this sitting PM, and nothing you or other boom boom flies say will deter us from this truth.
      Now go listen to Dice, boobplay, Observer and stop being a Ghost.

    • Peter Potter
      February 1, 2016

      You back this government and you getting nothing from them??? Well you must be the most foolish and ignorant person on this planet – by quite a margin! What a sad individual!

  5. tidel
    January 31, 2016

    Must say….very colourful. this is another example of using one’s intellectual capacity to sabotage my beloved country and it’s leaders. If only one would use such gifts to uplift and promote positives in the country and there are an abundance of positives…..pick your choice.

    • viewsexpressed
      January 31, 2016

      Tidel, there is a massive Tidal Wave obstructing the intellectuals in practicing their respective professions positively. It was outlined, described, explained in the article, please read it again. Please do not be so blind.
      Let me end by twisting your last sentence in this way………If only one, like yourself, would use such gifts, and not be so blind of the continued bobol and incompetence of this DLP government, that you use your skills to lead and uplift and promote positives in the country, and there are an abundance of positives waiting to stand up…and Tidel you are one of them.

    • %
      January 31, 2016

      This is infact proper use of one’s intellectual capacity,and may I add it’s yet another sign that the country still have good people.Some of the greedies who benefit will always get offended…Dominica means nothing to them…Keep on writing. It is sad to see the state that Dominica has degenerated into, over the past 16years.

    • world peace
      January 31, 2016

      tidel, i dont even think you understand the article

  6. January 31, 2016


    • viewsexpressed
      January 31, 2016

      We love this article….thanks to the author

  7. Honest Abe
    January 31, 2016

    Abraham Lincoln said you can fool the people some time but you can’t fool all the people all the time. The sun is going down on hospitals in the sky and the relentless deceit of the most dishonest government in modern Dominica history.

  8. new kind of slavery
    January 31, 2016

    In the Dominican context. the oppressors and their ilk, protectors of all kinds of evil, secret deeds in control. Passport selling $$$$$$ we not seeing,, diplomatic passport selling, ambassadors a plenty, yet many embrace such corrupt practices.

    The Dominican society, those who attained “higher” training have decided, unfortunately, to be on the side of the oppressors. Many, many have been bamboozled, mentally enslaved. While a few amass huge wealth, in quick time. poverty increasing for many.

    What has brought such wealth to those few? Secret deals that Dominicans are finding out about, as time goes by?

    Dominica is a vivid, classic example of the dominance of a few, with wealth, in the control of every aspect of our lives.

    Is it a surprise that 15 acres of land was carved out from our Cabrits National Park, given to a foreign business firm, free of charge, plus our passport to sell and many stand there and accept such new enslavement by their own black…

    • Gary
      January 31, 2016

      The last paragraph of your comment exposes the credibility of the perception you hold about Dominica, why the convenient lie or half truth, it only satisfies your political appetite. I’m talking about the statement you made quote “Is it a surprise that 15 acres of land was carved out from our Cabrits National Park, given to a foreign business firm, free of charge”, wow.

  9. Cyril Volney
    January 31, 2016

    Agnotology is the study of culturally induced ignorance or doubt, particularly the publication of inaccurate or misleading scientific data. Wikipedia

    Indeed, this “commentary” is a classic case of Agnotology!

    • PoKeSa
      January 31, 2016

      You’re being deliberately bias Sir… and WHY!

      This piece only seeks to crystallise that the head of an elected government; the principal minister of a sovereign or state has a responsibility for the people (body of voters/electorate); and the different ways in which they can exercise this responsibility… to stop keeping them in ignorance.

      It’s a far-fetched reality in our beloved Dominica, under this current political regime.

    • %
      January 31, 2016

      I guess you are one of those whose ignorance has been under the microscope for some time…Keep on exposing it like your badge of honour, but you will not stifle dissent,no matter how long you stretch your long neck out of the hole from where you are hiding!

    • viewsexpressed
      January 31, 2016

      Well, well, well again missing the morale of the story, the bigger picture. The Bin Bobol was sufficiently evidenced, they paid back the money not in two weeks as promised , but much later.
      The Red Clinic is visible evidence. It is documented a Cabinet minister complained of this abuse privately in the early days of the Red Clinic.
      I wonder where has some people been.

    • Me
      January 31, 2016

      Cyril, are you perhaps also looking for a rewarding grace & favor post from the immaculate Prime Minister? I really am beginning to think so.

      • Peter Potter
        February 1, 2016

        That is all it is.

    • January 31, 2016

      Not even one line to supp I rt your statement Volney. We expect better from you. Your throw and rub is what expect from ignoramus like C Me Yawn, Mamies, Marlene and korkorm.

    • Gary
      January 31, 2016

      Well said, Cyril. I may also add this commentary can be described as a classic case of fallacy.

  10. HA
    January 30, 2016

    Interesting piece

  11. Delvin Castro
    January 30, 2016

    Bravo bravo brilliant article never give up, Dominica
    is our land, we were all born here and we going
    nowhere, let us fight for our land.

    • Gary
      January 31, 2016

      You sound so fanatical, is there a reason to fight for our land. Why fight for something we cannot take with us when we die, isn’t it much better to stop the political divisiveness which is destroying our Country.

      • viewsexpressed
        February 1, 2016

        Delvin, please ignore Gary, he probably is still asleep. I wonder sometimes if these people have children and a family and understand those who were sent to the Red Clinic to que up and bed for crumbs week after week. Is this where the passport and my dominica .com etc money went?
        Dominica is in poverty and some people are benefiting richly from it.

      • Tjebe Fort
        February 1, 2016

        Gary you are of course entitled to your view but bro. I hardly ever encountered somebody so miserable like you. I hope you find happiness some time and learn to smile.

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