The Importance of Colon Cleansing

coloncleanse_crossThe colon or large intestine is a storage tube inside the abdomen, joining the end of the small intestine. It is a refuge storage place of the human body. The colon is about 5 feet long and 2 inches in diameter. The primary function of the colon is to absorb water, minerals, electrolytes, and vitamins from the digested food material. Also to prepare and store fecal matter prior to its evacuation. The colon also receives metabolic wastes and toxins from the circulatory system. The colon is also one of the main organs of elimination. Through digestion, much of the waste and unwanted products are transported to the colon for expulsion from the body. The colon plays an important role in the digestive process since the final stage of digestion occurs in the colon through the activity of bacteria that inhabit the lumen.

The digestive system contains both friendly and unfriendly bacteria. The friendly bacteria, also known as probiotic or micro flora helps you to breakdown and absorb food you eat. They also prevent the “unfriendly” bacteria from attaching themselves to your system, causing illness. Friendly bacteria help neutralize carcinogenic substances and suppress the growth of tumors in your intestine. They also stimulate your body’s vital immune system by increasing production of immune boosting substances like immunoglobin antibodies.

One’s gastrointestinal tract should ideally contain 85 percent friendly microbes and 15 percent unfriendly bacteria. Unfortunately for most people these numbers are reversed. Friendly bacteria are destroyed by antibiotics, processed foods, alcohol, sugar, chlorinated water, steroids, sodas, birth control pills, low fiber foods among other things. When friendly bacteria get destroyed, the number of harmful bacteria increases. These harmful bacteria, viruses and other pathogens multiply and cause other illnesses and disease. When these harmful bacteria get a foothold in your colon and intestines, fecal matter builds up, viruses thrive, and you become sick.

The digestive system is responsible for delivering critically important vitamins and nutrients to your system. An encrusted, unclean colon blocks your body from absorbing the vitamins and minerals from your food. Despite how healthy one’s diet is, if your vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are not successfully absorbed, you will get sick. If your digestive system isn’t working 100 percent then your organs, blood cells nerves and muscles are not receiving 100 percent of the nutrition they need to function properly. A poorly functioning digestive system is the secret cause of many chronic illnesses.

In an unclean colon food takes longer to get through your entire digestive tract; a large percentage of it isn’t even digested. This is because the bad bacteria decreases digestive enzymes and good bacteria, both of which help you safely, digest your food. Undigested food can literally rot in your digestive tract. This undigested food goes on to your large intestines where armies of bad bacterial eat away at it. This creates gas because these harmful bacteria produce carbon dioxide, methane gas and hydrogen while doing their dirty work. The gas causes a swelling in your system; it causes discomfort as it travels through your system. Gas and bloating are hidden signs of a dirty, fecal, encrusted colon where five to ten pounds of food rot.

Bad digestion does not end with gas or bloating. It can contribute to serious illnesses such as headaches, food sensitivities, liver and gall bladder problems, oral herpes, vaginal yeast infections, high estrogen level, spastic colon, colitis, diverticulitis, psoriasis, periodontal problems, hiatal hernia, constipation, diarrhea, tongue problems, stomach nervousness, acne, sinus problems, allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, P.M.S, breast pathology, failing memory, lowered immunity, sciatica, eye ear and nose ailments, cardiac irregularities, foul breath, bad odor, gastritis, high cholesterol levels among others.

In an unclean colon where the digestive system is not functioning properly, deadly poisons and toxins are constantly bathing the delicate body cells and setting up changes which finally result in grave diseases.  These poisons can seep out of the colon and poison the rest of the body and can weaken and stress the heart. They can go to the skin and cause blemishes, paleness, psoriasis, liver spots, wrinkles and other facial conditions. Poisons from the colon can irritate the lungs and cause foul breath. They can go to the brain and disturb mental function and cause senility. They can also go to the muscles and cause weakness and terrible fatigue. Poisons from the colon can rob you of your youth, ruin your health and cause you to become old long before your time.

Some poisons from a toxic colon which can age and destroy your body are, phenol, cadaverin, agamatine, indol, supherretted hydrogen, cresol, butyric acid, botulin, putrescin, urobilin, histidine, ammonia, muscarine,methylmercaptan, indicant, methyganinine, idocythylamine, sulpherroglobuline, ptomarropine, pentamethyl lendiamine, neurine, sepsin, skatole, septicine, tetramethylputrescine, and histamine. These poisons can seep out of the colon and poison the rest of the body. These poisons are highly active, producing most profound effects even in very small quantities.

In a dirty, fecal, encrusted colon, parasites are present. These parasites are organisms that live inside the body. They rob you of valuable food nutrients which are supposed to be used to keep you young and healthy. These parasites and worms can undergo complex changes including reproduction while living in your colon and cause diarrhea, gastrointestinal upset, vaginal irritation, swelling of lymph glands, fever, adverse outcomes of pregnancy and damage to the brain and nervous system.

Any process which develops toxins, poisons parasites, microbes, pathogens and disease within the body is a menace to the life of the tissue and should be eradicated immediately. Having a clean colon would reverse these problems. This can be achieved through colon hydro therapy,  pre & probiotics for replenishing good bacteria, digestive enzymes, a healthy diet, sufficient intake of clean distilled water, multivitamins & minerals supplements and exercise.

Colon hydro therapy is a branch of naturopathic science that helps to maintain general good health by water cleansing the colon. It is the process of removing fecal material from the colon walls and diluting the bacteria from toxic concentration in the colon, thus promoting the normal functions of the colon by means of improving muscle tone, facilitating peristalsis and enhancing absorption of beneficial materials. It involves an internal bath of the entire colon whereby toxins such as flatulence, accumulated fecal encrustation, candida etc. are being washed out. This therapy detoxifies the body and is a tool for the prevention of ailment and for the promotion of general good health.

After a colon hydro therapy, the clean colon will resume its normal functioning and thus alleviate conditions such as skin disorders, psoriasis, gout rheumatoid arthritis, headaches, fatigue, cholesterolemia, insomnia, overweight, allergic reactions, asthma, digestive disorders, weakened immune system, toxemia, flatulence, bowel irregularities among others.

It is very important to being taking pre & probiotics in order to replenish friendly bacteria in the colon after colon therapy. Pre and probiotics are friendly bacteria. They are used both for preventative and therapeutic reasons. Probiotics offset other intestinal bacteria that produce putrefactive and carcinogenic (cancer causing) toxins. Probiotics prevent harmful bacteria from dominating the intestines which would lead to cancer, liver and kidney disease, hypertension, arteriosclerosis and abnormal immunity.

The best known probiotics are the lactobacilli. Lactobacilli are essential for maintaining gut micro floral health. Another probiotic is the saccharomyces boulardii. It produces lactic acid and some B vitamins and has an overall immune enhancing effect.

Among their many useful roles, probiotic strengthen your immune system and enhance digestion and elimination. They weaken anti-biotic resistance, bacterial strains and attack new types of pathogens (supergerms) and infections in people with lowered immunity requiring treatment.  They manufacture B vitamins (biotin, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, B12) and vitamin k. They secret lactase and enzymes required to break down lactose in milk. Probiotics also act as anti-cancer (especially for bladder and bowel) by inhibiting bacteria that convert nitrates into nitrites and secrete carcinogens.  They function as natural antibiotics against unfriendly bacteria, viruses and yeast like candida albicans. They enhance bowel functions and elimination. They reverse diarrhea conditions caused by crohns disease, Aids etc. They prevent skin problems especially acne and other skin infections. They protect against the adverse effects of a radiation and pollutants.

Also, probiotics reduce blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. They fight stress and food cravings. They help eliminate bad breath. They optimize sex hormone levels, enhance fertility and prevent osteoporosis. In addition, they produce lactic acid and improve digestibility of foods. They also treat allergies, eczema, psoriasis, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, duodenitis, diverticulitis, urinary tract infections, vaginitis, other chronic infections and auto immune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and scleroderma. Probiotics are also very helpful during pregnancy. They favorably influence the course of pregnancy, labor and the post-partum period by balancing the bacterial ecology of the vagina and intestine.

Probiotics work in many different ways by their production of anti-microbial substances (organic acids, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins) that inhibit pathogen adhesion and degrade toxins produced by microbial invaders. Probiotics resist colonization by competing with pathogens for binding sites as well as nutrients. They secrete various proteins that stimulate the immune system both locally and throughout the body and boost intestinal enzyme activity and increase secretory IGA. Probiotics resist the passage of the pathogens from the gastrointestinal tract to other sites such as the mesenteric lymph node, spleen, liver, kidneys and blood.

Along with pre and probiotics, digestive enzymes are critical in maintaining a healthy colon and a healthy person. Digestive enzymes are substances that accelerate and precipitate the thousands of biochemical reactions in the body that controls life’s processes. Each enzyme has a specific function in the body that no other enzyme can fulfill. Enzymes are divided into three groups which are digestive enzymes, metabolic enzymes, and food enzymes.

Digested enzymes are secreted along the gastro intestinal tract and break down foods enabling the nutrients to be absorbed into the blood stream for use in the various bodily functions. Metabolic enzymes are those enzymes that catalyze the various chemical reactions within the cells such as energy production and detoxification. All of the body’s organs, tissues and cells are run by the metabolic enzymes. They are the workers that build the body from proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Food enzymes are derived from the raw food we eat. Food enzymes help with digestion which relieves the digestive enzymes from their work load. Therefore it is very important to maintain a healthy diet to ensure that one gets the sufficient nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals. Eating healthy builds health prevents disease and maintains health. Also, eating healthy foods are most effective for restoring health where health has been lost.

A healthy diet should include natural foods which are foods that are grown in fertile soils without chemical fertilizers and sprays and are consumed in their natural state with all the nutrients nature put in them intact, that is with nothing removed and nothing added. Organically grown foods and vegetables contain more vitamins and minerals. They also contain more enzymes than the produce grown on depleted, chemically fertilized soils. Synthetic, denatured and devitalized foods will not sustain health but with bring about a gradual degeneration of normal body functions and ultimately disease. Almost all foods sold at the supermarkets today contains some chemicals either used in food production or added during food processing or packaging. Many of the poisons in fruits or vegetables cannot be washed out or peeled out as they penetrate the whole fruit. Only natural, whole, unprocessed and organically grown foods process therapeutic value.

At least 75 to 80 percent of the diet should consist of foods in their natural uncooked state. Raw, living food helps to maintain good health and prevents and heals disease. Nutrients found in food are essential for energy, organ function, food utilization and cell growth. There are six important nutrients. They are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and water. They are all necessary for good health and it is important to combine various types of food appropriately. Ideally, all vitamins and minerals and other nutrients should be obtained from foods. However, due to soil depletion, toxic insecticides and other chemicals used in foods today, the addition of vitamins and other food supplements in the diet is of vital importance. Nutritionally inferior and poisoned foods of today cause many nutritional deficiencies, derangement in body chemistry and lowered resistance to disease. The primary purpose of food supplementation is to fill in the nutritional gaps produced by faulty eating habits and by nutritionally inferior foods.

In addition to colon therapy, pre and probiotics, digestive enzymes, a healthy diet with sufficient intake of water and food supplements and exercise are also very important in maintaining good health. Exercise may be described as any activity requiring physical effort, carried out especially to sustain or improve health and fitness. Exercise such as brisk walking and swimming help in improving and maintaining good health. Regular exercise can help protect you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, non-insulin dependent diabetes, obesity, back pain, osteoporosis, and can help you to better manage stress. Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing colon cancer, it reduces the feeling of anxiety and depression, and it helps control weight. Also exercise helps build bones, muscles, and joins and helps older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling. Exercise promotes psychological and physical well-being.

In conclusion, an unclean colon creates a sick body whereas a clean, healthy disease free colon lets you got to the bathroom with ease and eliminates all matter, including illness causing micro-organisms. It lets important vitamins, minerals and nutrients flow through and get absorbed by your entire body, and allow you to digest all your food. Therefore in order to be healthy and lower one’s risk of developing disease, it is very important to clean your colon and maintain your clean colon through colon hydro therapy, the use of pre and probiotics and digestive enzymes, a healthy diet and lots of clean, distilled water, supplements and regular exercise.

Healthy Living Wellness Center offers a program that can clean the colon, replenish good bacteria and promote healthy eating and food supplements. Remember, a clean colon is a healthy you.

For more information on maintaining a healthy colon, contact Healthy Living Wellness Center at 440-8988, 295-8512 or 616-6980 or visit us at 22 Hillsborough Street, Roseau, Dominica (Opposite the Junior Wesley High School). Or simply email us at: or visit us at our website at:


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  1. Dominiquen
    July 30, 2013

    Colon cleansing is not recommended by any medical board in developed countries. :?:

    • Anonymous
      July 30, 2013

      Remember there is colon CANCER

    • PHILip Gabbidon
      January 4, 2014

      Yes your right, its the same developed countries were cancer and heart illness is growing and they cant explain way
      Developed countries suffer a greater instance of cancer per head of population .

  2. Justice and Truth
    July 29, 2013

    Colon cleansing is important. Consider what we eat and drink daily, annually and for years and never cleansed the colon. I believe this is a cause of many ailments. I heard/read this through medical experts and also read it on a health Website.
    It is said we are what we eat. A well-balanced meal in moderation; vegetables, citrus fruits, other fruits and juices; ample water; an occasional cleansing.
    Avoid canned, processed foods and junk foods. You know, too much of one thing is good for nothing. I would think cleansing once a month or every three months to release toxins in the body. This cleansing should not be a harsh one.
    It is stated that all ailments are caused by inflammation of the body. Also, for those who will undergo an operation, prior to it, take a cleansing.
    Some time ago I received an email to the effect every day, first thing in the morning, drink lemon juice, approximately two tablespoons in a cup/glass of water. You will notice that this cleanses the body. I am now in the habit of doing this. I can vouch for it. Why not try this?
    As email information go around, it has been making its rounds around the country – Canada, no doubt in the US and other parts of the world, wherever we have relatives and friends who own a computer and have Internet service.

  3. Edward
    July 29, 2013

    I have read this article and i am very pleased with the information provided. It is very true that many of us feel the symptoms described and take little or no action until it is to late.

    It is time to take charge of our system and support this facility. great stuff…..

  4. DA strong
    July 29, 2013

    I wish people would take a little time and read this,very informative.who say you cannot advertise your product while you dispense such vital information.Some of us just like to be like harmful bacteria.Good article anyway.

  5. Jhay Ijeh
    July 29, 2013

    Good stuff! “Water your mind it will grow”

  6. sandw
    July 29, 2013

    A lot of facts to digest (pardon the pun) but I have been intending to visit this clinic for a while, and will now really try and find the time.

    And having seen the website, I would love a “therapeutic bath”

    BTW, there is a typo in the web address. The ” y ” is missing.

  7. Anonymous
    July 29, 2013

    Great info. Bless up!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Ohhh Dominica!
    July 29, 2013

    How often would the doctor recommend the colon hydro therapy. I know that it is great but can also be harmful if done too often

  9. listener
    July 29, 2013

    very informative. That’s the kind of information that’s needed on DNO to let people be aware of their health. Keep it up Healthy Living Wellness Centre

  10. britbob
    July 29, 2013

    Why does DNO publish these ‘articles’ which are in fact advertising (if it is that we should be told).? These ‘medical’ solutions are nothing but expensive ‘snake oil’. God designed your colon to work perfectly well if not abused by bad diet, smoking, drinking excessive alcohol or drugs and lack of exercise. If it is not working correctly this is a medical issue which need proper qualified medical attention. In the mean time thank God that He has placed you in the Nature Isle of the world where people live to extraordinary lengths due to our unpolluted and unspoilt environment …and save your money!

    • rich waugh
      July 29, 2013


      Unfortunately, it appears that you are in the minority here and the majority of the readership is eager to swallow this codswallop about colonic cleansing. Folks, this is just an advertisement for a high-priced enema. Unless you have an anus-centered erotic fantasy of some sort, you’re paying good money to get water shoved up your tailpipe.

      A fact not mentioned here is that these enemas can result in the patient (read, victim) losing electrolytes and this can cause problems ranging from nausea to heart arrhythmias that can be fatal. Unless a doctor examines you and determines that it is necessary, leave your poor old poop chute alone – it will manage just fine without your interference.

      Eat a balanced diet, get adequate roughage )fiber) and your colon will be content. If you want to do something to make yourself feel like you’re being proactive, get some lactobacillus acidophilus (trade name Lactinex) and take a dose every day or two. This boosts the beneficial microbes in your gut which will chase away the bad ones. Nothing more is required.

      The bottom line (sorry about the pun) here is that this whole colon cleansing thing is nothing more than a way for someone to make money off of gullible people. When was the last time you went to the doctor and he asked you if your colon was clean?

    • one love
      July 30, 2013

      It is very unfortunate you think that way. Yes the colon was surely designed to cleanse itself. But u would agree thay sooo many of the environmental toxins we put into our bodies were not around just a few decades ago. So indeed our bodies were not designed to get rid of all of these and as such it needs help. Hence the need for colon therapy. Look at it this way, of I were to tell you stop bathing, stop brushing your teeth. You would think its crazy. Bit be remined that your skin and moth also have their own means of self cleaning very much like the colon. Think about that and u will understand

  11. Anonymous
    July 29, 2013

    Great article! Very informative

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