Voices of Abused Children

Francis Joseph
Francis Joseph

As a Child Rights & Protection Advocate for over 30 years and was head of a child development agency for 17 years, and in the front line with NGO partners we need to ADOPT and understand the importance of the “PROTOCAL” (the steps and procedures for following… pursuing a reported child abuse case), to ensure that our children are always the priority for discussion and to be heard and protected during this unfortunate sensitive process.

In absence of clear policies with a strong guided “protocol” the process and expectation of the uninformed will be a “Pay as you Go” adopted policy, demonstrated on the radio, the sidewalks etc. Our people need to be guided.

Anyone who sits in any position of authority where children in particular are concerned, for example, the home (parents, guardians, uncles etc, schools (teachers, parents board), Non Governmental Organisations (Directors, field officers etc), Governments (Presidents, Prime Ministers, ministers, Opposition, heads of depts. Etc,), where anyone within these organisations listed are accused of child or any form of abuse must step aside of their roles and positions until the case is dealt with in the interest of all parties concerned.

I compliment Ian Pinard for resigning himself from this situation very early in the accusation and today we do not have him in the news as a distraction as the child is the focus and priority to be protected and should be our principled concern to be heard and excusing oneself enables the protocol and process to proceed and conclude legally. It is irrespective he resigned by choice, was asked or forced or threatened to resign, or persuaded to resign. The protection and acting in the best interest of The Child must be seen to be key in these matters.

Hon Joshua Francis is best advised to excuse himself, and should have exited from his public held position within his party (UWP) without even the leader or the executive instructing him to do so. This is the honourable thing to do. Therefore the UWP leadership/executive is right to advise that Hon Joshua Francis resign excusing himself from the role/position that he holds as it creates a conflict of interest in the process and in the minds of the public. Therefore this debate on the radio should not be taking place as to who said what, did what, implied this or that is utterly unnecessary as the victim, the child is out there likely to be in some level of psychological pain and likely to live with trauma for some time. I know people in their 50`s who are still suffering recalling their experience and ordeal of sexual and other forms of abuse.

The child who is traumatised must be seen to be vulnerable and likely at risk for some time.

This is beyond UWP, DLP. DFP, the Churches but our aim must be the Protection of the child.

This is the protocol that has been adopted in developed countries around the world. A famous UK Disk Jockey, radio personality resigned only recently when such accusations came up. That investigation goes on. He did not wait to ask to excuse himself from this prestigious, fame position he held.

We have to be focussed as a people in addressing child abuse as we never know when it will be closer to home affecting our families. WE therefore must not adopt a “pay as we go” attitude in discussing this delicate matter which seems to be dependant of the person we like or not or based on party or religious affiliations. A principle stance must be adopted irrespective of who is accused and what position they hold.

Radio announcers and journalists and the public in general need to be well informed and talk strongly of the “protocol” if they are to lead the discussion in the quest for justice and fair play and in this light I will advised announcers and journalists that they always excuse themselves from unnecessary accusations by inviting independent advocates to assist in guiding and commenting on the issues before raised by the public that they are well informed and guided.

I am hoping with the increase in child abuse cases in Dominica there will be more urgent focus to place priority and energy on early detection and prevention.

We must focus on “The Voices of Abused Children”.

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  1. Tell it Like it Is
    April 6, 2016

    Francis Joseph for PM!

    • viewsexpressed
      April 7, 2016

      Lol..lol…lol…..While I agree with you, I am also reminded that in a well written response to Volney, Joseph highlighted critically why Hon Lennox Linton is currently the best political leader and person to champion the leadership now of Dominica. He has experienced, knowledgeable of good governance, accountability in government and will raise the standards and reputation of Dominica. HON Linton has earned it.

  2. zero tolerance
    April 6, 2016

    Just as there should be ZERO TOLERANCE for those who behave inappropriately, disrupt carnival bands, burglarize, steal, engage in illegal, corrupt activities, so too there must be ZERO sympathy for anyone, allegedly involved in the sexual abuse of any child/minor, because the victim is bruised, demoralized, disrespected, taken apart for the remainder of his/her life.

    My people, just stop and think for a little while. Where is the outrage by our men and women, young and elder of Dominica, in sympathy with abused minors, youth, elders?

    The emphasis now by certain sectors is the political, the continued divide and rule, distortions of the issue, engagements in deceit. Love for country, upholding of moral and ethical principles, Zero TOLERANCE relative to child sexual abuse/abusers must be our watch-words.

    The leak from the police is not the main issue? Judicial Review for what? for whom? The sexual abuses of that minor is not abominable enough?

    the alleddged illegal

  3. B2Cmn
    April 5, 2016

    The news article here and some of these responses speak a lot of reactionism. Resignation, based on an allegations or a charge, NOT a conviction, is a matter of CHOICE.

    Some people are playing “moral crusaders” and reactionists with no moral or legal authority to speak on the issue…including religious hypocrites….

    Instead of encouraging “witch hunt” focus on the protection of minors by helping them develop a firewall against predators and developing positive family relationships.

    Leave the issue of resignation to the democratic or legal process.

    • viewsexpressed
      April 6, 2016

      B2mn….You clearly did not capture the bigger picture. The Theme here is “Protocal”, and what you responded to is not protocol but deviancy. Stay focus please, resignation is part of the Protocal, and the right of the public to understand the processes involved.

  4. MIA
    April 5, 2016

    As a Child Rights & Protection Advocate for over 30 years and was head of a child development agency for 17 years, and in the front line with NGO partners we need to ADOPT and understand the importance of the “PROTOCAL” (the steps and proceedures for following… pursuing a reported child abuse case), to ensure that our children are always the priority for discussion and to be heard and protected during this unfortunate sensitive process………………….. Maybe you need to be replace because that’s been going on in the country for over thirty years and you did mothing about it then and what are you going to do about it now? I know u no about the bus drivers behavior toward the you girls you time (Mr. Joseph) its a shame to read your credentials………………(IT NOT JUST STARTED)

  5. Carol Braccini
    April 5, 2016

    Not all abuse is sexual! Emotional abuse hurts a child, as well.

  6. April 5, 2016

    I believe any person charged with sexually abusing a child should resign if he or she works for an organization entrusted with the care of children until the trial is over and he or she is cleared of all charges. This applies to churches and para-church organizations.

    The accused should step down immediately and not wait to be asked for his or her resignation. It should be understood that this is not necessarily an admission of guilt. It is meant to show a willingness to comply with proper protocol. It is the honorable thing to do.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

    • April 5, 2016

      In my above comment calling for the immediate resignation of any person charged with the sexual abuse of a child who works for an organization entrusted with the care of children. This would also include a member of parliament, or any government official. These are involved in the making and application of laws that provide for and protect our children which must be administered without partiality and with no respect of persons.

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  7. Chris
    April 5, 2016

    Thank you Mr. Joseph, you could not have said it better.

  8. Andy
    April 5, 2016

    Dominica has become extremely polarized as a country. Irrespective of political, religious, or other beliefs we have lost sight of issues that we can collectively address as a people and create meaningful change. The issue of child abuse is one such issue that should be as reprehensible to us as a people, that we should forget red, blue, green and rally as a nation to address the scourge of child abuse.
    Dominica is a small country with a population of less than 70,000 people. Information is easily filtered in our communities. The fact that the allege perpetrators are prominent men in society creates an excitement and appetite to keeping the allege incidents of inappropriate conduct in the public domain. It should not be forgotten that the continue discussions in the public domain whether it’s political, or dealing with the leaks of essential information continues to traumatize and victimize the victims further.
    Abuse of our children should be an issue of such importance that…

  9. dissident
    April 5, 2016

    Thank you so much.
    Seriously, we need a voice of reason.
    Solid and direct.
    De victim is almost gone in the wind.
    De police ‘say’ they investigating a leak but it doesn’t appear to be an urgency.

    You are the real voice for the abused children!

  10. Jonathan St Jean
    April 5, 2016

    All who have done wrong by our children, must accept responsibility for the actions and face the consequences. Your article brother Fransis Joseph is very clear. I urge Mr Joshua Fransis to heed the advice and step aside

  11. God Bless Dominica
    April 5, 2016

    Mr Joseph,

    I know you well and as a protector of the vulnerable, in which case minors (both girls and boys) from sexual, mental and physical abuse, you really stand out above the rest. Our so called journalists in Dominica – one in particular who really needs to go on a “refresher” to learn the true ethics of JOURNALISM. I’m no supporter of DLP, UWP or DFP but a staunch supporter of the protection of our MINORS.

    Why as journalists one should constantly be ‘dramatising’ or ‘sensationalising’ news stories with their personal opinions? Why as journalists one should avoid the central issue at stake here, which is the protection of our minors? Why as journalists – by hook or by crook the hunger for BREAKING NEWS stories? Why as journalists the deliberate avoidance of prioritising the critical issues at stake, which continue to plague the Island and offer corrective measures? Why as journalists preferences, liking and others’ personality influence our moral judgement?

  12. DC
    April 5, 2016

    I believe in protecting the rights of the children, therefore, I have no sympathy for any of the accusers. Not only should they resign, they should be banned from Parliament, these men should not be in any leadership positions. Our children have suffered long enough, these men must be taught a lesson.

    • Shameless
      April 5, 2016

      I am assuming you mean the” accused”. 8)

      Always Assertive! :twisted:

    • Carol Braccini
      April 5, 2016

      What if the abuser is a woman? I’ve seen some pretty horrible cases of women being sadly abusive to children and labeling it discipline. All arrows seem to be pointing to men in these abuse cases. It is hard to conceive of a woman being abusive, but some are.

      • April 6, 2016

        It should apply to either a man or a woman. However, we are discussing sexual abuse so it is men they are referring to in most cases.

        Unfortunately, women are sometimes guilty of sexual abuse and the other types of abuse as well. When it happens they should be dealt with the same way.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

      • viewsexpressed
        June 16, 2016

        Abuse is abuse, whoever is the perpetrators. Man ….woman, priest, politician etc.

  13. AAGabriel
    April 5, 2016

    Very well researched and written. Mr. Joseph talks sense!

    • April 5, 2016

      What does the member for Roseau South have to say on this topic does he believe that their should be stronger guidelines and policies to protect our children since he found himself caught up in the mess. I love the brother but if you can want resignation from the DLP why don’t you practice what you preach I’m very disappointed in the minister, I saw him as the next leader of the party and even the next PM, now I see him as a very dis honest individual and that’s a shame.
      The minister is represented by a lawyer from the other side of the fence so he should join them because he has became as corrupt as them , the minister like to hang his hat high, remembered what happened when the Barraness was coming to town how he wanted to attend the celebration for her, while the people would cleaned the City couldn’t get paid he didn’t care , he backed down when he was on The Matt show when the public started calling to advice him not to go only then he didn’t go I’m not surprise at…

      • AAGabriel
        April 5, 2016

        What Minister are you talking about? A DLP minister has resigned already. A UWP MP has not resigned. Get your facts right!
        Anyway, in my opinion, ANYONE in public office, DLP or UWP, who is involved in any of this should resign, that goes for Ministers, MPs, government employees, police officers…

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