Why a Mr. Dominica?

Why such a competition?  Because I have the conviction that if each person plays her or his part in harnessing the talent of our young people and bringing back the basic values of respect, that we can stem the tide of negativism and turn around the skepticism that is too often associated with our male populace in particular.

Together we can make a difference in each others’ lives; we can encourage one another to pursue our dreams, not discourage, we can build Dominica together, one idea at a time, not break it down, we can lift our people to become all that we can be, not limit, we can empower each other to reach our full potential, not disempower.
When I think about the events in history that people remember, there’s always controversy, something edgy.  Well we had controversy, that’s for sure, and it’s certainly edgy – after all it’s a male pageant in Dominica.

Someone said to me, “Mora don’t call it a pageant, you won’t get any contestants.”  Well seven courageous, bright and talented young men, for whom I have the deepest admiration, participated in the competition.  They are remarkable; amidst all the negativity they remained focused and determined.  Someone else told me, “Don’t call them contestants, call them competitors,” and I thought, since when did the word ‘contestant’ have a gender, but this was just a bit of what we had to face.  Despite all this we pressed on.

As I observed the contestants battling with being in the show, not for any innate or intrinsic reason but largely because of external pressures, and as I helped them to work through some of the issues, I was compelled to put my most recent thoughts that are constantly penned in the corners of my mind, to paper:


We place our children in boxes, telling them how they should look
We scold a boy who plays with dolls and wants to learn to cook
We say it’s okay for boys to get on wassy and sow their wild oats
We pretend our double standards don’t exist or attempt to sugar coat

Rampant in DA are crime, domestic violence and child molestation
Yet we occupy our thoughts with someone’s sexual orientation

Opportunities for young men are lost…no… stolen, every day
Because of victimization, personal agendas or he’s perceived as gay

R we afraid of what is different or averse to anyone who stands out
R we only concerned with tearing down, is that all that we’re about

If all of us are happy, does that make us all gay
or is it that people must have something to say

If we are all not straight, then are we all bent
or is that not what is really meant

We make comments not founded in truth; that r careless
When we should persuade each other to be strong and fearless

Have we become so cold and bold, only to be a detractor
Sacrificing creativity and individuality at the expense of another

What does it take for us to become a more caring society,
More accepting of our difference, not just our similarity

Facebook was founded in a university dorm, its inventor just 20 at the time
Today it’s valued @ $100B US Dollars and reached the 500 million-user line

How then r we going to produce the next inventor or innovator
When we dismiss or stifle the dreams of someone who may differ

We didn’t know that we would meet such adversity and hostility
but we made it through with strength and tenacity

We are measured by the lives that we reach
The number that we teach
The people that we inspire and appreciate
Our legacy of service and ability to motivate

Find your passion and focus on it
Lend a helping hand wherever you see fit
Transfer your skills & knowledge to the next generation
Make a positive mark on the minds of the youth of this nation
Make Dominica a place where everyone can find an equal space
Make this region and this world a much better place

Marie-Antoinette Mora is the organizer of the first ever Mr. Dominica competition.

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  1. Citizen
    February 13, 2012

    Here we are concerned about a line in a message that talks about playing with dolls and we miss the bigger picture. We as a nation have failed each other, we are concerned with minor things and are bent on tearing down each other. The pageant empowered MEN, allowed them to showcase their talent when our society is marred by so many violent acts commit by MEN. Let us get real people and stop being so fickle.

  2. want to know
    February 13, 2012

    Everything Immoral that happen in this world today should not surprise anyone because the bible which every one of us seems to love so much said that in the end time good will be considered to be bad and bad will considered to be good.Every one who is involve in what ever they are involve in will not find it is wrong whether good or bad that seems to be the norm in the world today.My view on the matter will not change anything because next year the same thing will continue.A man pageant that seems so off we have always known pageant to be with woman,like miss teen and queen pageant talking about swimwear,evening wear,talent and speech it use to be a lady’s thing,making it a man thing would alway bring some nagativity cause its new.Thats not the way to bring out men potential,everything is really turning around,the devil is smiling but all is about making money which is the root of all evil,I mean the love for it.But whether we speak against it or not there will always be those that will agree with it. I hope i make valuable point on that matter.

  3. hahaha
    February 13, 2012

    @picky, So you think men and women are not lusting after the girls at the queen show too? If you think young men displaying talent is promoting gays then your brain must be smaller than a mustard seed, no offence. DNO ADMIN we need a spell check here, lol.

  4. yoyo
    February 13, 2012

    Why are we so stupid? The message that the writer convey had nothing to do with gay. It had to do with allowing people to find their skills and make a difference in society. Nothing kills achievement more than small mindedness.We claim to be godly, yet we go about judging everybody like we are God. In Matthew seven it clearly states that we must not judge because only God knows everyone’s heart.We are probably the most envious society in the entire world.However, there is good news because those fools are in the minority. Remember, that a fool thinks that is smarter that seven wise men. Too many fools write on those blogs.

  5. no excuses
    February 13, 2012

    Beautiful words can inspire any fool………my biggest issue is with the DFC. What work do u do after ash wednesday and before creole festival to plan and prepare for carnival.
    U wait till a couple months before de season to demand local businesses sponsor a show. U can’t afford to keep the costumes for thew queens but u able to gety spnsorship for an entirely new show. A men’s pageant at carnival has no thing to do with our culture. This is not storytellin. It isn’t bwa bwa walkin or drummin. get rid of natalie and bring back De Bull

    • Hhhhhmmm
      February 13, 2012

      For you to make a silly comment like “it has nothing to do with Carnival,” you obviously weren’t there. Furthermore I hear DFC didn’t give a penny of the $190,000 LIME give them.

  6. ok then
    February 13, 2012

    “R we afraid”
    “R we”

    stopped reading there.
    if you want to be taken seriously try not using chat lingo in a poem

  7. DrSmash
    February 13, 2012

    This isn’t the first ever MR.DOMINICA. This is the First Ever Mr.MetroMan(not MetroSexual)-Dominica. Dominica has a history of Strength&Bodybuilding MR.Dominica competitions; do your homework.

  8. Evolved
    February 13, 2012

    Congratulations on a job well done and congratulations to the young men who took part. I deeply admire their strength.

    To all the Dominicans who preach hate just remember that it may be an activity like this that may save your son from the perils of drugs and prostitution. Wake up and deal with life – stop hiding behind a smoke screen

    • wiser than
      February 13, 2012

      and is this activity that will make your son believe it is ok to be a homosexual.

  9. SOut city shabin
    February 13, 2012

    @LEE you just stupid with your cancel the show you canna even spell cancel right go blind na and let the shows go on

  10. LR
    February 13, 2012

    @picky….i kinda get your drift but seriously dont u think that this biasness needs to stop!!why havent we ever thought that a queen pageant can contribute to lesbians too? seriously? because there are a lot of young women involved in this lesbian/bi-sexual thingy these days…why a man on stage show casing his talent makes it “gay” or wrong….sensei shannah as i call him is a karate instructor and a very well desciplined professor too….sooo?help me understand what the problem with this show is really bcus u are sayin that they are promote gayness with these men…..i can point out many young women that are lesbains/
    bi-sexual and society has never complained about it….why the men???

  11. LR
    February 13, 2012

    whether or not there was a show …….what people do with their personal life cannot be stopped..get it got it!! NONE of us can stop it!! get real people…and i noticed from the pics mostly women attended just to say some of these men are very unsure about their sexuality…sure most of these women enjoyed seeing a man flaunt his sexy…news to some of you….its appealing to most women…

  12. yes i
    February 13, 2012

    but something have to be wrong with that lady. u want boys to play with dolls? not in Dominica u coming with that there. we not standing for that!

      February 13, 2012

      Boys play with ‘Action Man’ and that IS A DOLL.

  13. February 13, 2012

    @Goodways… what was said is the truth… women telling boys to show their ‘female’ side… what female side???? that’s what happens when boys grow up with only mothers and a bunch of sisters… i love the poem… the message is good but no little boy should be playing with dolls… i repeat… mothers never allow your boys to play with dolls.. buy a spiderman.. you want to influence a genius well buy an einstein figure for him… you want an innovator… buy a mark zuckerberg figure for him… you want a dictator well buy a skerrit figure for him…. um well u get the point… lol

    women want to tell men how to be MEN… something wrong with that picture… but all in all the poem was well written and has many truths to it… just didn’t like the ‘doll’ part… and why did the author bring up gay bzness in the poem… it just further gives the assumption that influential pro-gay people in our society is trying to slowly bring in the ‘acceptance’ of this behaviour on our culture which is not tolerant of this life style

    • wiser than
      February 13, 2012

      that is de main picture here. trying and find away to establish publicly a gay society in our country. it is already here privately from de highest to the lowest class diggin in pit toilet and de closet getting full they want to come out. think they easy.

      February 13, 2012

      MOS I also loved the poem, But please remember that a figure is a DOLL.

  14. Good Ways
    February 13, 2012

    This the main reason why boys are confused when you have WOMEN and i repeat WOMEN wanting to tell boys and men how they are suppose to be men. How ridiculous. Now theses women are claim to be expert on men and know men better than man know themselves. MY GOD. Where are we heading? Now for a man to be a real man in their eyes he have to have female tendencies, yet men have never i repeat never ask women to have male tendencies to be classify as a real woman.

    • hahaha
      February 13, 2012

      What you just said + nothing = the same :mrgreen:

      • try me
        February 13, 2012

        that’s like saying 1 + 0 = 1. doesn’t take away the fact that 1 IS something.

        wait you were trying to make a point? try harder lol

      • hahaha
        February 14, 2012

        @try me read carefully while I explain to your pea brain. WHAT YOU SAY AND SAYING NOTHING IS THE SAME OK? WHAT YOU SAY IS EQUAL TO NOTHING, GO GET YOUR MATHS BOOK AND LEARN :lol:

    • A Voice
      February 13, 2012

      Bravo! Bravo!

  15. dee
    February 13, 2012

    love the poem and the message, i still don’t like the idea of a male pageant though, ijs

    • Anonymous
      February 13, 2012

      i love the poem and the message, still don’t like the idea of a male pageant though. double standard. go play with your doll.

  16. LEE
    February 13, 2012


    • LR
      February 13, 2012

      seriously?…..lol..i must laugh at some of you people …hypocrites…..what is the matter about someones sexuality?..whats with the straight or bent ish?…..some of you small minded people need to remove yal heads in the dirt like ostrich!! when the guys are idle and doing nothing yal complain….give them something to do yal still complaining ….bunch of d&*# crabs in a barrel for real….dominicans love to cry down their people too much thats why the poor lil country will never move…wonder all those that quick to say “gay” wonder whats in yal closets….hmmmm…CONGRATS TO ALL THE WINNERS KEEP SHOWING THE SO-CALL STRAIGHT MEN WHAT IT TAKES TO BE SPONTANEOUS AND JOVIAL!!

  17. tiny
    February 13, 2012

    likkle boys should not be encouraged to play with dolls………..that wont make them gay but it can give them female tendencies and they may be seen as just girlfriends to females later on in life…

    though I’ve seen very manly men who are gay and very flamboyant guys who are straight.then again maybe i am wrong ……maybe playing with girl toys will have no effect on them

    • Flying Tiger
      February 13, 2012

      You doh tired talk nonsense? Stupes

  18. Love You
    February 13, 2012

    Happy is the Man, who has read this article and is inspired………. :-D

  19. Me Too
    February 13, 2012

    BRAVO!!! Standing ovation!!!

    • pei chau
      February 13, 2012

      d that we promote boys sprancing on stage like is there a hidden agenda? boys should always be not not be encourage to play dolls i dont understand her point i tell is just the beginning see what next will happen they are testing water to see how dominica accept men who are not straight

      • Picky
        February 13, 2012

        i agree to that my fren. Is not that we are fighting against anyone but promoting these stuff is not the way to go. promoting the gay pulic. Havent you though that the gay men out there would attend the show to lust at what they want.. please lets be real you cant kill or hate someone for who or what they are but you must not promote them and make them think that what they are doing is right. soon enuf you will see men dressing like women in town and then the same pple who promote it, you will hear them saying how that not right but is you who would have caused that by making them feel loved in sin.

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