Five Dominicans deported from US in 2022


Five Dominicans were among 32 nationals of the Eastern Caribbean States who were deported from the United States last year.

This is according to the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Annual Report.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines topped the list with ten deportees; and four each were from Antigua and Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Lucia.

The ICE report failed to outline the reasons for the deportations or the offences they committed.

It said those removed included noncitizens arrested by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) in the interior of the United States, as well as those apprehended by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) along the Southwest Border and subsequently transferred to ERO for removal.

The report said that in 2022, ERO conducted nearly twice the number of administrative arrests it made in 2021.


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  1. Lin clown
    March 8, 2023

    Dominlcans who leave BELIEVE the grass is greener on the other side.If you lived in the USA you would know it is easier to live in Dominica.A house costing $300,000 in Dominica would cost $1,500,000 in New York.For your information,while most Dominicans own their own homes,most Dominicans in the US rent or is burdened by a large mortgage they CANNOT pay.Only JAH KA.SES say Skerrit stole billions,if those JAH KAS.ES were reading instead of gossiping they would know what is happening in Dominica.Skerrit CANNOT steal from the CBI programme only an ignorant ahole would think he can.Even if Skerrit did,he is the one who built Dominica after Maria.I agree with Bite dog all those idiotic deportee are supporters of UWP.UWP will never form government because of the ignorance and stupidity invested in their supporters.

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      March 9, 2023

      Boy shut up; how the hell on earth could it be easier to live in Dominica than in America?
      In America people eat whatever they wish, whenever they wish. One varies their food each and every day; its a matter of choice.
      In Dominica you don’t have any choice’In America, even the waste of time dunce Dominicans living here work or no work; jobless, even they gets a check at the end of the month; and mind you they don’t have to kiss any body behind or dress up in any red color to get it; its not a handout.
      Its legitimate money set aside by the state and Federal government for such purpose.
      Wen we are sick, even those who are penniless, don’t have to beg people to compile money to pay for getting treated. All they do is go to any hospital and they must be treated unlike Dominica.
      You running your mouth about $300,000 dollar house, that is only a little over $111,000 thousand U.S, don’t you know people like me have more than one car in my gargare costing more than.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        March 9, 2023

        Yes, while you talking fart about cost of house in Dominica; you cannot buy or build a house in Los Angeles, or most parts of the country for under one million dollars, it will be more than that!
        One (US$1,000,000.00) dollars in Dominica is approximately Dominica chicken feed $2,700,000.00 how many of the thirty plus thousand people in Dominica can afford that unless they are a passport sale man woman, or Roosevelt Skerrit? Not even civil servants can afford that, and surly a person working for four dollars per hour can’t afford that.
        So, let me tell, as I said three hundred thousand EC. is about US$111,000 dollars. Don’t you know there are people like me who have more than one motor cars parked in my garage, and in front of my house, each one costing more than a $100,000.00 dollars each?
        Guy I had an accident in the rain (hydroplane) on the Freeway, smashed a New Mercedes Benz costing over a hundred thousand dollars, the cost of the repair is $13,000.00 dollars.

  2. Beta
    March 8, 2023

    The key question remains, why do Dominicans continue to run away from Skerrits LAND OF MILK AND HONEY?

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 12 Thumb down 9
  3. Daniel
    March 7, 2023

    These deportees should be named and what offense they were deported for, for the safety of the public in Dominica. Cause more crime and smarter ways of crimes are unfolding in Dominica and it could be due to the deportees who are more skillful because they came from America.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 11
    • If we knew better
      March 8, 2023

      public safety? Do you know that something as simple as overstaying your visit and you are stopped on the street while going to the grocery store. But people like you want to disgrace others by having them embarassed on the street. So when you meet them in roseau you can gossip about them and what they did for them to send people back home. They should never be named, nor should the reason be any of your business. These people are still dominicans, and have use in the country, even if they did a crime. But you would prefer to taint them for something that has absolutely nothing to do with you.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      March 9, 2023

      Your theory is flawed, the problem with these people is that they stay in Dominica and watch American Television not realizing they are watching a movie (drama) and put it in their heads that they are looking at real life in America.

      So, they come out here illegal or legal, and try to conduct themselves according to what they are brained washed to believe based on what they see on Television; therein lies their problem!
      Here is something stupid they believe; and I found someone indulging in that foolishness trying to talk through their nose believing that gives them an American accent.


      I encounter one such Dominican at an oil refinery where we both went job hunting. I zeroed in on him and simply ask him “where in Dominica are you from” he told me, by then his fake American accent automatically flew away.
      Same thing happened to a Dominica doctor, speeding one day; he got pulled over by a Dominica traffic officer:

      Let me continue this!

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        March 9, 2023

        So, the way that end is like this: Mr. Dominica traffic patrol officer on Freeway pulled over Dominica speeding doctor, and I mean a real MD. (I gone to Dominica now.
        So, dem boys both from River Street, practically sleep and eat in the same house. Mr. Police did not recognize Mr. doctor; so, after Mr. Police asks Mr. Dominica doctor for his license talking like American, just before he issued the citation the Mr. Dominica Doctor asks the Mr. Dominica, police do you know such and such a person referring to the Mr. Dominica police officer by name!
        So, by the time the Mr. doctor spoke the Mr. Police recognize his voice, and referred to him by name and asks, “is that you?” by then the Mr. Dominica traffic patrol officer in America immediately returned to his Roseau River Street accent.
        Now I doh saying if the Mr. Dominica Police in America issued the Dominica doctor in America the citation eh, I know but I doh talking.
        Reality: their criminal ways they brought from Dominica.

        • If we knew better
          March 13, 2023

          speeding? is a criminal ways? hilarious. Also there is nothing wrong with getting an accent. If you live somewhere for many years you might pick some things up. Especially if speaking differently can seriously impact your chances for opportunity.

          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            March 13, 2023

            So, let me ask you this; how come an American, Canadian, and Europeans (British) live in the West Indies (Caribbean) for as long, and their accent never changes?

            People do not pick up a foreign accent. In America in every State you will find: Okay let me be more precise, people born and live in New York, have a different ascent to people born in California, or Texas, Tennessee, Alabama, or any of the other States.
            So, if accent were picked up; whereas I was born in Dominica, went to school in Antigua, lived in Germany, and England, now residing in Los Angeles, that means I should have an Antiguan, British, and German accent?

            Don’t you think that would be confusing?

            My Children were all born in Antigua, they came here small, went through primary school, one went to Kindergarten graduated high school and college, and they all still have their Antigua born accent after more than thirty years since their arrival in the United States.

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  4. Man bite dogs
    March 7, 2023

    These Dominican deportees should be name and shame with a blue flag stamp on their faces,

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 28
    • Alibaba & the forty thieves
      March 7, 2023

      @ dog bite, Imagine if the Dominica police was doing their job and arrest Alibaba and his forty thieves for all the billions they have stolen from us. According to you these criminals should all be named and shamed with a Red Flag stamped on their faces. I wonder if you would not be one of them

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 3
      • Martha
        March 8, 2023

        That is a very good question indeed. I guess Mr. Dog Man will never reply.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
    • EN BA LA
      March 7, 2023

      Why you hate your people so much?
      See how they have better stories than you even while trying to raise a storm in other countries they get departed as heroes.

  5. If we knew better
    March 7, 2023

    No their names should NOT be made public.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 5

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