Health and wellness of citizens a priority, says Dr. McIntyre

Dr Irving McIntyre

Finance Minister Dr. Irving McIntyre has said that the Government of Dominica is on a journey to promote the health and wellness of its citizens and residents.

He made the disclosure during his presentation of the 2023-2024 Budget at the Third Meeting of the First Session of the Eleventh Parliament on Tuesday.

“As it relates to health, the government is on a journey to promote the health and wellness of our citizens and residents,” he said. “It is a journey that has witnessed the completion of two hospitals, several health and wellness centres; the commissioning of new state-of-the-art equipment to improve and expand health services available in the country; the establishment of the Dominica Hospitals Authority; and the ongoing training of our patient care providers.”

He continued, “All of these make more specialized and improved care available to the public.”

Dr. McIntyre added, “There is no one who can dispute the fact that Dominica’s health system is far better now than it has ever been.”

 He stated that one can now receive care at a hospital that is equivalent to that of developed countries.

“In Dominica, our main hospital has seven operating theatres, a state-of-the-art Emergency Room with its own operating theatre, a special Eye Centre, modern and private rooms for patients, an intensive care unit with isolation rooms, a fully equipped diagnostic department with modern diagnostic equipment, a cardiovascular imaging centre and telemedicine centre, plus a fully equipped laboratory which allow us to greatly expand our testing capacity,” McIntyre stated.

 In addition, he mentioned that the government has invested significant amounts to build its human resources in health.

“We have many more specialists than we ever had before,” he revealed. “These specialists along with the state-of-the-art hospital and equipment have allowed an expansion of health services in the country, thus allowing us to avoid, in many instances, the cost and inconvenience of having to travel abroad for treatment.”

Meanwhile, Dr. McIntyre pointed out that the government has taken note of some concerns expressed by the public about their experience with the healthcare system and will continue to work on the following this year,

“One: Improving patient care, and patient and family experience at our health and wellness centres, and hospitals. This will include the enactment of five bills that will, among other things, govern and guide the operations and practice of our medical practitioners namely the Medical Profession Bill, the Pharmacy Bill, the Nursing Profession Bill, the Medical Laboratory Bill and the Digital Health Bill,” he revealed. “Two: Patient outcomes in terms of their results after being treated at our hospitals, and three: The welfare and wellbeing of nurses, doctors, and staff at our hospitals and health and wellness centres.”

He said the health and wellness of citizens is one of the priorities of this government.

“To ensure wellness we must engage in preventive behaviours and practice healthy habits,” he noted.

Dr. McIntyre went on to state that the National Reset also requires people to take better care of themselves to help reduce the high incidence of non-communicable diseases, such as, diabetes, hypertension, cancer and cardiac disease. These diseases impact family life, livelihoods, productivity and by extension, the country.

 He indicated that the government has also been investing in sports to promote the health and wellness of our people, foster community engagement, and help advance our people.

“We have long recognized and positioned sports as an integral means to human advancement, and a vital enabler of sustainable development,” he noted.

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  1. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    July 28, 2023

    McIntyre, I remember you from Kings Lane, where your father claimed to be an An ophthalmologist, or osteopathic doctor who specializes in eye and vision care! If I was asks to comment on his work, from the island of St. Kitts, to Montserrat and Dominica, I could detail how many persons had worst result visiting with him than what good he produced.
    We saw in Dominica, people walking with head rises to the sky to see than those who walked straight.
    And so you are a chip from the old block, if you say medicine in Dominica, is better now than before, you have condemned yourself because you were and still part of it; what had you done to improve on medical technology when you practiced?
    And if you truly believe the Chines, and Cuban has brought any difference to the butcher shop; why as soon as any of you Roosevelt puppets gets a headache, you run to some other small place like Antigua, and Martinique for medical attention?

    Man shut up; you are just another low class liar!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  2. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    July 28, 2023

    McIntyre added, “There is no one who can dispute the fact that Dominica’s health system is far better now than it has ever been.”
    Guy the day anybody opens their mouth to call your kind doctor, I wish they would bite their tongue, if anything you are not even a citified quack, you know not even a bush doctor!
    So, you made the claim that people can get medical treatment in Dominica, the same as dispense in developed nations.
    In that respect, I must suggest perhaps you are mad or not in your right mind! In Dominica, all you do is hurt patients you forget the oath!
    “The Hippocratic Oath is an oath taken by new physicians to protect all life, to hold in highest regard one’s teachers, to recognize one’s limitations, and to renounce self-interest in the treatment of patients. Certain values inherent in the Hippocratic Oath are echoed in modern views of professionalism.”

    You are thinking in terms of your political interest when you spew fart!

  3. Roseau
    July 28, 2023

    You look like a sick man , so why do you go overseas for medical care when you fall sick? Why don’t you go to PMH where you said that we have the best health care!
    Sad state of affairs in my land.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
  4. Massacre
    July 28, 2023

    Dr. You have joined the deplorables for your own selfish gains and not that of the people of Dominica. You know that because of the moneys that you now have access to , you can run back overseas to seek medical care for yourself and family.
    Shame on you.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  5. Original
    July 28, 2023

    Dominica does not have any reporters and or journalist. These people are only reporting what was said with no investigation as to what actually exist… Very poor… There is no material to make cask and many other things lacking at the hospital…. Do some type of professional work please.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  6. Lin clown
    July 27, 2023

    MEME has never visited the hospital or health centers,if he did he would not post such foolishness.A few questions to MEME
    (1)Where did the money to build the Marigot hospital
    (2)Where is the money to pay the 4,500 NEP workers every month coming from.
    (3)Where is the $300 to pay 2,700 senior citizens coming from every month.
    ( 4)Where is the money to look after the helpless elderly in the Yes We Care coming from
    (5)Where did the money to build hundreds of $250,000, $300,000 and $400,000 houses to give to those who would never afford came from.
    The thousands of above mentioned people know it is intoCBI.They also know all the money collected under the UWP CBI(Reengineered Citizenship Programme)was stolen.And the people who voted Skerrit into office are NOT interested in electoral reform.And they further know people like you and UWP are trying day after day,year after year to remove food from their mouth.Cursed,Wicked,People.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 13
    • Mahaut
      July 28, 2023

      Do you know what a nuisance is? Look in the mirror.

  7. The Valley
    July 27, 2023

    Irvine, sadly your wife just passed away. When she was sick , you sent her overseas to seek better medical care , you yourself is a sick man and look very sick, you are a skeleton of your true self. look at your face! You went overseas and still currently going overseas for medical care! And now you have the audacity and gull to stoop so low to say the most heinous statements! You are a disgrace to self and humanity and as such you should go hide in the bushes.
    Shame on you.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 1
  8. If we knew better
    July 27, 2023

    The lend you his briefcase wi. clown business.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 1
    • UKDominican
      July 27, 2023

      Dr. McIntyre is trying to copy the chancellor of the exchequer of the U.K. who uses a similar red briefcase when he presents his budget to the British Parliament except the chancellor‘s own is a genuine beaten up one.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 1
  9. Ibo France
    July 27, 2023

    Many former patients of Dr. McIntyre still think he is the same attentive, affable, genteel person he was in his private practice as a medical practitioner.

    Show me your friends (company) I can tell who you are. You sleep with dogs you catch the fleas. Bad company ruins good people.

    This quote puts it best: “Evil influence is like a nicotine patch, you cannot help but absurd what sticks to you.”

    Dr. McIntyre has ruined his once impeccable reputation by running with wolves. He’s now a wolf.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 1
    • Gary
      July 27, 2023

      Did you read the above announcement , well if so, can you not at least make an informed
      comment regarding the matter as to what was said by the Minister, is’nt that what Governments are ele ted to do providing services such as healrhcare for the pepple
      and you are attacking the Minister . What do
      you get out of this obnoxious behavor. Do you think it is helping the agenda you are part of . What you are doing is just showing how empty you are, nothing constructive to say.
      But haven’t you noticed the Government just
      does what needs to be done and you
      opinions and critism means nothing. How
      long do you intend to sustain such behavor.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 22
      • MEME
        July 27, 2023

        You are a doggone shameless sycophant, most likely a leech intricately involved in the disappearance of Dominicas money resources. You know dam well of the deplorable condition of healthcare in Dominica, (at the main hospital, secondary hospitals, and all health clinics). Your hypocrite, you should help in the rallying cry for an improvement in health services, since your corrupt butt, could one day end there.

        ADMIN: The following is an except from the first point in our comment policy:

        “We will delete comments that…contain any material which violates or infringes the rights of any person, are defamatory or harassing or include ad hominem attacks…”

        Please note that everyone is free to criticize your comments and you can criticize their comments in return but if you descend into the above your comment will be removed or deleted.

        More than that, we urge everyone to speak to the substance of what is being discussed rather than attacking the individual behind the comment or casting aspersions.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
  10. Funeral Home
    July 26, 2023

    Mister man is so dangerous and greedy like his owner that I wonder if he didn’t use hismedical license to inject people or send people to the funeral home on behalf of his master

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 2
  11. Lin clown
    July 26, 2023

    Do not sit on your lazy butt,go to the hospital,pay a visit.Stop gossiping and listening to losers.stop spreading fake news,propaganda and lies,do not blame Dr.Mac for your life failures.I have been to several hospitals in the USA,from Washington DC to New York,my sister-in-law is a registered nurse and I use to date a registered nurse so I know.The DCFH is indeed stare of the art,a modern hospital.The nurses you MEME,see at the DCFH are professionals,they do some of the jobs in Dominica,only doctors can do in the USA.In America nurses do not STITCH people, in Dominica they do.All the majority of UWP supporters do is gossip and lie.I know there is a veteran hospital in Virginia specialized in treating soldiers,that is not found in every hospital.Soon MEME you will ask for heart transplant to be performed in Dominica.You know nothing about health care in Dominica.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 25
    • If we knew better
      July 27, 2023

      you must be an idiot. What are are you referring to? The “art” of a 3yr old cannot be compared to the art of an accomplished artist. Both are considered art. I dont know what hospitals you were going to, or where your girlfriend was working, but the hospitals ive been to in the United States completely outshine what it is we have here. You are right in that they do not need to stitch. They use bonding chemicals to hold the skin together. Here we are stuck in a rut. We lack equipment and professionals. Why do i need to travel to see a cardiologist? OR do an MRI?

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 2
  12. Lin clown
    July 26, 2023

    MEME,you have not been to the hospital.GO THERE,and you will see what you are saying is BS.Hundreds of people go to the hospital everyday for medical treatment and they get medical treatment,even people from the diaspora.Like every hospital there is not always everything.What is not available at the hospital is paid for.Sometimes you MEME make sense,in that case you are a GISSIPING LIAR.Some people especially supporters of UWP when they do not get what they want FREE they go about criticizing the hospital.Thousands of UWP supporters have been admitted to the hospital,and thousands have left alive,having received free medicals.What do people like you and supporters of UWP say when they are seen receiving free medical,”IS OUR MONEY”In the USA money is health and health is money,in Dominica it is different.Now,today,there hundreds of diasporans receiving free medical care in Dominica.The CLOWN is a Dominican-American who was lucky to receive medical insurance from OBAMA.MEME stop…

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 18
  13. Ibo France
    July 26, 2023

    If healthcare is so excellent in Dominica, why do so many people have to seek medical attention overseas?

    Why has your leader boasted that he, his wife and children have medical insurance so that they can hop on a plane at anytime to get the best medical treatment abroad?

    Why you cannot attract sufficient local personnel to work in the local medical institutions.?You recruit foreigners which poses serious communication problems with local patients.

    A country built on lies is like a house built on sand. It cannot stand for long. There are no good outcomes.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 2
  14. Ibo France
    July 26, 2023

    To say that health and wellness of citizens is a priority of the government is tantamount to saying that safety and protection is the main concern of a thief for breaking into your house.

    Healthcare in Dominica is frightful. Some patients are admitted to the hospital for minkr/routine treatment and end up in the Great Beyond.

    Here are just a few of the problems in the healthcare system:
    *nurses and doctors are overworked and underpaid. Many experienced medical practitioners have sought greener pastures abroad.
    *woefully inadequate equipment which is one of the main reasons ROSS departed.
    *too many unmeritorious – political appointments

    There is no expectation of truth from the minister nor his colleagues. This is a government of sin.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 3
  15. Alibaba & the forty thieves
    July 26, 2023

    Honestly speaking I don’t see any difference between mister, Skerrit and Satan. They look alike, lie the same and all seems to be part of the Alibaba and the forty thieves club. My mother always use to tell me that a good liar is also a good volere too

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 2
  16. derp
    July 26, 2023

    Dude is like a puppet mirroring Skerrit

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 7
  17. Toto
    July 26, 2023

    Dr. Irving, I listen to your full presentation. Two hours of wonderful projects that await us. But I wonder how we going to pay for all that if our passports become worthless and we short of funds. Not only that good doctor, how we are going to service all the money we owe already because with little or no money from passport sales I don’t think our credit rating will be very good. Who is going to lend us money. Have we mortgaged our future already and to whom? I wish you luck, you’re going to need it. Reading a Skerrit script in parliament is only a stage performance and makes you an actor…….better than Roosevelt though, I must say.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 37 Thumb down 6
  18. MEME
    July 26, 2023

    This is a doctor that has transformed himself into an INVETERATE LIAR, and has done so shamelessly and in broad daylight.
    My friend i dislike LIARS, and people of your ilk deserve serious rebuke. You know about the POOR and MISERABLE state of healthcare at our main hospital, but instead of trying to improve it, you are boasting of how the facility provides state of the art care for the citizenry???
    You really deserve serious rebuke from all who know what is going on..You yourself plus your family don’t trust the services at the said facility, your other ministers don’t trust it, but you think its excellent for those that you all fool every 5 years for votes. People like you will suffer for the wickedness that has stained your heart and the greed that seem to have been your modus operandi all the time.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 8

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