51 Roseau families receive keys to their Upper River Bank homes

Fifty-one (51) families of the Roseau Central Constituency received keys to their new apartments on Thursday.

The apartments dubbed, ‘City Breeze Apartments’ are located at Upper River Bank in Roseau.

The apartments are 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units, spacious and are promoted as being of a superior design. There are also 9 commercial business spaces, two of which will be used for arts & craft and a tech centre.

“It’s a heartwarming occasion for these families who have waited long for the blessing of a new home which offers peace, comfort, security and constant river breeze,” Parliamentary Representative of the Roseau Central Constituency, Melissa Poponne-Skerrit said while addressing a handing over ceremony.

According to her, while there were hundreds of applications for these apartments, she is confident that the most deserving have been selected to receive “this blessing today.”

“Often times looking from the outside, we are quick to cast judgments because we do not have first-hand knowledge of the true circumstances of the people who live and work among us, but I do,” Poponne Skerrit noted. “As Parliamentary Representative, I have a good relationship with my constituents and as a friend to my constituents, I know of their joys and I know of their hardships and I understand how these new homes will brighten their circumstances…,”

She said that in addition to the apartment complex at the upper River Bank the government has refurbished dozens of private homes in Roseau under its  housing revolution and several senior citizens have benefited from this initiative.

Poponne-Skerrit revealed that over the next months, the government will pursue more urgently the construction of a second housing complex near the promenade near the River Bank.

“Not only will this boost our housing stock and improve the socio-economic conditions of more of our constituents, but it will further beautify the area and will help fulfill our vision for the enhancement and beautification of the City of Roseau,” the Roseau MP stated.

Meantime, Project Manager of Montreal Management Consultants Est (MMCE) Cal Murad describing MMCE as partners in Dominica’s development, said the apartments are not only beautiful, but were built and engineered to withstand a category 5 Hurricane,

““We want to ensure that all our projects are built to standards… so we guarantee that you are receiving the best,” the MMCE representative said.

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  1. Wesley to the bones
    April 21, 2022

    Son Fu Ma John” You are known as ” KING KA KA . Stay where you are away from Wesley…..We don’t need any more dictatorship in Dominica. Are you trying to run for office in Dominica? don’t waste your monies….You will not get the Popularity Vote

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 0
    April 15, 2022

    You are trying to give me Mapwee on my spelling go back and check your spelling just one You Wojld Stave to death should it not be Starve. So m as by errors. Thanks for being so honest confessing you are on Food Stsmps. Ha. Do they pay for your housing or fo you stay in a Senior Citizen Apt for free? Ok if I come to Inglewood where you live you can show nd the ropes right Francisco? You can teach me the Bobol how to get Some foodstamp Maybe you can even hook me up with a green card. Help a brother out Francisco but a word for you. If they caught you then you will be deported and we don’t want you back in Wesley.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
  3. Lin clown
    April 11, 2022

    Whether the houses or apartments are called flats,squares or longs,the most important thing is,the people who were renting are now living in a $250,000 and $300,000 apartment free.That is what is bothering UWP.This party is cursed,wanting to deny a 70 or 80 year old person from living a peaceful life,sons of Satan with a rattlesnake pastor as leader.Fire burn those who want to see the senior citizens sufferFire burn those who are critizing Skerrit for providing houses for those who cannot afford,and fire burn UWP.Just because the people have rejected UWP they want to destroy the CBI,and in turn destroy the people.Russia in Dominica.How do you expect to GI against everything in favour of the people and win election.The people living in the apartments are not renting,paper or no paper,certificate of title or not,once their is a document in their name they will live in the apartment until they die.After they die UWP wanted the apartment willed over to one of their lazy supporters.?

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 46
    • Abu Sheikh
      April 12, 2022

      If your statement was correct these 51 things would have cost at least 13 million to construct. My estimate as a quantity surveyor would be that these things individually didn’t cost more than 120,000 to construct which gives us a grand total of around 6 million for 51 of them. Perhaps now some Dominicans will understand why Skerrit is so hell bend on the housing revolution. He will show all you eventually invoices for 13 million but would have paid only 6 million. Accounting for CBI treasures a la Skerrit. Is he trying to use his head on you all again? You see he can’t show you the money but instead he shows you assets which are highly inflated in value. A modern form of money laundering?

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 35 Thumb down 2
  4. LifeandDeath
    April 11, 2022

    By now, every Dominican should know that their passports under the CBI has made enough money to take every single Dominican out of economic hardship by putting enough money into their hands either to build their own home or start their own business, the difference is that the Glory would not be dished out to El Supremo same way.
    All of these “projects” no matter how noble they appear carry an ominous cloud of deceit and spiritual ambivalence with the re-election of the current regime taking precedence every time.
    In short more people could stand on their own in that country if the Government wanted. smh!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 43 Thumb down 9
    • Lady
      April 11, 2022

      Hahaha el supremo
      Ure funny

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  5. Bwa-Banday
    April 11, 2022

    Again, we can walk and talk all we want unless we take action deemed “civil disobedience” or “revolution” which a broad terms nothing will change in Dca. I thought Moon-serwoo-yea(?) and the Hand Bag Movement were finally the answer to our prayers as taking the lead but they too have essentially gone quiet in terms in action. Castrated virtually by the mere presence of the police looking at them cock-eyed. They have joined the parlay-parlay scene after a little intimidation. Call him stupid but Brian Linton is the only real militant Dcan in the bunch but he needs help.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 35 Thumb down 5
    • Dominican Bwoi
      April 11, 2022

      I’m ready for the revolution, and I really mean it, I don’t just say this for online likes. I’ve been ready for years! I’m like a volcano ready to erupt, there’s only so long I can keep my lava under control. In this case, my lava = all the frustration Roosevelt Skerrit & co have built up inside of me

      I’ve been trying to initiate it for a while, I just need you all to join me first before I really get going. I know what I’m capable of & I believe I can change Dominica for the better, I just can’t do it alone

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 29 Thumb down 5
      • Nonesence
        April 12, 2022

        Go by yourself nobody wants to die with you. Just big mouth. Why do you want unrest for our paradise Dominician garcon oh ka palay sort. Start your own revolution. PURE MALAKE. Dominician Bwoi

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      • Woi
        April 12, 2022

        Dominician Bwoi go and help Ukraine if that’s what you are after. WE DONT WANT ZNY REVOLUTION. Dominica has come A Long way. Nothing to do with Mr. LINUTON or PM you go and start your own revolution comess

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 8 Thumb down 22
      • Bwa-Banday
        April 12, 2022

        I am right there with you my boy. My lava already start overflowing. Waiting on Bawi and Marigot to sound the call because the Newtown boys went quiet. I see man like Lofty, Earl Bruno and even Hand-Bag running their mouth constantly but before the manicou gang show up at any protest they pulling a trump and running home to watch on Tv instead of holding grounds and defying them little boys in green. They cant shoot everybody!

        90% of them would not dare chase you in the heights of Caholm, Syndicate, Berlin, Jacko-Flat or Fond-Fig. That’s not the rough, tough SSU boys of the 80’s. We must be prepared to light our Ukranian Booziis (:-)) ) when they take lights so we can see where we going. But I maintain is Bawi or Marigot that must start pushing back seriously so we can show our dissatisfaction from there because bro these places are being oppressed and ridiculed in broad daylight like they are dogs. How long, not long I believe.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 3
      • Toto
        April 12, 2022

        Nobody is stoping you from starting a revolution. If you want to be a leader be the one to start it. I’m as pissed of as you bro. but I’m no revolutionary. Too much talk I’m hearing, every day the same refrain and nothing change, toujou meme bagay, going round and round in circles. You think that frighten Skerrit. No man, he just does what he wants, carry on as usual. Action speaks louder than words and empty barrels make the most noise.

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  6. Anthony P. Ismael
    April 11, 2022

    This is a tale of two cities. We have a serious housing crisis in Dominica, because of our topography, Gross Domestic Product and the frequency of catastrophic hurricanes and other weather-related issues. These social housing experiments have been an abysmal failure in other nations because the root cause of poverty amongst families are never sorted. While we have provided 51 families with decent housing to raise their families, how do they provide for them in the present and immediate future? As family members pass on, do they have title ownership of these properties, and can they pass them as part of their estate? If not, we have just created temporary relief in the face of a permanent problem.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 34 Thumb down 2
  7. D.C
    April 10, 2022

    With all these hoes being built in Dominica! Is there a Sewage Plant anywhere in Da?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 2
    • Bwa-Banday
      April 11, 2022

      What sewage plant? What happen to the Roseau river?…thats how we have always done it. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . Beyond me being Sarcastic you have raised a very valid point. However, the authorities are not as forwarding thinking as you so they will never answer that question. Matter of fact they will even insult you if you dare ask such a question. I visited some friends whi live in the one located in Castle Bruce late last year and the place literally stunk. I was told they are plagued with blockages and there seems to be no permanent solution. It’s become a cycle of emitting ” DLP karkar aroma” which has become an expected fragrance on a daily basis.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 3
      • Follow the Money
        April 13, 2022

        Dowasco has mentioned that some org will be funding some upgrade to the sewage system. But Dominican builders are far better at even simple septic/soak-away systems than the Chinese/MMC, so far their methods ‘stinking’ the areas they are built. However, the housing revolution is a worthy undertaking.

  8. Kevin
    April 10, 2022

    This government just keeps getting worst by the day.With the effects of climate change being felt presently in the Caribbean do they think that by putting these apartments on the river bank makes long term strategic sense.Secondly how transparent is the process whereby apartments are allocated.Im sure none of these 51 families support the UWP.Lastly seems like politics have become a family business in Dominica.why are skerrit children handing out keys for new apartments?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 6
  9. Roger Burnett
    April 10, 2022

    With the best intentions, this type of social housing has a record of dismal failure elsewhere in the world.

    The Quarry Hill flats in Leeds represented the UK’s most ambitious attempt at social housing. The complex boasted first rate architectural design and innovative facilities. They were built a few years before I was born and demolished while I was still in my early twenties – by which time they had reached ghetto status.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 6
  10. April 10, 2022

    I witnessed the Skerrit regime use this poor innocent woman for their housing propaganda the same way they used and abused the poor elderly for their “yes we care program” shame on you wicked Babylon. And to add insult to injury I listened to Simeon Albert being embarrassed on his own disgusting radio program when those DLP deceitful spinners tried to heap praise on the Dr Dr claiming that he was only giving houses to those who could not afford; ” magwey sa”,in your face take dat.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 6
  11. An observer of Politics in DA
    April 10, 2022

    Propaganda tactics at its best!!!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 2
  12. Beta
    April 10, 2022

    Labour supporters receive flats constructed with CBI money. What do opposition supporters get? Nothing, apart from constant harassment by the dictators militia. So who saying Dominica is still a Democratic country?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 52 Thumb down 5
  13. Shaka zulu
    April 9, 2022

    One question. If there is a fire down low how are the people up top going to escape

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 5
    • Ibo France
      April 12, 2022

      That has always been one of my main concerns that dreaded, unexpected fire. Additionally, maintenance, noise, land and water pollution, proper sewage systems, lack of green spaces for relaxation, recreation, physical exercise, socialization, et cetera.

      This type of housing solution was tried in urban areas in the US back then. Today, are mostly nothing but crime and rodent infested habitats. Most homes should be built on individual plots of lands with adequate land space for expansion, backyard garden, recreation, etc.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 2
  14. Ibo France
    April 9, 2022

    These are monstrous edifices that are like invasive species to Dominica. They do not blend in well with the indigenous architecture of Dominica.

    In places like the US and UK where the government built similar housing apartments many years ago, many of them have become eyesores due to the lack of regular maintenance. This government allowed the Margot Hospital, several health centres, schools, the public library, police stations, the court building, the post office to fall into a serious state of disrepair. The same fate awaits these public apartments. I don’t want to see these newly built and freshly painted buildings in a decade or two.

    Not everyone would have the financial means to own a house therefore here is where the government intervenes. But, it’s much more desirable for these people to own their individual homes then allow them to repay mortgages to the government at very menageable monthly instalments with little or no interest.

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 9, 2022

      lbo, the Architecture of the buildings are just about what you will find in the modern world, I do not have a problem with the actual architecture, my problem is the confusion about 51 families receiving homes, and then reading this:

      “Meantime, Project Manager of Montreal Management Consultants Est (MMCE) Cal Murad describing MMCE as partners in Dominica’s development, said the apartments are not only beautiful, but were built and engineered to withstand a category 5 Hurricane,”

      So, are these homes given to people for free, if not how much are these recipients paying in rent?

      One cannot sell am apartment to anyone, because in a apartment the sewer lines are used by residence, same as the water line.

      If one owns an apartment in that building and the toilet backs up, simultaneously with a dozen others, who’s responsibility, who is it going to be responsible to dislodge the feces, and other obstacles in the line?

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 9 Thumb down 26
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 9, 2022

        The definition of apartment is a suite of rooms forming one residence, typically in a building containing a number of these. (British term flat.)

        I know for a fact an Apartment building, or buildings are owned by single individuals, or a company, nobody can argue about that with me, because I am an owner of apartments, which I rent to people!

        One can build Condominiums, and Townhouses in series, in a single building and sell to individuals because they are simple attached homes with individual source of water, electricity and separate toilet disposables.

        It is an attached house; the owner is responsible for the maintenance!

        So, for Roosevelt to be out there talking fart about families getting homes is nothing more that, fart blowing in the wind!

        Those are not free, the buildings are owned by a Dominican crook, a damn thief who will eventually be put in jail for all of this corruption and thievery in the country!

        In the near future we will know who the thieves are!

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 9 Thumb down 21
      • Toto
        April 10, 2022

        No problem Francisco, Don’t you see the live sewer right behind the buildings with direct access to the sea after passing through Roseau. Titiwi at the river mouth will be well fed. Enjoy.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 3
        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          April 11, 2022

          Well, I give you thumbs up on that one, because you understand precisely what I am talking about. Check it out you will find out the buildings are not located too far from 35A River Street, that property belong to the late Inspector Wordsworth Telemaque.

          The house is a two Story building, the time there was heavy flooding the river overflowed, and rise so high, it went up to the second story of the house.
          That is a very bad location to build homes even an apartment building!

          Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 14
    • Thankful!!!!
      April 10, 2022

      Can you learn to be thankful or say something nice. These are beautiful homes. There are some people who have a roof on their head. Come on…The architecture is great. Wow. You don’t like the PM but in the midst of your negative you hurt alot of people. Some people are thankful to a place call home. I wish we had these when I was growing up. KUDOS!!!!!to you PM

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 14 Thumb down 36
      • April 11, 2022

        Most of them live in squalid conditions in New York. They don’t have a decent education and cannot find a decent paying job to live comfortably in America but, they marching for prosperity and justice. They live their whole life in substandard apartments in New York and other cities. People who live in Dominica live better off than they do. Some of them wished they had never left DA. Ask MOST of them how have they prospered in the big apple. They have no answer to give you. All they do is party, party, don’t stop de party.

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      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 11, 2022

        But don’t be a bloody fool; because I said the is good, you believe I should kiss Roosevelt Black wet back river gutter rat butt?
        All I did was recognized the talent of the modern architecture; I built a house in Wesley in 2020 for my late sister, died December, 2021 months after it was completed.
        I have not seen the complete building, but feedback I got I understand the architectural structure is nice and modern.
        Passport mon not in it!

        I am happy about that because for years, people only pile concrete blocks on top of each other and call them wall-house. I complained for many years about how backward such twelve-century rubbish made the country appear backwards.
        At you should be quiet and appreciate, that I now appreciate the change in the modern homes they are not building; and chicken sh.. Roosevelt has nothing to do with it.
        By the way, the architectural plans drawn to build my sister house was not drawn, or developed by Montreal Management.

        Roosevelt hands not in…

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 31
        • The Tsar of Wesley
          April 12, 2022

          God only knows what money in it if you were involved building this house in Wesley. I said it before and I say it again, you are full of it. Do us all a favour and stay out of here. You only help Skerrit with your nonsense and showing off.

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 40 Thumb down 2
          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            April 13, 2022

            When I was a little boy I had a dog, named Rex, as all dogs it was so stupid, I would pull it tail to one side, I don’t know what triggered the dog Rex actions, but it would commenced going round and round in a circle trying to catch it tail, if I allowed it to continue it would do it for hours.
            Some dogs are not that stupid: My son had a dog here; in the back yard, very vicious, it tried to bite while I was feeding it.
            I got angry, and said to the dog; ” I don’t like you.”
            Low and behold, the next morning, we woke up to this day we never saw the dog again, we don’t know how it got out of the yard from the gate and went about it business.
            Some dog’s have shame and instinct to understand when they not loved, and wonted.
            Some dogs a human can only get to tell them “Mash” one time, and they leave, other dogs the more one say mash, and insult the dog the dog keep crawling at ones feet!
            There is a song in Dominica: “Mash dog, don’t bother me you me not…

            Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 37
        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          April 12, 2022

          This one is filled with errors, left out letters and all, but I guess I made the point I appreciate the architecture, and not Mr. Chicken sh.. that damn black wetback river, gutter rat Roosevelt!


          Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 42
      April 11, 2022

      Ibo and Fransisco instead of talking negative always. WHAT have you all done to improve Dominica . When last you visit a sick person or try to get someone off the streets. Only one. !!!What can we remember you all by. What
      legacy can you leave that you all brought change to a Village. Name one. You all words are full of Poison and hatred. WHERE iS THE LOVE? Tell me what do you all want to be cremembered by….They brought Change. Foreigners read this forum. What are you all writing to make someone want to invest in Dominica. Nothing but pure negative. Get politics out of it for a change………if you all words were that powerful then it would bring about change. PONDER ON THIS.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 12 Thumb down 36
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        April 11, 2022

        Guy shut-up, asks not what lbo, and I have done or what we are doing!
        Worry about yourself; worry about what contribution you have made, or wish you could have made, if you had the financial means.
        I can tell you what and how much I have contributed all my years living out of Dominica to the country, but that’s none of you damn business.
        Be a man or woman; if you believe you have contributed more than I have and write you name and surname on DNO with your submission, identify yourself, when you can do that then you will be privilege to question me!
        Thankful; what the hell is thankful?
        My name is Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque, in Wesley anybody over sixty knows I am the one called “Son Fu Ma john.” I am not fake and fictitious as you all, if I say I do something, it can be seen!
        Are you thanking Roosevelt for allowing you to bow and kiss his butt, for the handouts he gives to you rather than you going out to some gainful employment everyday.

        Where is you ambition man?

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 29
        • Thankful
          April 12, 2022

          You are sick Dodds not boasting I can purchase you and all of your little social security check together . Not here to boast I need no hand out I am well taken care of. PARDON ME….No Insult.

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 2
          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            April 13, 2022



            You can insult me as much as you wish, I don’t care, your insults have no effect on me, by back is hard like a thousand-year-old truckle back eh!

            I gave you my insult first, remember that oui!

            Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 36
          • Wesley Girl
            April 14, 2022

            Oh shut up Rex (FEDT). You just keep making a fool of yourself. You are an embarrassment to our country and more to the point to our village!

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 35 Thumb down 2
          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            April 14, 2022

            Shut up, you ole thing!

            You were first Wesley Girls, then you became Wesley Girl, then recently you were Wesley Tsar, because you could not spell the word teaser; now you are back to Wesley Girl.

            That is the behavior of mentally derange people.

            I think are a nasty aunty-man, or some nasty ole woman, one way or the other, I not dealing with any nasty aunty-man nor any geriatric woman eh!


            I told you before I full-up, I doh looking for any more woman!

            You know hen I was a kid, my late sister sang this song:

            “Mash dog don’t bother me, you and me are not company!”
            At least that was the chorus of the song:

            I particularly love that ” Mash dog don’t bother me, you and me are not company.”

            Wesley people sang that song to garbage people they did not wish to associate with.

            Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 36
          • Wesley Girl
            April 14, 2022

            I guess you believe you deserve an answer for this verbal diarrhoea. I disagree.

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 34 Thumb down 1
      • Lawyer
        April 12, 2022

        Why you ask?? Did Ibo or the other one have access to several billion dollars of CBI money? Why don’t you ask Skerrit to account properly for ALL our passport money, I mean to the last cent? Then, I’m sure, you wouldn’t dare ask other Dominicans what they have done for their country. Why don’t YOU help your country? I mean the biggest gift you could give to your country, and it doesn’t cost any money, VOTE AGAINST CORRUPTION, VOTE AGAINST SKERRIT, VOTE AGAINST DLP. Now go for it!

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 38 Thumb down 3
  15. Preacher
    April 9, 2022

    I through I was looking at apartments in London
    Well done to our government
    I have been living in the uk for 22 years
    And apartments like these would certainly go for at least one hundred thousand pounds
    The government is giving it for free I am impress
    The best government Dominica has ever seen in history
    Blessings to you PM and your government

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 18 Thumb down 71
    • Dominican Bwoi
      April 9, 2022

      London? UK? Lol you must be talking about another London, UK because this definitely does NOT look like flats (apartments) in the UK & they definitely would NOT go for £100,000 pound. I highly doubt such building would even be granted permission to be built in the UK, the health & safety standards of that building is terrible. And it’s definitely cheaply build, especially compared to UK buildings. It’s worse than Greenfell Tower & that was a sh*thole.

      Governments GIVING AWAY houses for FREE is NOT a good thing. So you need to ask how & how Dominica is doing so…

      And it’s definitely NOT the best government ever. Far from it. I don’t care if that’s your opinion because facts are facts & Skerrit is as bad and corrupt as they come. Evidently, you’re just one of his sheep though

      Either you don’t get out much in the UK, you don’t live in the UK, or you’re legally blind because you’re talking nonsense

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 43 Thumb down 9
      • Dominican Bwoi
        April 9, 2022

        Ask how & why* I mean

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
    • Toto
      April 9, 2022

      Liar, there are no apartments for sale for £100,000 in London. In any case they would be called flats there.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 4
    • We the People
      April 9, 2022

      I am happy that you are impressed. Just two things –
      1. these houses are not free!! They are given in return for support and flattery to the Dominica Labour Party;
      2. some of “owners” are non-employed so I guess you will be sending money to pay the bills and to eat

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 30 Thumb down 4
      • Ibo France
        April 10, 2022

        Just a reminder. These apartments were not given to the people. They are not owners but just mere occupants. The apartments cannot be used as collateral to procure a loan from any financial institution. Skerrit can evict these occupants tomorrow and they would have no legal recourse.

        This is a deliberate political strategy to keep the parents and their children umbilically tie to the DLP.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 7
        • April 11, 2022

          Nothing pleases you, brother. I can tell you are very hard to please. If the PM were to bring a subsidiary of Wall Street to DA, you would still be hitting on him. You must be infatuated with Lennox Linton.

          Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 37
          • Ibo France
            April 11, 2022

            Just want every Dominican get a fair share of the national pie. Why should Skerrit, Melissa and their two US born children live in a palace, paid for by tax payers, while some citizens live under tents for years?

            What do you think about that faithful Skerrit disciple?

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 4
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      April 9, 2022

      If you are living in England, for 22 years, and are still paying a hundred (100Lbs) per month in rent, you must be living in some dilapidated rodent infested place.

      I once lived in at Carters Mead Harlow Essex: off Potters Street, and as way back as I can remember not even the Counsel Flats was rented for a hundred pounds per month!

      If you went to England in the year 2,000, or there about, unless my mental calculation is incorrect; you could not have rented a Flat for a hundred pounds per months, unless it was something nobody wanted to live in!

      So, don’t even bother to sing praises with Roosevelt corrupted crap?

      You should be asking who the owner (s) of the buildings are!

      And if you can dig you will find out it’s a Shell Company, and I am not talking about Shell the British Petroleum company!

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 34
      • April 11, 2022

        You must have lived everywhere in the world. Did some evil spirit give you “dwive”. You like a rolling stone. I wonder if you gathered any moss. Did you live in North Korea also? I guess not because Kim Jong Un got a plan just for you if you lay foot on his soil. Did you also live in the Baltic states as well?

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 8
        • Robby
          April 12, 2022

          He lived everywhere, he studied everything and he has money to burn. He could be Skerrits long lost brother. Well, we know better.

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 3
        • Just Saying!!!!!
          April 12, 2022

          Ds. I last saw him at the airport in Russia with Putin.!!!!!!!!!

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
          • Just Saying!!!!!
            April 14, 2022

            Why didn’t you just go to Toronto marry your girlfriend Lizzbeth the preacher. You could add another place on your list if you were nice enough she could take you to Dominica Flower Show. Something to think about. hmmm…

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 0
        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          April 13, 2022

          But, ds man you seems to be crazy for real.

          I don’t lie, I lived in Antigua, England, and Germany, and now shall live in The United States forever?

          I shall not even visit Dominica, as long a Roosevelt Skerrit that damn th… is prime minister of Dominica?

          You know why?
          Since I don’t wish to keep you in the dark, the reason I doh going home, while that Dominica Mountain Chicken Crapaud crapo Mentality Me Almost Nearly Cousin Sr. Knight doctor Punjab doctor HIFU Roosevelt Skerrit that damn th… is power I will stay away, because on arrival he might mistake me for money, and snatch me up and put me in him pocket oui!


          You know how that boy Skerrit love money, he turn straws and chicken feces into money you know; he’s better than Rumpelstiltskin, that dam corrupted crook!

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            April 14, 2022

            Good stay away. Let us be serious you can’t afford ticket. We have charity we take care of senior citizens. Sorry no McDonald’s. You can’t afford our food.stop hating kn PM. Use ghat 1400 stimulus check that Biden sent you.

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 0
          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            April 14, 2022

            Don’t you know I would very much prefer to die in America a thousand and ten times, before dying in Dominica once?

            I prefer to live on food stamps, that many of you in Dominica yearn for than to return and accept Roosevelt handouts for my survival, and as for taking a ticket from Roosevelt Skerrit to return at election time to vote for him that will never happen! If I took that ticket, I would not be able to use it as toilet paper, because its not biodegradable, it would block my toilet!

            And I would curse Roosevelt everyday because of that.

            Plenty of you wish to come here not to work and educate yourselves, all that is on your mind is to come and collect food stamps, if that is you wish and ambition, come and see if you can get it.
            You might stave to death, before the state issue you a dollars worth of food.
            And if you thief anything here as you all thief in Dominica, you will be living in jail here!
            Thieves go to jail in America, if you are foreign expect deportation.

            Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 21
      • Wesley to the bones
        April 13, 2022

        What happend Francisco the queen deported you because you lied you hung out with Andrew. You to be curtsy the queen demanded to send you back to thd L A hood. Why you leave Exxex. Was the grass greener LA. Pretty soon. You will tell everyone your dad was King 🤴 like they do in Nigeria. You Re just plain Boasta ka ka chez.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 2
        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          April 14, 2022

          But you seems not able to spell, I don’t respond to people who are of a lesser intelligence, that is wasting time!

          You don’t even know howto spell Essex; the time I will take to bother with you you garbage might rub-of on me.

          What’s this?
          Why you leave Exxex.


          May, go find something to do, go drink some rum, and find you equal to indulge in your nonsense!

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          • Emperor of Wesley
            April 15, 2022

            If I was you, Telemakak, I wouldn’t talk to much about correct spelling. You must be one of those few ‘uni graduates’ that has some issues with the queens English altogether, no only spelling.
            BTW: can you trump Emperor, you sucker?

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 1
            April 15, 2022

            You are trying to give me Mapwee on my spelling go back and check your spelling just one You Wojld Stave to death should it not be Starve. So m as by errors. Thanks for being so honest confessing you are on Food Stsmps. Ha. Do they pay for your housing or fo you stay in a Senior Citizen Apt for free? Ok if I come to Inglewood where you live you can show nd the ropes right Francisco? You can teach me the Bobol how to get Some foodstamp Maybe you can even hook me up with a green card. Help a brother out Francisco but a word for you. If they caught you then you will be deported and we don’t want you back in Wesley.

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 0
          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            April 18, 2022

            “Help a brother out Francisco but a word for you. If they caught you then you will be deported and we don’t want you back in Wesley.”
            I don’t even know to whom I am responding, since all of a sudden, Wesley have all sort of Emperors, and queens, and Girls, all seem to be the same fictitious person.
            I could care less, I still remain the King of Wesley, and shall forever be!
            Now to all whom it may concern; I know you all are looking forward to seeing me return home to live under the rule of corrupted Roosevelt Skerrit; but that will not even happen if I die tonight.
            And don’t hope I will thief something in America, and get deported.
            I am a naturalized citizen of the United States, even if I commit treason, I cannot be deported, I might be put in front of a firing squad and shot, or sent to jail for life, but citizens can’t be deported.
            The only privilege I don’t have in America, as an American born is to become President of America, anything else I can become!

            Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 16
          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            April 18, 2022

            Another thing is I cannot understand that you all are suffering, Roosevelt talking all your prime land, lying talking about he building International Airport; that you will never see.
            All Roosevelt is doing is taking away the land closer to the ocean which has more value, than where he puts you all at Sh.t-street going towards Mambery: and Admin we do call that place “Shitting-Street”, that’s the name for more than a hundred years.
            I cannot understand you all allow my cousin to give you all boil goat water to drink, and you all went out and voted him, he belong to Wesley, he sits back and watch his boss Roosevelt destroy everything in his path in the Village.

            If you all don’t believe he is my cousin, ask Benny, or Cap, Mascolle.

            All of you appear to be paper-men, when reign in Wesley, and the heroes of my days there Wesley would not be touched by anything or anybody like Roosevelt Skerrit.

            It would be war for our land!

            I am the King: Son Fu Ma John

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          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            April 19, 2022

            “Roosevelt talking all your prime land, lying talking about he building International Airport; that you will never see.”

            “It should be taking.”
            Roosevelt taking all your prime land, lying talking about he is building International Airport; that you will never see.

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    • Da
      April 10, 2022

      Didn’t your mom tell you that nothing is free?

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 1
  16. BEN10
    April 9, 2022

    “According to her, while there were hundreds of applications for these apartments, she is confident that the most deserving have been selected to receive “this blessing today”” mrs poponne skerrit ….. you do know this is a blatant lie.. so people genuinely deserve it others get it because of who they know

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 6
    • BEN10
      April 9, 2022

      so* — some** correction please

    • Dominican Bwoi
      April 9, 2022

      This country is being run like a dictatorship & it makes me sick because many allow it. People are put into certain positions ONLY if they’re in Skerrit & friends circle, and that’s wrong. That’s not how a nation is supposed to be ran AT ALL

      But the sheep don’t care…as long as they get their likkle handouts instead of fending for themselves. In their minds, Massa Skerrit is a superhero, but that’s because the slaves don’t know any better. He constantly pulls the wool over their eyes & they foolishly fall for it every time. SuperSkero to the rescueeeee! :lol:

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  17. RastarMarn
    April 8, 2022

    Lol how about the Titles for those properties did they also receive those to prove that they are the Fee Simple Owners???

    For a country that doesn’t have any GDP there sure is a lot of infrastructure projects going on wi???

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    • Lynn
      April 9, 2022

      Then what’s the issue if it’s gov’t Housing? Some benefactors get a modest house build on their property. So when your choice gov’t gets in are they planning to convert them into condos or sell them like Domlec?

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    • Dominican Bwoi
      April 9, 2022

      Skerrit is laundering the money he stole from the governments budget through the MMC Development.

      Stay woke.

      Let’s get rid of him and #MakeDominicaGreatAgain

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 8
  18. Judge Judy
    April 8, 2022

    U will get one…once u sing d labor tune loud……who got a house on d opposing side ? I hear even prastors getting house….but ecobemus….got a church…he did not want a house….imagine…..them buying all kind in life…….

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  19. Me
    April 8, 2022

    City breeze, coming from the east = mal vent.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 5
    • Robby
      April 19, 2022

      Not the king but the fool! Son Fu Ma John

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 0

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