A ‘disgusted’ DPSU to meet ahead of session with government negotiators

DPSU member at a previous DPSU meeting

Public Officers will gather at the Arch on Riverside on Wednesday to continue to demonstrate their disgust at what the DPSU says is “the failure of the government to bring to the negotiations table, an offer of salary increase to public officers.”

The DPSU has said in a release, that the officers will meet from 2:00 pm at the Arch, that is, immediately after the lunch break.

The meeting has been planned for the eve of the continuation of negotiations between the Government Negotiating Team and the Union on Thursday, November 28, 2019.

According to the DPSU, ”members and the general public will be given the latest update on the status of negotiations and of the Union’s plan as it prepares to meet with the following day.”

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  1. Eagle-Eyed
    November 28, 2019

    It is time some of these greedy, tired looking public servants take early retirement to make way for the younger, more energised and newly university educated work force to take their places. That’s the injection of new blood this counrtry needs to continue the good work started by the Roosevelt Skerrit led administration. These public servants must realise that if the government give in to their demands for higher pay it would be at the expense of a reduction of the workforce and restricted opportunities for younger people coming through.

  2. Stupes
    November 27, 2019

    Skerro and Mel living nice while public service living like malayway

  3. Joe
    November 27, 2019

    Isn’t that premature or is it political? just asking.

    • Allah
      November 27, 2019

      You know how long PSU has been negotiating salaries?

  4. November 27, 2019

    This don’t make cense you are negating with the government? witch one I thought election is in 2 weeks time this is just a political move that the DPSU is using why they did not do all of this during creole festival they had all their time this is pure politics

  5. November 27, 2019

    Support the DPSU, but taking a half day while negotiations are still ongoing sounds very iresponsible.

  6. Barack
    November 27, 2019

    Sir I have never voted but I listen to u every time and I’m about 50 years I’m willing to bet all i have owned in this country u playing like u against what is happening but i say no mr. Letang to many times i listen to u where u sound furious and I’m saying letang going to take action and then u get as cold as ice this is going to go away calmly u pretend u blah blah blah to make the public think u are against but u are not the big man (skrro) pays his way to get what he wants mr. Letang ur script in the movie is over played u have made your part to obvious that most persons already know the other scene of the movie coming up

  7. Disgusted?
    November 26, 2019

    I hear Skerrit told you all he will not increase your salary by 5 cents and you better not protest or he can fire any one of you at any time… And you clapped! 8-O
    You all are weak.

  8. November 26, 2019

    Well, a pharmacist in DA says that he has the TTO Pill- Take Them Out, so that pill should be flying off the shelf. Put in a Government that will respect people and address citizens’ needs in a timley manner. This Government is useful no more, so show them the door.

  9. Bwa-Banday
    November 26, 2019

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: So long I give up on Ballsman and the DPSU its not funny. You see, its my humble opinion that DPSU does not care about the country going to hell in a hand basket but rather when and how much they going to get paid the raise. So you see, there we go again Dca, me me me me me and to hell with the country. As much as I despise (not hate) Dr. Smell-E-Deek I must admit he played the Ballsman and the DPSU like a violin on Pentecost sunday:mrgreen: :mrgreen: . Even the Bishop has more B*LLS that the self proclaimed Ballsman. Let me see what they going to say again tomorrow that we have not heard yet :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: .

  10. Garvey
    November 26, 2019

    The DPSU need to strike shut the country down because this criminal element called Gov’t is not going to have an honest negotiation with you all. Skerrit take you all for granted because he thinks Dominicans are weak that is why he has treated the citizens the way he has. Get up stand up for your rights.

  11. Braindamage
    November 26, 2019

    You all are dragging that too much…. Burst a strike ….
    It’s time to pay what is due to DPSU.
    Skerrit has the billions there forming the fool.
    Skerrit pay the people their money and vex with them.

  12. Ibo France
    November 26, 2019

    It’s indefensible and inexcusable for government not to give public servants an increase on their starvation wages and salaries. When the UWP takes over the reigns of power this is the first issue they should commit themselves to do, a raise for public servants. For inflicting unnecessary and extended hardships on public servants, Skerrit and corrupt regime should be given a severe spanking at the polling stations on Election Day. Denying public servants an increase in pay for this prolonged period is tantamount to torture. Vote them out!

  13. Ask Mel
    November 26, 2019

    I don’t know if any member of the DPSU listened to the Al Jazeera documentary today but if they did I don’t think they should just be disgusted but rather they should be Red vex and decide to shut down the damn country immediately! I mean to hear All Jazeera burst out those cellars with their deals with Monfared, the Skerrits deal with Madueke and their alleged New York property that came as a result of the Diezani Madueke just to name a few, is just enough to stop meeting stop negotiating and start to hit the streets of Dominica, demanding the resignation of Skerrit and all those bunch of good for nothing good candidates.

    • Sylvester Cadette
      November 27, 2019

      These Days, when I hear DPSU I cannot stop laughing, but then I sober up to the reality that the DPSU is always sleep-walking. It appears as a Union lost in its own world with not a clue how to negotiate.

      I am not even suggesting strike action – the DPSU cannot protect its own.

      DPSU is tantamount to one who goes to negotiations. On approaching the table they get a kick in the FUNDAMENT from government. The person then ask, “Did you kick me? Sir you did not kick me hard enough. Do it again” . So they get kicked again and leave.

      Later the person comes back to petition for assistance and again, they are kicked in the FUNDAMENT. Wanting to show obeyance they grovel by asking to be kicked again and even suggesting that they were not kicked hard enough and insisting that they should be kicked harder. Once administered they offer profused thanks for being kicked and more groveling in anticipation of assistance and get NOTHING.

      Just like Children of Sisyphus. PATHETIC RIGHT?

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