Tourism and trade are among the two sectors to be positively impacted upon the completion of the international airport here in Dominica, says Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.
Speaking at the contract signing for the project, Skerrit highlighted that the international airport which is expected to welcome its first flight in 2025, will open up links for regional and international tourism and trade while positioning Dominica as part of a wider Caribbean Community (CARICOM) economy and contribute to the region’s growth and development.
Stressing on tourism, he emphasized that for years Dominica’s tourism sector has been handicapped by the absence of an international airport which could accommodate the aircraft of the world’s major airlines.
In the period while the airport is under construction, the prime minister disclosed that officials will market Dominica globally to develop a stronger, more diverse tourism sector than the country has at the moment.
“In this regard, the international airport is intended to serve as the anchor and enabler for our national policy to build support, encourage a partnership with reputable local and international hotel brands, such as Jungle bay, Kempinski, Hilton, and Marriott,” he stated.
Local entrepreneurs, businesses and communities such as the Kalinago Territory are also in line to benefit from an increase in tourism arrivals, which the prime minister pointed out will stimulate the entire economy in becoming stronger and more diversified.
In addition to larger market access, it is expected that the airport will also allow Dominica and its business sector to be more competitive, and facilitate easier and more cost-effective travel for nationals at home and in the diaspora.
“Artists, designers and those in those cultural and creative industries will benefit substantially. And we can now target even larger numbers of international visitors for the world cruel Music Festival, carnival, independence and our other signature events,” Skerrit said.
He said government intends to position Dominica as one of the passenger and cargo transit centres and hubs within the trade sector in the Caribbean region.
According to Skerrit, “We will improve opportunities for trade, business and general commerce. International Trade of necessity requires international access, which is not truly and fully possible without an international airport.”
He vowed that the government will vigorously pursue these and other opportunities for trade and business so that the domestic enterprises can benefit in terms of the trade opportunities.
The finance minister also reported that the airport will be constructed to resilience standards to withstand hurricanes and earthquakes which will, in turn, ensure fewer disruptions to our economy, guarantee the movement of our people and products and foster an enhanced level of social, environmental and economic resilience.
“You see my friends, the airport resort is in both economic and social groups. This government is building a new society and economy. We are building dynamic Dominica,” he stated.
During the construction phase, an estimated 3000 people will be directly employed and many more will indirectly benefit from this project. On completion, the airport will provide permanent employment opportunities in a variety of areas for young people, in particular, the PM highlighted.
“It will open up opportunities for a range of providers of goods and services from caterers to fuel providers and from maintenance to spa services. This will add several 100 new jobs to the national economy,” he pointed out. “In addition to the direct jobs, the new airport will also create a significant number of indirect jobs in the transport and tourism services sector. This will include those for taxi drivers, farmers and fisherfolk and increased opportunities for many others. But this is only the beginning.”
According to him, the new international airport will not be standalone but must be contextualized in the government’s overall thrust for the strengthening and development of national infrastructure, improved telecommunications, the development of the waterfront, the reinforcement of bridges, sea defences, housing and roads, and a new cruise cargo port.
“International airports are catalysts for tourism growth and are pivotal to our country’s regional and international trade relations. They inspire new activity and the enhancement of the communities which surround them,” Skerrit declared. “They often are the triggers for further development, hotels, malls, shops, restaurants, numerous service providers and residential communities along the routes to the airport.”
The one billion dollar project for the construction of the international airport was signed n June 09, 2021, between the government of Dominica and Montreal Management Est. (MMCE).
Larry, good question, good observations. I amoung others within the Government Civil Service well known that Skerrit is NOT sufficiently Politically matured to listen, and muchless to be Prime MINISTER material. This is an Open well known fact we have known over your Failed incompetent Years of this Failed Nonsensical Political PM Clown 🤡 in our Struggling Government. Things have happened that has had no meaningful of any Development Projects and programmes to elevate our People and our Dominica! We have had enough of this Failed Labour Incompetent, Immature, visionless failed Skerrit. We have had you over Twenty long Years in our government in attempting some level of attraction from our poor suffering jobless people and Struggling families Desperately in need of decent Today jobs and leadership but your Devious Dubious shameful Red Clinic Fanfare is all you cared for to gain loyalty from the same poor people you kept in poverty, begging Insulting thru your Red CLINIC. Shame.Go!
This is the be worse incompetent outdated Government (albeit this Incompetent, politically blind failed LABOUR GOVERNMENT and its obvious Failed, Immature visionless Prime MINISTER).How in heavens name this immature visionless Labour Skerrit became Prime (Odd) MINISTER of our Struggling Dominica? It’s so Shameful and disgusting behaviour to listen and hear the Nonsensical Ridiculous Thoughts and Behaviour from this Failed Prime Minister Incompetent Irrelevant Visionless Labour Government.To be honest, Skerrit must “Get the HELL OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT”. This Labour Party Government has failed us but to gain Fame and Loyalty. This PM created and manage this “RED CLINIC” deceitfullness Deceptive Red Bobolistic LABOUR Clinic. We, our people need qualified Mature, Visionary Leadership and get rid of this Bobolistic Red Devious Dubious shameful Clinic. Skerrit failed Labour government has absolutely no concept of Socioeconomic Development but this FAKE Red Clinic.
We welcome UWP Hon…
Truth Be Told…..Well said, we honour you on your responses and Comments based on the Nonsensical ridiculous thoughts of this Immature Visionless Failed Skerrit and his Failed incompetent Labour Government. What a bunch of Red Labour Party ridiculous thoughts be and Concept. Skerrit is still this immature Politician and worse of, to be called a Prime MINISTER who has failed us over 20 Long Failed Years in Our Parliament and our Government. To Too much RORO and political debar folishness on going in our Government and our Dominica and therefore lacks the meaning of Socioeconomic development concept and how to address the poverty of of our suffering Jobless PEOPLE and our Struggling Families. This SKERRIT is a Pappyshow seeking loyalty and Fame from our poor people that He and his Waste of time Incompetent Immature LABOUR GOVERNMENT and Labour’s Blind Followers in office while our people and families suffer under this Failed Immature visionless SKERRIT.
We desperately need Skerrit…
The problem is not the Airport itself but rather the way Skerrit goes about it in his dictatorial fashion. No tender process, no impact studies, no feasibility studies, no proper figures, no accounts. As usual a big smokescreen. This has to stop, this has to stop right now
But de man cannot do better! He is incapable. Not even work he is able to provide for the Native Dominicans.
My “girlfriend” did say dat we would “suck salt” and many people dismissed her. But she got dat from the horse’s mouth, tan. Now we sucking salt and pepper.
But international trade and mass tourism isn’t all. Future generations may consider Dominica’s potential in a different light.
I quote from Sheila Hyndman’s prohetic poem “To Virgin Gorda”.
They will come with tools and machines.
They will bring to light your secret places,
They will demand your mysteries.
They will destroy,
Build up.
They will dilute your treasures,
And rob you of your chastity,
They will adorn you like ancient Jezebel.
Clown Show. See the Stephen Lander in the back. Watch out for that one too. He will want to be in politics next.
I would like us to focus on the following quote from skerrit, “This government is building a new society and economy. We are building dynamic Dominica,” he stated.” Yet we all know that this government is victimizing its citizens. So we should determine if this is the new Dominica that we want, one where we’re being victimized and relegated to being second class citizens, cause not one training session has been held in an effort to prepare persons for the upcoming construction of the international airport, instead we’ll be seeing an influx of the regular Chinese workers who seems to be the ones that this country is being built for!
Dr. Punjab Roosevelt Skerrit, you little wet black, white, and yellow rat; anybody with commonsense knows for a fact that building an International Airport in the country will most likely boost the tourism industry!
Now as far as trading is concern; you will most likely need to have something (some form of commodity) to export out of the island.
Thus far your main export is the sale of Dominica Passports!
In any event, whereas I entertain the idea of the building of an International Airport; it is sad for me to conclude that there will never, ever be an International Airport built in our country as long as you Roosevelt is prime minister in Dominica.
The so called singing that we are witnessing is a gimmick; let me tell you how I know. First you claim the government of China was going to build the Airport, that is until they made it clear that they are not in the business of building Airport.
Less than a month-
Less than a month ago you told the nation that some reputable American Builders of International Airport had contracted with you to build some Airport in Dominica; and they will be assisted by some Canadian company.
I responded to that lie on DNO, asking how come: why would the American company want to be assisted by this Canadian Company?
I’ve never heard of a company undertaking such projects assisted by any other company!
All of a sudden, we are not hearing anything about this American Company; nevertheless, a single individual alleged to be one of your passports salesmen!
Roosevelt, it is time for you to stop telling all of these lies: You’re making yourself look ignorant to the rest of the Caribbean, and the rest of the world!
Roosevelt, if the people (person), you are signing this thing with is in the building of International Airport, kindly produce a Resume of this company disclosing how many completed International Airport he/she built, and where in…
The kid is not finished as of yet!
Please Mr. Doctor; Sir Knight, Punjab Dominica Ali Baba, Dominica Mountain Chicken Carpaud (crapo) Mentality tell us the people of Dominica where on this planet your company Montreal Management built a single Airport; a municipal, or any other; never mind an International Airport!
We know that Montreal Management was in the business of providing food to your wife Melisa about five years ago to feed your supporters; the dish comprised a bit of bread, and some half cooked sausage; all of a sudden you promoted your company to be builders of International Airport!
How Stupid are Dominicans?
Roosevelt if you get away with this; our Dominican people are really stupid.
I reiterate, there is not going to be an International Airport built in Dominica by a so called Airport Builder which we know the primary owner of that so called company is a crooked Dominican; a damn th…; I know th… name but I doh talking, I doh calling dem name.
The present ruling cabal doesn’t appreciate the difference between government and party. This is supposedly a national event but the place and many of the attendees are decked out in shimmering red, the riling party’s gang color.
Today I heard an interview between Gaston Browne (PM Antigua & Barbuda) and an Indian journalist. I wish for DNO to get the tape and make it accessible to the public on its news site. From the interview one can easily deduce that Dr.² Roosevelt Skerrit is a just poodle of Gaston Browne.
This man who portrays this tough guy image is just a puppet and Gaston Browne his puppeteer. With an infantile dim wit in charge, Dominica is in much deeper trouble than we could imagine.
So it took you 20 years to figure out that an International Airport will boost tourism and trade in Dominica? 🤔
Slow thinking ⏳🕰🐢
Not even Skerrit himself believes this prepared script that one of his plastic disciples wrote for him. I began documenting the lies the Quack Doctor has told at the beginning of this year (2021). When I reached nine hundred ninety three (993) in April I stopped. The man is a prolific LIAR. He lies like raindrops.
An airport without very thorough studies of the prevailing wind direction, EIA, etcetera will not be given the green light by regional or international aviation authorities to land at such an airport. The lives and safety of the passengers are of paramount importance.
This International Airport is the biggest HOAX being perpetrated against the people of Dominica’
All very fine words, indeed, as usual. But where is the actual feasibility study about traffic volume into and out of this airport? Pause and think for a moment. What airline(s) coming from where are or will be willing to incur the additional costs of a stop in Dominica enroute to Barbados, Antigua, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, etc.? To set down or pick up maybe 50 passengers (max) in an aircraft carrying 200 or more? Daily or minimum twice weekly? At what additional cost on the price of the ticket? How many passengers would be willing to sit on the tarmac in Dominica for an hour before proceeding to their final destination? Versus taking a direct, non-stop flight?
And recent flights into and out of Melville Hall/Douglas-Charles Airport – private long range jets, Airbus, etc., clearly demonstrate that it is already possible, so why build another airport?
Would welcome answers to any of my questions; really, I would. Otherwise, improve local connections out of current hubs!
My friend. An International Airport isn’t just built for passengers. As rich in agriculture as we are!! The same ones that’s complaining about it being a white elephant, are those that will rip the benefits of this airport. It always seems to go down that path.
Is this the same Prime Minister who along with his $1.00 Minister of Tourism that Dominica does not need an international airport, all it need is a connecting Hub? So what has changed? What is the new justification for an international airport that you all said we did not need when UWP started it? Why do we need it now? Well we always needed it and you Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit and your Labour party has kept Dominica back for twenty years, can you imagine that? Dominica last in class thanks to you!
In reality DA doesn’t need an international Airport because it can’t afford to run one. This airport has absolutely nothing to do with tourism or jobs or whatever else Skerrit would like you to believe. The fact is a different one: there is still a large amount of CBI money laying around unaccounted somewhere. Now this money comes out of hiding and is paid to MMC to construct an Airport. Now it’s easy peasy for Skerrit to get his hands legitimately on some of this money. How I hear you asking? Dividends, share of profit… Do we know who the owners of MMC officially are? Well we were told it’s Anthony Hayden but is that true? Has anybody seen the company register in Dubai? Is it possible that Hayden has a partner/co-owner by the name of Skerrit? All of a sudden the rented palace in Mourne Daniel makes sense as well. It’s owned by MMC was constructed with our CBI money and the state still has to pay rent for it: 32,000 for H and 32,000 for S.
Truth Be Told…..Well said, we honour you on your responses and Comments based on the Nonsensical ridiculous thoughts of this Immature Visionless Failed Skerrit and his Failed incompetent Labour Government. What a bunch of Red Labour Party ridiculous thoughts be and Concept. Skerrit is still this immature Politician and worse of, to be called a Prime MINISTER who has failed us over 20 Long Failed Years in Our Parliament and our Government. To Too much RORO and political debar folishness on going in our Government and our Dominica and therefore lacks the meaning of Socioeconomic development concept and how to address the poverty of of our suffering Jobless PEOPLE and our Struggling Families. This SKERRIT is a Pappyshow seeking loyalty and Fame from our poor people that He and his Waste of time Incompetent Immature LABOUR GOVERNMENT and Labour’s Blind Followers in office while our people and families suffer under this Failed Immature visionless SKERRIT.
We desperately need Skerrit…
Everything is going to be marvelous and fantastic when yours truly cannot pay the contractor the billion dollars and the contractor puts a lien on the airport and keeps all the profits. Where is yours truly going to get one billion dollars?
What really makes Skerrit think that his china friendship airport he paying himself millions to build not just going to sit and rust?
The place doh have NOTHING to do ,no nightlife , no real tourist attractions – once you make 1 turn around the island, you see everything. So i going to pay US $700 for me to go Mero??
What really makes Dominicans think that tourists would travel to Dominica ? Customer service is not a thing here. Why would i pay to travel to a country where people dont understand how to treat their customers?
The local LGBTQ+ community gets treated worst than criminals, why would anyone who identifies as part of that space travel to a place where they’re not welcomed ?
Spending Billions ( because lets be real, its not just going to cost a billion dollars) on an airport and all of a sudden you FINALLY want to spend money to market Dominica ???
Soon skerrit will start charging Doninicans to live there. Robbing the whole country blind
Hey Pro
The place from where you are sat writing, once had none of the many things you just shamed Dominica for not having. Worst still, they have what they have by enslaving, theft and financial duplicity on peoples and Islands like ours.
But they have those things now, and look how proud you are, yet you would disparage Dominica for dare dreaming to have like you have. Best go somewhere else where your money will do nothing for our people and only empower the very same people who keep us down and behind.
by “the very same people who keep us down ” …. you mean Prime Minister Skerrit
Look, I’m all for Dominica progressing , in every sense of the word,
but with the mindset of Dominicans, thats a hard task to tackle.
If your last name isnt Nasief or Astaphans, your business will die . If you happen to break out of the barrel of crabs , once you speak up against the BS taking place in the country… your business… DEAD . Dominicans refuse to be professional and courteous… AT WORK.
We are soo used to our limited , closed minded ways of thinking that whe refuse constructive criticism .
As sweet as the place is , we are FAR behind the rest of the world . nothing wrong in that if you want to stay last .
Top using my name you do not represent the Truth! I have been using this handle since DNO started. But I see you come off and on to deceive with your Labour party support. The Truth is impartial and not party bias. So every time you make comments which is always supporting Labour political party, everyone knows that is not the real Truth or the real Truth Be Told! Get your own original name. Maybe you can try a name like Labour Party Truth!
An Airport, A Farm, A Prayer & A Gamble!
Good Morning-now that the excitement has died down, I need someone to help me understand this type of Math or Science. I welcome corrections. W
#Anthony Haiden is given 5,000 Dominican passports to sell to build an international airport in #Dominica.
#Anthony Haiden & #Roosevelt Skerrit agree to keep the proceeds of the sale of those 5000 plus passports out of the funds that the country collects which is generally assessed by parliament – (parliament represents THE PEOPLE OF DOMINICA – YOUR MONEY) Bilions of Dollars.
#Anthony Haiden sells those passports, keeps the monies away from Dominica. Turns around and bank rolls the “Airport” with the proceeds of the 5,000 passports sold. (#Anthony Haiden is now considered a bank-DOMINICA’s MONEY that sits in an offshore Bank somewhere in the world. #Anthony Haiden hires who he wants for the jobs. Mainly foreign companies. “Dominican professional builders and workers-No bid, No Tender…
An Airport, A Farm, A Prayer & A Gamble!
Good Morning – Now that the excitement has died down, I need someone to help me understand this type of math or science. I welcome corrections.
#Anthony Haiden is given 5,000 Dominican p
Passports to sell to build an international Airport in #Dominica.
#Anthony Haiden & #Roosevelt Skerrit agree to keep the proceeds of the sale of those 5000 plus passports out of the funds that the country collects which is generally assessed by parliament – (Parliament Represents THE PEOPLE OF DOMINICA – OUR MONEY) Bilions of Dollars.
#Anthony Haiden sells those passports, keeps the monies away from Dominica. Turns around and Bank rolls the “Airport” with the proceeds of the 5,000 Passports sold. (#Anthony Haiden is now considered a bank – DOMINICA’s MONEY that sits in an offshore bank somewhere in the world.
#Anthony Haiden hires who he wants to do the jobs. Mainly foreign companies – (Dominican professional builders and workers – no bid, no tender…
Did the master of deception, king liar,
Skerrit, sign the contract to construct his Skerrit & Haiden international airport?
Liar Skerrit also promised we the people, proper accounting of our missing CBI funds, has he done that?
Why then the liar, Skerrit, cannot account for missing funds he and Haiden has control over, but is still giving the same Haiden the right to start construction of an international airport? That is high level corruption!
Its only those below that cannot see this
Kid on the Block
Man bites dog
Realist aka Expat
Lin Clown
Another cicada flying around. He ask for airport, now he does not want it. When the airport is built, you will be the first shouting, taxi, taxi, airport RSI. How about that?
DNO I find it strange that you keep talking about Dominica signed a contract with MMCE but you didn’t give the named of the persons signed that billion dollar international airport contract. DNO I hope you didn’t put the names but I missed it . I must say in the photos you posted I saw a local woman I know signing a paper with an Arab but you didn’t give their names. Now I heard PM Skerrit referred to the CEO of MMCE, as Anthony Hayden, and referred to him as being true friends and partners in Dominica’s development.
So I assume that the Arab man I saw signing the contract is the person Skerrit referred to as Anthony Hayden . But I was further lost because in a paragraph later PM Skerrit referred to him as “”Dr. Hayden” as if PM was trying to trick us with his real name. How could a Lebanese Arab have a Christian name? Is Skerrit tricking us again? There are many persons with the name of Anthony Hayden and Dr. Anthony Hayden. So let us know who we dealing with. Let’s dig…