Back to school for DGS students

Construction work at the Dominica Grammar School

Minister of Education Octavia Alfred has announced that students attending the Dominica Grammar School (DGS) return to the classroom today.

Due to construction of the new DGS, students were unable to return to school at an earlier date. A shift system has now been put in place to accommodate them.

“School officially opens for the Dominica Grammar School on Monday, January 13, 2025. After much consultation, arranging, and rearranging, it was decided that all the Dominica Grammar School students will attend school at the Dominica Grammar School on a shift system,” she said. “Forms 4 and  5 will attend from 7:45 AM to 12:30 PM, forms 1 to 3 will attend school from 12:45 PM to 5:00 PM.”

Alfred continued, “It has been a long, hard planning period and everyone agrees that this arrangement will ensure that our students receive the instructions in conducive spaces.”

Moreover, the minister said students of the Goodwill Secondary School (GSS) who previously shared the DGS space through a shift system returned to school on January 8, 2025.

To expedite the completion of construction works at the DGS, site the Ministry of Education announced previously, that students of GSS would be relocated to Newtown Primary School for the new school term as of January 2025. The DGS has been housing both sets of students since the GSS campus is under complete overhaul.

“The Goodwill Secondary School began on Wednesday at the Newtown Primary School and has settled down well,” Alfred stated.

She added that the Ministry of Education continues to monitor and work with both schools and all stakeholders to address any other concerns that may come up during the settling-down period.

Alfred thanked all those who were involved in the process and the Ministry of Education wished the DGS and the GSS a productive term.


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