Bagatelle residents to benefit from $2.3M bailey bridge

Prime Minister Skerrit 

Residents of Bagatelle and its surroundings will benefit from a $2.3 million dollar Bailey Bridge which will allow better road access to residents of that area.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said his government is looking forward to the completion of the bridge.

  “This bridge we are constructing, it’s a Bailey Bridge that has cost the government $2.3 million,” he said. “It was a massive investment in the small village.”

According to him, the completeness of the bridge was a major sore point for the vast majority of the residents of Bagatelle.

“I know there are people who have felt that the monies could have been spent otherwise, because there are very few homes beyond this bridge and many people felt that we could have relocated these residents across the bridge, therefore the cost of investment would be much lower than we are investing now,” Prime Minister Skerrit stated.

The prime minister said he understands that people have become accustomed to their homes of so many decades.

“That’s where they have their holding; that’s where they have their homes and we respect that so we decided to proceed with the construction,” Skerrit stated.

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  1. Viewsexpressed
    February 9, 2021

    You said “Dr. Skerrit is the best in truth and a respected human we trust” That’s the Nonsensical ridiculous thought you have written. We all know in government that Skerrit is a failure, he lacks knowledge of Socioeconomic development concept and that is why he’s that failure and incompetent as he has failed us and our Dominica is in poverty and looks like Hurricane Skerrit blown away our economy and agriculture again. Our people are jobless, suffering, has no concept of how to develop our Dominica. Skerrit lacks vision, holds the position of Prime Minister that we don’t recognize. In other words Skerrit is a “Big Pappyshow” and really we need him out of our government. We don’t tolerate playboy politics and Skerrit has killed our economy as our people are in deep poverty. We need maturity in our government and we humbly welcome Distinguished Hon. Lennox Linton and his
    Committed trusted professional UWP Team. You pen this Nonsensical thoughts and you have us in a…

  2. No you didn't
    February 9, 2021

    I like many things skerrit does, after all, he brought us our first billion dollar gov’t but…well that’s really over- kill just to one-up APP that boasted spending $90k up there. They spend 90k, you up the anti by spending almost $3 million with a bridge to 3 houses?

  3. badbaje
    February 9, 2021

    A Bailey bridge is a type of portable, pre-fabricated, truss bridge. It was developed in 1940–1941 by the British for military use during the Second World War and saw extensive use by British, Canadian and US military engineering units. A Bailey bridge has the advantages of requiring no special tools or heavy equipment to assemble. The wood and steel bridge elements were small and light enough to be carried in trucks and lifted into place by hand, without the use of a crane. The bridges were strong enough to carry tanks.
    Bailey bridges continue to be used extensively in civil engineering construction projects and to provide temporary crossings for pedestrian and vehicle traffic.
    Please read the last sentence, paying special attention to the word “temporary”
    When will the people get a permanent bridge, if they will get one?

  4. Asking for a friend
    February 8, 2021

    Ahh it have some heavy hitting pal reps wi pal. Temp entrance/exit to those are flawed, is it 2- way? Is like the bridge to no where they built here in St. Thomas. I hear $2 mil was announced for the little colvert in Grandbay, I mean who gets to keep the change? is this the new way to big up pal reps since there’s no public works?

  5. TeteMorne I From
    February 8, 2021

    Roosevelt! I know you are trying your utmost to stay on the good side of the Bagatelle people. After all, you will need their votes in the future election. Bruhhhh, 2.3 M for a bridge is a waste of money. Here you go, again, trying to impress all the while, pulling the wool over their eyes. You, sir, have your priorities screwed up!
    That said, when are you going o build a school for the residents of TeteMorne and Montine, and Picodeaux, and Bordeaux, and Powell.. you catch my drift? WHEN??:????

  6. LifeandDeath
    February 7, 2021

    Didn’t the Roseau Bridge Cost $23M..At least this time he had a little Mercy and put a dot between the 2 and the 3..smh Dominicans.

  7. Viewsexpressed
    February 7, 2021

    My advise to our Domimican people is to please ASAP ignore abandone failed Skerrit and faiied Incompetent Odd Labour government and this failed ” Overstayed Incompetent Political Party. We have had enough of this Immature visionless Incompetent Failed Prime Minister and his failed questionable incompetent Labour Bobolistic government. Our people has been pushed about for much too long now.
    We desperately need that change in government away from Failed Skerrit, and his fake blind loyalists. We Dominicans cannot take this fake Incompetent Labour Party Government after they have failed us in office over 20 long failed years. We need to take our Dominica back ASAP.
    Goodbye Skerrit and take your faiied Incompetent Labour Government, ministers and blind loyalists with you. Skerrit has nothing to offer our Dominican people after twenty years. We suffered enough under your Immaturity, blind loyalists, poor Government service and delapidated poor villages. We Need the UWP Hon.Lennox…

  8. Roland Mitchell
    February 6, 2021

    Mr Skerrit, if you do not understand my comments from the previous 3 E-mails, then I have friends in Dominica who can help you understand. They have experience of managing Big projects in Dominica. We do not want your blood or your money. What we want is to see the country prosper, and live within its means, and expand those means as each year passes.
    Do not be ashamed to say that I am out of my depth. Help is right in Dominica at your elbow. Just ask.
    But, there must be one over riding Principle. progress must be built on the basis of the TRUTH and HONESTY. If we do not have the truth, everything else is false and cannot succeed.
    May I remind you, that it is never too late, to repent and start on the right path. Therein lies success and Prosperity for all Dominicans.
    If however, the Head of Dominica is a liar, then he can bring down the entre state with him and Bankrupt the country.
    So, Sir, Take a good look in the mirror and you decide.

  9. Viewsexpressed
    February 6, 2021

    Ok Mr. Professor Connie, or better yet,
    “Cooooonooomooooni’. Nice one. You Skerrit blind loyalists and acolytes, please stay away from Professor Scare-It and focus more on the suffering of our people and the incompetence and failure of this failed incompetent Questionable inmature failed Labour government under failed Skerrit. Our nature Isle, after 20 years of this failed Labour government in office has not applied Socioeconomic development concept towards our Development. All we see is the abused of our States limited funds and the abusive disgusting corrupted deceitfulness Red Bobolistic Clinic. It’s deceptiveness of our States money abused daily by this failed incompetent Skerrit through the deceitful
    “Red Clinic”;,under failed incompetent Questionable Labour government under this failed incompetent Skerrit.
    We desperately need a professional, mature visionary, trusted committed, No Bobol Prime Minister who has failed us.
    We welcome our Hon. Lennox Linton of the UWP…

  10. Roland Mitchell
    February 6, 2021

    The politicians who caused the bankruptcy- Like Mr Skerrit- will have already prepared their life boat. He will just emigrate to, say, The USA, where no doubt, he has a house and cash stacked in various Cayman Island companies under his control. Dominicans will be left high and dry, facing Bankruptcy.

    It is important, that we have honest leaders, who live in the country after they leave office- like Edward Oliver LeBlanc- who by the way, went back to Vielle Case- the constituency of Mr Skerrit.

    Mr Skerrit, if you were half decent, you would level with the people. Tell them how you are going to pay for this airport. Produce the income and expenditure from the Citizens by Investment program- suitably audited, by a firm of independent Auditors, so that we know the full story.

    When a PM cannot level with the people, and says tat the Passport By Investment scheme is “his own business”, he prima facie, looks like a liar. I am not saying that you are a liar, but it looks like it.

  11. Roland Mitchell
    February 6, 2021

    When a country goes into debt that it cannot repay, the International Monetary Fund is called in. They then suggest a plan of austerity, involving reduction of the annual expenditure on staff, so that more of the country’s income is available for repaying the loans.
    Many civil servants will lose their jobs- Teachers, Fire Men, Police, Nurses, Customs Officers. They basically shrink the size of the state, to the lowest possible, to free up tax revenue, to meet the foreign debt repayments plus interest.

    If the Airport project does not pay for itself with more income to the country than it costs annually in interest and debt repayment, then Dominica will lurch deeper in each year.
    Now suppose it is the Chinese Government supplying the loans, they might agree to take all of Dominica’s arable Land in return for their debt. Many local people will loose their land. Massive layoffs will occur in the civil service. There will be less money in the local economy.

    February 6, 2021

    I wonder who are the contractors for these temporary bridges? Here is a web site telling us what it is?
    Maybe the PM can share details of the supplier, so that we can check that the EC$2.3 million plus freight and Insurance to Dominica, and set up costs, are reasonable?

    We are undertaking large projects in Dominica, with no apparent income to repay them. Who is supplying the loans? Is it China by any chance? Be careful Mr Skerrit that you are not mortgaging the future of Dominica- to China- the new colonial master of the universe. Read this?

    Dominica cannot afford to spend more than it can repay from taxes. BANKRUPTCY WILL FOLLOW. PATRICK JOHN TRIED

  13. VoiceOfReason
    February 6, 2021

    Dear Prime Minister ,
    You should fire your advisers immediately !
    They are trying to steal from you , if the say the bridge costs $2.3m
    Just do a Google search on Bailey Bridge for sale….

    There are many….. Way cheaper than 2.3m, we would even have enough left over to put a little one in Elmshall .
    Maybe you should hire me as an advisor .

  14. APB
    February 6, 2021

    Skerrit!! stop putting out false information in the media space. You behave as though you are giving information to fools who have no choice but to drink what you give. Many of us are Engineers, Accountants, Financial analysts, Economists and some of us just have smarts, experience and sense. The Bailey Bridge is free, it was a donation after the Hurricane and the actual cost of labour is no more than $500.000 if that much. You are putting a cost to the Bridge, shipping, customs duties, kickbacks, taxes exc. Stop the nonsense we feel you are taking us for all idiots now.

  15. L C Matthew
    February 5, 2021

    “I know there are people who have felt that the monies could have been spent otherwise, because there are very few homes beyond this bridge”. Here is why Peter st jean said skerrit is an What is the economic impact of having this bridge if you are admitting there is not much beyond. It would make sense that an evaluation would be done on which bridge to repair first. Hampstead bridge is down. It is along a major route to main airport and roadway for the movement of goods and services. Why is it still down? Any drizzle and traffic stopped. Blenhiem and Anse de mai bridges part of the same roadway are accidents waiting to happen. When will they be fixed? Yet you spending at a point according to you does not have much beyond. I bet there are more. Every time you open your mouth you are proving st. Jean absolutely right.

    • click here
      February 8, 2021

      If the Hillsborough Bridge comes down thats it for the west coast. since 2015

  16. Dominican Bwoi
    February 5, 2021

    Bailey bridges are temporary & cheap. Why does Skerrit keep choosing to build them instead of proper permanent bridges, and furthermore why does he even keep spending millions on temporary bridges anyway? And how do the costs keep coming into the millions? There’s not much material involved & you can build it in less than a day….We all know he’s corrupt. It probably cost $23,000 but said it’s $2.3million instead, and kept the $2,277000 for himself :roll:

  17. Truth
    February 5, 2021

    Dominicans get realistic. A lot of things going down right in your backyards and all Dominicans can do is criticize, talk politics and foolishness. Most of allu acting like if u were prime minister u would do something better. Shut up for once and look around u and put all the energy u have into better things.

    • Viewsexpressed
      February 8, 2021

      The Truth is the Blind loyalists of Skerrit protect those who are irrelevant and well positioned to our kill our DA and our suffering people. So you Shut up and do your research.
      It’s a lie and “No Truth”; that you and your failed Skerrit should “; Shut up for once and go look around yourself and open your eyes, ears and thoughts and stop killing your wasted Energy and focus on our people and our ailing Dominica. So Mr.Truth please open yours and follow the news well and listen also to the views of the leader of the Opposition, credible Hon. Lennox Linton and his formidable decent, visionary UWP Team. Skerrit has failed us big time, we need him and his failed questionable incompetent Labour government Out! “Go to Hell..Go to’s our Damn business to observe and comment Decently on the obvious, visible truth of this Failed incompetent Labour government and its incompetent failed Skerrit who has failed us and reduced our people to this devious “Red Clinic”. Shameful…

    • Roland Mitchell
      February 9, 2021

      Criticism is good- only if it is constructive. Clearly, if Mr Skerrit has nothing to hide, he can show us the records. Where he bought it from, and the costs. We can check and see if this price is reasonable. It is called accountability.

      When you take high office, you must also be prepared to be accountable to your peers. If you cannot be accountable, it looks prima facie, as if you have something to hide.

      An honest man is not afraid to come clean. There are only 70,000 or so of us in Dominica. Let us work together and help each other. No one man has a right to take more than his or her fair share, of our wealth.

      Don’t you agree- Mr TYRUTH?

    • Viewsexpressed
      February 9, 2021

      Mr. Truth, we are convinced that you probably know nothing of the state of our Nature Island Financial situation. Our agriculture is need, our hucksters services demishes just like that. Please be advised that Skerrit is Not a visionary, he engages in what I hear our people refer to this Failed incompetent as a loser and politically idiotic meaning that This failed Skerrit knows absolutely nothing about youth development and Socioeconomic development. This failed Skerrit daily nusiy appears to be the Questionable devious passport Bobol sales and the devious buy fake alliances where our people are jobless and qué up often to manage “Handouts Red clinic states money”,;, to our suffering jobless people quing up on to receive daily cash. Our people need jobs, they need to be employed to take care of their children and families and their Nature Isle Dominica
      This is crucial.
      We are hoping that our young people are focused alert and be the people to respect our Dominica and…

  18. Viewsexpressed
    February 5, 2021

    Yes….ohhhhh yes Jean Bagatelle, we definitely, honestly want this faiied Immnature Labour government and Skerrit out of our people and our Dominica Government.
    We have had enough of a plethora of failures, unaccounted states affairs, incompetent Labour government, failed Prime Odd Minister and do called blind loyalists and failed Government.
    Good Luck and all the Best. Be safe. We desperately need to take our Nature Isle back from this failed Skerrit ASAP.

  19. Viewsexpressed
    February 5, 2021

    This is double standard fake talk by this comical Odd Prime Minister. Question: Was a comprehensive assessment made of the current situation of the people, the structure and Health Benefits of poor villages and its people that the technical people will undergo a comprehensive assessment of the lives of these people and families and the health condition of the villages and comfort of theur children & families.
    We have a failed, incompetent Labour government in Drominica. Everyday we observe Labours failure, and poverty of our people and their villages.
    We need to update the decency of our government where our taxes are paid therefore we need accountability, an audit of our States funds and resources and to note the failure of this Immature Skerrit & Incompetent Labour Government. The worse immature, incompetent Prime Minister and failed Labour government we have witnessed. As this goes on, our villages have deteriorated. Our families, children & villages are in poverty. Skerrit Go.

  20. Roseau River
    February 5, 2021

    How long is this bailey bridge? $2.3 million EC or $851,000 USD. All citizens in all areas of Dominica need to be treated the same, but one would think the government could achieve their ultimate goal cheaper than a cost of $2.3 million

  21. jaded
    February 5, 2021

    How can a Bailey Bridge cost $2.3 million? It is the least expensive construction of a bridge. And it is supposed to be temporary – like those they built during war time. Way too expensive!

    • Arrow357
      February 6, 2021

      They’re also relatively inexpensive – Siemer estimated 60 feet of Bailey bridge costs around $80,000 – and, while technically temporary,

  22. magway ca
    February 5, 2021

    he does know that THERE ARE NO BAILEY BRIDGES BEING PRODUCED ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET isnt his so called engineers going to tell him that they bridges are mabey johnson m200 modular bridges . and the actually cost way under 2.3 million. as a british military royal engineer a 100m span ( 300 ft) cost about $150000ec dollars so i guess the millions is the cost of ground works

  23. Jean Bagatelle
    February 5, 2021

    I see! APP have allyou scumbling? Is dert self! The new party adopt the area and boom, Skerro making statement. One piece of temporary bridge cost 2M. Whatever! We welcome it and we will be rejecting you at the polls next time. Enough!

    • click here
      February 8, 2021

      Heard that story about polls before. when they come around with the freeness and the good time again we will see. they will make thing get so bad that the half a stale bread they give the country will seem like manner from heaven.

      Ever see how chickens flock when you feeding them the waste from your kitchen? oh they does be having the best time. Thats how the majority of us are here now, bird brained. revelling in the scraps.

  24. Luca Spark
    February 5, 2021

    Apparently it’s a gold-plated Bailey bridge

    • VereTere
      February 6, 2021

      Everything he builds appears to be gold plated or at least cost inflated and that is due to the additional ‘costs’ involved. The CBI apartments are a prime example, each of them can’t cost more than EC$150,000 but our PM tells us that they cost $420,000 each. That leaves $270,000 per unit unaccounted for! All you get my drift?

  25. I is a coonoomoonoo
    February 5, 2021

    Mr Prime Minister. a bailey bridge is a temporary structure build to provide short term relief while a permanent bridge is being built. If the baily bridge cost 2.3 million dollars, then somebody reaping of the state of the people’s money.

    After Tropical Storm Erica and Hurricane Maria a number of Bailey bridges were donated to erection where permanent bridges were destroyed. St Vincent and the Grenadines alone donated around seven (7) such bailey bridges.

    Well Dominicans real coonoomoonoo to believe the Prime Minister utterly such a well thought out lie.

    Now i like my PM but i hate his lies…

    • Man bite dogs
      February 5, 2021

      If that’s how you spell coonoomoonoo when pre-school opens please register yourself and learn your ABC!!!

      • Viewsexpressed
        February 6, 2021

        Ok Mr. Professor Connie, or better yet,
        “Cooooonooomooooni’. Nice one. You Skerrit blind loyalists and acolytes, please stay away from Professor Scare-It and focus more on the suffering of our people and the incompetence and failure of this failed incompetent Questionable inmature failed Labour government under failed Skerrit. Our nature Isle, after 20 years of this failed Labour government in office has not applied Socioeconomic development concept towards our Development. All we see is the abused of our States limited funds and the abusive disgusting corrupted deceitfulness Red Bobolistic Clinic. It’s deceptiveness of our States money abused daily by this failed incompetent Skerrit through the deceitful
        “Red Clinic”;,under failed incompetent Questionable Labour government under this failed incompetent Skerrit.
        We desperately need a professional, mature visionary, trusted committed, No Bobol Prime Minister who has failed us.
        We welcome our Hon. Lennox Linton of the UWP…

        • Man bite dogs
          February 7, 2021

          My prime minister Dr. Skerritt is the best with true and a respected human which is being trusted throughout the world over, the same couldn’t be said for your kaka rat so-called lazy incompetent leader with a larger than normal nose.

          • Ouse
            February 9, 2021

            I’m living in Southern France and nobody here knows who that rat bag PM of yours is. As far as trusting him is concerned only super ….. people like yourself do so. Then again, what can one expect of a man that bites dogs… possibly even in their rear end!

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
          • Viewsexpressed
            February 9, 2021

            Stop barking Nonsensical thoughts that you’re not aware of. I’m within the service, aware of many high profile civil servants who, for obvious reasons know well the failure and immnaturity of this failed Labour Party Leader whose Government has reduced our people to poverty and begging thru devious Red Clinic. Were you one of them ‘singing for your corrupted Supper? Who on earth do you think you are? This is shameful and very unprofessional. The Labour leadership is obviously blind, idiotic to the processes of Socioeconomic development and other related matters.
            Dominica’s unemployed people to be upgraded. This Sitting failed Skerrit must get the hell out of our government. This DLP Government Failed us. Too much begging, Bobol, Red Clinic Deception, reducing the potential of our suffering Parents, especially the mothers. We need trusted competent open Government, not blind deceitful leadership. Respect to our dear children, mothers & fathers. We Need UWP & our respected HON…

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
  26. February 5, 2021

    We welcome this initiative from the prime minister.thanking him so much.this is one of Dominica most under developed villages and only hope this is the start for more development

    • Viewsexpressed
      February 5, 2021

      Yes….ohhhhh yes Jean Bagatelle, we definitely, honestly want this faiied Immnature Labour government and Skerrit out of our people and our Dominica Government.
      We have had enough of a plethora of failures, unaccounted states affairs, incompetent Labour government, failed Prime Odd Minister and do called blind loyalists and failed Government.
      Good Luck and all the Best. Be safe. We desperately need to take our Nature Isle back from this failed Skerrit ASAP.

      • L.a.x
        February 9, 2021

        Correction… Dominica is one of dominica most undeveloped villages. The whole country is a village

    • Viewsexpressed
      February 5, 2021

      Pedtot, ignore this Failed incompetent Immnature Skerrit and rally your people, you villagers in and out of my Dominica. Fight your battle and please do not waste time on this faiied Skerrit and his failed questionable Labour government. Be independent in your villages and not to have you and your people create a depency on this Incompetent Skerrit, the worse Prime Minister we have sadly put in an office.
      Skerrit is all to himself and you and your village people here and overseas that they help you build up your village. It’s roads, sanitation, Leisure created for your young and up and coming committed people to raise the standard of the people’s village working tiwarfdt the up lifting soon of your hard working people and struggling families and parents.
      Be aware of your village and come together with the village Council and other village youth and other groups to build your village and your people and in particular the education of your up coming young people to study hard.

  27. Roger Burnett
    February 5, 2021

    “The prime minister said he understands that people have become accustomed to their homes of so many decades…that’s where they have their holding; that’s where they have their homes and we respect that…”

    I am pleased that finally there appears to be a realization that uprooting and relocating communities is not the best option. At the same time, I wonder what other permanent engineering solutions were considered as opposed to what appears to be a very expensive Bailey Bridge.

  28. click here
    February 5, 2021

    a bailey brodge costs 2.3 million? since when? After Erica, the amount of bailey bridge we got as donation. wotten waven, grandbay, and other places. That new bridge better have all the bells and whistles, pieces of flare, come with fireworks and its own cleaning and maintenance system. 2.3 million dollars?. lmaoooo

    • Toto
      February 6, 2021

      Maybe is one of the donated bridges they using and it really did not cost us anything but Mr. wants to show he is doing something. I wonder who’s putting up that bridge to make some money.

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