BUSINESS and LIFE: Pushing through fear to success

Dr. Valda Henry

We thank you for your comments on Issue #11,” Interview with Mr. Kihmo Astaphan, Manager, Platinum Security, Dominica.”

It has been a month since our last issue.  In the intervening period, a lot has been happening at and with VF Inc.  We officially moved to our new building and had our Blessing officiated by Fr. Brancker John on July 21, 2020.  We also named the building in honour of the parents of our CEO, the “Elkin and Ilma Henry Building.”

We have also been planning for our 12th VF Inc Youth Series, which got underway yesterday, until August 15, 2020.  We thank our Headline Sponsors, the National Bank of Dominica Ltd, Gentle Rest Funeral Services Ltd & Banana Tree Ltd.  We also thank our other sponsors; Fine Foods Inc, Springfield Trading Ltd, J. Astaphan & Company Ltd & Brighter Days Ltd.  Individuals also contributed and we are thankful.

We have also been cementing plans and discussing with our collaborators and possible collaborators, our upcoming Wealth Symposium and HR Conference, carded for March 2021, as part of VF Inc’s 15th Anniversary celebrations.  We have heightened our promotion and marketing efforts, re-introducing our services to our clients and prospective clients base.  We thank Horizon Promos, Quick Links Production and Carlos Charles, for facilitating this process.

This week, we explore the topic, “Pushing Through Fear to Success.” I first heard Karen Hinds, at the 6th VF Inc’s Phenomenal Caribbean Women symposium (PCWS) define fear as “False Evidence Appearing Real,” and for many years, I used this definition highlighting the point that the things which you feared were not real and held you in bondage, only because you gave them life. If you stopped giving them life, those things have no power over you, and cannot stand in your way to the attainment of your goals.

Earlier this year, and I think it was from a message from my friend, Clive Smith, I got a new definition of fear and the one I wishto focus on today.  The message read, “Fear means ‘Face Everything And Rise.’”  This definition challenges us to confront not only our fears, but more importantly our situation.  It beckons us to see our situation for what it is and accept the truth of the matter: no excuses, no justification, no reneging of responsibility, no blame shifting.  It challenges us to dig deep within ourselves to find the faith to Rise.  It assures us that the valley is temporary and that we will Rise again to the mountain top.  It provides a certainty that “joy comes in the morning,” (Psalm 30:5) and with that joy, we will most definitely Rise.

In this COVID-19 era, challenges that confronted us before, have been magnified: loss of jobs, reduced income, illness, anxiety, economic contraction, financial distress and mental health instability.  There is also a sense of hopelessness and insecurity as it is even more difficult to predict the future.  We are now afraid to plan for the future for we do not know when the COVID-19 era will end and what the post COVID-19 era will look like.

When we are going through challenging times, it is often difficult to see beyond our present situation, even if we are praying persons.  A friend’s response to the knowledge that friends were praying for the speedy recovery of her husband, “Thanks so very much, as at this moment, I cannot pray.  All I can do is thank God for saving him,” reflects how many of us react to certain situations confronting us.  We cannot pray.  Sometimes, we cannot even thank God, though we have been advised by St. Paul to, “Pray without ceasing.  In all things give thanks…,” (1Thes5:17-18).

How do we push through our fear? We push through our fear by finding time to be with ourselves to confront our situation; to be brutally honest and unafraid of our truths.  This works for all situations; be it financial distress, illness, family issues, loneliness, depression, unemployment, loss of business.  It is a good idea to write the answers to questions you pose.  The next step is to begin to brainstorm for solutions.

My father always said to us (my siblings), we have no more than one day to cry and feel like a victim, if we desired, about any situation and problem, and after those 24 hours, we had to come up with possible solutions.  I have approached every challenge in my life, no matter how difficult, with this advice.  This solution and action-oriented approach has served me well, in all spheres of my life.

It is amazing the number of solutions that come to us, when we shift to “solutions mode.”  The truth is, while we are in victim or self-pity mode, no solutions can come forth.  When we are mired in an environment of negativity, no growth can take place in that environment.  A solutions or action approach produces a positive environment, which fosters creativity, innovation, options and answers.   You will be amazed that answers will come to you while you sleep, shower, shop, walk, exercise, cook, nurture your children or just sitting quietly.

We all need at least one person we can share any situation with and be brutally honest with, no judging.  This person serves as a sounding board to our challenges and possible solutions.  The person is also brutally honest, while supporting us.  That person is the wind beneath our wings, and the person reminds us that we are eagles, who can soar above the storm.  I am fortunate that I have my sisters, with whom I can be completely honest about any situation and who support me through it all.  I also have another small team, I can share openly on some issues, and with that team, I am assured of honest, encouraging, confidential and prayerful support.

Prayer and faith are cornerstones in our Rise.  We have to pray without ceasing and when and if we cannot pray, because we feel so over-burdened, we have to ask the Holy Spirit to groan before God on our behalf and also call on our prayer warriors to storm the Heavens on our behalf.  We also need a deep faith and belief in ourselves and God.  We have to have faiththat God will not forsake us, that his plan is for our peace and prosperity and that He wants us to live a life of abundance.  It is a good time to return to our favourite scripture readings to strengthen us and our faith.

I have so many that to list them all would require an article of its own!  I give you a few of mine: Psalm 25, 37, 46, 51, 91, 121 and 139.  Eccles 29:15-17.  Is:41. The entire book of Job.  I have faced some challenges, which have made me believe that I know exactly what Job went through and his eventual restoration, gives me hope that I will be restored, many times over.   The stories of Elijah (1Kings: 17) and Elisha (2 Kings:4) and the widows, as well as the widow who put everything she had (Luke 21), strengthen my faith that if I am willing to give it all to God, He will take care of me and give me all I need.

Faith in God also requires a spirit and heart of thankfulness; to recognise the hand of God in our lives and to give God Thanks.  Faith in self is what is needed to bring faith in God to life.  We have to firmly believe in our God-given Purpose. It is this that will keep our hearts light, even though burdened; our hearts at peace and joyful, even while going through the storms.  It is this that will enable us to not stay in the storm, but Rise above the storm, like the eagle.  It is that faith, which will allow us to walk on water to meet Jesus, without doubting and faltering.  In the story of Peter, walking on water to meet Jesus, what did Jesus say to Peter, when he started to sink and in panic, screamed out to God to save him?  He said, “Man of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matt: 14:32).  Let us not doubt our ability to walk on water, overcome the storms of life and our ability to fulfill our God-given Purpose.

One of my strengths is my ability to find joy, be joyful and positive in all situations.  This does not mean I have not used up my 24 hours and a few times, a bit more to deal with challenges.  I can, however, always find something to remind me that I am God’s child, and that things will work out for my good.  I can always find something to give God thanks and to thank someone. One of my older sisters, Dr.Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, from the time I was a child, would say that I have a contented spirit.  I thank God that this spirit of contentment has remained with me and it is the source of my Peace, which surpasses all understanding and thus give me joyful steps!  My sisters, close friends and staff often remark, when they see how I confront adversity, that I have faith.  The truth is, I have faith in God.  I deeply believe that my vocation is God-Given, and God will ensure that I complete the work He has assigned me to do.

I say to you, Face Everything with faith in God and faith in You; confront and address the situation; don’t run away; find a confidante; find a quiet place to be with you; make a choice; take the decision, act, And Rise.  Get Up, Pick up Your Bed and Walk! (John 5:8).

We look forward to hearing from you with comments on this article, suggestions for topics to be covered and sharing of your HR experience.

Please feel free to share this Newsletter with your contacts. We also welcome guest authors and look forward to receiving your articles for publication.

We, at VF Inc, stand ready to serve and be of service to our clients and prospective clients, “with Integrity and Excellence,” in keeping with our Motto.  May God continue to Keep us in the Palm of His Hands.  Please send us your questions, comments and share your experience managing in the COVID-19- era at [email protected].  You may also reach us by telephone: 1 767 275 0566/617 0566

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  1. Joseph John
    August 14, 2020

    I am not very good at retaining the salient points of any op-ed past 1000 words, but the word “fear” really caught my attention in this piece. But permit to add that ” FEAR DOES NOT COME FROM GOD”

  2. August 14, 2020

    Dr Henry, it truly sounds like God has blessed your activities!

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