Cyclones in the Caribbean and Pacific, devastating bushfires in Australia, recurrent floods and droughts in Asia and Africa, increasingly bring tragic loss of life to our nations and communities, inflicting physical and mental trauma on survivors, and causing irreparable damage to centuries-old ways of life and undermining prospects for future prosperity and growth.
The current bushfires in Australia have been among the most distressing manifestations, leading the government to declare a state of emergency. The total cost to the economy of the bushfires with which Australia is grappling seems likely to run into billions of dollars. Continuous drying of undergrowth creates optimal conditions for bushfires, leading to tragic loss of human lives and destruction of infrastructure. There is devastating impact on the precious biodiversity of flora and fauna, threatening drastically to affect the ecology of the region. Heightened levels of air pollution in the affected and adjoining regions are having adverse impacts on the respiratory health of scores of people.
Such extreme events are occurring with rising frequency, destroying the means of livelihood for millions of people in Commonwealth countries, increasing vulnerability and reducing resilience. The Commonwealth collectively recognises that without well-planned and integrated national and international action, natural disasters and extreme events will continue to challenge the resilience of affected communities and smaller countries. The Commonwealth Secretariat is working alongside member nations to protect the environmental health of fragile and susceptible ecosystems, including through increased national preparedness for tackling natural disasters and mobilising resources.
For the arid and drought-prone member countries, which are highly vulnerable to dryness and bushfires, the Commonwealth provides support for governments to develop projects on sustainable and resilient landscape management, with the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub (CCFAH) helping to unlock necessary financial resources. Similarly, by pooling information into a streamlined platform for better and more convenient access to information, the Commonwealth Disaster Risk Finance Portal currently in development will help countries find suitable sources of finance and support to deal with disasters.
On behalf of citizens of all Commonwealth countries, I express my heartfelt condolences to all families and communities who have lost loved ones in the tragic events of recent days. I commend the courage and commitment of firefighters, emergency service personnel and all others who are battling to rescue and protect people and property, wildlife and natural resources, or human infrastructure. In these testing times, the wider Commonwealth family stands in solidarity alongside the Government and people of Australia.
My guess is, Dominicans are about to suck some more salt in 2020 and beyond. It amazes me that some are quick to critique our comments, but forgot that it was she who devalued her position and title with her cheap, nasty and insulting commentary at the behest of Roosevelt Skerrit, during a visit to Dominica. We will forever remember her as Madame Sousay Sel.
These extreme events cushioned de rise of numerous Billionaires and millionaires
de underprivileged holding de blade while de rich holding de handle.
de worlds resources are in de hands of a few
“Such extreme events are occurring with rising frequency, destroying the means of livelihood of our people in our Dominica, increasing poverty, vulnerability and reducing resilience.”
“Political Cyclones in the Caribbean, Dominica specifically devastating bobol fires recurrent Bobol floods and obvious droughts in Dominica, increasingly brings tragic loss of quality life to our Dominica, villages and communities, inflicting corruption/Bobol, physical and mental trauma on our poor people, and causing irreparable damage to centuries-old ways of life of our people by Skerrit`s continued undermining the obvious prospects for future prosperity and growth.” Our Dominica has failed in the past 20 years under failed Skerrit and his failed corrupted Labour government.
For Dominica to move on we need to get rid of immature Skerrit and his corrupted abusive, failed Labour government.
We have in waiting our decent UWP Team under distinguished trusted Hon Linton and UWP professional Team…
Views expressed that 18 to 3 syndrome it’s really painful. Spewing garbage and hatred just shows who you are!
Me mamie tell I doe mek no more comments pan dem … wa go an pan Dominica; she say jus live I life. Yes Mann.
Mrs Sucer sel… thanks for the commentary…… and just reminding youthat we have more salt to suck in five more years
From Mr Sucer pwel
These comments here are so childish, except that I know some children who would think much deeper and smarter than the thoughts which are written here. You, people continue to display the fact that you all have no profound sense of thought and ideas–how pitiful
Comments by Sec General Patricia Scotland are quite admirable but she should apologize even now for her soucer sel (sucking salt) insult to Dominican people
Question…..did the Baroness ever tell us how much aid for Dominica she was able to gather from those contacts she said she would reach out to? Wondering since I never heard.
As a black woman it is easy to insult her and of course Dominican, had she been white Anglo-Saxon you so-called Workers followers would be keeping your dirty smelly black mouths shut isn’t it so?
So if i insult her i am a workers? Boy you are one of the biggest ignorant ….. around. also, because she is black, it is easy to insult her? Where are you from young man? this is 2020. what happen you think we still living in jim crow segregation where the blakc man cannot make eye contact with whites? From my end, if she was white she getting the maypwi quicker! is because she black i go easy on her. you now want to talk about workers and dirty smelling BLACK mouth. I think you “Man bites Dog” might be the uncle tom yourself. you sound like Stephen from the movie Django. House ni….. who hates your other black brothers and sisters but loves the white or light skinned master. So NO it isnt so. I will continue to give these idiots who call themselves laborites as much truth and blows as possible because is absolute rubbish they doing in Dominica with Dominicans. I will do the same for UWP when is their turn if is nonsense they doing. But you my partner, you are a …..
“Man bites Dog” Man Bites Dog is irrelevant to Domininca. Everytime he pens illiterate nonsense it is Skerrit that he is referring to. This Man has nothing of substance to offer expose and promote Skerrit as this failed Prime Minister who has reduced our people to beggars and our Dominica to poverty. Please ignore the bark of this “Man Bites Dog”, who barks at Skerrit daily (for a bone) and has abandoned his country that is in severe poverty but will do and say anything nonsensical of failed immature Skerrit and his corrupted Labour Bobol Government. We need Skerrit out. Failed, corrupted Labour Party but go and make way for decent, trusted, honourable UWP Team and it prominent experienced leader, Hon Lennox Linton. We seriously need that change of government in Dominica, ASAP.
Dominica needs to move on but NOT with failed Skerrit and his corrupt Labour Party in government. Dominicans wake up, feel the pain in our Dominica. We have had enough of failed Skerrit and his corrupted DLP.
@Viewsexpressed, you are a pussy cat 🙀 always crying 😢 over split milk puss puss puss!!
Is this the case of black pot calling the kettle black?
She doesn’t deserve the right to have her official pic hanging on our walls.
Regardless of your attempt to defend Baroness Scotland and regardless of your political affiliation, I find the phrase “keeping your dirty smelly black mouths shut” to be highly offensive.
Dog bite..what ever, seems to to a very insultive person.
Looks like he would kill his fellow citizens if given the opportunity.
Alas I do feel sorry for you. I can see you do not respect black women……
“As a black woman it is easy to insult her” Did you say it is easy to insult her? Alas
Did you not see how she insulted you as a Dominican. Sac Kway ….
Okay DNO. I know, I know, I understand. But at some point we have to challenge the paradigm in which Dominica finds itself, and we have to respond in kind. While I will not apologize for the term I used to describe the @dog biter which was understandably deleted by DNO, I recognize the decorum of the political environment in Dominica.
However we cannot allow these ‘fellars’ like @lin clown and others to continue to believe they hold a monopoly on insulting others with impunity. This is a significant part of the mentality that made Melissa speak about her hitmen while Joshua was calling for peace; look at the outcome as the consequence.
When God threw Adam out of the Garden of Eden, He did not say I will feed you, He told Adam go out there and feed yourself. We can pray all we wish which is very good, but if we do not go out there and do the work, we will fail to feed ourselves and our children, consequently leaving a legacy of failure.
ADMIN: Thank you, we appreciate that you took the time to make your feedback known particularly in such a positive way.
We have taken the decision to not allow direct personal insults to fellow posters (you are given more leeway in criticizing groups or public figures).
For this decision to have any weight or meaning it must also apply to those who seek to malign others including the “lin clowns” or “man bites dogs” of the world.
I find we coming too easy with that black excuse these days, blaming everything on that instead looking at ourselves first.
Patricia Scotland did very well in England, a country that give her the opportunity and pay for her education. I do not like her morals and the way she behave but that have nothing to do with the colour of her skin so don’t use that argument.
The tongue has no bones but yet it has broken so many hearts. You know that I can’t digest anything said by this lady no matter her good intentions. All I’m hearing is “Go Suck Salt, Go Such Salt.” She talks out of the two sides of her mouth. She is an opportunist who craves to be in the spotlight when anything of global interest happens.
This woman never declared how much money she raised on Dominica behalf for hurricane Maria relief.
You can’t meet your goals…..suck salt with us!!!!
Lady hush your mouth. Salt we sucking here
STFU. Salt we sucking over here lady.
i guess where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise …. Seriously … what is wrong with some of you people ?
explain yourself. his is the same lady that told Dominicans to suck salt. Now because australia is burning, she wants to be talking about affecting communities and this and that and economic hardships? Where she is in her foreign land in her big house she knows nothing about the struggles of her country people. That lady is a pawn and a fool. with allll her talk, i bet she is yet to visit australia to try and save at least one lizard one koala bear one kangaroo. I care not for your responses or remarks calibishie. I care for Dominica. and this lady is one of the people who have ensured that we remain struggling in 2020. We sucking salt still.
Warrior, when some one is there to represents and insults you, saying “Go Suck Salt” and did not apologize after, they will not be forgotten and forgiven even though they meant well in their intentions.
So when 500,000,000 animals die in a catastrophe costing billions of dollars with untold human suffering involved (in a disaster which is man made and avoidable) and a prominent world figure (yes that what she is … get over it ) seeks to raise awareness and give solidarity to fellow commonwealth citizens.. all you can remember is some throw away remark designed to raise a laugh at a meeting years ago that might have hurt your feelings? … Try to keep your eyes on the ball for a change, yeah?
You sent us to go susay cell (go suck salt) so all of us in the susay cell together. When you curse people uselessly like you did to us then curse will follow you no matter where you are.