Dominica featured in 2023 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Magazine

Sports Illustrated team on set in Dominica. Photo Credit: Sports Illustrated

Dominica is being featured in yet another popular US magazine, this time the world-renowned Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Magazine.

The magazine hits the stands this week. Earlier this year Sports Illustrated made Dominica one of its key destinations for photographing its models.

Photographer Yu Tsai said the island is a true photographer’s haven.

“[It was] simply breathtaking: a symphony of sights and sounds that evoked a sense of awe and wonder within me,” he said. “The pristine beaches, the mesmerizing sunsets, and the lush jungle were just some of the elements that made this island a true photographer’s haven. The landscapes were cinematic, the colors vibrant, and the textures simply divine.”

According to Sports Illustrated, Dominica is known for its natural beauty and was perfect for photographing the models for the magazine’s edition this year.

“From lush rainforests and impressive mountain peaks to rushing rivers and cascading waterfalls, Dominica boasts magnificent, natural views, making it an ideal vacation location for relaxation and adventure (and, not to mention, an SI Swimsuit photo shoot)”, it said.

Tourism Minister, Denise Charles said she hopes the feature will entice more visitors to the Nature Isle.

“As Dominica receives more worldwide recognition as a premier travel destination, we are thrilled to have been chosen as a location for this year’s issue of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Magazine,” she stated. “This feature represents a huge success for our island, and we are hopeful that it entices more travelers to visit.”

Models for the magazine were photographed at Dominica’s most popular destinations, such as Batibou Beach, Scotts Head, Hampstead Beach, and Jacko Falls, as well as the InterContinental Dominica Cabrits Resort & Spa and Jungle Bay Hotel.

Models include Olivia Ponton, Padma Lakshmi, Christen Harper, Yumi Nu, and Leyna Bloom. The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Magazine was first published in 1964.

It features female fashion models, celebrities, and athletes wearing swimwear that are photographed in various locations around the world. The cover photo is highly sought after and is considered to be a gauge of success in
modeling at the highest level.

According to Sports Illustrated, this year’s edition of the magazine features “yet another epic group of women who empower, inspire and use their platforms to be both seen and heard.”

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  1. David Hunter
    May 20, 2023

    Dominicans are the best people. You should send missionaries to the U.S. to teach Americans how to be civilized. Seriously.

  2. Lin clown
    May 19, 2023

    It does not matter whether the beaches are in the North,South,East or west,the important thing is,Dominica is featured in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Magazine.That is what UWP and their supporters cannot stand.The usual Skerrit pay them.

  3. Magway ca
    May 19, 2023

    You mean the same sports illustrated magazine that have a transvestite on the magazine cover. Yes a man that believe he is a woman . And we supposed to be happy to be associated with that nonesense ?

  4. derp
    May 18, 2023

    Those “pristine beaches” must be on the east coast cause the west filled with rubbish on the shore and under the water, not to mention the ravines which are labass and gets flushed during the hurricane season.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 8 Thumb down 10
    • That's all folks!
      May 19, 2023

      We should all help to clean up the beaches and waterways.

    • Fingers
      May 19, 2023

      You moron hater. Fyi…our tourist loves it. If you are here, then leave. If not, your are not welcome.
      You cannot stop progress

    • Fingers
      May 19, 2023

      Just look at the name you are using here…. DERP. That says it all. Meaningless or stupid. 👏🤣🤣🤣. What a doltish.

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