Dominica police force welcomes its largest graduating class

Fifty-one (51) young men and women from across Dominica— 38 males and 13 females—   are the newest addition to the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force (CDPF), the largest induction the police service has seen at any one time.

Following six month of intensive training in a wide range of areas, the 35th recruit training course officially came to an end on March 30, 2022, as the CDPF held its graduation and passing out parade at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium (WPSS).

While the rigorous training program is designed and implemented to give to the students the requisite skills and knowledge which will enable them to deliver professional police service to the community, Chief Instructor, acting Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), Clem Bruno praised course 35 for their determination amidst adversities.

“In the past, all trainings were conducted within the compound of the police training school at Morne Bruce however, due to the structural damage to the school’s administration building during the passage of Hurricane Maria 2017 and the size of the course, additional training facilities outside the school compound had to be sought, thereby making course 35 “a much more complex undertaking,” Bruno stated.

“The fact that this training was conducted during a time when all other teaching on island was done virtually  and almost all aspects of the training was done face to face, is truly remarkable,” he stated.

ASP Bruno further revealed that although 53 students comprising 39 males and 14 females reported for training on September 6 2021, the course formally began in October of 2021.

“In the first quarter of the course, due to the inability of some students to handle the rigidity of physical training, as well as health and personal issues experienced by some, two students, one male and one female, tendered their resignation. And one student’s appointment was terminated on medical grounds, reducing the number of officers on training to 50,” he said.

Although these three officers were eventually replaced, Bruno informed that one male replacement student reported for training about one hour before lunch and after sitting through a review session of the lessons covered during the period prior to his enlistment,  he tendered his resignation.

“All efforts to persuade him to change his mind proved futile and his resignation was accepted that very afternoon, thus making him a prime candidate for the officer with the shortest service record in the history of the CDPF,” he jokingly said.

During the last quarter of training, the female replacement student tendered her resignation due to medical complications.

Throughout the six months, the students completed several training modules both theoretical and practical skills and for the first time recruits of a training course graduated with two other certificates which included a Financial Investigation Asset Recovery course facilitated by the Regional Security System Asset Recovery Unit as well as a Scenes of Crime First Responders course facilitated by the Implementation Agency for Crime and Security.

The Chief Instructor also announced another welcomed addition to the training which was a competent on putting out fires utilizing fire extinguishers and water hoses including fire fighting drills thus equipping the students with the necessary skills  for assisting Fire Officers if called upon to do so.

Also included for the first time was a basic seamanship module required for attachment to the Marine Units.

ASP Bruno further congratulated the students on their 100% pass rate as according to him, “Throughout the course, students completed a number of written and practical tests and examinations with a passing grade set at 70%. Out of a total of 1800 points, the stop student accumulated 1,677.51 points, and the lowest student accumulated 1,261.88 points with an overall cost average of 82.27%.”

The Chief Instructor urged the graduating officers to put into practice all the knowledge and skills they amassed during training and to serve without fear and favor.

“Identify senior officers who can help you build on that knowledge and gravitate towards them. Be the agents of change, put your youthful energies and exuberance demonstrated on your run from Roseau to Mero to good use and be prepared to go beyond the call of duty, “ he encouraged.

ASP Bruno continued, “Don’t be satisfied with just showing up for duty and doing the minimum or sitting around and hoping the phone never rings, but instead be effective police officers working hand in hand with the general public. Make your presence be felt within the towns and villages where you will be posted and give the public at large the assurance that they are  serious about performing your duties.”

While he told the Officers that they are entering the CDPF at a time when every action of the police is under scrutiny, he averred, “you have already experienced how quickly a video involving police officers can go viral. Regardless, do not let this deter you from responding to the call of duty, but rather execute your duties with the highest degree of responsibility required by your profession, all while respecting and protecting human dignity and maintaining upholding the human rights of all people.”

During the ceremony, several  officers were awarded for their performance which included the award for Best Recruit which was copped by Constable Daniel Laurent, First Runner Up Tahz Robinson, and Best at Police Duty Subject, Woman Police Constable (WPC) Lekeisha Moses.

The award for best Best at Drills was secured by Constable Javid Casey, Best at Self Defense Constable Dany Chris Paul, Best at Physical Training (male) Constable Curmichael E. Auguiste while  WPC Kayanner St Hilaire was accorded for Best Physical Training (female).

Best Shot- Constable Cornal Narch Africa, Best at Weapon Training – Constable Jusdel Bannis, Best Turned Out -female WPC Shernel Bannis, Best Turned Out – male Constable Tyrone Sandy and the Instructor’s Award Constable Daniel Laurent.

For the first time, the Commissioner Shield was awarded to a female, WPC Valerie Esprit as the Most Disciplined Student while Constable Daniel Laurent also received the Baton of Honour.

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  1. Bwa-Banday
    April 6, 2022

    Good speech ASP Bruno. But I hasten to remind you that gone are days when folks like you, Claude Weeks, Dodds and others were groomed at Morne Bruce to be the best you can be. The problem with the quality officers comes from the recruiting process which you unfortunately had nothing to do with. These recruits unfortunately are ALL hand picked by the DLP area representative which means that they are all young cabalist sworn in to protect and serve the DLP regime.

    The other thing I notice is the high number of recruits which means that the rate of attrition / resignation and retirement is out of control in the CDPF. Have the government seen it fit to investigate why so many good, independently minded, and straight police officers leaving the force prematurely? This is troubling and the high command may be to blame. Something has to be done to stop this brain drain in our police force or ese we will soon have gang of dumb dumb serving in uniform.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 29 Thumb down 0
  2. Lin clown
    April 6, 2022

    Hide & seek,Skerrit does not need police to protect him.We the people will do just that.The police must remember,in the history of Dominica UWP was the first government to introduce politics in the police force.They dismissed commissioner Blanchard and his deputy Valarie because they believe they were supporters of the Dft.They then turned around used 6 other police officers as scapegoats and dismissed them.UWP wanted the people to believe the officers were involved in drugs.UWP crippled the police force.I hope the police never forget.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 0 Thumb down 37
    • Lydia
      April 10, 2022

      Booh! You running already? Fine body guard you are. You are full of it and so are your pants.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 34 Thumb down 0
  3. L C Matthew
    April 5, 2022

    Congratulations to the young folks ready serve the country and people. Remember your oath is to serve and protect per the constitution. Her is what we do not pay attention to. I estimate salary is about $2,100. So that is about 1.2 million for new officers per year.
    PM rent utilities and salary estimated at about 89k a month or about 1.06 million per year. Apart from the police who else got raises and check how many teachers not appointed. Sam Raphael use state as security and owed 6 million. Other huge business like Astaphans owing taxes. While this government is spending 1.2 million to increase police force to add more control on the people they are bleeding the country 10 folds denying true development. The increase in crime is a direct result of the state of the country and the solution is more police. More police is needed 1) if population has grown 2) if the country has increased crime and violence and resources slim 3) if those incharge trying to create a police state.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 0
  4. Garçon
    April 5, 2022

    Six months of rigorous training? Hahahahaha. Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? Then they are empowered to go in the public and this is where the problem begins. The majority are not ready for the job because that is not sufficient training. I was born in Dominica, grew up there and worked for several years and most police officers back home can handle express themselves orally. They do not understand basic law and as such are creating problems.
    Recently a group of police officers, led by a block headed corporal allowed two young men to violate a court order, saying basically his hands were tied when the court order is clear. He also allowed the violator to threaten to kill the property in his presence, allow him to steal property in his presence and leave. You all coming here to tell me about training.
    Just fight to reclaim Dominica and stop talking Magee eh about police graduation. Their dirty team they building to fight allu. Stay there.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 0
  5. Dancea
    April 5, 2022

    Given the rate at which we keep adding numbers to our Police “Force”, surely we will not need to call in the RSS again to deal with a few street fires.

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  6. Beta
    April 5, 2022

    Anybody asked themselves why Skerrit needs so many police officers. You’ll soon find out!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 49 Thumb down 7
  7. Hide & Seek
    April 5, 2022

    Not catch. Satan and the rest of the thieves know their day is quickly approaching, whether is from foreign law enforcement, those they have wronged and my be seeking revenge or through elections. They know majority of senior officers will not put their lives on the line for wicked evil thieves so recruiting more young people to defend them with long military guns is the last thing they have left. But make no mistake about because wanted criminals can hide where they want and how they want but they shall not escape judgment. Saddam Husain hid himself in a hole like a rat and apart from his armed soldiers to guard him he too was well armed in his hole. But where is Saddam today? Was he not picked up in his hole? Some of the damn Sad- am’s here are no doubt very scared so they going to call a snap election to see if they can hide somewhere else. But that too will not work!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 50 Thumb down 7

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