In response to the destruction of Maria, in 2018, Dominica released a climate resilience policy framework to guide its recovery journey in the form of the National Resilience Development Strategy 2030 (NRDS).
This information is contained in the most recent E-newsletter of The Climate Resilience Executing Agency for Dominica (CREAD).
The NRDS articulates the overall policy framework of the Government and outlines 43 resilience goals aimed at ensuring that development is people-centred.
The NRDS stipulates that, at the highest level, the Climate Resilience and Recovery Plan (CRRP) should reflect three pillars of resilience, namely: (1) Climate Resilient Systems, (2) Prudent Disaster Risk Management Systems, and (3) Effective Disaster Response and Recovery.
The CRRP expands these three abovementioned pillars into six results areas for a climate-resilient Dominica, namely:
A release issued by the Government says the National Resilience Development Strategy (NRDS) 2030 is a “homegrown document” that was developed and approved by Government in August 2018 “with leadership provided by the Committee of Permanent Secretaries and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development.”
The release adds that the NRDS builds on a combination of previously existing policies and strategies, including the Growth and Social Protection Strategy, the Climate Change Adaptation Policy, and the Low Carbon Climate Resilience Development Strategy. It, therefore, integrates climate resilience and disaster risk management into the National Growth and Development Planning Framework.
For the respective Ministries and Sectors as currently configured, this national vision has now been translated into their portfolio responsibilities and has informed Dominica’s Public Sector Investment Projects and the work programmes of the Ministry since the approval of the NRDS.
In keeping with Governments’ Policy, the National Resilience Development Strategy formed the basis for the production of the Climate Resilience Recovery Plan. This is informed by the detailed sectoral strategic plans developed from the NRDS.
The CRRP is for Dominica, not just a national plan but a national movement towards resilience, that transcends the skill sets, ideas and capacity of any individual. Work on that plan commenced during the transition before CREAD came into being. It was an effort by the Government and a transition team to begin the process as soon as possible after the development of the National Strategy (NRDS). A consultant was engaged to prepare a plan seeking input from a number of regional agencies, the public and private sector, guided by
forty-three objectives, listed in a monitoring matrix annexed to the approved NRDS.
This was further refined and shaped with the input of the CREAD team and officials from the Planning Ministry, and then discussed with other stakeholders at a national consultation, to elicit their input before formal approval. The CRRP comprises 20 climate resilience targets
and 6 major results areas. Its Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Office are now tasked with leading the implementation of its work programme and mandate.
CREAD is currently working on a work programme that must align with the letter and spirit of the vision and mission of Government as articulated in the detailed NRDS and CRRP. Among other initiatives, CREAD is also working with the Ministry of Public Works to develop and establish a Major Capital Projects Unit, that will be tasked with delivering on major projects that are part of Government’s resilience agenda.
After about 3 years you would think that the government would provide more specifics on CREAD. When are we going to find out exactly what CREAD is accomplishing?
These points dont say much. They sound like they were written by Blackmore. I see a lot of “the best we can” in there. I think the best way to prepare for a natural disaster and recover quickly is to be properly equipped with machinery to clean up and clear roads quickly. Ensure that there is proper well stocked healthcare facilites, ensure there is adequate food and means to produce food for a significant period of time, ensure that there is enough fuel and electricity as well as water for your people. Adequate shelters in respective communities built specifically for that purpose as well. That would be a good start. The heads of CREAD have left because they see that the government drags its feet and is only about talk and cliched wors and catch phrases. who remains is left to continue the farce. They are to McGuyver the country into a thriving vibrant economic and social destination with only 2 paper clips and and band aid while the tops look on and smile from their edifices.
Here we go again. Dominicans are fed this unadulterated gibberish by the nakedly corrupt Skerrit led autocracy, and DNO just published it verbatim. Where is the critical analysis to enlighten the country? I repeat unapologetically, there are no bona fide journalists in Dominica, just stenographer.
CREAD, NRDS, CRRP are just acronyms and nothing else. These futile bodies were MAINLY conceived to put money in the pockets of Skerrit’s fanatics.
ADMIN: There may be some merit to your observations but we did publish a follow-up to this article that may provide a bit more context for the government article:
If you ever need a laugh, just remember there are still people who will believe this nonsense
In de absence of CREAD CEO and COO this attempt to pour cold water on government big boo boo is just senseless !!!
Imagine, i just stupse then i see that nonsense. PIE IN THE SKY!. And the pie still missing plenty ingredients. Jokers. “CREAD is currently working on a work programme that must align with the letter and spirit of the vision and mission of Government as articulated in the detailed NRDS and CRRP.” – The heads of CREAD all left because the labor government doesnt want to do what has to be done to empower the people and move the country. This is all nonsense. People, take my advise as a fool, make sure you are able to protect yourselves and help yourselves and communities recover on your own . Because allllllllll the money and aid we have recieved in the past 5 years has been spent and most of it cannot be accounted for.
Government cannot even align it own self with its own spirit of its own vision and mission.” Another example of how these people just use words to sound good. I remember speaking to someone from agriculture about what needs to be done in terms of designated acreage and cash crops and supply for processing value added goods. The senior officer told me there has to be a policy for that before any of that can happen. I told him the Climate Resilience Policy and the creation of Cread after Maria is the policy, since they speak to food security and empowerment of the people. He put his head down and made more excuses.
didn’t the CREAD top brass just recently resigned? All of a sudden they gonna implement this plan? DNO come better than that, if the gov’t gives you propaganda to post, at least ask if CREAD is still functioning.
ADMIN: Stay tuned more is coming.
It doesn’t even make sense reading this garbage. It’s been proven this whole GREAD BUSINESS is self explanatory, GREAD.
The ” big boys ” are having a field day at the expense of friendly,donor countries willing to help Dominica.
No wonder why the experts are leaving, too much corruption.
No amount of money will satisfy Alibaba, he has an insatiable appetite for money.
Why people still believing and pushing the lies and propaganda of Roosevelt Skerrit? Just last week DNO posted an article of both the chief director and the deputy chief of CREAD resigning from their jobs because they could not get the needed information from government ministers ( Roosevelt Skerrit) and today all you pushing his agenda of lies, deception and propaganda? Boy I from Dominica but I must say too many stupid and foolish people in this country even if some have degree. It’s because of our stupidity a naturally blessed country like Dominica is so damn backward and undeveloped.
Why would you come on this medium and make such a silly uninformed comment. Before you rant and write such nonsense do you know what CREAD really is and The people involved. CREAD was not administered by just two people. Do think that these professionals from different Countries would be involved in pushing lies and propaganda on behalf of PM Roosevelt Skerrit pity your ignorance. Do you think such International partners would participate with PM Roosevelt Skerrit in pushing lies and propaganda.
As to the rest of your comment, it is just nonsense with your emotions at the helm of your reasoning.
Mary, why make such a long propaganda speech again to explain what Creed is. Here is a much better description: it’s just another one of Skerrits Ponzi schemes to extract money from institutions and unsuspecting governments!
If it does not make sense to you, why are you reading it. You are entitled to your opinion as to what you believe to be your understanding and operation of The Climate Resilience Executing Agency for Dominica, but it does not mean that your understanding is factual. When you say, “GREAD BUSINESS is self explanatory, GREAD. ” do you know how silly you sound making such statement. Do you know how The Climate Resilience Executing Agency for Dominica (CREAD) was established, by a bill passed in Parliament with partners such as World Bank Group, UNICEF, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and many more international organizations. Don’t you think that there are checks and balances put in place regarding fiscal management and accountability to these international organizations, wallow in your in ignorance. As to your allegations of corruption in the departure of two executives. Who told you they left because of corruption, was such matter mentioned in their letter of resignation.
That is why UWP is,and will always LOSE elections too many uneducated supporters,IBO FRANCE,DISSIDENT VIEWSEXPRESSED ,MY BAD and BATIBOU RIVER are a few.The cannot read.They cannot understand.As if Edison is still leader of UWP.These UWP F has been talking about corruption for years,yet,the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY continue to put money into Dominica.LINTON say the population of Dominica is 60,000.The poor guy does not even know the populatoin of a country,of which he is OPPOSITION LEADER.
Clown, why don’t you tell us what the population of DA is?? Let me enlighten you, the population of Dominica (Stand Dec. 2019) is 92,427 if the voters register is accurate. The real question of course is how many on that voters register are still alive…! I guess Mr. Linton is not far wrong with the figure he stated.
Yes Garry, that individual is more than silly, that person is a fool! There is no definition for GREAD, only that it is a misspelling for greed. That person must think that he/she is smart,
If I was you I wouldn’t call people fools because you are the biggest …. on earth bar none and you are a major hypocrite for worshiping an idol on one side and claiming to be a Christian on the other side. Have you got no shame, woman??
Ok. So allll the money these organisations gave to Dominica, world bank included, where did it go? Housing? CBI was supposed to have taken care of that. Hospital? Chinese building it for us. My best bet is in the 2019 elections. there it go. because i cannot understand how we got so much help after Erica and Maria but still looking like we still recovering. 5 & 3 years after. Layou bridge down, Batalie, down, Macoucherie recently repaired but not usable. the executives left because they realized that what should be isnt. When a government only lies and hides matters. doesnt lift its leg to help its own self. Makes excuses and blames others. And yes, curruption in that money is magically flowing during elections time, but as soon as you win, you dont have money to do much? Curruption. The artice doesnt need to say it. We see it every day. stop making excuses for it. Otherwise, you are part of the problem Gary. I bet your community doesnt even have a resource center and proper play groun
Without putting to fine a point on it, this is the biggest nonsense I heard in a long time…!
LOL, really, is this the biggest nonsense you heard in a long time. I think you are mistaking your hearing for understanding, sad. As you can read, CREAD is moving forward with it’s mandate. The International Partners are still on board committed in assisting The Government of Dominica with their vision for Dominica, what you think has no effect as to what is taking place.
Gary boy, if you are not too careful, Skerrit will sell you to Beelzebub..
You just said, the international partners (read Donars) are still on board. I knew from the onset that the only purpose of this initiative was to con some countries and institutions out of large amount of monies to donate to Skerrits pie in the sky Creed, only for these funds to disappear again into that black hole in the hills above Canefield. But you Mary in your usual capacity as chief propaganda officer feel fit to talk about ‘Government Vision’. Let me tell you something, this government incl. your PM have as much vision as a certified blind person.