Four magistrates recuse themselves from Lennox Linton incitement matter

It’s four years since the police preferred a charge of incitement against Opposition Leader Lennox Linton and the case has made little to no progress at the court as four Magistrates have rescued themselves from presiding over the matter.

The charge stems from an incident which dates back to February 7, 2017, when the parliamentary opposition, United Workers Party (UWP) held a meeting on Kennedy Avenue in Roseau calling for the resignation of Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit.

Following the meeting, several businesses in the city were vandalized and more than a year later, October 2018, charges were brought against opposition members including Opposition Leader, Lennox Linton,  former Prime Minister Eddison James and Dr. Thomson Fontaine. Former Deputy political leader of the UWP, Joshua Francis, along with Nicholas George and former UWP Member of Parliament now Speaker of the House of Assembly, Joseph Isaac, were charged with obstruction of justice.

While the matter against James, Francis, George and Isaac has been adjourned sine die (without a set date for resumption), Linton and Dr. Fontaine are left to answer the charges which are still before the court.

When the opposition Leader appeared in court yesterday, August 8, 2022, Magistrate Michael Laudat who, on the last occasion recused himself from the matter, said he was rescinding his decision.

According to Laudat, there are at present four magistrates assigned to criminal matters in Roseau three of whom have already recused themselves from the case.

“If I were to recuse myself, this will not be proper to the administration of justice. It would be wrong of me to follow suit, so I will do the matter,” he stated.

In response, defense attorney Gildon Richards urged the magistrate to remain bonded to his earlier decision, the “perfect decision,” he deemed it.

“Your Honor you had most appropriately recused yourself. In supporting your decision, I’m saying that I have always had difficulty with judicial officers who have been appointed on contract acting in criminal cases,” Richards argued.

He alluded to the fact that Magistrate Asquith Riviere who first started the matter is no longer a sitting magistrate and as such, insisted the matter must recommence before another magistrate.

“Mr. Riviere, who commenced this matter, was also appointed on a short term contract like you are. This matter was well on its way and the minister who appoints you and appointed Mr. Riviere did not renew his contract so he was not permitted to continue to be a judicial officer and it is on this basis that we are saying we fear the same thing will happen to you,” the attorney reasoned.

Richards added, “ And if you have the same fear that we do, then you may not be as fair as you ought to be in this matter. So in the interest of justice we are humbly asking you to maintain your decision of recusing yourself from this matter.”

Before handing down his decision, Magistrate Laudat informed the attorney that Privy Council states that any application by the defense or the prosecution requesting the recusal of a magistrate ought not be done in open court but in closed chambers or by way of writing to the magistrate.

Nevertheless, Magistrate Laudat adjourned the matter to December 12, 2022, to court number 1 before another magistrate.

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  1. Beta
    August 23, 2022

    Justice should be colourblind. It shouldn’t matter whether somebody is red or blue. Furthermore, justice should be pure of any political interference. Is this true for our country???

  2. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 16, 2022

    See how the pieces of fart, Roosevelt and his butt kissers the goon, calling himself police chief are horrible and vindictive people!

    ” October 2018, charges were brought against opposition members including Opposition Leader, Lennox Linton, former Prime Minister Eddison James and Dr. Thomson Fontaine. Former Deputy political leader of the UWP, Joshua Francis, along with Nicholas George and former UWP Member of Parliament now Speaker of the House of Assembly, Joseph Isaac, were charged with obstruction of justice.”
    ” now Speaker of the House of Assembly, Joseph Isaac.”

    So, Elizabeth, ds, the sick clown; whereas Isaac the now Speaker of the house was also charge for the crime, how come the case against him is quashed however we see the relentless prosecution of Thomson Fountain.
    It is unfair to hold some of the accuse accountable, while letting Isaac go free; all because he became a lab dog and yard-foul of Roosevelt Skerrit.

    Why all of a sudden, they are focused on…

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  3. Bwa-Banday
    August 11, 2022

    These magistrates all know that there is no evidence to support a conviction but don’t want to be the one to throw it out of court especially if politician Sherms has given it her blessings. Even the police does not want that case to go anywhere because it will make them look bad. But at the behest of the said cabal they have to keep pushing because they don’t want to be the ones to withdraw the case. Magistrate Laudat was a senior investigator in CID for years before becoming a senior prosecutor and now a magistrate so he knows when a case stinks but in “police” language;” He don’t want to be the one to put cutlass in that.”

    But remember I said it; ” Even if this case results in a political conviction at the lower it will get thrown out at a higher court”. The cabal knows that but they want to see Lennox and Thompson in jail sooooo bad you will not believe. thats why they want the lower court to convict so they will be jailed pending their appeal.


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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      August 16, 2022

      In that case there is absolutely no evidence that can be used against Fountain to successfully convict Fountain.

      So, they believe their alternative is to prevent him from going to do his job in Sudan; however, the way I see it is like this: the puppet so called magistrate who is victimizing Fountain is simple making a fool of his/herself, because these days with computer technology, millions of people are working from home all over the world.
      I know CEO’s whose business are based in California; however, these people are in Europe where they are involved in the day-to-day, hour by hour operation of their business.

      Some operate from Mexico also.

      I do not know how these puppets of Roosevelt live with themselves, how do they sleep at night knowing they are themselves corrupt and are making a mockery of the law.
      How will they live for the rest of their life’s knowing they have destroyed the life of so many all because of politics, and the will of a crooked politician dunce!

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  4. Jonathan Y St Jean
    August 11, 2022

    Justice delayed is justice denied. Is Dominca a real country? Remember that Skerritt once pronounced that Dominca isn’t a real country and doesn’t need an opposition party. Now the actions of these 4 magistrates lends proof that the actions of the ruling cabal have metastasized and the cancer called DLP is untreatable and incurable by normal political precedents.

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  5. August 11, 2022

    If that matter ever goes to the Higher Courts even the Judges will recuse themselves from these nonsensical charges; “justice delayed is justice denied” don’t know why the defense lawyers didn’t ask that the matters be struck-off for want of prosecution; don’t worry guys what goes around comes around; the same whip that beats the black horse will also beat the black donkey.

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  6. Cool Out
    August 11, 2022

    You remember when the phrase “….cool out” was very popular in Dominica between late 2017 to election of 2019? I didn’t understand what that ‘ cool out’ meant until someone who confessed to be involved explained to me. So he told me it came about after the protest of February 7, 2017 when top officials of a popular party paid them to burn down Roseau so they could blame it on Lennox Linton and UWP. So he went down to explain that when they got to know about the millions Alireza Monfared left which by the way was the reason for the above protest they (who burned down roseau) threatened to speak out if they didn’t get more money for burning down Roseau. So it was there top boys admonished them to Cool out because they would get their money. That he explained to me was the origin of the phrase “Cool out”. So we know damn well that it was not Linton or UWP that burn down Roseau. All you too damn wicked you evil government of Roosevelt Skerrit

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  7. Lin clown
    August 11, 2022

    Enough,you and your bunch cannot do anything with Skerrit.We put him there and we will remove him when we are ready,which is in the next 15 years.The arson and destruction of private and public property which happened on February 7 2017 can NEVER happen again.We will defend our family and property to the death.Dr.Ferreira’s property is destroyed.Duncan Stowe,Lincoln Corbette,the Muslim store,property belonging to the Roseau City Council are destroyed.The UWP thugs,habitual criminals,crooks,traitors and terrorists are e changing gunshots with the police,while the leader of the blue terrorists is saying to the media whore”what you see going on will continue until Skerrit demits office,or resign”It is time Labourites put on their battle fatigues and get ready for WAR,and to hell with Skerrit.After hurricane Maria we Labourites built this country with our blood,sweat and tears and,we are not going to let a handful of Crooks,terrorists and traitors rule this country.NEVER.

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    • Bobby
      August 12, 2022

      You watch and see! By the way, make sure when it happens that your sorry backside isn’t in Dominica at that time. I’m sure you couldn’t stand the heat.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 4
    • Beta
      August 18, 2022

      Clown, why you worried, a crook already rules the country. A traitor is the Speaker of the House. Do tell us something we don’t know!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  8. Dom-in-a-cans
    August 11, 2022

    Dominicans including supporters of UWP are blaming Lennox Linton for the problems of Dominica when they know Skerrit is the problem. They accuse Lennox Linton of being a weak leader and many are calling for him to be charged. But here lies our problem. A peaceful protest in 2017 organized by the same Lennox Linton and the UWP and we know that protest was attended by thousands of Dominicans. But whose head Skerrit is looking for? People it is that of Lennox Linton and Dr. Fontaine. Is Skerrit after the thousands who attended the protest? Absolutely not! Where is Joseph Isaac the then deputy leader of UWP and who was also charged? He is now speaker of the house. Where is Sam Raphael who I saw in the protest? In bed with Skerrit for his millions. Where is Joshua Francis? In bed wit Skerrit looking for his millions too. Lennox is the one still standing despite all the threats. He still has his voice and he has not bowed to Skerrit! I don’t know what else Dom-in-a can’s want Linton to do

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 38 Thumb down 7
    • Ibo France
      August 11, 2022

      Great analysis as to the true picture of what’s presently happening in Dominica. The greedy, pliable weaklings ( Judas Isaac, Trashua Francis) have surrendered their dignity and integrity for leftovers from Roosevelt dining room table.

      Mr. Lennox Linton has not relented his quest to minimize corruption in public office despite the ferocious attacks, and the continuing persecution by the powers hungry thugs in the highest positions of government.

      “A prophet is without honour in his own country.” This reminds me of the infatigable one, Mr. Linton.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 5
  9. Ibo France
    August 10, 2022

    There is a serious flaw in our justice system. The governing political party appoints the DPP on contract. It is not farfetched to think that a sitting DPP will engage in untoward affairs to retain that contract.

    No wonder, these ridiculous cases, clearly tainted with political shenanigans, find their way before the court.

    I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 8
    • Simple
      August 11, 2022

      Allu doh realize the lawnis skerrit den..smh when allu eyes will open nah..everything is in skerrit favor. Allu not listening to me at all. Skerrit is the head of all. So what he say goes. But alll dog have his day. All rope have and end.lenox skerrit I vote eh but not me again I was blind but I seeing clearly. Now but many are still blind. Doh force and fight just continue to bring out what us alone dat like to read in self doh like to read so skerrit take me eh..but I learning from you..I
      started reading now And PAYING attention.

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    • elizabethlxavier
      August 11, 2022

      You need to leave God out of your hypocritical thoughts. If you believe that He is just, you would also accept that He chose the Leaders that must rule over everyone of the Territories, where His humble and obedient people reside.

      Regardless of the attitude and conduct of the Leaders, His people should believe that He is in control. The leader cannot do any better or against what He has planned for that territory.

      Your thing about “trembling” means that you have no faith in God’s supreme Power. You don’t even know that He chose those certain Leaders, and your responsibility is to respect His choice.

      The apostle Paul advise us, as he says: “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God”

      What is your foolish fear, speaking about God, when you have no respect for His choice in Life–pertaining to human leadership.

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      • Marty
        August 12, 2022

        No bigger hypocrite than YOU. you are a despicable person.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 3
      • Marie
        August 14, 2022

        Keep your ‘wise’ words to yourself, Hypocrite. Not God but Skerrit you worshipping.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 2
      • Jonathan Y St Jean
        August 14, 2022

        @elizabethlxavier, the God who I know and worship said ” my spirit will not always dwell with man”. Your interpretation is different from mine because you are proposing that God is responsible for the suffering of disobedient mankind when they turn their eyes from and their backs on his precepts. He allows certain things but it doesn’t mean that he ordained it to be that way for those he loves most dearly. He also allows certain leaders to go astray from his leading them but that doesn’t mean he put these evil leaders in place to persecute his people deliberately. When he created Heaven and earth he looked on it and declared it good to include Adam and Eve. Then after they disobeyed and brought sin and suffering he regretted he made man. He isn’t autocratic that’s why some leaders turn to be bad even if they started out good. Don’t blame God but competing Satan who some “choose” over the loving compassionate God.

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  10. Enough is Enough
    August 10, 2022

    Dominica is ripe for a repeat of February 7, 2017, but this time a much larger turnout and one that gets the job done. Enough is enough man

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 12
    • Putin
      August 11, 2022

      Yea, we had one on December 6, 2019 and the people spoke even louder than ever before. Get used to it!

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      • Ibo France
        August 11, 2022

        The CCJ spoke unambiguously about the outcome of that particular election.

        Why do you think almost immediately after the last election, Roosevelt paid $5M to recruit a foreigner to reform the electoral system? That’ was a clear admission that the electoral system, as presently configured, is seriously flawed.

        Electoral fraud, shenanigans, skulduggery, chicanery, all these, are responsible for the habitual LIAR being in power.

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        • Putin
          August 12, 2022

          Yes, the CCJ said that there was no cogent argument to support he narrative of an election that was so “fraudulent” that it was null and void, although there were several allegations of wrongdoing.

          We can read, Ibo. No amount of twisting and spinning and mind-bending will rewrite the facts of that CCJ ruling. You should spend your time advising the UWPwee and its troupe of incompetent lawyers.

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      • Caroline G Wilson (Mrs)
        August 11, 2022

        @ Putin,…..Do not forget the first one when LeBlanc “Went” the second one when PJ was overthrown begining with “the rain of stones” then February 7, 2017. The BIG THREE.
        Now we have people who call themselves “enough is enough” and boots on the ground prompting, “Get the Job done.
        They now have a new march, called a walk where both of these two charged were leading participant who made presentations.
        I wonder if you know who the 1979 stone throwing leaders were. Someone has pictures of them in the act and at a meeting at the goodwill parish hall.
        Let the trial begin. More relevant credible witnesses and more reliable acceptable evidence will be presented. Justice will be served.
        This time it is not going to be like “death by fire” on canival day.
        In 1979 the business of prominent DLP members were destroyed. We see a repeat of this in February 7th, 2017.
        The preparators are throwing us into economic…

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 18
      • elizabethlxavier
        August 11, 2022

        Putin, your response is so thoughtful!

        There are too many Dominicans who speak and write without thinking.

        What does that “Enough is Enough” person think he or she is asking for, by calling for a repeat of February 07, 2017? Is he or she so critically naïve, or is suffering from a mental condition, much worse than that? Gush man!

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      • Danziger
        August 12, 2022

        Amen, amen and amen. We’re not blind and is LABOUR AGIAN et ENCORE.

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  11. Lawyer
    August 10, 2022

    About time that they stand up against Skerrit. This nonsense has to stop and that CM has to go. He is of no use to our country. Never was!!

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  12. Neyga
    August 10, 2022

    Skerrit….stop wasting the state resources and the courts time with bogus charges with fake, inept and greedy “lyers”…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 53 Thumb down 13
    • Robert
      August 14, 2022

      Very soon, he will be forced to account for for OUR state resources. Tik tok…

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 1
  13. Lin clown
    August 10, 2022

    Hire a foreign magistrate.There is evidence where the guy is saying.the police cannot tell them what to do,they will do whatever they want to do,Dominica does not belong to Chief Carbon.Later on the night of February 7 2017,during the destruction of public and private property,the exchange of gunfire with the police and the setting of fire in Roseau.We heard the jacka say to the media whore” what you see going on there will CONTINUE until Skerrit demits office or resign,as though it was those bunch of UWP aholes who voted Skerrit.UWP people are so lazy and lack ambition,everyday they can be heard swearing,they are always complaining,and stressing themselves out.They criticize everything,and say Dominicans are poor,hungry and broke,yet they sell on the roadside and expect poor ,hungry and broke people to buy.I did not vote DLP to take BS from the likes of Linton.

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  14. Ibo France
    August 10, 2022

    If this trial isn’t a classic case of public malfeasance, judicial overreach, and governmental deviance.

    Mr. Lennox Linton, and the others similarly charged, have no case to answer, hence these inordinate delays and multiple postponements by the court.

    Only outlaws, criminals, desperados and cold-blooded deviants can support this tyrannical, despotic regime that currently occupies the apex of power.

    There must be valid reasons for four magistrates to recuse themselves from this particular case. In no other country of the Caribbean a magistrate recused himself from a case then later decided to unexcuse himself. Unheard of! Only in Dominica such bizarre occurrences happen.

    The last thing in a country to be corrupted is the judicial system. When this system becomes corrupt all hope is lost. Dominica should be labeled as a FAILED, PARIAH STATE governed by a failed,criminal experiment.

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    • Putin
      August 10, 2022

      Ibo France: “There must be valid reasons for four magistrates to recuse themselves from this particular case …”

      Of course, there are! DNO has described two. Ironically, although you admit there are “valid reasons for the delays” you still ascribe these “valid reasons” to a “corrupt judiciary,” blah, blah, blah :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Do you even read before you hit he “send” button or is it that you simply cannot resist your overwhelming obsessive fixation with spewing foolishness?

      As I said before, man your logic is just mind-blowingly astounding!

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 10 Thumb down 49
      • Ibo France
        August 10, 2022

        Yes, there are valid reasons for the magistrates’ recusal. They don’t want to tarnish their reputation nor waste their time as:
        *there is a vacuum of evidence against the accused
        *they know the charges to be political persecution
        *this trial is a total waste of financial resources of the country
        *only a dastardly corrupt magistrate would preside over this case which is fraught with fabrications, absurdities, gibberish, mischief, contradictions, and horsefeathers.

        The foreign lawyers are laughing themselves giddy all the way to the bank.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 26 Thumb down 7
  15. Real Dominican
    August 10, 2022

    DNO, let me first commend you for your long years of broadcasting news through this medium. You have grown!

    An area that must be checked is the quality of editorial work. Sometimes, I read three or four times understand what the writer intends to convey. Other times, missing commas, sentences that can be shortened, and many more.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 22 Thumb down 7
  16. JAH KAL
    August 10, 2022

    Da fraid da fraid you, according to Tranada the calpysoian, don’t worry they trying there best to frustrate you . Skerrit and his goons they don’t like anybody i mean anybody who’s educating the people but their turn is right around the cornor. Karmar is a word you must look out for, when things start falling apart they will start selling each other out one by one. You see the big snake from cottage that was under the big red tapolin it start moving, more is about to do the same thing , and Dominicans have to stay with their mouth wide open, it’s coming. It was discuss in that house in New York .

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 32 Thumb down 6
  17. Tyrone Nicholas
    August 10, 2022

    This is FUBAR, How then do we get a magistrate who is free from the clutches of the minister and who is able to carry out an impartial trial? I wonder how much it has cost the state to drag along this abuse of power and process for so long. At the very least, decide whether the case has any merit to continue to incur cost on the state purse. But I guess when we don’t like people, no cost is too high to ensure we incur our wrath.. it doesn’t matter if our own people stay behind, we just gotta keep em down huh? Again from the posture of De-fence I can see both sides using similar tact. lets see how long it takes for two wrongs to make things right for Dominica.

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    • Ibo France
      August 10, 2022

      It is pellucid. This case is all about intimidating and destroying Roosevelt’s perceived enemies.

      One automatically becomes an enemy of the State for opposing the evil ways of man who has long lost his way. In his determination to stay at the helm of political power the man is disembowelling the country.

      The electoral system, parliament, justice system, civil service, economy are not even shadows of their once thriving selves.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 4
      • Herbert
        August 14, 2022

        The only thing that thriving in DA is the CM and the cabal.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1
  18. Zandoli
    August 10, 2022

    What a total waste of resources.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 40 Thumb down 5
    • Ibo France
      August 10, 2022

      Perfectly and succinctly said!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 5
  19. Dan the man
    August 10, 2022

    Wow we are slowing inching towards full dictatorship. I would urge everyone to google or You tube a documentary of the Zimbabwe General elections in 2018 after Mugabe was forced out of office. Clearly its shows and international observers confirmed that government agents, police, army and other agencies interfered with the election results.. The same satiation with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and the courts. Dominica is right there with Zimbabwe.

    So think what you want but clearly there is political interference with our courts, police, electoral commission and other government agencies. Why do you think these Ministers are so publicly arrogant?— How many mansions have you built in 20 years I ask? And where did you get the money and or the access to the money? sweet Dominica I weep for you. Mr. Laudat your mother raised you better than that Sir.- at least one would hope. Shame! Shame!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 38 Thumb down 4
    • Ibo France
      August 10, 2022

      “Wow, we are surely inching towards full dictatorship.”

      That’s a colossal understatement. In fact, we are in a full-blown dictatorship. A TYRANT controls the state’s finances, the military forces, the judiciary, the electoral system, the parliament, the entire functioning of the government.

      Where there is a nation of sheep dictatorship flourishes.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 5
      • August 11, 2022

        Why is it that every time that a UWP bum is brought to justice that something is wrong with the justice system, that it is a waste of resources, that Dominica is inching towards dictatorship? Nobody is above the law regardless of your status. Not even the PM is above the law and, he knows that and respects that.. Both Lennox Linton and Thomas Fontaine are no exception to the rule. And by the same token here you are yearning for the DLP to lose power and Skerrit arrested and brought before a court of law. Man, you make no sense. You are full of hate, bitterness and jealousy. Get on with your life, IBO. Skerrit remains a fixture in the DLP political landscape and apparatus. He is unmovable. He is like rainstorm, pull him up, pull him down, rainstorm just won’t move, not even an inch.

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        • Foreign observer
          August 12, 2022

          When was the last time a DLP “bum” was brought to justice? Can you name even one in the last 18 years of the current government leadership?

          Your comment “not even the PM is above the law, and he knows that and respects that” is so laughably directly contrary to the words that have come out of the man’s own mouth, I wonder where you have been living since 2004 – certainly nowhere near Dominica. He doesn’t respect the laws of Dominica, its political process, the parliamentary process or the people themselves that are reduced to begging for bread money at Red Clinics. But, boy, does he love and respect money. As much as he can shove into his pockets from the sale of your passports.

          His day will come, sooner or later, and when it does it may well look like the end days of Ceaucescu, Quaddafi, Mugabe or all of them combined.

  20. Beta
    August 10, 2022

    The Dominican justice system is one big joke. Skerrit had the charges fabricated but since he gave one of the ‘accused’ a new political home. Now Skerrit and the traitor face a problem and no judge wants to handle this ‘case’ which never was one in the first place. Hopefully lessons have been learned. It never pays in the long run if one sells ones soul. This so called PM is running out of space to manoeuvre as well. Dominicans just need to give him the final push.

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    • August 10, 2022

      For Beta or for worse.

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      • Beta
        August 10, 2022

        You are one funny Dude, aren’t you! Apart from that you are as thick as a plank.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 21 Thumb down 5
        • Toto
          August 11, 2022

          Beta, in the case of DS make that two planks. PS I think in his case DS stands for the canine version of BS.

          Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 4
        • August 11, 2022

          That is the only way we can keep our heart healthy and strong. A little humour in everything we do or say. Ask your doctor. Why stay bitter and angry all the time? A little laughter and a smile and we live very long. Life is too short, let’s have some fun. That is all I am asking of you and everybody else.

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          • Beta
            August 12, 2022

            All we do is laugh at YOU because none of us can understand that one can be a thick as you and continue to defend the indefensible!

            Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 3
  21. dissident
    August 10, 2022

    This is a mockery of justice!
    Notwithstanding the gravity of the charges Magistrate’s contract are not renewed… the ones bringing the charges thus forcing the matter to start all over…….. from de outside looking in I am not convinced that the court is seeking to properly adjudicate. Skerrit interested in draining Mr Linton finances through the court appearances.
    Linton has never been convicted of a crime!!!!!!
    Dat magistrate action supports DLP position and serves to prop up Skerrit evil.
    Over 70 witnesses?
    Magistrate recusing themselves still cause they don’t have enough time on de case because of the terms of contract.
    Skerrit and his friends jealous of Linton intelligence
    Humble and wise!!!!

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