General Manager of the Dominica Water and Sewerage Company Limited (DOWASCO), Bernard Ettinoffe has announced that the upgrade of the company’s main water system in “Water Area 1” is expected to be fully completed within the next two months.
He made the announcement during a press conference held at the Ministry of Finance Conference Room on Wednesday.
According to him, the Government of Dominica has contributed $31 million to the company over the last few years.
“The Caribbean Development Bank made a loan to DOWASCO in 2014 for the upgrade of DOWASCO’s main water system in the area referred to as Water Area 1, with the intake at the Springfield River and that system supplies water to Mero, all the way to Castle Comfort,” Mr. Ettinoffe said.
He continued, “We are talking here of a $24 million loan with the Government of Dominica and DOWASCO contributing an additional $9 million to see that project through fruition. And I am pleased to report today, that within the next two months that project will be fully completed.”
He mentioned that the upgrade involves improved filtration systems, so that when it rains and the water gets turbid “we will no longer have to be shutting off water as frequently as we had to do in the past.”
Ettinoffe said further that there will be ungraded systems facilities, storage tanks, and intakes so that it becomes a more reliable water system.
What about areas outside Area 1. How long are the people going to have to put up with muddy water or no water after it rains
Yes, seriously.
Yet again when your organization is headed by someone whose experience comes from running water in the Virgin Iles, the Caribbean’s premier drought stricken area to a failure, that’s the result plus all the gigantic rate hikes he can muster.