The following photos show some burning debris on the main road in Marigot earlier today as well a number of people gathered on the road.
We are trying to get more information about this development.
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STOP the hypocrisy, we have been living in a lawless state since 2004 and now the people want to bring an end to it. Win, lose or draw skerrit must go!
P M, Please give Labourites the GREEN LIGHT!
You what…? You …..little man! We have guys like you for breakfast!
Green light to do what MF? Afuss you idi*t labourites believe Dominica is allu own.
MF, is you UWPITES THAT THINK Dominica that belongs to YOU ALL.
Does the road belong to you?
The GREEN LIGHT is to prove to you that WE ain’t AFRAID of ……… like you.
Maybe,the police forgot what to do.Reminder ,record names of all those UWP criminals,on the scene.Have recorded VIDEOS as exhibit.Get a Magistrate to issue ARREST WARRANTS.Wait when the TRAITOROUS CRIMINALS come to ROSEAU and ARREST them.
Continue to block the road until liat cancel flights for the week !! Too much is happening in Dominica and politicians are not take US serious!
The police should not UNBLOCK the road let those. UWP BABOONS stay in their CAGE,same for SALISBURY.Election must GO ON.
This is the result when our Evangelical leaders take position in encouraging retaliations against the very people that God has asked us to pray for….
The churches need to wake up and get back on their knees and pray. Stop being a hypocrite and let’s do what the Lord has commissioned us to do.
If we stop praying, then who will? How I miss the good old Pastors who were such good examples both morally and spiritually.
I do too.
I look forward to the day when we return to God and make Jesus our King.
Jesus was a rebel.
Bass tad skerrit and con Vince on the media and all over the world and to them what’s going in Dominica is like a big joke . They know they going to hell and wants to take all Dominicans with them.
Workers is rackeckters
Give us voter ID cards and clean the voters list, and there will be peace, GUARANTEED!!!! No more injustice.
Honestly i believe all voters need to have id cards issued. It’s 2019! The votes need to be counted correctly and all voters ids must be verified in order to vote period! I back this comment 👏👌
Win, lose or draw, Skerrit must go! you was wrong to say the people palrep scratching his balls. now we will see who scratching their balls.
He will get volunteers to scratch balls for him in prison.
There are protests going on all over the world, even now, where people light fires in the street. This is not original to Dominica. People are acting like is first time they see that. Don’t you watch CNN? Al Jazeera? GIS alone you watching and listening to Kairi?
The pressure is on labourrrrr powerrrr.
🔥 🔥🔥
🔥 🔥 🔥
But seriously what kin of ignorance that? Can’t believe what am seeing an in my right sense I can never surport a politics party lik Lennox u better don’t come an say ur party have northing to do with this BS
Dominica is a termite infested house that need to be burnt down and rebuilt, but instead Dominicans fighting over whether to paint the rotting house red or blue… the color will not prevent it from falling our head… burn it, burn it.
I would welcome the fire if it affected the airport
But so far from the airport? Joke that man? Maybe those guys just roasting some breadfruit and I bet Caressa maybe supplied the codfish
To all of you who opposes the protest actions, you all need to know that to every action there’s a reaction! The mood on the island is as a result of bad governance! The one-man rogue regime is solely responsible for the situation! The people need not relent until the corrupt rogue regime is gone!!!
Telemaque ,you are so overeducated,you do not even realise,you are burning the places you won.MARIGOT and SALISBURY.Do you think you can destroy the country,AIDED and ABETTED by your BOSS,and expect to win election? NEVER.
Now a days people are doing all these destructive things so they can post it on social media this is your country no DLP or UWP can take it from you but when you burn it down and put this filth on the internet you only harm your self now a days since you have a phone you think you are a reporter like the guys trying to talk yo the bishop why do you think he have to answer your question please people you cannot have change by destroying your country and showing a bad image this use to happen only in Jamaica now the uneducated brining it to Dominica please people get smart stop the violence
So are the Police in the video seen walking away from these criminals without arresting them, getting a salary? If so their salaries should be stopped and given indefinite leave while we invite the RSS in to restore law and order. These criminal activities by the UWP supporters cannot be allowed to go unchallenged and i don’t want the challenge to come from The Labor Party supporters, it has to be tackled head on by those charged with upholding law and order in the land, which is the Police. I have said it before and repeat this again, We need to re-establish the defense force. When the Police seen unable to deal with these instances of civil disorder that’s when you call on the Defense Force.
Lin-con and his clowns knows that they cannot win the election now those low rent gutter rats is burning marigot down come on Mr Blackmoore get the security officers out with teargas, rubber bullets, and Tasers guns right now before it gets out of control.
And the reason for this is?
If it is because of the arrests of this morning, well the police should have known that the country is already on edge and arresting the leader of the opposition would have brought it over the edge.
Whey is di money?
Whey is di money?
Whey is di money?
The police need to get serious and curb this type of practice. Every community just believe that they can wake up and decide to block road and put fire in the place. The police needs to make examples.
True did u see the video. The Police walked away and the men started blocking the roads etc right in the presence of the police. I could not believe this. Policemen why did u allow that to happen. The people are not taking you seriously. One would expect this when you drove away but not in your presence. May be too they are just playing for confrontation. People let us get serious! This cannot be allowed to happen in our country. What are u all looking at? Is there a reason for this kind of behaviour? I say no. Can we not ask for some thing peacefully? What are you teaching your young ones? Then when they rebel on you, you going to the police. Need to instill discipline in ourselves if we want the younger ones to respect us. Take note! I warning you all! What goes around comes around.
Why don’t you use your ” holier than thou” attitude on Skerrit?
If the police let the people protest they will not get violence tell the government to stop aggravating the people
Absolute Garbage..The police cannot do anything but to protect the protesters..Do you know how long the people have been clamouring for reform?
It should never reach that stage.
Skerrit was warned by about 20 organisations and civil society groups..
Reform is a must..It belongs to the people not Skerrit!!!
Whey is di money?
Whey is the money?
Whey is di money?
Agreed the police need to make examples …. and also examples of those who have been stealing from the sales of our passports..
But Skerrit has millions to campaign with, and de opposition brokes. So why Skerrit doe telling Savarin to postpone de elections until February so the opposition money will run out?
Only ignorant people who cannot see this problem is caused by President Savarin deliberately not addressing the issue of electoral reform, and this is an issue that won’t go away on Dec 7th. Postpone the elections, or expect continuous and random road blockages.
The biggest roadblocks to economic growth are corruption, tribalism and a decaying democracy. All which are present in Dominica today. These are FACTS.
It is never protest action or revolution. These are necessary to ignite change. If someone has a problem with protest, then tell President Charles Savarin to give the people what they want. Its not an absurd or unreasonable request. Its noble and for the long term preservation of our democracy.
@Ti Garcon, you guys believe that you have the right to do all your hooliganism then turn around and blame Labour government boy I tell you all if I had my way – am not even going there only God knows.
Ti Garcon you alone that seeing all what you talk about. Yes support who you want but do not encourage violence. You have no proof whatsoever of all the things you guy say. Is hear this and run with it. Why don’t you all run with the good things. I cannot understand black people. Always looking for sensation, ugly things not noticing any good. Good is by passed. How many of you castigating the Honourable PM would read the other news item & comment on the positive. None of u. I read the news & alas u the negaters do not even read the other news (good things) or if u do, your comments are mostly baseless & out of context. Your vocabulaty is “Skerrit”. I guess manyof you dreaming him in the night. Since your mind is so focussed on him day in & day out. Everything u blame him for. I see this as pure jealousy of one man. Go big up yourselves. Get some positive things to do. Stop the hatred. Your time will come to shine like him if u throw away hatred & love people like him
So as long as my husband paying de rent, I should stay in de abusive relationship and take his blows? You mus be mad!
“If someone has a problem with protest, then tell President Charles Savarin to give the people what they want. It’s not an absurd or unreasonable request”. @Ti Garcon
Your name means “little boy” but your sentiment is much worse than that, there is a lot of “little boys” who can think way, way, way, about your senseless mentality.
It is the same with all of your UWPites, including your leader, it is do as I say or we are going to cause a lot of trouble. I call this downright stupidity!
Whom do you all think is suffering this kind of lawless behavior? And how many times is it going to resurface when you all’s foolish demands are not rectified?
All I can see in this video is empty-minded individuals who should be ashamed of having the World noticing this uncivilized and wretched behavior. What a dreadful pity!
While Linton calls for the RSS to stay away from Dominica and it’s elections, the actions of his supporters is inviting the RSS to Dominica during the elections.
Oh the irony
Bunch if weak coward uneducated fools. When you burn your village down who has to rebuild it? Who loses? You guys are not even thinking about the children? And you think this will help Linton how?
RSS or not, we shall not stay moo moo. Reforms or else!
What Skerrit calling RSS for? Are we supposed to be afraid of them? They are human just like us.
Roosevelt Skerritt, that little black wet rat, that little two head mouse is the one responsible for all the violence in the country.
Right now he planned on a riot, so that he can declare a state of emergency.
That is the way he intended to seig and hold on to power illigimately.
The time of freedom has come people, don’t allow that corrupted dictator to sucker the country into a civil war.
That is Roosevelt long term plan.
Francisco Etinne-Dods Telemaque you say “Right now he planned on a riot, so that he can declare a state of emergency” any yet, all you falling for it?
So who worse?
You language I do not understand!
TELEMASSISI, if you drink CLAYRENDAYSADAIQUE go rest yr weary soul. A LAST poor pity, know your position IS CLAYREN YOU DRANK thats why you see the wet RAT. 5 MORE YEARS SE SAY ZOR PA LAY TAN. LABOUR
As for u Francisco Etienne Dodds Telemacque! Go find some love. You that loose cannon disrespectful of others not the PM alone. Bitter man please get help so u won’t hurt yourself. You are bitter since u say your sister was murdered (correct me if I am wrong). When last did u visit Dominica. I wish u would come & I would give u a free tour of Dominica not Wesley and Woodfor Hill only. U are one whom I always thought was educated but you see you may have wisdom but worldy but real wisdom comes from God. Without this u cannot objectively analyse. Francisco election is on Friday 6th of December. Why don’t u tell those persons (a minority) to stop this nonsense & go vote out the PM u do not like. U tell me what is the use of all this violence? Partner introspect, seek God & tell me whether u have to be so disrespectful? A ? 4 u – What if your preferred party does not win? Do you continue on this hatred vendetta against 1 man. Many persons here love this man who loves.
Corrupt people are clearly seen here. These people are putting fire on their own road we, at d end of the day is their community. UWP want my vote and that they doing well Friday am need to get ahead of some TV so … me and their kids🤣🤣🤣 could not pass marigot side good for them continue however is thesec corrupted people that keep putting d country back. Soon there will be a new party in Dominica 😏😏
I jus can’t believe Dominicans is doing this to their country when you burn it down where are you going to live stop you foolishness don’t burn down your country for politicians
Here goes another foolish little boy’s thinking! (I am not responsible for this, it is all your fault because you did not let me have my own way.)
I pray to You, O Lord! Forgive them for they do not know what they do. But deliver the rest us, Your God-fearing people of Dominica from that “futile destruction” of those demon-possessed individuals–please take us into Your Shelter of Res in Jesus name. Amen!
ENJOY while it last!
Man shut up! Whose damas* idea was it to try to arrest Lennox Linton at a volatile time like this?
Linton set the whole thing up. He deliberately did not show up in court. He knew there would be a warrant out for his arrest and fools like you would act like the fool you are. It’s part of a plan to disrupt because he is losing. Guess what elections will be Decembet 6th. I hope you guys get jail time.
ADMIN: The matter was originally scheduled for 1pm and the time was changed to 10 am. Linton and James stated they were not aware of the change and bench warrant was issued for their arrest due to their non-appearance at 10am.
There have been several claims that the disturbances in Marigot on Monday were (at least in part) a result of this bench warrant.
@ wisdom
Very good point!
Whey is di money?
Whey is di money?
Whey is di money?
Last time I checked it was the presiding judge.
As for u Francisco Etienne Dodds Telemacque! Go find some love. You that loose cannon disrespectful of others not the PM alone. Bitter man please get help so u won’t hurt yourself. You are bitter since u say your sister was murdered (correct me if I am wrong). When last did u visit Dominica. I wish u would come & I would give u a free tour of Dominica not Wesley and Woodfor Hill only. U are one whom I always thought was educated but you see you may have wisdom but worldy but real wisdom comes from God. Without this u cannot objectively analyse. Francisco election is on Friday 6th of December. Why don’t u tell those persons (a minority) to stop this nonsense & go vote out the PM u do not like. U tell me what is the use of all this violence? Partner introspect, seek God & tell me whether u have to be so disrespectful? A ? 4 u – What if your preferred party does not win? Do you continue on this hatred vendetta against 1 man. Many persons here love this man who loves.
Foolishness com you per usual! What is there to enjoy? I don’t support violence nor the destruction of property. However, where there is no justice there is no peace. People protest rigorously but don’t destroy your community.
did you even read my comment, LOL, God do liek ugly, what I hearing there nuh, so if I ugly God do like me then
Well, well, well that’s the danger I saw in lennox in my dream, Marigot people hope you all don’t feel sorry for this wicked ac. May Gog have mercy on all of you.
Have you had any real contact with Mr.Linton did he refused to give you his hard own cash when you begged him, did he take your job, did he refused to buy you liquor, did he said instead of begging get a job. or have you ever meet Linton face to face, or you just sit back and listen and drink down the red cool drink without asking what is it well that’s to bad no more for you so go on hating the hand that will be causing you to feed yourself and family . Linton is not looking at who like him or hate him all he cares about is every individual getting a chance to make life better for themselves, he’s directed and driven by the Almighty father and no weapon form against him will prosper.
I don’t need his cash I can fully take care of myself. I don’t hate nobody this word is not in my vocabulary, I was told in dream that he is dangerous that is why I AM WARNIN you all. @ Justice I think you are referring to the wrong person.
Teargas and jail those hooligans. Then again they are destroying their own lively hood so why should I care.
Oppression creates “hooligans”. Tell the hooligan maker to stop.
Burn baby burn until we get electoral reforms. It’s not about wining but rather REFORMS and accountability for our monies. Civil disobedience until that is done.
@Bwa Banday Elections is December 6th. You dont have to vote but others will wheter you like it or not. So burn your village down and see who suffers in the end. Damn …..
all you can burn down the whole of that ugly village if all you want just leave the Airport so i can land when i come D/A!
Someone has to pay for this obstruction.
Everyone has a democratic right of FREE MOVEMENT.
To prevent people from going on their daily movement is an act of TERRORISM and kidnapping.
The roads does not belong to any one set of persons.
So when LABOUR is blocking Federation Drive (for labour got talent) or between the 2 bridges in Roseau it’s ok.
From what I heard in those videos one man is telling a bus driver to use the detour. So an alternative route is available same as when labour use the road for their event. I won’t say that those type of actions are good and I don’t think this is the right way and they should be condemned but don’t come with your story about blocking the road and my right of freedom la piece.
Only a damas* makes such comparison.
Postpone the elections!!!
No reform= No elections!!!
Hell no. You all said you are winning 15 seats so vote.
Why wasn’t there any reform while UWP was in power
But what else do you expect from the villagers when their leader and parl rep. repeatedly incites violence and does not condemn these types of acts. These people should not test the patience of the police. Lennox and Spags you all need to call on your supporters to stop this idiotic behavior. Shame on you people.
Lennox is a con man. He knows he is losing.
You know, you are nothing than a dirty stinking liar.
Name the time and date when you heard Lennox Linton called for or insight any form of violence in the country.
I can tell you how many times Roosevelt Skerritt told ……. like you to poure hot water on UWP supporters.
Roosevelt told …. like you to harras who don’t support him when you meet them in church, street, on a Plane even in another country.
Shut up!
Just because Skerritt said whatever you claim he said is it ok for Linton to keep quiet when these so called idiots and animals of UWP are being a menace to society? Man, you have no credibility. Recently, you stated that Skerritt is black and ugly; I guess you do not know Linton.
Realist you are wasting your time responding to people like Francisco. De man sitting pretty in america enjoying his retirement while using DNO platform to encourage Lennox’s dumb followers to cause chaos here in DA. I guess when he sees those pictures on social media he just sits back and goes; hee! hee! hee! Dimwits!

Do you observe the one or two blacks in Trumps rallies that usually look around when Trump says ‘send them back’ to his redneck white supremacist supporters and everyone else cheer except them? Well Francisco might be one of those.
People are tired; and fed up with hunger; no employment; nor any job prospective: they are tired of Roosevelt twenty years of lying while he and his wife and American born children fleece the country, becoming as he Roosevelt said the richest politician in the Caribbean region.
Ask yourself how come Roosevelt got so wealthy over that short span of time on a Prime Minister’s salary in Dominica.
Even if Roosevelt honest salary paid a million dollars per year, when you add up his total honest earnings over a twenty year period, subtracting living expense, the man would not manage to save nine hundred thousand dollars. A million dollars is: ten hundred thousand dollars; people realizing that only he and his wife, and the people he gives millions of dollars free claim to build hotel seems to enjoy the nation wealth; our people have come to that realization hence that triggered the implosion of the country. The rebellion involve different factions; it is Roosevelt curse! Who thief $1.2…
@Realist, Linton is his cousin, that is why they have the same kind of mentality. They look like each other; you may not even know who is who if you see them together. If the were the same age you would think that they are twins

For this man to compare what PM Skerrit said with the behavior of those hooligans in that video, is beyond comprehension.
Why all this violence if you are going to win?
Give us our ELECTORAL REFORMS or else!
@Bwa-Banday, are you denying victory because you know that Linton will have to put up with his own demands for “electoral reform”–in that he will have to wait for the process, not as he demands that it happens?
But he will have to put up with both, his demands for electoral reform (to wait until it is initiated according to protocols) and to (deal with another defeat) which will be delivered to him on December 06, 2019–God’s Will be done!
Well tell Lennox Linton to stop blocking electoral reform cause on one hand he’s calling for it and on the other hand he is blocking it in parliament. Can’t you see this man is using his supporters to get into power at any cost? You will get electoral reform when lennox and uwp comes into power cause your leader said he’s wining the election. So why the fuss??? UWP and Lennox Linton are loosing support because of the manner in which they have taken on this campaign. It’s a campaign of hate and destruction to people and country. It shows they are desperate and desperate people do desperate things just like they and their supporters are doing. Remember the pollster Whickham said there are lots of “undecided” voters who could determine the outcome of this election…Well guess what, those undecided voters many of them have said after witnessing the desperate manner in which Lennox and his party are going about things, they will not be voting for Lennox and the uwp. Blame…
My sentiment exactly. A certain pollster said that UWP is going to win the election. I always knew this guy is a fraud. Expect Linton, as usual to say that he has nothing to do with that. If he was so confident that they are going to win then tell your supporters to behave like humans and go and vote and wait for the outcome.
Anon stop being as stupid as your leader the people are up set and it’s not about Red, Blue , Pink or Yellow and it’s not about Linton or Skerritt it’s all about the CONSTITUTION AND THE RULE OF LAW, another article to read is the AL JAZEERA news you should be thrilled, but don’t blame Linton for it as your boss.
Anon do you believe in the natty comments that your boss said about Linton over the week end it that what you want as a PM your children can look up to.
Anon, Skerrit wins by fraudulent means but the country is not succeeding. The country is retrogressing as fast as his receding hairline. A just election will drive away much of the political tensions injustice always leads to huge problems. I see no hope for Dominicans with the most corrupt, asinine and inept leader at the helm of government. How could a man who has brought shame and scandals on all Dominicans run for leadership of this country again and again? Only in Dominica this could happen. Dominica’s international image has been blackened and irreparably damaged by Skerrit’s greed, ignorance, selfishness, dishonesty and by his corrupt practices. He has to go.
Definitely signs of losers. No winning team will have that behavior. smh
hmm that fire is right next to the pole and a house, I guess it will burn down, then no light Marigot, also I notice tourists trying to get to the Airport and it seems they are telling them go back, interesting, I guess Dominica going to shutdown in the coming days…. SMH
derp do you really think this is necessary? Almighty Father does not like rebellion and ugly. The spirits of confusion in the atmosphere will be crushed by the blood of the Lamb. Absolutely ridiculous and u say you love country, potraying flag of Dominica everywhere. Wants power by absolute rebellion and strife. But the ballot is on Friday 06th December, 2019. If u think you are winning why do all those ridiculous things. I see a pack of confused people. What are we trying to become a war torn country? But God forbids. Peace stands still. Peace will reign in the Name of Jesus. God does not like ugly. God does not like ungratefulness. Maria hovered 7 hours. Dorian hovered over Bahamas for 36 hours. God has been good to us .. many of us could have died but his mercy. Now look at us rebelling, hating, jealousy, anger & unforgiveness. The rigteous shall not be foresaken. People stop this foolishness – destroying. Remember God is in control. He is the ultimate One
Amen and amen. In Jesus Mighty name this needs to stop before it gets worse. Please do not provoke the wrath of God to come upon us because of the innocent people of this our land. If we really love Dominica as we claim to be please do not destroy it. Truly God is not in this for He is not the author of confusion. Wake up my people and listen before it is too late. Please do not endanger the life of our people.
@The Truth Be Told, Amen, Amen, and Amen again, my friend!
I accept your thought production, as my petition, with you, to our God of Great Power and Holiness–may His wrath reign against the wicked.
I am asking all of you Prayer Warriors of Dominica to stand in prayer together, especially for the next few days.
Let us ask our God of Mightiness to show our enemies and His as well, the wrath of His Holiness. Let us ask Him to cause them to regret the day they entered this world in the body–for dust they are and to dust they shall return.
In the Great name of Jesus; in the Powerful name of Jesus; and in the Blazing Love of Jesus–let it be O Lord! Let it be!
@derp, off with the negative vibes, we have more than enough of that already