Kurvon Wade described as ‘caring, loving and helpful’

Kurvon Wade

Family, friends, and loved ones turned out in large numbers last night, for a candlelight vigil under the Canefield cliff, where 21-year-old Kurvon Wade of Fond Cole lost his life during a motorcycle collision in that area earlier this week. Wade was described as a young man with endearing qualities who will be missed by many who knew him.

“He was caring, loving, and helpful and his life was cut short,” a close friend of Wade told Dominica News Online(DNO). “We have been friends for many years and I consider him as a true brother. When I heard the news about his death I cried and asked God why?”

He continued, “I still can’t believe he is gone. Fond Cole has lost another young man and this is so sad. My heart goes out to his family.”

Meanwhile, a family member who chose to remain anonymous remarked, “it has been a very emotional time for all of us.”

He said Kurvon had a bright future ahead.

“When I first received the news my heart started racing,” he lamented. “We were tight. He visited me almost every day.”

He added, “I am still in disbelief…it’s like I am dreaming.”

According to previous reports from Police Inspector Fixton Henderson, on Monday, May 20, 2024, at about 12:15 AM a Yamaha TMAX motorcycle ridden by Kurvon Wade, male, 21 years old of Fond Cole was traveling in a northerly direction under the Canefield cliff, while another Yamaha TMAX motorcycle ridden by Flint Harry, male adult of Salisbury, and pillion rider Jameson Defoe, 30-year-old male of St Joseph, was traveling in the opposite direction when the two motorcycles collided head-on.

“All riders received serious injuries and were transported to the emergency department of the Dominica-China Friendship Hospital via ambulance,” Henderson said.

Wade and Defoe were examined and pronounced dead by a medical doctor.

Harry remains in critical condition at the hospital.

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1 Comment

  1. Sad
    May 24, 2024

    Condolences to the families and friends of the deceased individuals, and may they rest in eternal peace.
    I am trying to understand how two motorcycles on such a wide road could be involved in a head-on crash. Maybe the police can elaborate on the circumstances, as the details of the crash are very nebulous. I also call on our young people to be more careful and aware while operating vehicles. Anything made by man can fail at any time, and we need to be constantly vigilant.

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