LIVE: Feast of Christ the King procession 2023

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  1. Just Asking
    November 29, 2023

    @out of south city.
    Wow, that’s a lot of Gods. Three gods + all the sub-gods, apostles etc. Didn’t they destroy, burn and close all of the African Spiritual System and culture and anything religious and replaced it by force with Europeans culture aka Christianity claiming you worship too many Gods?

    BTW – DNO, your ‘reply’ button stopped working a week now even after clearing cache and resetting browser but we managing.

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    • out of south city
      November 29, 2023

      You couldn’t have said it better. “Three gods plus all the sub gods, apostles etc.” Yes, they destroyed a lot of the African Spirtual system and culture and made us believe that African Spirituality was evil. To them, everything African is negative and still have some of us feeling the same way. We have embraced Christianity more than they who forced it on our ancestors and it seems like we cannot let it go. I tell you, when you detest that religion, that’s when your eyes are opened and your brain starts working about who you really are. The brain washing is in the church, schools, media, political arena, legal system, and every other system that was established by the Europeans. They made sure that their system continues by having our own people continue their control of our minds. Brother Bob Marley sang, “liberate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.There’s enough books and materials available for us to do so, if we really want to…

  2. out of south city
    November 27, 2023

    The Trinity is a myth. We are made to believe it’s god the father, god the son and god the holy ghost. Tell me, how can a ghost be holy according to the Europeans’ definition? How could Europeans, who enslaved(chained, tortured, burnt, raped, maimed etc,) our ancestors, turn around and give us a white man on a cross as our saviour? Why do we believe everything white is positive and everything black is negative? They have wired our brains by their words and all we do is run with it. We need to think for ourselves by reading, researching and challenging the status quo. There is a saying, we were born in sin and shapened in iniquity. So a newborn baby has already committed sin? Does that make sense? My people, our creators are our parents. They are the ones who come together sexually and give life to us. It’s no spirit out there. The concept of the cross is about death so why do you wear crosses around your neck? The Egyptian Ankh means life and came from our forefathers.

  3. Blinded Sheep
    November 27, 2023

    I would like to ask all of these people one simple question: What is Jesus Christ King of? 100 % of them would have gotten an F on this very important question.

    Mary is known to millions as the “Queen of heaven” but during the Christmas season she is dethroned and Jesus is placed on a temporary throne for two months. Then Mary is put back on her throne during the lent season after Ash Wednesday. Folks, it cannot get more hypocritical than that.

    After the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Pilate wrote an inscription atop the head of the cross which read and meant in the English language: “Jesus of Nazareth king of the Jew.” The high priests and other “religious leaders” went to Pilate and requested that the word “king” be removed. (They had previously rejected Jesus by saying, “we have no king but Caesar.”) But Pilate replied was, “What I have written, I have written.”

    Now, we have these people mocking God to His face referring to Him as king but not King of their life. Hypocrites!

    • Sight Restored
      November 27, 2023

      Similar to the Europeans who have never understood what the Africans wrote on their temple walls and papyri but hijacked the Christian religion, we can’t keep regurgitating their misinterpretation of allegory. It is all allegory, stories with a moral to them, pawabol, some are myths not to be taken word for word. We have to dig into the history of the Africans who wrote those stories; written by your Ancestors, not the Europeans that hijacked your story. We’ve been lied to for too long. The full information is out there, it’s no longer the days of the ole white priests.. find it.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 4

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