[Loop News] Guyana: Surgeons remove ‘human tail’ from 10-day-old boy


Surgeons at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) got to put their medical training to the test recently when they performed a rare surgery on a child born with what they referred to as a “human tail”.

The team, which was led by Chief Neurosurgeon Dr Amarnauth Dukhi, successfully removed the tail and reconstructed the 10-day-old boy’s spinal canal during their surgery on June 18.

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  1. If we knew better
    June 28, 2023

    Yea its not really that uncommon.

  2. Pat
    June 28, 2023

    After those vac**nes nothing surprises me after MRNA genes of many have been modified.

  3. Ibo France
    June 26, 2023

    The strangest things are happening in these times of uncertainty, lies and wickedness. This one defies comprehension.

    Best of health to the baby and good fortune to the parents going forward. May this baby grow to be a very productive and outstanding citizen.

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