New inter-regional ferry service poised to upgrade cargo industry

Recent updates reveal the emergence of a groundbreaking regional transport system spearheaded by the private sector, linking Caribbean Community (CARICOM) nations through the inception of Connect Caribe, a novel ferry service designed not only for passenger transit but also prioritizing cargo shipments.

Connect Caribe accentuates the pivotal role of its Cargo Division, poised to revolutionize the movement of various goods, encompassing light commodities, e-commerce parcels, and agricultural yields across the region. Moreover, it pledges to accommodate heavy cargo along its primary freight route.

Andre Thomas, the CEO of Caribbean Israel Finance (CIF) and a UN Peace Ambassador, underscores the synergy between Connect Caribe’s services and proposed governmental initiatives in Guyana, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago. He emphasizes ongoing discussions with these governments, highlighting a concerted effort to seize upon the vast opportunities presented in tackling transportation challenges.

Acknowledging the transformative impact on the industry, Connect Caribe anticipates its three vessels to collectively facilitate the transportation of up to 8,000 passengers alongside cargo, including manufactured goods and agricultural produce. Notably, the project is poised to commence its initial phase, estimated at US$50 million, by the last quarter of 2024, with plans for subsequent expansion to encompass additional island routes within the Caribbean Sea.

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1 Comment

  1. derp
    February 6, 2024

    That Connect Caribe will never see the light of day, since last year they were coming check their facebook page and websites

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