The 2025 Inter-Secondary Schools Debating Competition kicks off its inaugural round on January 28, with teams poised to engage in spirited intellectual discourse.
This event is organized by Trudy Christian in collaboration with the Dominica State College (DSC) Literary and Debating Society and various partners. This competition is an annual tradition that highlights the debate capabilities and cognitive abilities of some of the most talented students in Dominica.
The opening debate will focus on the proposition: “Skills-based learning has become more relevant than formal academic training in addressing the economic requirements of Dominica.” The Isaiah Thomas Secondary School (ITSS) will support the motion, while the Portsmouth Secondary School (PSS) will argue against it. Additionally, the St. Martin Secondary School (SMSS) will advocate for the motion in a match-up against the Castle Bruce Secondary School (CBSS), which will oppose.
On January 29, the discussions will shift to a significant societal concern with the topic, “Adolescents who have attained the age of consent should not need parental approval to access reproductive and sexual health services in Dominica.” The Saint Mary’s Academy (SMA) will present arguments in favor, while the Dominica Grammar School (DGS) will contest. In another debate, the Pierre Charles Secondary School (PCSS) will propose the motion against the Goodwill Secondary School (GSS), which will oppose.
The debates will finalize on January 30, exploring the issue, “The recent body positivity movement is dangerous because it has led to the desensitization of adolescents to the health risks associated with obesity.” The Convent High School (CHS) will argue in support of the motion, while the Wesley High School (WHS) will present opposing arguments.
All debates are scheduled to occur at the University of the West Indies (UWI) Global Campus, commencing at 2:30 PM.
Defending champions Orion Academy will participate in the second round in February, with the semi-finals planned for March and the finals set for April.
This competition was revitalized three years ago following a prolonged absence, as noted by Ms. Christian, who serves as the Interim President of the DSC. She emphasizes that this initiative has played an important role in enhancing critical thinking, research capabilities, and public speaking skills among students in Dominica.
Christian, via statement, expressed her sincere appreciation to the participating schools for their enthusiasm and to the sponsors for their continued support, urging the community to attend and back the young participants.
I like it. I have always been a debating fan.
Make sure Skerrit is invited. The fool has never had one debate like other CARICOM leaders, to defend his government position on key national issues. What a shame!