Over $30 million worth of drugs destroyed by police

Over 30 million dollars worth of drugs went up in smoke at the Special Service Unit compound at Morne Bruce on Friday. According to reports from Police Inspector Fixton Henderson, on Friday, May 24, 2024, the Drug Squad of the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force (CDPF) destroyed by fire 9,988 kilograms of cannabis with a street value of EC$14,982,000 and 606.64 kilograms of cocaine with a street value of EC$16,075,960.

He said the drugs were seized during various police operations over a certain time period and some were kept in police custody as exhibits in certain cases which were dealt with by the court.

“The Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force remains transparent in its steadfast efforts to enforce the Drugs Prevention of Misuse Act of Dominica and to reduce the impact of these illegal drugs on our Dominican society,” Henderson stated.

Furthermore, he conveyed gratitude to the Dominican public, on behalf of the police, for the invaluable assistance given to the drug squad thus far.

The CDPF also urges the general public to continue to assist the police in intercepting and ridding society of  dangerous substances as well as illegal firearms that are usually linked to the drug trade.

“Choose wisely, say no to drugs,” Henderson advised.

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  1. dissident
    May 27, 2024

    without proof…….no video?
    You expect me to believe dat?
    is there a connection to de woodfordhill homicide?

  2. Fools Paradise
    May 26, 2024

    See the news Dominica police boasting about in 2024 :
    “Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force (CDPF) destroyed by fire 9,988 kilograms of cannabis with a street value of EC$14,982,000“

    Yet our hospital doesn’t even have paracetamol but we proud to destroy natural medicine and, our treasury is empty but we boasting of burning $ EC $ 14. 982, 000. That’s almost $15 million dollars boy. Gason we sort we

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