Prominent Dominican businessman, Phillip Nassief, dies

Phillip Nassief

Phillip Nassief, one of Dominica’s most outstanding businessmen, has died.

He passed away at his residence at Belfast on Sunday.

Mr. Nassief”s major business undertakings in Dominica include Dominica Coconut Products (DCP) which he started in the 1960s and later sold to Colgate Palmolive in 1995, Belfast Rum, and Fort Young Hotel which he purchased in 1988.

Dominican agriculturist based in the US, Dr. Davison Shillingford, in an article published on Dominica News Online in 2019, described Mr. Nassief as an outstanding Dominican leader who made exceptional contributions to the island’s economic and social development.

The full article can be read here:

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  1. Peter Azille Sr
    April 29, 2024

    By: Peter Azille, Sr.
    Today, I learned sadly of the passing of Mr. Phillip Nassief, a true Dominican Hero and Patriot. I got to know that great man when in 1981 on Carnival Monday night while working and living in Antigua, I received a phone call from him, inviting me to come to Dominica the following morning to meet with himself as then Chairman of the Dominica Industrial Corporation and Dame Mary Eugenia Charles, Prime Minister of Dominica and Minister of Finance, Trade and Industry for an interview to fill the position of Marketing and Investment Promotions Manager. As a member of the Antigua Jaycees, I had worked hard on the Caribbean Queen Show Committee and had developed a fever and did not think I could travel. At Mr. Nassief’s insistence, I took the LIAT reservation of my nephew who was in Antigua for Carnival and traveled to Dominica where I first met him.
    My meeting with Phillip as he insisted I call him, being…

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  2. Dcps
    April 29, 2024

    RIP sir…you know how many staff families you help sending their children to school….your memory will live on….

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
  3. Charlotte Julien
    April 29, 2024

    Dominica and the Caribbean are experiencing the loss a Great Stalwart. I join with Family and fellow Dominicans in saying May his Soul Rest in the Peace of Christ. From Charlotte Julien (Trinidad)🙏🙏🙏

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  4. Labour power
    April 29, 2024

    This man was a really good man.May his soul rest in PEACE.

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  5. Bwa-Banday
    April 29, 2024

    RIEP Mr. Nassief! Because of you and the Nassief family on a whole many Dominicans are who they are in terms of success today. I hope the village of Mahaut can some day do something special in your memory.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 0
    • Just Asking
      April 30, 2024

      The village of Mahaut? my sympathies, RIP. But did they get any of their land back?

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