Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has commended the organizers of the 21st Edition of the World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) for what he has described as a massively successful event.
The festival was held at Windsor Park Sports Stadium from Friday, October 25th to Sunday, October 27th.
“On behalf of the government and my own behalf, our congratulations on a very successful 2019 World Creole Music Festival,” Skerrit said. “I believe, and based on [what] many regional and international patrons said to me over the weekend, they have concluded that Dominica’s WCMF is the number one music festival in the Caribbean.”
The prime minister singled out Events Director of the Discover Dominica Authority (DDA), Marva Williams, for what he said was “extraordinary talent and skills” with which she organized the event taking it to a higher level.
“Those of us who go to the event only see the end product but we don’t appreciate the work that has to be done months ahead prior to the event…” he said. “It’s a huge undertaking to coordinate all of these activities, different stakeholders, different service providers, different artistes, different managers, different bands, different groups, airline tickets, hotel accommodations…”
According to Skerrit, Williams surpassed his own personal expectations “but also dumbfounded a lot of the critics and naysayers.”
The Prime Minister also congratulated Tourism Minister, Senator Robert Tonge, for his guidance and approach to getting the activity going and the Director of Tourism and CEO of Discover Dominica Authority (DDA), Colin Piper and the other committee members who had a part to play in the success of the event.
Skerrit said he anticipates even bigger things for the WCMF.
“With more hotel rooms coming in, we expect more guests to come in, addressing air access in the interim while we make plans to build the international airport,” he stated.
He is confident that in the upcoming years there will be an increase in visitor arrivals during the festival and encourages all to promote the good of the country.
Skerrit quit on the airport dude,the monies you give away each month to people that do not work for it please,give us a damn break.
$250000 USD for Buju alone and teachers cannot get paid? F you Skerrit!
No raise of salary for the working poor; no increase for pensioners but lots of Cool Out for young, energetic and healthy thugs loitering the streets and using this Cool Out money to get ‘HIGH’. This is a country where absurdities reign supreme.
@crap bag above, my advice to you Mr or Ms Prioritises, keep spreading lies and propaganda to promote political cause point of view, will not help you or Linton, who’s always missing in action when the going gets tough, will never on this blue planet replace Pm. Dr Skerrit, put that in you lots so-called Workers blue bellys boomboom flies potato heads. “Spread the Love 😍 Labour and Dr Skerrit forever”. 💐💐💐
Thank God for the UWP for coming up with the festival but you all must also be thankful to the DLP for nurturing the festival to the high level it is today. Our festival is if not the best festival in the Caribbean it is way at the top. I spoke to a number of festival goers during our WCMF and they speak highly of our festival. The introduction of the VVIP got high marks
Yes I agree .
The UWP has to prioritize the following:
1). Tourism
2)The Airport
3)Agriculture (local,intercaribbean/international)
4)The infrastructure
5) Review of the constitution (scrutiny committee,)
The emphasis must be to convince the Dominica People for taking a new path for unity and economic development.
Well! Well! I expected to hear this again. An international Airport and all purposes, the election gimmick is here again. This is the third election he is making his promise, A promise is a comfort to a fool. Mr SKERRIT let my people go and step down a P.M.
Its good to read that he World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) of Dominica continues to exists and we say thanks to the creators of this poignant entertainment created by the United Workers Party Government, then in government under the sound and focussed leadership of then Prime Minister Eddison James. Today, we see again that the UWP has a formidable Prime Minister, in the person of dedicated Hon. Linton, who currently is the Leader of the Opposition, as we all await the downfall and dismissal of failed Skerrit and his incompetent, corrupted weak Government. We have had enough of this failed Skerrit and his corrupted Labour government. We need them to go, that this disciplined, focussed, professional leader of the United Workers Party will be in Government as soon as the election is called.
Dominica and its people desperately need a new government whom we trust in office soon. Skerrit & his Labour must get out, as we welcome disciplined Hon Lennox Linton & his trusted UWP Team. Amen.
Shut up you little evil bald head corrupted crook!
The event was successful not because of anything you did, but rather the participants. In Dominica once the drum vibrate, people begin to gyrate, get inebriate and all hell brakes loose.
You are talking credit for what you did not do!
Francisco doh stealing anybody credit eh, I doh is a thief eh!
EO Leblanc started it all. Stop giving UWP credit for nothing. All these things are offshoots of what Leblanc started – CONTE, NATIONAL DAY SONGS, and so forth. Edison James never saw it fit to build a decent hospital in Marigot when he was PM. The Labour party inherited an empty treasury when the UWP government departed.
Liars are people without shame!
One of the reasons some bits of scum of the earth write comments without a name is because of the lies they write.
Why would someone write a lie stating that Edward Leblanc was the one who started Creole Festival in the country; knowing they are lying.
Leblanc was Chief Minister, and for a brief moment Premiere of the country during the colonial domination of the British
In those colonial days we celebrated the British holidays, there were no locally organized festival or holidays.
After Leblanc Patrick John became Prime Minister, led a labor party government, Eugenia led a Freedom Party Government.
In their tenure there was no creole festival.
Why would someone lie like that simply to discredit the UWP in order to make it appear as if Roosevelt babbling suggest the creole festival is as a result of labor party efforts?
The name Toulon should ring a bell during the festival, and by the way his grandmother was from Wesley with a…
Nobody said Leblanc started World Creole Music Festival, your ….. I said Leblanc celebrated Nov 3rd with national day songs by Spark, Dice, Tokyo – conte, quadrille, and so forth. With the introduction of World Creole Festival, it is just another offshoot of what Leblanc, Cicci Cauderon, ministry of home affairs, and so forth started. Miss Charles introduced community day on Nov 4 to replace carnival day. No matter what you say, the UWP will never, ever, get back in power. Eddison James never saw it fit to build a decent hospital in his own hometown. Why don’t you Francisco Telemacak come down and work in your country to turn it around? You scared you might not survive making brown dollars. instead of green dollars. That’s all you do, give orders and support crap by remote control. Get a life, man. Lennox Linton is not the right person for the PM job, neither you nor Joshua, nor Baptiste. John the Baptiste would have to be baptized again for that to happen.
@Francisco, Man you losing it give yourself a break it doesn’t matter what you call Mr Skerrit Linton will never be Prime minister of DOMINICA put that in your pipe and smoke it, get someone better than that if any from that so-called Workers comedy club.
CREOLE FESTIVAL is the baby of UWP conceived and gave birth to in 4.5yrs. Skerrit what do you have to show afte 20 yrs of DLP and 15 years as prime Minister?
Ok we know you buried two prime minister’s in Rosie and Pierre Charles. But what’s your legacy.? Blood covenant? We also know you killed the banana industry and got rid of Ross University? But what have you done to cause Dominicans and visitors to buy early tickets for next year? Imagine that after 4.5 yrs UWP baby is attracting many to Dominica and yet, after 20 yrs that DLP is cannot give birth to anything good except foreign wanted criminals hiding here. Edison James and the UWP begat WMCF while Roosevelt Skerrit and the DLP after 20 yrs have only begat wanted international criminals
” Go to he ll boss”. Your words are as bad as ur nasty life.
Skerrit commends WCMF organizers, but his work and his corrupt Labour government has failed. So there is absolutely no commendations for this failed immature Skerrit and his failed, corrupted labour government. Skerrit you have failed us and reduced our people to beggars and to have us show loyalty to you. Absolutely no, we need you out of our government, we need you to get ost and take your failed incompetent Cabinet ministers with you. You have failed and yo lacked leadership and etiquette and we need you out of our government. Go away, Go Home, Get Lost, we are tired of hearing BS from you and your blind loyalists. You have failed and yo ust Go. We do nt need you nd stay away from our government. Make sure that woman Melissa is also gone. We do not want her, Melissa to begin working within our government system that Skerrit has weakened, and gave our government a bad name. We are not sure of her qualifications, experience in government etc. Too much Bobol under Skerrit watch.
Skerrit, is not a role model and to be honest, we want to have nothing to do with failed incompetent so called Leader. Leader my foot, a failed incompetent man holding the principle office of our Domininca. We deserved more and our people must stand up and caution Skerrit to get out of our Prime Minister’s Office.This Skerrit has stained the office of the Prime Minister and has insulted our people with his dubious and corrupted practices where our states funds are concerned. What sickens me and ur Dominica is that we have a government who has failed because there is an Odd Minister holding the Prime Minister` office and has crippled our economy, our villages are in disarray, in poverty and we that by 6pm, the villages are dead and quiet with no semblance of recreation and service that people an visit a visit that has welcoming service in order to raise funds.
We are crying out change. My people of Domininca we need to get rid of Skerrit. He has failed us and our people. Skerrit Go.
We honour the work of the UWP then and more profoundly today under the leadership of Hon. Linton and his highly professional UWP Team, a distinguished Political Party with its profound members who have put Dominica first that they are prepared to serve all Dominicans well and return us to that level of decency, accountability in government. The people`s government where everyone plays a part and shout out where anyone in our government goes astray. Skerrit is all about the construction of physical structure and the platform for the social and economic development of our people. Our operational structures has been compromised, abused and taken for granted by reducing our people to beggars whereas the Welfare Division for years our highly Professional Team within this unit worked very hard traveling all over Dominica assessing families in need of some level of subsistence. 19 years Skerrit has abused these services with Red Abuse Clinic, disrespected the service and our people.He Goes.
Skerrit, Go to Hell, Go to Hell, it is none of our Damn Business. What commendations has Skerrit got to throw out? Skerrit, you are in no way a credible person, neither a credible politician that you bestow commendations on people who are also well known to recognise your failure and ineptitude in our states office, where we feel that your time has come. We need you to get out, Get lost, Go away, you have failed us, our aching people and our Nature Isle Dominica. E.O.Leblanc, Dame Mary, Eugenia Charles “Mamo” must be turning their graves. And those who have carried the bantor, Hon Eddison James, is watching with great concern the failure of our little Island under this failed, incompetent Skerrit. Dominicans wake up, we have a credible Party (UWP) and progressive decent leader in Hon Lennox Linton, the incoming Prime Minister and government in waiting.
We have to overturn this failed corrupted Labour Governemnt out of our business. We need to rebuild our Dominica for our children.
Skerrit wants to hog credit for any perceived success but takes no blame for the humongous mess he has singlehandedly created in the country. After the successful staging of the Creole Music Festival the mood of the masses quickly turns sombre as the stark reality hits the people plumb in the face. Back to no jobs, no money, no three square meals just empty, aching stomachs. When are we to see an economy that works for everybody. The country is yearning for change. Let’s not disappoint on Election Day.
Is it crack u smoke dear Dr Dr PM? Dominica is always #1 for this clown. #1 roads in the Eastern Caribbean, #1 Health Care, #1 Economy, now #1 festival?? mwen mort, where i be na?.
Dream on, Scare-it, the only thing we are #1 for is most corrupt country run by and even more corrupt leader!!!
You also need to remind Roosevelt that Dominica is the first and only resilient nation on the planet.
The elements such as fire,water, and earthquakes has no effect on the geographical structures such as land form.
Hence; there are no soil erosion, fire cannot destroy any building, so too are earthquakes ineffective; we need to emphasize that; that boy also told Dominicans that our people are much better off than people living in America.
Roosevelt need to be committed to an asylum!
If you want to give credit to the people who contributed to Cultural Development in Dominica you can start with the street dancers, then move to Cici Corderon, Edward LeBlanc and Patrick John. uwp raise the level somewhat. But it gained its highest level under the DLP (of today) Holding the uwp at a high esteem is good. But Congratulations should be extended to all Dominicans who officiated and supported with their participation and good behavior.
The airport idea goes back to LeBlanc time when land was acquired at Londary. Patrick John tried with help of France and Venezuela that ended with the Canefield airport.
PM Skerrit and the DLP have made the state of art international airport a priority in keeping with Travel, Tourist, Hotel policies. He is doing environment testing and setting money aside, he said.
Can he make good on this promise ? time will tell, but he promised Housing for poor, running water for all, geothomal and new hospital. They became real.
Skerrit you should commend the UWP..Do you have the vision for anything similar?
Your wicked MISLEADER!!! 15 years as Prime Minister, and Dominica has retrogressed 15 times more than when you took over..Your lazy government has got 15 times more money than all the other administrations combined. Where has all the money gone?
Whey is di money?
Whey is di money?
Whey is di money?
Boy % you still Blue Vex, boy look Seewoo. For a little while Views Express % you were not in the spotlight blowing 🥵 hot air, so I could see that you are still angry 😤. You sound so annoying and redundant about the success of the WCF, don’t love Skerrit, but love your country. It’s also amazing to see our 🇩🇲 so Successful after two hurricanes. % Your lies were exposed. While you are seating playing by yourself, others are actually working towards the betterment of our 🇩🇲. On one hand you are calling the DLP Lazy, yet in the same breath you are saying the DLP has more money 💰 than other administration. How did they get the money, since they are so lazy? It’s just simple you are uneducated, therefore your analysis of the present government is clouded with animosity and cluelessness.
How does UWP expect to govern Dominica when this is the kind of negativity and nastiness it’s supporters are preaching? I hope you all remember that Karma is a bi…. So if UWP wins the next election I hope they are prepared to deal with that same kind of negativity and nastiness. We can express our views without all that venom and anger. DNO it is your responsibility to get your readers to act responsibly. Take the high road DNO
DNO you are doing just fine. Because of you I can see all the venom, hatred and viciousness of the uwp gang bangers. They behave like the mobsters of Chicago in the days of Al Capone. Lennox has even adopted his style of dress in new suits and jesticulation . Lennox prepping himself to be the first Godfather of Dominica and his followers as gang members. When you can control educated people to behave like 5 grade drop outs, you have achieve the status of mob boss, Godfather.
You can control people to go gathering after a march to demonstrate for election reform and call it a creole gathering, you can make people believe in your “wey de money” voodoo arithmetic, you can convince people to go hiding re Maria instead of helping their fellowmen, you can go on international tv and say all kinds of negative things about the CIB, and even try to attend a Heads of Government conference. And like a Mob Boss you can hypnotize a few to follow you to self destruction like a Judas goat.
@ Independent Voter
Your thin skin and petulant little child..It is a fact that Skerrit is lazy, incompetent and visionless..
He is a square peg in round hole. He is a wicked human being with no love for country.
Whey is di money?
Whey is di money?
Whey is di money?
Yes, kicking you out of the election. UWP will never win the next election, not under my watch. His vision is good. He still has two eyes to see. Do you have any vision to see the continued progress being made in Dominica? That alone tells me you have no vision. Stevie Wonder has more vision than you.
She was good and yet you got rid of her for election. What a shame.
You must go.
Skerrit must go
Lol the show was good but saying it’s the best in the caribbean is a bit of a stretch.
Kermit, it is the best show on earth, nothing even close in other places. ree with me give me a list of countries that are better than us.
If it was not that good the uwp would never try to interrupt it with a demonstration.
In which country do people showcase their culture like us in such unity.
Regardless of your political, religious or socioeconomic status every one can celebrate and enjoy without restrictions.
Thank God for the United Workers Party (UWP) Administration which created the World Creole Music Festival (WCMF) in 1997 while they were in government from June 1995 to January 2000. They also set the guidelines for its future growth, development and success.
The United Workers Party (UWP) was well advanced with plans to construct the international airport for Dominica which the Dominica Labour Party (DLP) administration halted on coming into public office from February 2000 to present.
On getting back into public office after the next general elections constitutionally due by not later than March 2020, the new UWP Team Dominica administration will prioritize the construction of Dominica’s international airport and will expand both tourism and agriculture to help generate economic growth and prosperity for all the people of Dominica.
No the UWP gave us Payless Paydays, they also defaulted on loan payments. I am still waiting for my Social Security that was taken from my biweekly paycheck. The misdeeds of the U P P is too numerous to mention. I just remember members were charged with money laundering in PR. The road for linking Delices to other parts of the island was a disaster, look how many people perished during Ericka due to the avalanche. Last but not least the ex PM was sued by Eugina Charles for false allegations. The people of Dominica REJECTED the U P P, and we are still going to reject the Unifying Worthless Parasite (UWP)
Do I have to continue, JJ facts man it’s your turn now. A leopard could never change it skin, Dominica Citizen right %.
St Joe, Bob Marley once said that if you do not know your history everyone will take you for a fool, orwords to that effect. That is why Lennox can take his minority group for a ride on his propaganda train. None of them know their history so they are making up their type of history on an ad hoc basis just like 5 grade drop outs.
The uwp cannot stand to see people happy. They like to see people blue vex and hateful.
They have not realize that in this post modern era the quality of life is measured in gross domestic happyness the focus of the the DLP under competent ledership of Skerrit. His efforts has been recognize by the UN as G D H. An international first like the first climate resilience nation in the world. Elections this season should not be based on the party that can criticize the best (like fake investigative reporting,)but on those who stand with you in your time of sadness like Erica and Maria experience. Those people will bring us happiness.
As far as I know ox Linton NEVER PARTICIPATED in these festival activities or even our Carnival. He finds these celebrations beneath him. He has always boycotted them and one year he tried to prevent the participation of children.
Dominica Citizen if you want to give kudos to Edison James administration , that is good, no worries, but to uwp under Lennoxxx that is the joke of the centuary.
Do a fact check and correct me on this if you can. See how he tried to sabotage it with his pretend gathering. Why chose a creole day for a electoral reform demonstration, pretending it is a patriotic move. He is so patriotic and caring that is why he went MIA re Maria and Erica.
So give credit where credit is due, do not be a fake and imposter like Lennox Linton, Chief Stone thrower.
It was not simply an advanced plan the UWP had; let it be known!
The UWP (Edison James) was building an International Airport; it was a reality, in that; it was in the first phase of development.
Roosevelt “Rosie” Douglas assisted by Athie Martin and company which included Roosevelt Skerrit who told me in a conversation when he was trying to influence me to support Rosie, that we could not afford International Airport.
Money was donated by the Peoples Republic of China, as well as Taiwan, eighty (80%) percent of the cost was borrowed from Trinidad government.
The contractors and engineers were in Dominica working on the project when Roosevelt Skerrit and somebody father name Roosevelt “Rosie” Douglas shut it down, and literally chase the Trinidadians out of Dominica.
Had it not be for the stupidity of Roosevelt Skerrit and the coalition clowns there would be an International Airport operating in Dominica more than twenty five years ago!