Police are asking for assistance in locating Erickson Samson, concerning a series of burglaries in the Morne Daniel and Wall House areas. Anyone with information about his whereabouts is asked to call 911, or any police station.
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This bandit has become Bat-Man. To be out there for so long moving amongst the people undetected is amazing. If caught he should joint the police force as an instructor and trainer in technicalities.
Why do the police expect the cooperation of the citizenry when solving crimes. Simple answer. Today you’re the victim of a crime, tomorrow I am the one violated therefore fighting crime is everybody’s business. Noone is immune. We should all lend our support to the police whenever we have relevant information of a crime.
Persons who decide to withhold information because of politics are simply not serious about fighting crime.
@ Mark
It’s because there are a bunch of sell outs in the force today that disclose their informants hence putting their lives and that of their family at risk. Twenty years ago you could confidently give any police officer information and you would remain anonymous. But nowadays, if you don’t support DLP the officers sell you out because you have been declared as an enemy of the state. In the days of Insp. Hillaire (Theft Act), Insp. Challenger, Insp. Martin, Supt. Alpe, ASP. Duke, Sgt. Bertrand, ASP. Weekes, Insp. Jackass Jones, Sgt. Smith, Insp. Howe and others, crime was under control because the public trusted the police. Today, if you give them information at 6:00am by 6:05am the same day they already day-clar-way you. So you see, there is no relationship between the police and public today. So yes, even policing has become political and that’s sad.
Looks like Ericson has become a master on evading the police. Well, back to the days of old school policing where the PUBLIC was the best friend of the police. The single hand bandit is definitely having the last laugh.
The police have to win the trust and confidence of the people if they are to get relevant information from them to solve crime.
Law enforcement in Dominica uses their long, sophisticated guns, brutal force, intimidation and unlawful arrest against unarmed, law abiding citizens. Why do the police expect the cooperation of these same people they harass, disrespect and unlawfully arrest and persecute?
The Dominica police were recruited to protect the citizens. But, it is the citizens who need to be protected from the police.
They may not find him. And are the police really looking for him still? They gave up on Kernisha before the search got underway. We may never see this bandit again.