Stand-off between police and Barbudans over land project [with video]

In Barbuda, tensions have escalated as residents oppose government plans to clear land for a controversial housing project.

Member of Parliament, Trevor Walker, has voiced strong opposition, emphasizing the necessity of proper consultation before any development proceeds.

A gathering of passionate Barbudans, led by Walker, took place this morning at the site designated for the project to demonstrate their commitment to blocking any advancement of the proposal.

The situation intensified as armed police confronted the demonstrators, highlighting the serious dedication both sides have to their respective positions.

 Walker stated, “We are going to stand up as long as it takes to make sure that we don’t disenfranchise our people. So Gaston Browne, our land is not for sale, and nobody can take it away from us.”

Despite the local opposition, the government argues that the housing project is crucial for addressing the island’s housing shortages and enhancing infrastructure.

The development plans include more than 200 homes, a shopping center, and additional amenities, which the government describes as part of a larger strategy to improve Barbuda’s infrastructure and meet the growing demands of its residents.

In a ruling from 2022, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council determined that the contested lands involved in the Paradise Found case are owned by the Crown, which has strengthened the government’s stance.

Following this ruling, the government introduced an amendment to the Registered Land Act in July 2023, enabling the registration and sale of land outside Codrington. This change also allows non-Barbudans, including residents of Antigua and foreign investors, to buy land in Barbuda, marking a significant shift from the island’s longstanding tradition of communal land ownership reserved for Barbudans only.

Conversely, the Barbuda Council views these legislative changes as a challenge to the island’s historical and legal principles.

They contend that the ongoing land clearing activities at Katel Hill challenge their authority and fail to honor the unique communal land system that has long been a hallmark of Barbuda.

Despite these persistent tensions, the government has shown a readiness to engage in discussions with the Council.


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  1. iamanidiot
    January 27, 2025

    It’s sad when the people fighting for their rights (land of their birth and their right to live) and governments sending armed forces so they can sell it to foreigners. I mean, what do you have if you don’t have a piece of land where you from. I get development and tourism, but that has to be tempered with the wants of the people. But what I know…i’m an idiot

  2. Bring back the kidnapped parrots
    January 26, 2025

    Foreign Chinese investors, the Chinese are buying all of the Caribbean Islands.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 0
  3. MEME
    January 26, 2025

    Those officers are still wiser and more disciplined than the buffoons and half illiterates we have as police officers in Dominica.
    At least i saw no officer attempting to escalate this delicate situation. In Dominica an illiterate, dumb, stupid and politically poisoned police, would find a way to escalate the situation.
    But in many ways Antigua and Dominica are similar. Both governments are super corrupt, and tainted.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 4
    • Ibo France
      January 27, 2025

      The fact that these armed bandits are there in Barbuda to wrestle the communal lands from the natives does not make it more palatable because they did not brutal use the indigenous protesters.

      I agree with you that both the governments in Antigua and Dominica are two peas in a pod. Both have a proclivity for foreigners and corrupt practices. Conversely, they have a callous disregard for the indigenous inhabitants.

      The land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for because it’s the only thing that lasts.

  4. Ibo France
    January 25, 2025

    When a leader decides to use his armed forces against his own unarmed, peaceful people, then it’s time for him to GO!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4
    • Labour power
      January 27, 2025

      In Dominica a handful of blue idiots want to dictate to the majority,unlike the people of Barbuda.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 8
      • me
        January 27, 2025

        @Lin Clown
        @Lin Clown
        @Lin Clown
        I am very surprised that a crass buffoon like you, that can hardly write or read, a self professed clown, can refer to anyone as an idiot.
        You are the spitting image of an idiot Lin Clown.

      • Brain Damage
        January 27, 2025

        Clown, you are left to mourn in the hands of Trump….

  5. Ibo France
    January 25, 2025

    Slavery days are here again. How ironic! We have to face the barrel of a gun, armed riot soldiers for our own land. This time our own ethnic kind is our oppressor.

    The only thing black about Gaston Browne is his skin. He is like an Oreo biscuit- black outside but inside whiter than snow.

    Will the white colonialists rule this region again? This is no trivial question. The mentality of these present crop of shady leaders it’s quite probable.

    Barbudans did not vote for this thug (Gaston), Antivirus did. Now the people of Barbuda have to live with the dire consequences. Gaston is a loose canon.

  6. Ibo France
    January 25, 2025

    I have an enormous amount of respect for Barbudans. They would lay down their lives for their birthright (land).

    Imagine this! We in the Caribbean, our forebears have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could own the rock that we live on. Astonishingly, our own elected politicians want to give it back to the children of those who have enslaved our fore-parents. Just unthinkable!!!

    People take careful note of the political leadership we have at present in the Caribbean. They are nothing more than tyrants, despots, hypocrites, con artists, oppressors, villains, registered and megalomaniacs.

    Bad leaders seek riches and power, while good leaders empower. The present
    Caribbean leaders are nothing more than charlatans and sellouts.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4

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