Statement from the Catholic Church on court decision recognizing same-sex adults’ rights

Our Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral in Roseau

The Catholic Church holds a traditional view on marriage and sexual ethics, rooted in its religious teachings and moral beliefs. The Church’s stance on same-sex relationships and sexual activities is based on its interpretation of natural law and biblical principles.

In response to the court decision recognizing the right of same-sex adults to engage in consenting sexual activities in privacy, the Catholic Church reaffirms its position on marriage and sexuality. The Church teaches that sexual intimacy is reserved for marriage between a man and a woman, and views same-sex sexual activities as contrary to this understanding.

The Church acknowledges the dignity of all individuals and advocates for respect and compassion towards people with same-sex attractions. However, it upholds the belief that sexual acts outside of heterosexual marriage are inconsistent with its teachings.

The Catholic Church encourages dialogue and understanding while remaining steadfast in its convictions regarding marriage and sexual morality. It emphasizes the importance of upholding the sanctity of marriage and the family as foundational to the well-being of society.

The Church’s response is rooted in its religious doctrines, which have as their basis God’s holy and unchanging word, and is intended to uphold its teachings on marriage and human sexuality, while promoting understanding and respect for all individuals.

Msgr. William John-Lewis
Delegate of the Apostolic Administrator
April 23, 2024

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  1. April 24, 2024

    Very important to make an urgent apeal to high court error in legalising sodomy/buggery. We need to take action to protect God goven laws which protect our societies.
    just trying to deny God’s law of gravity.
    Sodomy /Buggery causes the spread of infection, traumatic injury, deformity, Scared tissue, infertility, chronic cistitis, pylonephritis, cáncer,…increase in public healthcare cost, deceased population, increase in crime
    The major fundamental error in this case:
    The crime is Buggery or Sodomy.
    just as Bill Clinton won his case based on the fact that he did not have sex with the young woman.
    Sex is between a penis and a vagina!
    There is no such thing as ‘homosexual’.
    The law books have the crime written as Buggery or Sodomy.
    Sec 2(2)Sexual intercourse is defined as penetrration of the vagina to any extent by a penis.
    Sec 16 Buggery or Sodomy defined as penetration of the anus.
    using that false word makes people believe God hates types of sex.
    He Gave us sex…

    • Martin
      April 25, 2024

      Someone give this man a time machine. He’s stuck in the middle ages, poor fellow.

    • marcel
      April 25, 2024

      And don’t forget the witches, they’re everywhere! Burn them, burn them all!

  2. JAH KAL
    April 24, 2024

    Sir you a one of best we have in Dominica i respect you alot as a human being, not like some of those hypocrite’s you all have in the church. We were told God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve , so same sex marriage is an abomination, thats a no no in the eye of the creator .

  3. Weoutsidenow
    April 24, 2024

    Separation of church and state. The Church has no position in Civil law . If I want religious guidance, I will come to you but do not give me your unsolicited opinion. The same church who used religion to enslave people.

  4. Labour power
    April 24, 2024

    But,Mr.Church.Buggery and lesbianism is a sin according to the Bible.Adultery and Funimation are sins according to the Bible.Lesbianism,fornication and adultery are not against the law in Dominica,buggery is.Solomon the great king was chosen by God,according to the Bible to lead Israel.During his reign as king of Israe,so say’s the Bible he had 700 wives and 300 concubines.What makes buggery an offence in private and lesbianism,fornication and adultery.Bwa Banday can explaine seeing there are so many in Mahaut.

    • get real
      April 24, 2024

      you don’t need a bible to tell you that bugger is disgusting and not something we should EVER accept in our society. Lesbianism is just as bad. Fornication and adultery are nowhere as bad as homosexuality. It’s wrong as well and the Bible condemns it but you cannot compare a man and a woman having sex in the natural way, despite the circumstances, to two men or women engaging in homosexual acts. It’s just not even in the same ballpark.

      And the people who engage in this lifestyle the majority of them have some type of issues. Either they were abused as children or they were exposed to this degenerate stuff through pornography or other means. Many of them go on to become abusers themselves.

      Everybody knows this but some people trying to pretend that that’s not the truth. They were still engaging in their dirty lifestyle when it was illegal but now they are going to “come out” more since they have full legal standing now.

  5. Local observer
    April 24, 2024

    Boy look contradiction, when people try to explain their way out of poop.

    • AEB
      April 24, 2024

      Local observer, please point out the contradiction.

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