STATEMENT:The East Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists responds to the High Court of Dominica’s decision

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Dominica has become aware of the Dominica High Court April 22, 2024 ruling declaring that sections 14 & 16 of the Sexual Offences Act which criminalises homosexual sex, is unconstitutional.

Seventh-day Adventists believe that sexual intimacy belongs only within the marital relationship of a man and a woman and that any sexual relationship outside of that context is sinful, wrong, and immoral.

We wish to be unequivocal that the Seventh-day Adventists Church holds that all people, regardless of their sexual orientation, are loved by God and the church. We do not condone singling out any group for scorn and derision, let alone abuse. Still, God’s Word that transcends time and culture does not permit a homosexual Lifestyle.

The implications of the recent ruling of the High Court runs counter to our Biblical and theological understanding. The Court’s decision opens the door, as it has elsewhere, for future legalising of same-sex unions and marriages in Dominica and therefore has potential to put faith-based organisations which share our stance on marriage in a compromising position. Consequently, we foresee a time when religious leaders may be asked to officiate weddings of same-sex couples.

To perform such marriages, for Seventh-day Adventists, would be untenable.

We also reaffirm, without hesitation, our long-standing position as expressed in the Church’s Fundamental Beliefs: “Marriage was divinely established in Eden and affirmed by Jesus to be a lifelong union between a man and a woman in loving companionship.” The monogamous union in marriage of a man and a woman is the only morally appropriate locus of genital or related intimate sexual expression.

Further, we have also observed that in some places where this first step has been taken, there follows a movement towards variance in the education system that calls for curriculum amendment and changed organizational practice that would also run counter to the educational philosophy of faith-based schools operated by us and others. While some may argue that this thinking is premature we have chosen to be proactive in our response to what we see is likely future developments surrounding this present decision.


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  1. Carl Barker
    April 26, 2024

    When laws are enacted in a country, there is usually debate in both houses of Parliament and oftentimes the public is asked to share their views.

    What we have today in Dominica and formerly Barbados, is a situation where one Judge can overturn a law without reference to Parliament or the people who elected them.

    This is known as judicial activism

    • Gary
      April 28, 2024

      Why do you believe that Court declaring that sections 14 & 16 of the Sexual offenses Act which criminalizes homosexual sex, is unconstitutional, exceeds the proper exercise of judicial authority, wow. Why do you think that your personal opinion matters, if you do not understand something. There is something called Constitutional Redress, simple means an action that a court can order to rectify a constitutional violation, and that is what happened.This is not about a judge arbitrarily overturning a law without reference to Parliament.

  2. Gary
    April 26, 2024

    There has to come a time when mankind needs to look within himself to ask what role religion has played in shaping their beliefs and start creating their own values without reference to outside influence. Why do we make religion
    and society put us in jail or hypnotic spell destroying our individualism and spirit, doing this does not mean we have to hate religion. What is it that such Court decision is threatening to their doctrine, let’s not forget John 8:7

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 7
    • Carl Barker
      April 26, 2024

      How can you in one breath dismiss the Bible and then quote from it to solidify your argument?

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 2
    • Sam
      April 26, 2024

      You need to finish reading the passage. He says to the sinner: “…go and sin no more.”

    • Intrigued
      April 26, 2024

      The Bible and laws have nothing to do with each other. There are several laws that violate scripture. Church and state are separate entities, the church has no business interfering with the constitution

  3. Ask Peter R
    April 25, 2024

    I wonder if these religious groups would say a thing against same sex marriage if they would hear their beloved pm was ending the adulterous relationship he is in ( according to Matthew 19:6-9), and was getting married to a man? Boy these religious people are so damn hypocrite and double standard, based on who does what, that I even believe they would be there quoting scripture to justify same sex marriage, just as they justifying all the evils of Skerrit

  4. The serpent we allowed
    April 25, 2024

    The Seventh Day Adventist should stay away because they are too damn hypocrite. Let me be clear that I am not gay neither do I support their lifestyle though I believe the state needs to protect their right.
    But the Adventist church is about the Ten Commandments and I don’t see anything about homosexuality there. However, I see thou shall not steal
    Thou shall not commit adultery
    Thou shall not lie etc.
    Why are these hypocrites so quick to quote bible and make statements and they are so silent when their beloved leader is breaking all of these Ten Commandments and plunging the country in hell?
    Have they made a statement when they got to know that the spouse of their beloved leader was already married and her husband is still alive?
    So they and other religious groups should shut up because the homosexuality laws they are making noise about is as a result of the gross ungodliness and unrighteousness they have allowed to take place in Dominica and in most cases they supported it…

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3
  5. The Same Bible
    April 25, 2024

    “Consequently, we foresee a time when religious leaders may be asked to officiate weddings of same-sex couples.“

    The Bible is always right but these religious groups only accept the part of the Bible that supports their beliefs and once the price is right they ignore the same Bible. For example, the same bible that condemns homosexuality also condemns adultery, divorce and remarriage.
    Jesus himself says this in Matthew 19:8-9 Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
    I wonder if these religious people know of a certain first couple that is living an adulterous life because the wife was married? But to them that leader is lord and savior and can do no wrong. He breaks the Ten Commandments every day but to the seventh day Adventist they will defend him. Sacwe Hypocrite

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 3
  6. Corn Corner
    April 25, 2024

    It is the Seventh-day Adventist Church, not the Seventh-day Adventists church. Kudos to the church for their response.

  7. April 25, 2024

    why this loud silence from the majority? We definitely lack the political will to fight this nasty and evil decision by the courts. It is the agenda of the decadent Americans and Europeans. It is strange and concerning that people of European decent should be dictating morality to us using gullible and corrupt judges. Where are our political leaders that claim they respect the wishes of majority? IF THE POLITI IANS are afraid to act the the issue must go to a REFERENDUM so that the majority can decide. It is time for our polititical leaders to wake up!!

    • Intrigued
      April 26, 2024

      That is precisely the job of the courts to review laws and determine whether they are constitutional or still relevant to the times. That is the process of things. Before one jumps and waves a flag, one ought to know the laws and processes, the court simply followed its mandates and utilize the powers so granted by the constitution. If the courts had violated the constitution the government would have intervened. State laws and religion have nothing to with each other, for there are several current laws which violate the scripture, be mindful church and state are two separate entities, one should not involve itself in the affairs of the other.

    • Ernest
      April 26, 2024

      Our political leaders must either enforce these abominable laws OR lose the aid their countries get from their POLITICAL BOSSES in USA, UK, France etc.. without this aid they would appear to be not running the affairs of their country efficiently.

    • out of south city
      April 26, 2024

      Our political leaders will not wake up because they are under the spell of European politics. Don’t you know that the Europeans have control over the islands? They left everything in place and we are continuing theur work. They gave us their god, their religion, their language, their educational systems their court systems etc., ,
      We are truly not an independent nation because we continue depending on these nations to do for us. The shackles are no longer on our hands but they are around our minds. We cannot think for ourselves.

  8. Ibo France
    April 25, 2024

    Why all these article from.the different religious denomination? I wish they could be so vociferous and strident with their comments about issues that seriously compromised the living standards of most citizens.

    In Dominica, the religious ministers are like timid church mice. On corruption, bogus criminal charges, illegal arrest, victimization, starvation wages and salaries, unfair dismissals from the public service, they are stoically reticent.

    To the pastors and their congregations: The church is a place of solace for the poor, downtrodden and neglected, not a museum for saints and the self-righteous.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 18 Thumb down 16
    • Ibo my dear according to Sparrow
      April 25, 2024

      Ibo you again! You continue to be political and hate Roosevelt Skerrit.
      Let the people whose mission is to put the world of God forward and glorify Yahweh do their work. Jehovah, Yahweh, God does not like strife, hatred, etc., The Creator is one of order and we were created to give glory, honor to our Creator. We are passing through. I must reinforce that we are living in a world of sin that separates us from our Maker. The Bible condemns all those sinful behaviors but as the writer states we should still love each other (IBO love PM). He the righteous one is the only one who will judge. Our role to do the commandments of the Creator, give him all glory, praise, and honour. IBo remember we will be judged and you cannot say is Roosevelt who does this or that? We all have to account for ourselves. Ibo we all need to repent for all have come short because of Adam but the Great Awesome Creator made provision for us to be redeemed. We all need to get ready to meet our maker.

    • Brain Damage
      April 26, 2024

      ….And the other Evangelical Churches remained dummy on the subject of the High Court’s ruling. Very soon we will be having same sex marriage here.

    • just plain daft
      April 26, 2024

      Of course they are going to all make a statement on the issue, DNO themselves pointed out that it is an issue of concern for religious denominations. Any religious organization that does not make a strong and unequivocal condemnation of this nonsense is corrupt in my opinion. And on that note the SDA is the first to make a REAL condemnation and point out the significance of this ruling.

      I don’t expect you to understand. You are totally obsessed with the government to the point that you turn every news story on here into something to do with politics. Oddly enough you don’t have much to say on this issue but would rather we just step over it like it was nothing. I wonder why…

    • Paulette Williams
      April 26, 2024

      The church is a safe space for everyone. Jesus never left sinners where He found them. He came to seek and save the lost, remember!

  9. Bwa-Banday
    April 25, 2024

    Oh lawd have morcee! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    Well, I hope all of you clamoring will teach the SOS and DLP a serious lesson at the next polls if we don’t push him out by then. But I can assure you there are still pastors and priests who will vote for the scumbags regardless. They are refusing to appeal even if they know full well we are a godly nation even if most of us are a bunch on hypocrites :mrgreen: . Like I said before, fornication and adultery are also sexual sins, and we happily indulge in them. So let them sheet-pushers and plate-washers enjoy themselves in that nastiness.

    I say if the churches are serious, get together, call your people out on the streets and put DLP out. That can happen overnight if we serious because again we are a Christian nation. Chief Valarie is a Christian so the police will not come out in force except those who like the ruling. We can no longer make fun of bull-bados :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • Allison
      April 27, 2024

      I am not Dominican, but tell me this, are there no sinners in the opposition party? My brother sin is rife throughout the world and politics is not the answer.

      The issue on the floor is clear; the high Court has made a decision. The SDA church has responded. Is the church’s position biblical or not? Can you see where their concerns for the future have merit? That’s all this discussion requires. There’s no space for politics here. Most politicians themselves need to repent and surrender to Jesus.

      Christ is soon to appear and politics, money, possessions won’t matter any longer. What will matter is whether we are grounded in Christ and whether we possess His holy character.

    • Gary
      April 28, 2024

      Wow, why display such arrogance, bitterness, and intolerance, based on your religious beliefs, it’s just another example of what religion can do to a person’s mind, throwing out reason, so long, wallow with your irrational comment.

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