The EU-Caribbean Conference unites various parties to facilitate addressing the Sargassum crisis

Sargassum seaweed at Fond Cole

The second EU-Caribbean Global Gateway Conference focused on Sargassum, organized by the Government of Grenada, the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), and the European Union, concluded with a strong commitment to proactively collect Sargassum before it reaches coastal areas. During a High-Level Forum, co-chaired by Grenada’s Prime Minister Hon. Dickon Mitchell, OECS Director General Dr. Didacus Jules, and Mr. Felix Fernandez-Shaw from the European Commission, representatives from various Caribbean nations emphasized the urgent need for collaborative efforts to transform Sargassum into a viable economic resource. This initiative aims to stimulate research and innovation, foster public-private partnerships, and improve forecasting methods regarding Sargassum availability.

The forum advocated for the creation of national strategies for the collection and processing of Sargassum, as well as the alignment of management frameworks across the Caribbean region. Establishing a supportive environment necessitates investments in infrastructure and equipment, alongside incentives that benefit local communities sustainably. Decision-makers pledged to explore effective business models and offshore collection methods, while also committing to attract investments for essential infrastructure and enhance operational capabilities through joint ventures and technology transfers.

Prime Minister Mitchell expressed his determination to initiate offshore Sargassum collection by 2026. He announced plans for the Government of Grenada and the European Union to assemble a project team in Grenada by the end of 2024, which will include stakeholders from the conference and other interested parties. This team will focus on mobilizing resources, infrastructure, and funding to facilitate the collection, storage, and processing of fresh Sargassum by the target date.

European Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, highlighted the potential of a circular economy to convert challenges into opportunities, stating that developing Sargassum value chains could mitigate environmental issues while generating jobs and fostering growth in the Caribbean. The conference, themed ‘Turning the Tide: Sustainable Practices and Economic Opportunities for Sargassum in the Caribbean Basin,’   attracted over 400 participants from various sectors, aiming to address the socio-economic and environmental impacts of Sargassum.

Through discussions and forums, attendees gained insights into the necessary components for establishing sustainable value chains, exploring innovative research and strategies for managing Sargassum effectively. This event was part of the EU’s Global Gateway initiative, which seeks to enhance investments that create sustainable and secure value chains globally, reinforcing the partnership between the Caribbean and the EU in addressing this pressing issue.

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  1. derp
    October 7, 2024

    The seaweed is literally floating money here are a few things you can do with it
    Sargassum can be turned into fertiliser, biomass, biomaterials (cardboard, paper, bioplastics, etc.) and even fodder for chickens or sheep.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 0
    October 7, 2024

    what sargasum crisis that?
    god give the caribbean governments a gift. harvest it mulch it up let it decompose under the sun then bag that up and sell it as 100% natural fertilizer . but all allu doing is wasting money having conference that we all know NOTHING is going to come from

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