UK PM Rishi Sunak calls for general election on July 4

In a surprising turn of events, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced that the UK general election will be held on July 4th. The announcement was made on Wednesday ending months of speculation.

Sunak, 44, made the announcement outside of his Downing Street office. Despite the pouring rain and his party being 20 points behind in the polls, Sunak stood firm in his decision to call the election earlier than some had expected. This is seen as a risky strategy given his party’s current standing.

The Prime Minister had previously ruled out a general election on May 24, the date when local elections were already taking place. He had suggested earlier this year that the general election would happen in the second half of 2024 and it appears he has stuck to his word.

Sunak’s announcement follows a day of speculation on whether an election would be called. The country, he said, “is crying out for a general election.”

It remains to be seen how this decision will play out in the coming months.

Below is a BBC video of Sunak’s full statement.

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1 Comment

  1. Kingsman
    May 22, 2024

    you that descendant of migrants who could wait to put visa restrictions will be dealt with by descendants of Carribean migrants

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