President of the United Workers Party (UWP) Lennox Linton believes that there should be fresh elections in Dominica immediately after electoral reform is implemented.
He made the disclosure while addressing a press conference on Monday.
Dominica held general elections on December 6, 2022, without electoral reform.
Eminent Caribbean Jurist Sir Dennis Byron was tasked by Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit to be the sole commissioner to advance efforts toward electoral reform in Dominica.
His final report was presented to various groups and organizations including NGOs, media houses, churches, political parties, trade unions among others at a function held at the State House Conference Centre on Wednesday, June 21.
“We spoke about that right at the time of the elections and immediately following the elections,” Linton said. “That we should push ahead with these reforms as soon as possible and once the reforms are in place we must have fresh elections.”
“Because there is no question that the election of 2022 was a sham.”
He continued, “The election of 2022 delivered an illegitimate government which is sitting in office right now”
Meanwhile, Linton said he is confident that the people of Dominica “will put their feet down” and ensure the country has proper electoral reform before the next general elections.
“And when I say next general election, I don’t necessarily mean the five years that Roosevelt Skerrit has in his head, we need to push forward because this is our business, not Roosevelt Skerrit’s business,” Linton argued. “He cannot be doing what he wants, he must do what we the people want.”
He added, “Because this is not his country.”
Folks, let us ask the elephants and donkies in the UWP planning room the following important question: What exactly is your agenda, message or vision for this country?
The so-called hyped march on Roseau turned out to be a dud and leaderless walk around town with no clear purpose, rhyme or reason.
Dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs alone will never be the impetus that will surplant the current, entrenched and resolute administration.
Having mostly middle aged and senior Dominicans schlep around town aimlessly on a workday will never propel the opposition to the ascendency.
If the UWP has any real intentions of making meaningful and tangible inroads in the political landscape, they must make the youth a priority and not just an after thought.
Furthermore, the multitude of individual and talented statesmen and stateswomen who are UWP leaning need to find a way to drop the rhetoric, coalesce, and get on one accord in order to stand and deliver for…
Lennox has spoken. Who listened? Lennox ofc
Linton has become irrelevant. This guy is just sowing discord nothing informative or even sensible anymore.
By simply ranting and not showing leadership quality or capabilities what make you think you all will be elected. When electoral reform is done what else are you looking at taking on. It again to say that it was not done properly
Imagine not participating in the democratic process by asking people not to do this and you yourself refusing to have candidates this alone says volumes.
Asking citizens to refuse to participate in their country’s democratic process refusing to accept ways of elevating themselves instead of educating them on how to grow from the start or foundation that they are provided.
What else can you propose. Opposing just because you all are opposition.
Want to remain relevant at all cost. You all squashed the party just stop. Your leader working with another government in a foreign land. What is this? These are the kinds of things to shed…
MEME,somebody cannot vote in a specific constituency.He/she can vote where he or she is REGISTERED.You are exposing the high level of stupidity in UWP.You are saying even if there are UWP agents,anybody registered or not can just walk in a polling station and vote.You are saying Haitians,diasporans and the dead only vote DLP?The dead is telling the living if they vote UWP Dominica is dead.
Most of the Labor stooges who post their views here are used to the state of autocracy that the “I’m-the-people” leader has created, and they are too dumb to understand the bad ramifications for the country. They have grown accustomed to Skerritt being the only one who speaks on behalf of the government and the party. Therefore when the President of the UWP issues the point of view of the party on electoral reform and the thereafter they are confounded, because they are used to Skerritt acting as the President for their party because he won’t tolerate anyone else speaking. The laborites can’t appreciate real democracy anymore because there is a narcissist who they worship and adore. They speak as if Dominica has only two legally registered political parties when I can count 5. This means that the cabal really fears the UWP. Speak on Lennox.
Be warned my beloved Dominicans and friends. Irrespective of the “electoral reform” Skerrit is not scared about us preventing the dead to vote for him. Roosevelt has more than enough Haitians in every single village in Dominica who are “not dead” to keep him in power for the next hundred years. Red is their main color. Therefore, don’t turn a blind eye towards these people. Electoral reform and the purpose of it must include an in-depth structuring with these Haitians in mind. Otherwise, without putting special measures and restrictions in place to prevent those who are not legible to vote to get to the ballot box; then such electoral reform would be laughable and disgraceful to Dominicans.
Linton’s call for a snap election after the pointless Electoral Refrom is ill-advised. The current ruling party has failed Dominica, squandered an entire generation and is as corrupt as corruption gets; they will win any election called in Dominica, because they’ve, even within the confines of newly implemented Electoral Refrom, set in place mechanisms to undermine free and fair elections. UWP, DFP, are currently no threat to DLP. Dominicans have no viable options. Sadly DLP supporters, and non-supporters are suffering alike. The government works for you not the other way. Take your power back, Dominica unite and call the DLP to task.
I have always asked myself is Ugly Lenny, mad stupid or wicked? Now I realise it’s all three, plus this guy came straight out of a comic book to be asking for ” fresh elections” immediately after Electoral reform is implemented, one thing I must admit Ugly Lenny, has a good sense of humour to come up with such nonsense then again ugly Lenny, is thinking how to get his hands on that Ten Million Dollars, sorry Lenny, boy if you get Ten million myself and the boys want twenty million each.
Oh oh look Lennox calling for snap elections eh. Hope he backs Mr. Hanbag in this one. 😅
I am confused. Is it Ugly Lenny that’s the UWP leader, or Invisible Thomson? Is UWP a relevant party in Dominican politics anymore? Dominica is now a one-party state thanks to a bunch of weak opposition politicians, who on one hand make it easier for the ruling party to carry out their development projects without much interruption, but on the other hand takes out the excitement of having an effective opposition. Gone are the days when we use to have a strong Labor party and Strong Freedom party battling it out to entice the Dominican voters to vote for them. I have voted Labor all my life and not convinced that anything else on offer can convince me to do otherwise.
Your contribution is tantamount to nothing. Stop wasting your time…We are in 2023, anyone with a little brain will sense emptness and foolishness in you!
MEME and Linton is the same,two losers.Linton did not take part in the last election yet he is calling for fresh election immediately after electoral reform is implemented.The poor guy does not know when and what will be implemented.One thing is sure,there will be no reregistration,no names will be taken off the voters list,no campaigning financing,five year absence will be changed to indefinitely, and no two terms for PM.
So Linton like this u want to win elections…mad for power. But not in that Era..Linton mad , ur are big comedy. U would do it big in comedy industry 🤣 😂 😆 u and ur team make the world laugh 😃. Mad politicians, comedians politicians…
Padna leave politics and try ur career in comedy industry…
@Red flag
You must learn to write. Honourable Linton will not understand you mangled english.
He is doing a great job.
Well done honourable Linton!
Ugly Lenny, is doing a great job of what? Picking his great nose,🥱🤭🤧
Lennox Linton. Shut ur mouth of foolishness….u and your uwp vote the party out of election… u Linton will never be pime minister. Pure maggie ….old man…
Seriously, I am no fan of PM Roosevelt Skerrit and his Labour Party but seriously UWP doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is known as madness! If you do what you have always done you will get what you have always got!
You always play into Skerrit hands and look foolish falling into his trap over and over. You are so predictable with the nonsense demonstrations. How many candidates do you have to beat Skerrit and his Labour party in a free and fair elections tomorrow? Concentrate on building the party and having all 21 candidates to compete in a general elections and you will have my support and that of my entire household. Meanwhile you are a joker who loves playing politics but do not get it! Show me how you would govern differently. Where are your policies on key issues? Where is your leader on key issues? You have lost before the elections even called! Dominica needs to be saved from all of you, Labour and UWP!
Honourable Linton, my a.s. Why don’t you wait with painted breath instead? He must be implying that he wants another snap election. That ugly Lenny likes embarrassment. He is like a manicou. The more blows you whip on that manicou it’s the more blows it wants.
Hungry for power. Look now HE undermining Thompson.
Kid On The Block, I cannot believe that I am agreeing with you and you know that I am no Labour supporter!
I cannot believe that Lennox Linton and his ilk could be so consistently damn stupid! What is Lennox doing calling a demonstration in the middle of a public consultation that everyone has been participating in peacefully.
Okay, if you think it is a sham consultation, expose the PM after the consultation is completed if nothing changes. But what is your justification for this nonsense! Every time the same old same old, like this is all Lennox Linton knows how to do!
By the poor numbers that attended even Workers are fed up with his nonsense. You are not the party leader. You are no longer the party leader, take a back seat! LOPS beating Lennox backside! Does he really believe that he could have been or can be Prime Minister? Really?
@Truth Be Told
Middle of public consultation?
That’s the best time to have the walk. Hope he calls another one before the overseas delegates leave. They must see and feel the pulse of those who want reform.
So stop your tomfoolery!!
Lennox asked for election reforms for many years. He got what he asked for and he does know what to do with it. Lennox needs to concentrate and contribute to the reforns positively which will benefit all Dominicans. And not jumping into another request which does not make sense.
Nough Said,just take it.You blue criminals destroyed Labour party supporters property on 07/02/17 in Roseau.It is not going to happen again.The snipers,the navy seals,the marines,the rangers,the special forces,the sad and sbs are on standby.Take what you did not put.The best way to KILL a Cobra is to cut off it’s head.
@Lin Clown
Clown UWP don’t have friends and supporters who are navy seals, snipers and soldiers.
Go check them to find out about the damage clown.
You are sounding so desperate. Did honourable Linton dispossess you of your toy?
Linton get it through your thick head, Roosevelt Skerrit runs the country not you or anyone else. The man will call election when he is ready and you just have to wait like everyone else. Understtod?
Lenny, old boy you losing it man, it looks as if your semi detached brains is no longer working in your head old boy to come up with such nonsense, but then again I been listening to your radio show on Q95 that was rubbish talking parrots crap, today I should not be surprised by the rubbish you and your colleagues in the federation of nonsense is spitting out from Edison James, to the last Ka Ka rat Andre , a none Dominican these are the same people that were once saying Pm Skerrit, is not a Dominican, today here we are with a none Dominican Irving Andre, interfering in our lives which is none of his dam business, it’s just goes to show that blue monkeys lots are a bunch of disgraceful hypocrites and idiots.
So basically never. Because reform will never be implemented. But lets entertain you Mr. Linton. Lets just say Reform is implemented late next year. How ready is the UWP? Who will be the next slate of candidates? Will the people have had enough time to acclimatize to the idea of these new candidates from UWP? will these candidates have had enough time to show the populace that they have already begun work on the ground in their respective communities to build confidence in their people? Or will it be a case where it is only talk talk talk and we have to wait to see what they may or may not do IF THEY GET ELECTED? We cannot continue to operate like that. Begin to choose your rep all now. Put them to work. Have a work program/plan that is executed regardless of elections. The people need to see you all making things (whether big or small) happening.
But whats wrong with Mr.? Has he took a look in a mirror and see what his face looks like?
You personal attack is a sign that you are EMPTY and cannot address the substantive issue!!
MEME, If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
And the comedy continues!

You don’t look at the face. There are leaders with pretty faces who lie, steal and cheat from you. They are criminals!
Me, Beginning with you. Why do you want to take away my fundamental and constitutional right to vote? Isn’t that a crime?
Vote where you pay your taxes. When your air fare is paid for, and you are given pocket change to come to Dominica to vote in specific constituencies this is BRIBERY. The authorities should have locked you up in a very dark cell at Police headquarters. YOUR BAD EXAMPLE!!
You want to vote here,pay your own passage, and make sure you are in your constituency 3 months before polling day.
Maurice Bishop never lied and steal and cheat and he had a handsome face that ugly Lenny will never have.
I concur. Not only was the last snap election a sham because the “I’m-the-people” leader promised electoral reform before calling elections and then he reneged, but some of the persons who were asked to retire are back in government adding to the burden on the treasury and the poor people of Dominica. Willful waste makes woeful want and Skerritt is slowly killing the goose laying the golden egg with the frivolous decisions leading to the British tightening the handcuffs on Dominica’s wrists.
@Jonathan St Jean
Step by step Jonathan. Let’s wait and see what we get as reform first.
@MEME, herein lies the problem in the thinking of the opposition in Dominica. You are advocating for the country and the opposition to “wait” and see the final creature coming out of the Skerritt/Byron report and the consultations which are on going. Haven’t we seen this play before? The UWP after the fact challenges the corrupt cabal in court only to find out that their disagreements are too late and the government side is well entrenched by the time the courts decide to even hear their Sorry disagreement. When will we learn from the past and devise strategies to frustrate the autocracy and get that which it’s processing to change or cease. I recall only once when some patriots forced the cabal to put on hold some laws it had intended to pass. Keep on waiting. Cara Shillingford didn’t wait on the sleeping UWP to challenge the expensive gift that Skerritt was driving around in. She got the court to force him to park the damn vehicle.
These a.holes always concur with the garbage ugly Linton spews everyday. These guys behave like they are on the road speeding up and if you do not give me room it’s gonna be another road rage and somebody gonna get shot. Ugly Lenny, get a real life and keep your commands to your family.
I have said it before and I say again that Dominica will never get election reform under Roosevelt Skerrit. Skerrit has told us that he will be in office for 50 yrs until his son Demitry replaces him. So he has to keep stealing and look for every crack to keep him cheating. The only way we will get reform is by taking it by force according to Matthew 11:12 “…And the violent take it by force…”
But in other for this to happen is for us to take the advice of Rev 12:11 “And they overcame him by the …and they loved not their lives unto the death.”
That’s the only way of getting rid of that Satan that has taken over Dominica with his Demons.
You see, we have to decide to sacrifice if that’s what we have to do like Esther 4:16 “and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if I perish, I perish.” . In other words, Esther was ready to break the law and willing to die to save her people. That’s what we need to do today to save Dominica.
Nough Said, Are you stupid or what? Get out of here! What do you think Pm Skerrit, is trying to bring to your blue monkeys leaders which they all running away from and making all sorts of stupid ridiculous excuses.
More rubbish, power continues to corrupt.
One step at a time. I wait with bated breath to see the type of reform that we get first honourable Linton!!