Valerie outlines police dedication to drug busts

Acting Police Chief Davidson Valerie

Acting Police Chief Davidson Valerie has assured the public that the police force is committed to destroying drug trafficking activities in Dominica. His comments came following major drug busts conducted by police in recent times.

“The Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force remains resolute in our effort to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat any drug trafficking activities on our island,” he said.

According to him, the police force has been working aggressively and was successful over the past six weeks in intercepting four shipments of cocaine into Dominica.

“On Wednesday, April 3, 2024, you will recall that 696.82 kilograms or 1,533 pounds of cocaine were seized at Cabana in Marigot from a vessel named La-mere Fatal which was beached on the Cabana Bay in Marigot,” Valerie reiterated.

He explained that after being pursued by the Dominica Coast Guard the occupants of that vessel fled.

“No one has been charged, but investigations are continuing in the matter,” he revealed.

Furthermore, Valerie stated that on Friday, April 12, 2024, another 696.36 kilograms or 1,532 pounds of cocaine and 37 pounds of cannabis were found and seized on a farm in the Castle Bruce area.

“One man has been arrested and charged,” Valerie indicated.

He went on to state that on May 1, 2024, officers discovered and seized 510 kilograms of cocaine in the Everton Estate area in Loubiere.

Valerie said investigations into that matter are continuing.

“On Tuesday, May 28, 2024, seventeen bales weighing 575 kilograms or 1,265 pounds of cocaine were intercepted at sea on the East Coast of Dominica,” he noted.

Valerie pointed out that it is believed that a foreign vessel that was found beached in an area in Delices may have been responsible for transporting that shipment of drugs.

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  1. Clear the Air
    June 6, 2024

    The police are doing their best with the resources at hand and the restraints imposed upon them. But why is Acting Chief Valerie wearing an army camouflage uniform instead of a Dominica police uniform?

    • Bwa-Banday
      June 7, 2024

      I understand your concern about the green uniform but regardless of what we say about the green uniforms its part of the police uniform structure based on where the oficers are assigned or the mission at hand. Granted, the manicou gang through their evil deeds under the SOS have somewhat tainted the green uniform but that should not be used to define the force and units that wear the mighty green. That green uniform has been part of the SSU (Originally SSS) since the days of the original dread crisis(the 19 70’s).

      Back then only the bravest and the best (Dual soldiers-police officers) wore it with pride. Every officer wanted to wear it as an ego trip. Some joined the force and left having NEVER gotten the opportunity to wear it. So, back off this divisive nonsense about the green uniform and focus that energy elsewhere. The Chief can wear whichever uniform he chooses based on the occasion . STOP THIS NONSENSE PLEASE!

  2. Bwa-Banday
    June 6, 2024

    Take a bow Mr. Valarie! We give you nuff blows when things go wrong so now its time to do the world Boss dance on the stage :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: . However, be reminded that we cant rests on our laurels until these holligans are behind bars begging to go see their mama! With this visible degree of success since taking over the helm, your current deputy must be poopooing in his pants that you and not him will be Chief if the authorities are fair.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
  3. Ibo France
    June 6, 2024

    The police have had a few big ‘ drug busts’ in recent times. That’s good! Is this due to great surveillance work, eye witnesses or happenchance?

    Dominica seems to be a transhipment point for drug barons. This cannot be good as drugs and guns are bosom friends. The entire citizenry should watch over Dominica with eagle eyes with the intention of protecting the country from illicit actors.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 1

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