Wealth of world’s 10 richest men doubled in pandemic, Oxfam says

The pandemic has made the world’s wealthiest far richer but has led to more people living in poverty, according to the charity Oxfam.

Lower incomes for the world’s poorest contributed to the death of 21,000 people each day, its report claims.

But the world’s 10 richest men have more than doubled their collective fortunes since March 2020, Oxfam said.

Oxfam typically releases a report on global inequality at the start of the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos.

That event usually sees thousands of corporate and political leaders, celebrities, campaigners, economists and journalists gather in the Swiss ski resort for panel discussions, drinks parties and schmoozing.

However for the second year running, the meeting (scheduled for this week) will be online-only after the emergence of the Omicron variant derailed plans to return to an in-person event.

Read full BBC story.

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  1. Lin clown
    January 19, 2022

    IBO,I did not expect you not to know the answers for the questions you are asking DNO.With your high level of education,maybe PHD,you should know the unemployment.The clown can tell you out of a population of 72,167 we have 37,000 registered vehicle,I think it boils down to 1.95 persons per vehicle.Today there are less people paying rent and a lot more who OWN their OWN homes.Under Skerrit the police force is bigger in creased by 250,the nursing,fire and teaching service has increased.Go around Dominica to see the mansions built by ordinary Dominicans.That is why most Dominicans think you are an AHOLES.

  2. Follow the Money
    January 18, 2022

    This means the Europeans and European-American system of capitalism, poverty and cheap labor has indeed failed. Communism is no better. They met and totally destroyed a thriving, superior political system on the Continent of Africa, bible in one hand ‘superior’ weapon in the other, took their land and enslaved the people. The same system so-called Lord McAuley said to the Brutish parliament in 1835, I’m paraphrasing ‘.. I have traveled across the length and breadth of Africa and I have not seen one person who is a beggar nor a thief. Such wealth I’ve seen in this country, such moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spirituality and cultural heritage and therefore, I propose we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture and religion….’ , and they did, with this inferior winner-takes-all system that only works for a dismal few.

  3. I.Am.You..
    January 18, 2022

    There is no sweetness in having such material wealth while the majority are suffering. but it these souls whose hearts is as cold as ice find immense pleasure in the suffering of others..

    It will all turn to dust. for just like the material body of five elements..its here this day and gone in the morrow..

    They will have to face themselves infront of the highest on high Father for we are now in the period of settlement or as some would call it revelation. each will have to now settle their spiritual account of all their past thoughts. words and deeds..

    It is time..do you see it. do you hear it. do you feel it. it is now the end before the beginning..

    • Ibo France
      January 18, 2022

      I fully endorse your comments. It’s very thoughtful, honest and sobering. The present economic and social conditions in Dominica should give every discerning citizen reasons of grave concerns.

      Here are the objective, unvarnished facts. Political tribalism has fragmented the whole of society; the middle class has been eradicated by the ill-conceived policies of a clueless administration; the gap between the few, wealthy elites and the masses is humongous and growing; poverty is both widespread and entrenched; most families are dispossessed; mendicancy, vagrancy, crime, physical and sexual abuses exploding; a sense of despair and hopelessness has gripped most of the country.

      These conditions lead to insanity. Yet, it’s mind-bogglingly shocking that most citizens seem unfazed by these haunting conditions. Dominica will continue to be treated with utter disdain if they don’t Stand Up.

  4. Tt
    January 18, 2022

    This been going on for years. It usually cullminates into wars. Prepare for a very dark future. On a global scale. Inflation will render many into poverty as they look to uber wealthy politicians for help but that help wont come. They cant relate. They will make the gap larger and larger and sadly for those who forget how to work the fields and feed themselves theyll join the lines to beg. Yall wont stop exalting these evil men, so the price will be paid darely by the less fortunate. The irony is the poor put them there. That is what they wanted. Didnt want to work, they wanted milk and honey in 2000 and in 2022 we stil have milk and honey.

    When government building homes for people you know something is teribly wrong with that place. Where is the middle class, why cant people build their own homes like they did traditionally. Such a large nation every man woman and child should be entitled to a portion of land. Go forth grow ur own food build your own house, control your destiny…

  5. One Card Monty
    January 17, 2022

    The hypocrisy of the politically empowered and economically advantaged has been laid bare with an arrogant and blatant “do as I say and not as I do” mentally. If you don’t believe me, see the recent Boris Johnson Covid scandal or the slew of US top earners who fail to pay their fair share in taxes while lower earners are disproportionately audited.

  6. Ibo France
    January 17, 2022

    Unsurprisingly, what is happening on the global stage is precisely what is going on in Dominica. It’s undeniable!

    Mr. Skerrit, Melissa, their cabinet colleagues and corrupt enablers are becoming multi-millionaires while they pauperize the rest citizens.

    While most of the populace lives from hand to mouth in abject poverty, Skerrit and members of his dishonorable clan live in exquisite opulence. They drive the latest and most costly vehicles; build multiple, luxurious castles; sport the most expensive suits and dresses; and fly first-class to every corner of the world on poor tax payers’ backs.

    TRAVESTY! But, Dominicans seem to like it so.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 1
  7. Pauper
    January 17, 2022

    Can Dominica News Online undertake a survey to determine Dominica’s richest and Dominica’s poorest? i understand that some men have become filthy rich in the last 20 years while some men have become poorer than poor..

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
    • Ibo France
      January 17, 2022

      Pauper, I have always implore DNO to do much more than repeating ad nauseam, the vacuous statements of Skerrit and his minions. DNO’s excuse is always that they have tried without success.

      If DNO was serious about issues affecting Dominica, it would have exposed the government for concealing vital and relevant public information from the people. Instead, even the most insignificant and distorted news coming from the ruling regime they seem in a rush to publish.

      Their readership should relentlessly draw their attention to this lazy, docile, biased, incritical journalism. Their contributors and editor(s) are a bunch of incurious cowards.

      The public wants to know:
      *size of the national debt
      “Whereabouts of the missing CBI billions
      *#of citizens below the poverty line
      *percentage of citizens unemployed
      *when would the occupants of government apartment receive their titles, etc.

    • Ibo France
      January 17, 2022

      TYPO – uncritical NOT incritical

  8. No Reservation
    January 17, 2022

    No surprise here. This has been a calculated plan and scheme all along. The pandemic may be a crucial part of a more sinister attempt at eugenics and population control.

    The filthy rich have always endeavored to rid the planet of the “less fortunate” in order to have it all for themselves. Now that climate change is ravaging the earth, they are scrambling to search for other planetary sanctuaries, making their wealth a convenient means to an end.

    Ultimately though, their bank accounts and privilege will not save them for the Most High is not a respector of person and only His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 1

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