World Food Day address by Minister for Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture and National Food Security

Fidel Grant, Minister for Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture and National Food Security

Theme: “Leave no one behind”: Better production, better Nutrition, a better environment and better life

Every October16th, Dominica joins 150 countries across the world in the celebration of World Food Day. This Year WFD will be celebrated under the theme; “Leave no one behind” Better production, better Nutrition, a better environment and better life. This year, World Food Day is marked at a time when the world is facing multiple global challenges. We have had three years of a pandemic, on top of economic downturns, conflicts and war, the climate crisis, interrupted international supply chains, increased inequalities and rising food prices, among others, all confirming how interconnected our economies and lives are.

Rising food prices affect all of us, but the impacts are felt the most by the vulnerable and by countries already experiencing a food crisis. Today 3.1 billion people around the world still cannot afford a healthy diet. Hunger continues to rise and it affected 828 million people in 2021 – an increase of about 46 million people since 2020, and 150 million since 2019

For these reasons and more, our actions are our future, now, more than ever, we need to harness the power of solidarity and collective action. Our agrifood systems hold great potential for a more equitable and prosperous future, as they are interlinked to many areas of our lives and economy – from agriculture to natural resources, to energy, to health, and many more.

Agriculture is among the most cost-effective humanitarian interventions.

To honour our pledge to leave no one behind, the Government of Dominica Policy Framework supports this global strategic goals;

Medium term National Agriculture Policy 2021-2030

National Resilience Development Strategy (NRDS) 2030

Climate Resilience and Recovery Plan (CRRP)

The Goal of increasing the contribution of agriculture to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to $700M by 2030,

Voluntary National Review (VNR), in support of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals.

This overarching policy documents prioritize the transformation across all our agrifood systems to be more efficient, more inclusive, more resilient and more sustainable, for better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life for all.

Over the years, the Ministry of Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture and National food Security with support from partners, donors and friendly Government has been able to

Improve access to training and knowledge transfer to famers, fisher folk, agro-processors and market actors.

Incentives in the form of low credit loans, cash grants, inputs and small tools and equipment

Research, science, technology and innovation: A new biotechnology laboratory facility is currently being constructed, upon completion will provide true to type, disease free planting material.

Renovation of the two (2) Fisheries Complex. (Roseau and Marigot)

Improve Data and information management system-drone technology

These investment are being made so that small-holders can be at the center of this transformation, the most vulnerable empowered especially after disasters, including small-scale women producers.

Building back better has been our motto, in recent time Dominica has made significant progress in improving agricultural resilience. We have been able to produce more than enough food to feed our self as well as feeding our neighbours of the Northern Caribbean Islands

Governments are encourage to design more sustainable policies, promote improved agricultural methods and motivate greater investment in sustainable food systems, designed to decent rural employment and services, and to end hunger and poverty, while fostering gender equality and supporting rural and Indigenous Peoples who are the custodians of much of our biodiversity. At the same time, continue to provide timely and well-targeted social protection programmes that protect the most fragile.

Today more than ever, on World Food Day we are calling for action by all, greater priority must be given to increasing local nutritious food production, and preserving natural resources especially for the most vulnerable, to recover from the crisis, and to make food systems more resilient and robust so they can withstand increasing volatility and climate shocks, deliver affordable and sustainable healthy diets for all.

This will require improved social protection schemes and new opportunities offered through digitalization and e-commerce, but also more sustainable agricultural practices that preserve the natural resources, our health, and the climate.

Let’s join the fight, use your social media platform to remind all of the need to accelerate these efforts, and strive for a future where no one is left behind, and where everyone has access to healthy and affordable food.

Let us work better together; everyone can be an activist to help transform our food systems by growing something, making healthy food options more enticing, available and accessible; providing decent employment and protection; and sharing innovative technologies. Continue to invest in producing nutritious foods and will put the right policies so that no one is left behind. These polices should be directed at helping smallholders, fishers and farmers to diversify production and contribute to sustainable food systems for an improve livelihoods.

Let us work better together to build a new era of hope, for everyone, everywhere.


I Thank you

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  1. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    October 19, 2022

    “The Wesley DOG,is talking about Fidel Grant.Fidel is a university graduate with a masters degree,and married to a lawyer” (Kindergarten Lin Clown).

    Clown, let me tell you something, a person could have attended all the universities on the planet, and still remains an idiot! I see people every day, with degrees in their hip pocket living on Skid-row downtown Los Angeles; they from all walks of life, disbarred lawyers, doctors who lost their credibility, and license to practice in both cases taken away.
    So, what if he is married to a lawyer, what is special about that; she is just another woman. You can’t talk to me about university, I been there done that!
    How I manage to be an Electrical/Electronic Engineer?
    Lawyers, stave, he is staving that’s why he is in Roosevelt Cabal.
    I had to graduate in some university to earn my Engineering degrees!
    What is your profession boy?
    In America, one can date doctors and lawyers for ten cents per dozen, he marries to a lawyer means…

  2. Ibo France
    October 18, 2022

    Look at this man. He’s the epitome of incompetence. A man who instructed the destruction of over two thousand plantain plants pregnant with fruit. How can this mindless now talk about food security and expect people to take him seriously.

    Look at him standing behind the microphone mouthing words provided for him from a paid speech writer. The words are flowing from his lips not from the heart.

    We could never achieve Food Security in Dominica under the misdirection of this BULLDOZER minister. He acts more like a miscreant than a minister of government.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
  3. Lin clown
    October 17, 2022

    The Wesley DOG,is talking about Fidel Grant.Fidel is a university graduate with a masters degree,and married to a lawyer.During the campaign for the 2019 election the DOG said Fidel cannot and will not win the Wesley seat,pure jealousy.Since Fidel became Minister of agricultural produce is on the rise.Dominica is producing a lot more than it can consume.For your information Mr DOG ministers in line for the Prime Minister’s is Casanni Laville,Fidel Grant and Adis King.Voting and supporting a party of backstabbers to win an election is like carrying water in a basket.Go around Dominica,go to the market to see what is happening in agriculture,lazy,lying,crooks and traitors.

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  4. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    October 17, 2022

    “Fidel Grant, Minister for Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture and National Food Security”

    Minister of what?

    Fidel, by now perhaps you realize that you are nothing more than the joker in Roosevelt pack of useless cards. By now you must have realize you are just another puppet of Roosevelt; he has made a fool out of you by not having an actual portfolio!

    “Blue Green Economy Agriculture And National Food Security?”
    I wish you Fidel would take the time to explain in detail your job description, because as far as I am concern you do not have any position except as quote in name! While Roosevelt tagged you with a bogus ministry, he is selling Wesley choice land to the Chines, you need to get smart.

    Roosevelt is not building any International Airport in our village, you need to know that the joke is on you!

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      October 17, 2022

      I don’t know how you manage to get mixed in Roosevelt cabal; I don’t care how much he paid you to “con” the people of Wesley to vote for you; because as far as I am concern the goat-water and bottle of rum you gave to them seem to be all they got thus far.
      How can you become a puppet of Roosevelt a corrupted crook who years ago stabbed your uncle St. Hiaire in his back preventing him from becoming the leader of the labor party. Your uncle would have been a better Prime Minister than dunce Roosevelt!
      St. Hilaire left, whether he is in Switzerland or in Dubai working, he has a better job than Roosevelt, you need to find a job doing something constructive because by next election another puppet will replace you!
      If you need to know who I am rocking your cranium, ask Benny, Tilda, or Masscol “Cap” if they know Son Fu Ma john, you will discover through Mama Pretty the kid blood is in you!
      You are disgracing yourself to be in Roosevelt corrupted cabal!

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    • October 17, 2022

      It will be built in Wesley. The mobilization phase has just begun. His job description means just what it means, Mr. Smart boy. The good thing is you own nothing in Wesley, so mash rex.

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      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        October 19, 2022

        ds; I feel very sorry for you!

        You are neither here nor there; you keep repeating Roosevelt stupid lies, you do not even know the meaning of the term mobilization phase!

        The term is defined as: The planning phase, or simply the act of organizing, or preparing, even a group of people for a purpose.

        So, if this Airport that Roosevelt claimed he already started, is still in some mobilization stage or phase; can’t you figure out something is wrong with Roosevelt and your head?


  5. Lawyer
    October 17, 2022

    That’s another on of those stupid names/phrases: Ministry of Blue and Green Economy. Absolutely unique in the world or shall I say state of the art? Other state of the art factors in DA: endless corruption, unique incompetence of the government, utterly unfair elections and a billionaire CM. The latter actually being more like the eights world WONDER, I mean how can one become a billionaire from an estimated salary of $67,000? Only in Dominica! Worse even, hardly anybody demands an explanation or better even independently audited accounts. What has my poor country come to?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 2
    • October 17, 2022

      That is why more of their Leaders keep falling down one by one. There are more to fall. They cannot stand tall in the face of it all. They are UWP bums and scrums.

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      • Lawyer
        October 19, 2022

        So you are ok with a PM that hasn’t got a dollar to it’s name but 18 years later is a billionaire. You’ve got no questions to ask your CM? You are a sad creature for true! Typical DLP supporter.

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 1
    • October 17, 2022

      You spend so much time on DNO that I have concluded you don’t get too many clients in your office to work on their cases. You are one of the very few broke, poor Lawyers in Dominica.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 0 Thumb down 9
      • Lawyer
        October 20, 2022

        Except for the fact that my law offices are in the City of London. As per usual, you haven’t got your facts right and may I suggest you will never get them right. You are one of those super ignorant people who only see and hear what they want to see and hear. Critical thinking is a dirty word to you and your fellow Skerrit supporters. So long sucker!

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
  6. Ibo France
    October 16, 2022

    The members of the Roosevelt’s self-enrichment clan get speech writers to prepare well written scripts on special days like this one – World’s Food Day.

    Right now, Dominica is suffering from Food INSECURITY. Thousands can’t afford even two meals per day. Hunger is an ever present companion in many homes. Cupboards are sparsely populated. The odour of cooked food coming from our neighbour’s pots is rear. Agricultural output is the lowest it has been in modern times.

    The point is this: On a special day like this there is nothing to celebrate. The current maladministration has deprived the nation’s children and many adults of a invigorating breakfast, a balanced, nutritious lunch, and a healthful supper.

    In Dominica – Full stomachs for the ruling oligarchs but empty plates for the thousands of unemployed poor.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      October 17, 2022

      lbo; you are correct, it is disappointing that this guy is following a script, that is not written by him: I also determine that by reading this!
      “Rising food prices affect all of us, but the impacts are felt the most by the vulnerable and by countries already experiencing a food crisis. Today 3.1 billion people around the world still cannot afford a healthy diet.”
      He doesn’t even know what he is talking about; if you ask him from where his statistics of three billion one hundred million (3.1 billion) came from that sucker will not be able to answer!

      “There are approximately 7.8 billion people in the world as of July 2020, according to a 2020 report published in the journal The Lancet . The global population is an estimate of the total number of people living on the planet, rather than a true running total of every baby born minus every person who has died at a given moment in time.”
      According to Fidel almost half the world population cannot buy food!

      He’s a joke.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 6
      • Ibo France
        October 19, 2022

        Francisco, your words cannot be refuted. Good observation!

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 7
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      October 17, 2022

      So, lbo if his contention is that 3.1 billion: “Today 3.1 billion people around the world still cannot afford a healthy diet.(Fidel Grant). He is contending that 3.900 billion or half the worlds population are in this situation.
      One need to draw to his attention that: The current world population is approximately 7.98 billion as of September 2022 and according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by Worldometer. The term “World Population” refers to the human population (the total number of humans currently living) of the world.
      You see, as smart as these Dominica boys in so called government try to be dipping in everything; and having all the answers to global affairs; I don’t know how come Dominica still remains the poorest must backward place on the planet!

      Make Dominica a prosperous place by eliminating joblessness and poverty in Dominica first; then fix global problems until they can do that they all need to shut up!

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