In-person learning to return to Dominica State College

Dominica State College

Education Minister Octavia Alfred has announced that face-to-face learning at the Dominica State College (DSC) will resume after the Carnival season.

She made the announcement during an interview with State-Owned Radio DBS.

“Work is progressing satisfactorily at the Dominica State College,” Alfred said. “Although we had a little setback with sourcing some materials for the ceiling, this has been resolved and we will be ready for face-to-face instructions after carnival.”

In fact, she said that generally there is a lot to do at the Dominica State College to take it back to its premier status, “but we will continue to do the work in phases.”

Furthermore, Alfred stated that the DSC is Dominica’s only national tertiary institution and the government of Dominica is committed to ensuring that this institution continues to thrive.

According to her, presently there are more than 1,700 students enrolled in the DSC and, therefore, the government has a commitment to these students.

Alfred commended the students who come in to help with repairs at the school as part of their service.

“The work that they have done is of a very high standard and we commend them for showcasing what they are learning at the college,” she stated.

The DSC announced in March 2022 that ‘remote learning’ would continue for the duration of the semester.

This decision was made in keeping with the safety of staff and students, and the need to not disrupt the learning environment. Per the College’s Remote Policy, lecturers who may require face-to-face sessions with students will conduct those sessions following the COVID-19 protocols.

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  1. Roger Burnett
    February 17, 2023

    For the training workshops I hold at my studio, I always offer free places to DSC students.

    For a workshop I held some years ago on Improving Efficiency in the Workplace, I asked the DSC students in attendance, what they considered to be the weaknesses of the State College.

    Their answer was not the campus (this was before the hurricane), nor the tutors and fellow students, but MANAGEMENT.

  2. Chou poule
    February 16, 2023

    Just throw the whole building away.

  3. Ibo France
    February 15, 2023

    The DSC has been in disrepair for eons. It’s Dominica’s only local tertiary educational institution. The faculty and auxiliary staffs, the students have bitterly complained and protested about the deplorable conditions of the plant and its environs. To this day the institution is still a health and physical hazard to persons who use it regularly, therefore not conducive to learning.

    This is clear and irrefutable evidence that Roosevelt and his concoction of ultra lazy bones do not care one iota about the development of our human resources nor the country in general.

    Satan’s only son (Roosevelt) and his doltish disciples have devastated health centers, hospitals, roads, bridges, public library, post office, police stations, public works and now they are targeting the human resources in the country.

    The inertia of the people is significantly responsible for this vile behavior of the unlearned despot.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 20 Thumb down 4
  4. Max
    February 15, 2023

    What does this mean: ‘its premier status’ ? Politicians talk such meaningless drivel. I’m only surprised she didn’t add that it’s ‘sustainable’ and ‘climate resilient’. Five years after Maria, and it’s still not fixed. She should be apologizing to the young people of Dominica for not prioritizing their education.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 2

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