Justice Irving Andre contends diasporan vote ‘patently unfair’

Dr. Irving Andre

Toronto-based Dominican Justice Dr. Irving Andre is of the view that Dominicans who have resided abroad for five years should not be allowed to vote during General Elections.

He made the remarks during a series of consultations on electoral reform for members of the diaspora held at the State House Conference Center on Thursday night.

“You have hundreds of persons in the diaspora, many of whom have been abroad for 10, 15, 20,25 years having the ability to come to Dominica, courtesy of a free ticket to vote and to go right back,” he remarked. “Because it is the same reason that justifies why in other Eastern Caribbean countries you have that stipulation.”

Dr. Andre continued, “Persons who have been away from the jurisdiction for five years should be removed from the voters list.”

According to him, this is to preserve the integrity of the vote and to enable those who live in Dominica to have the benefit of choosing which political entity should in fact win the polls.

“It is why furthermore in November 2018 the then Attorney General of St Kitts, a gentleman by the name of Mr. [Vincent]Byron, he recommended that the legislation should be changed to ensure that only St Kitts, ordinary residents in St Kitts and Nevis at the time of the elections should have the right to vote,” Dr. Andre explained.

He continued, “He said why should 20 percent of the voting public living abroad… have the untrammeled discretion to decide an election and go back the next day after election? It is patently unfair.”

The consultations on electoral reform will resume next week.


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  1. B
    September 8, 2023

    Dominicans are so economically run down by political clout, they are hardly able to make a well informed decision on their own. This sounds nice to invite the world to participate, but the way things are going, a bigger ballot box can quite accurately compromise the accuracy of counts. If international participation was all done electronically, then it would be more fair. They say the best way to teach a dog how to swim is to toss it into the water, and it will find its buoyancy. Let them strive for righteousness n they will find godliness in voting.

  2. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 22, 2023

    “Dr. Andre continued, “Persons who have been away from the jurisdiction for five years should be removed from the voters list.”
    I might want to agree with that, however, I also believe that if that is not written into the constitution, perhaps changes should be made to have all such persons vote.

    I may suggest however; since there are more of us in the diaspora, than in Dominica, we should change the constitution to allow every Dominican born living abroad the opportunity to vote in all general elections.

    I have long became an American Citizen, nevertheless, if I were to return to Dominica to live, there is a system of absentee voting here, where I could have an absentee ballet sent to me to vote in each and every election, both local in the State I chose for residency, and in all general elections.
    The thing is we can talk reforms in Dominica, Roosevelt and Byron wants the status quo to remain, any slight change is intended to be in Roosevelt favor!

  3. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    August 22, 2023

    Admin: Please allow me to term that bit of human feces (ds) as he is! That guy is an idiot, and admin; you should not disallow my to : a foolish or stupid person. ” him as an idiot, because that’s the way he presents himself.
    Defintion of the term idiot is: ” a foolish or stupid person. ” That scum of of the earth is talking a lot of crap, about Irvin Andre living in Canada for more than five years, and should not interfere in Dominica’s business.
    Someone should ask him how long he claims to be living in America. And that’s how we know when they are liars, for all we know he, the same as lin clown is under some rock in Dominica.
    The scum ds, argues about people living out o Dominica for five years; however; all the people that Roosevelt pay’s passage to Dominica to vote every five years are living out of Dominica for more than five and twenty years,. I can name names from Antigua, to Canada, and the United States too, as some are my personal relatives.
    I know who give the…

  4. Gary
    August 21, 2023

    Why is diasporan vote patently unfair, suggesting that “20 percent of the voting public living abroad… have the untrammeled discretion to decide an election and go back the next day after election? It is patently unfair.” such thinking is not based on empirical knowledge but clearly suppositional, I would further say it is a superficial opinion driven by partisan Politics.

    Why repeat the St. Kitts and Nevis matter when such suggestion by Attorney General of St. Kitts Mr. Vincent Byron was never made a Law in St. Kitts. As to the claims of free ticket to vote and transportation, that matter has already been dealt with https://dominicanewsonline.com/news/homepage/news/politics/ammendment-to-the-house-of-assembly-election-act-causes-controversy/ this is a very constructive debate of National interest
    with varied opinions, it clearly shows the useful purpose of the
    this public consultation and shows democracy is well and alive in Dominica.

  5. Lin clown
    August 21, 2023

    They should not come to vote,and you cannot trespass on their land and live in the house they leave in Dominica for more than 5 years.They want the government to enforce laws to protect their property,like in the case of Debbie Douglas.The people against Dominicans coming to vote are all UWP supporters.These UWP people know if they come to vote,they will vote UWP and lose

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  6. Ronald Charles
    August 21, 2023

    “All Dominican parties and organizations must commit to giving the diaspora the right to vote and the constitution be amended to allow same, where necessary. Such voting rights are a prerequisite to respectful recognition of the Diaspora’s role. It would be an insult to continue to seek the Diaspora’s economic support, while denying the overseas community its rightful role. That of equal partner in the nation building efforts. The diaspora likewise must curtail any arrogance or insensitivity in dealing with the home base and so avoid grievance”.
    Check page 555, 2nd para in the book “IN SEARCH of EDEN, and authored by Irvine Andre and Gabriel Christian. I have not heard or read about the circumstances that have led to this diametrically opposed position on the diaspora vote by these two “life-size Dominican patriots”. In this era of transparency and openness with public information, I think the public should know why. Share the information. Is it the Skerrit factor?

    • Mike
      August 22, 2023

      So because you send down a barrel every Christmas you have right to decide the future of Dominicans in Dominica, those in the kitchen are the best people able the decide their and Dominica destiny not someone who lives in other countries for more than five years and in most cases citizens of these countries with all the benefits.

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      • Ronald Charles
        August 24, 2023

        Do you know who wrote the first paragraph in the above remarks? Check the paragraphs in quotation marks. It was not I who di. It was Justice Andre himself who wrote it for posterity in his book. Like very human being something caused him to change his mind over time. I’d like to know.

  7. Man bite dogs
    August 21, 2023

    We labour supporters and Government, should not be taking any notice of Irving Andre, neither the rest of so-called workers incompetent vagabonds that is going nowhere Mr Skerrit, should not even engage with that lot they are professionals waste of time good for nothing useless idiots.

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  8. Lin clown
    August 21, 2023

    The constitution say PARLIAMENT may make laws in the interest and benefit of the PEOPLE.The voice of the PEOPLE is Labour and Labour is the voice of the PEOPLE..Dominica was built by Labour after Maria,and it is they who will determine it’s future.

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    • Mike
      August 21, 2023

      So why does Labour need to pay for Airline ticket to bring in the Diaspora to vote, what you are saying and what Labour is doing does not jive, that dog doesn’t hunt, try again.

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  9. Putin
    August 21, 2023

    If the Diasporans should not be allowed to participate in and impact Dominica’s electoral system and its results, why is the learned Judge so deeply involved in our business although he resides elsewhere?

    Take a page from your book and remain a spectator on the sideline. Thank you.

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  10. August 20, 2023

    These guys go overseas get a couple degrees and then come back home trying to dump their garbage on people back home, thinking Dominicans are stupid like them.

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  11. Man bite dogs
    August 20, 2023

    Who the Hell that Canadian based citizen Irving Andre, think he is coming here telling us how to and how not to vote, what are you a smarta** or a black slave master try telling that crap to white Canadians you would have your backside kicked out of it, man get out of here!

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    • August 21, 2023

      Just look at Irving Andre’s personality. He looks like Kim Jong Un with his colour-blind look. He looks like someone with no skin complexion and having a dry look on his face. He looks more like a blind bat by birth.

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  12. My little take
    August 20, 2023

    I am a UWP supporter but I disagree with Dr Irving Andre and the UWP. Dominicans are always Dominicans and should always be free to vote in Dominica as long as they are registered and stay in Dominica for 90 days during the election cycle. UWP should instead try to encourage their supporters to come down to vote instead of making us feel we committing a crime. They should instead fight against bribery and treating and fight to make sure when Skerrit uses our money to pay for plane loads of people to come vote , all of us whether blue, red or green have a right to board the planes. Can you imagine the difference it would make if people like justice Andre, Gabo , Dr Dangleben and others that always running their mouths on W95 would come down to vote, encourage a few more to join them and keep public meetings in Dominica? Oh by the way they should also encourage UWP to engage the young people, get them registered and help them understand the crisis we all in under Skerrit

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  13. August 20, 2023

    I think it would serve Andre very well if he would not interfere in Dominica’s internal affairs after living in Canada for over 5 years and still living there. He doesn’t see it for the diaspora, who has been living out of Dominica for over 5 years, to vote in Dominica’s General Elections, why would he see it fit to interfere in Dominica’s internal affairs after over 5 years living in Canada. Oh my God, some men on this earth are bold…They are only there to serve their own selfish interests.

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    • Petes
      August 21, 2023

      Why do you interfere in Dominicas internal affairs. You do not live in DA but every five years you come on holiday courtesy of the Horrible Prime Minister. Now go away and shut your face.

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  14. Lin clown
    August 20, 2023

    Man,Younglow you are a complete Jacka.There is registration and residence Somebody has to live in a constituency for a certain amount of time to be registered in that constituency.On polling day that person has to return to the constituency he was registered,unless he request a TRANSFERE.A registered person name cannot be taken off the voters list,even if that person has not been to Dominica for MORE than 5 years.For that to happen there must be an OBJECTION.The person doing the objecting and the voter he is objecting MUST be registered in the same constituency.Not only that,the voter must be given the opportunity to DEFEND his/her self in the obstruction matter.That is the law.As for CBI money,real Dominicans(not prodigal sons like you,Andre,Gabriel,Dangleben,Thompson and Finn)are satisfied with what the government is doing with the money.Skerrit is paying 2,700 Senior Citizens $300 monthly from CBI you and yours are against it.The CURSE of the old people are on your heads.WICKED.

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    • Mike
      August 21, 2023

      According to you skeritt is paying 2700 seniors $300 per month so that’s 2700 guaranteed votes if you add the 4000 NEP workers and the 10000 free apartments occupants it’s really does says alot when you still have to buy tickets to bring in the Diaspora to vote for you. Maybe the self reliant and productive Dominicans just don’t have the love for the DLP that you have.
      So what is your angle? It my experience that most defenders of this regime are feeders, so what are you feeding on.

  15. Jerry Samuel
    August 20, 2023

    I think the justice is wrong, because he is a lawyer does not make his opinion justifiable. While the constitution allows for citizens who have not remained outside Dominica for periods exceeding 5 years to vote, it does not allow for those who have not been back in a five year period to vote. Those persons who have not been back within that 5 year window should be removed from the voters list. That been said, we expect Dominican citizens to travel abroad and send their hard earned dollar back to Dominica to help their families and the economy but have no say in the way the country operates. So we want your money to enjoy an support our way of life, but don’t come here to tell us who should manage the country. It is a constitutional right that was given to us as Dominicans and we don’t need to follow others but form our own path forward. Inclusion is a better way forward than exclusion, we need our diaspora people to come back to their communities in the future so their vote counts

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  16. Juanita
    August 20, 2023

    I have the highest amount of respect for Justice Andre, but I do not agree with his diaspora vote stance. Dominica law still allows for dual citizenship and voting is a right of citizenship that should never be denied or abridged. What is needed is the removal of that residency requirement. It does not make sense that any Commonwealth Citizen residing in Dominica for 6 months or more can register to vote while a native Dominican student who undertakes a course of study outside of Dominica for five years or more should loose their voting rights. And, what makes a person who lived outside Dominica for less than 5 years more Dominican than the other person who has lived “away” for 5 years or more? A democratic government should be about the business of making it as easy as possible for ALL citizens to vote and not about providing tickets for a selected few party supporters. I fully endorse diaspora voting rights.

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    • August 21, 2023

      Does make any sense for Irving Andre living in Canada for over 5 years to interfere in Dominica’s internal affairs? Yo all are nothing but wishy, washy, UWP puppets. Skerrit is here to stay, madame. Get used to it now.

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    August 19, 2023

    But sir, Irving , You are living abroad . Yet you have the untrammeled discretion to decide our election. Isn’t that patently unfair? What is really wrong with you all remote Politians?

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    • Putin
      August 21, 2023

      Nah, he will never see it this way because as it is customary for the UWP, wrong is wrong only when someone else does it.

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      • Lin clown
        August 21, 2023

        I agree,Lapen Andre should not be called sir.I listened to the Jacka on q95,a lady said to him,one lady told her she and another lady went to vote.On their arrival at the polling station one lady asked the other”What name they tell me to say I am again?Lapen Andre replied”oh my God”A so called judge is convicting they on hearsay.To Lapen Andre they is the DLP.That story is so stupid,yet Lapen believed it.

    • Wicked
      August 21, 2023

      There’s a vast difference between talking about what’s right and coming down to vote while residing abroad. So you lack common sense or you are just a wicked soul. You are so wound up with words that make sense; but you are up in arms with folks coming down to vote labor and returning the next. You must be a real scumbag.

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    • Man bite dogs
      August 21, 2023

      Kid, this guy is not a Sir, and should not be called Sir just what he is Irving Andre, secondly he is not a politician.

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  18. Paulo
    August 19, 2023

    I totally agree with Justice Irving and others who have the same sentiment. Not fair to Dominicans living in Dominica. Not by a long shot.

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  19. Lin clown
    August 19, 2023

    Any Dominican who is registered to vote,and who deliberately and willfully choose not to do so,should have his property seized by the government after 5 years.That is my opinion.A government should not be in power taking care of people’s business who have no use in determining how the country is run.It is those people who should be taken off the voters list,they are not considered to be Dominicans.Seize their property and give it to the poor.Do do not want to have any say in the government of the country,then you do not have to own any property in that country.

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    • Taniya
      August 23, 2023

      You are totally messed up in your head! We don’t live in a communist state YET but soon we will if we do not get shot of your Horrible PM soon.

      • August 23, 2023

        Another gunslinger. There are more gunslingers in the UWP than there are politicians and followers.

  20. Jonathan Y St Jean
    August 19, 2023

    I fully endorse the opinion of Dr Andre. The 5 years rule in Dominica’s Constitution isn’t unique. The USA will even strip persons born in it’s territory of citizenship. Let me state that when Tony A**-ta-phan comes out supporting positions held by his lab rat, Skerritt, I think they are up to no good. In the past we have seen the prostituting of Dominica’s Constitution by these two acting in concert to water down good governance in line of what obtained in the past. Tony told us Skerritt sold diplomatic passports and used the money for Labour party. He did nothing to stop it. He disclosed that there is in the Constitution the 5 years rule, but did nothing to hold Skerritt to account for his abrogating the law of the land. On the other hand Dr Andre has on many occasions called out the shenanigans of Skerritt. Since Dr Andre lives outside of Dominica he’s advocating for the existing law even if it might affect him personally. That’s a true patriot putting country first.

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    • Jerry Mander
      August 20, 2023

      I disagree with the Hon. Justice Andre. It is illegal and immoral for citizens of Dominica to be denied their voting rights under any circumstances. If this prevails, Dominica will have created a 2 tier citizenship consisting of residents and non-resident which by the Constitution is unlawful discrimination.

      Furthermore, as by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica, citizens of Dominica are obliged by law to in all circumstances: a) To contribute to the common good and to the development of the country through their work, talents, and taxes; b) To defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and to perform national service when required, how can any discrimination be further justified?

      If we go down Andre’s route, perhaps in the near future, Kalingoes, Dominican’s with facial scars, may be denied the vote? Andre should try speaking like a lawyer and less like a politician.

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    • August 21, 2023

      There is no five year rule in the constitution.

    • Gary
      August 22, 2023

      I would like you to explain your statement further, be more elaborate, “The USA will even strip persons born in its territory of citizenship.” As to the rest of your comment, it’s the same gibberish partisan beliefs and misinformation, so long.

  21. Tt
    August 19, 2023

    Amen dr. Andre. You couldn’t have said it in simpler terms. I as a dominican in the diaspora, accept that I should not come down to vote because I am a person of integrity. Why should I run from hopelessness to return to hopelessness to ensure that my brothers and sisters remain in such hopelessness.

    A government cannot and should not be the sole provider for the people of dominica. We have the human right to create our own destinies. We have the right to enterprise and free will. So many young people trying to build something for themselves but the system does nothing to encourage that. Is always one set of people who get opportunities, even those that get are left holding the end of the stick cause the government is unable to hold to its end of the stick.

    We deserve politicians who understand that they are not the government of their supporters but the government for everybody. Red, green or blue. Enough of that nonsense and let us build our nation to be whatever we want…

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    • Gary
      August 22, 2023

      Just an observation, there is a difference between integrity and belief, the latter is what you are expressing. When you say, “Why should I run from hopelessness to return to hopelessness to ensure that my brothers and sisters remain in such hopelessness” such statement is a belief, it’s not an absolute fact or truth of which all Dominicans ascribe to as to their decision to return home, it’s your belief.

      Is the Government of Dominica truly acting as the sole provider for the people, is this your interpretation of a Government who takes care of the elderly, who provide housing and other social services to its citizens. You are entitled to your beliefs and opinions, but do not get overwhelmed with them making judgements.

  22. August 19, 2023

    Dr. Andre, take a hike and stay out of our affairs. People who have lived out of Dominica for over 5 years do not have a right either to put their mouth in Dominica’s political affairs regarding General Elections and who has the right to vote and not to vote. You have been living in Canada for over 5 years, how dare you to dictate to the Government of the day in Dominica who should vote and who should not vote? Aren’t you bold and out of place? And your UWP puppets like Ibo and Telemakak just cannot see that you are rude and bold-faced. Go to tell Justin Trudeau so, not Skerrit. Man, you are something else.

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  23. Accountant
    August 19, 2023

    Well stated, Dr. Andre! Unfortunately very few of your colleagues in the legal fraternity in Dominica are inclined to speak up. Most of them are in the CM’s pockets and are afraid of his wrath. Personally I haven’t got any time for these creatures. I mean what possibly could be more important to ensure that one’s country remains free and eventually prospers again. None of this could be achieved as long as the Horrible Prime Minister keeps lingering around Dominica like a bad smell.

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    • August 22, 2023

      Well stated, Dr. Andre! Sounds like a Personal Statement and not a Business Statement. Was that an Income Statement and not a Financial Statement?

  24. Lin clown
    August 19, 2023

    I have tried to respect NDO,especially the CEO who I know as a lead guitarist playing the Fender Jazz master.Emanuel Finn is the friend of Irvin Andre.Finn is a dentist who has been living in Washington DC for the past 40 years, father died and left him an estate in Castlebruce.Is Irvin saying Finn should not have the right to vote a government in the interest of his estate?There are hundreds of Dominicans who have been out of Dominica for more that 5 years and own large properties,they are still called Dominicans.That idea of removing names from voters list after 5 years is bull coming from an overeducated Jacka.Those guys thought they could fool Skerrit by working all their youthful and fruitful days in and for a foreign country,and when the are drained the want to hold big Jobs in Dominica.NEVER.Andre-Judiciary.Gabriel-Attorney general.Dangleben-Health.Fontaine-Finance.Finn-Agriculture.No names are going to be removed from any voters list.

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    • Sketch
      August 21, 2023

      You are now attempting to bribe the CEO because DNO must be fed up with you non intellectual and disgraceful contribution on this medium. You have a wicked soul, Lin clown. But I don’t feel sorry for you. When Roosevelt is out of office, then you will be a wonderer walking up and down the streets. But you will have many others with you for the blatant wickedness you willfully keep doing to the poor people of this country. MAL BOOWO.

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  25. Lin clown
    August 19, 2023

    This Justice is a justice in jackasism.He is saying ALL voters who go to Dominica to vote,do so because their tickets are paid for by the Labour party.There can be nothing more stupid coming for that Jacka.Relatives and supporters of the Labour party buy tickets for supporters to go home to vote,and very few people do that.What this guy does not know is,base on the level of victimization,corruption,poverty,hopelessness,lies and greed inflicted on the PEOPLE by UWP,the majority of the diasporans are more vocal in campaigning against UWP.Many more Dominica’s go to Dominica for Christmas,Carnival and Independence can the do for election.That idea about put government and go is bull.More that half of Dominicans depends of Dominicans in the diaspora for some form of help.The people who do NOT have an interest in Dominica,DO NOT go to Dominica to vote.People like Irvin Andre,Gabriel Christian,Dale Dangleben,Thompson Fontaine,Jonathan Y St.Jean,Francisco and Emanuel Finn.The prodigal sons.

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  26. August 19, 2023

    “…..November 2018 the then Attorney General of St Kitts, a gentleman by the name of Mr. [Vincent]Byron, he recommended that the legislation should be changed to ensure that only St Kitts, ordinary residents in St Kitts and Nevis at the time of the elections should have the right to vote,” Dr. Andre explained.” So what, that was just a recommendation that went nowhere. The people of St. Kitts rejected the recommendation. Kitticians living overseas continue to have the right to exercise their right to register and vote in elections in St. Kitts.

  27. MEME
    August 19, 2023

    I FULLY agree. You are out of Dominica for more than 5 years, your name should automatically be deleted from the voters list. My biggest problem with the diaspora votes is that they have targeted constituencies in which they vote. This should stop. My own vote is being diluted by people who took a conscious decision of their own to leave Dominica? How long can this be tolerated? Just to preserve the winning legacy of a GREEDY Starboy of Stupidity?
    I am equally against any confirmation or reconfirmation abroad. It’s only a ‘darn’ fool that can TRUST this Skerrit Labour Party to do things HONESTLY. It has never happened under Skerrit’s rule, and it will never happen!!

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  28. Eagle-Eyed
    August 19, 2023

    I totally disagree with Lapen on this one. Once you are a citizen of a country, living abroad doesn’t change the fact you are still a citizen of that country (unless you change your citizenship to the country of which you are resident), so you should have the same entitlement such as voting in a general election to help decide who should govern on your behalf. Lapen (Dr Andre), may not be entitled to vote in our election because he changed his citizenship to Canadian but that shouldn’t deprive the other diasporans who still hold Dominican citizenship of their entitlement to vote.

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  29. Let's Face It
    August 19, 2023

    That’s Irving’s opinion and should be respected. However, you can’t reinvent the wheel. If you’re following the stupid Westminister colonial model of governance, politics and elections, what does that feudal model have to say on this issue?
    A model built on the system of Councils and Elders, not just people with money, has already and always been far superior to this self-destructive british crap before the conquest of your continent, which continues to engage you in fights to today. Look it up to see where you are in this!

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