Karina Cultural Group: celebrating 30 years of promoting cultural consciousness

Karina Group, in Trinidad for their most recent performance at the CARICOM Summit

In the 1990s, there was only one main cultural group in the Territory called the Karifuna Cultural Group. However, there was a couple by the name of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Langlais who had a very strong desire to have another cultural group in addition to Karifuna so that the Kalinago culture would continue to survive. In that era, the Kalinago people were under some serious attacks and that could have undermined their very existence. According to history writers, the Kalinagos were cannibals; savages, and like Black people, had no soul.

Besides these derogatory comments, the prevalent belief system in Dominica added more fuel to the flame by referring to the Kalinagos as stupid, lazy, and drunkards. Young Kalinagos were ashamed of their race as indigenous and their self-confidence was shattered. Some conscious-minded individuals thought the only way to save their race from extinction was through drama, dancing, and other cultural acts.

Their brainchild, named Karina Cultural Group, was formed in July 1993 with only eight members. Soon afterward, the membership grew to approximately fifty members. What was the attraction? According to its leaders, “it was something new and people normally gravitate to new initiatives.”

Mrs. Langlais said, “I started composing my own songs and that was one of the main attractions.”

While the group was in its embryonic stage, prominent leaders such as Ex-Chief Hilary, Dr. Sanford, Chief Charles Williams, and others, endorsed the Karina group.

Another factor for the motivation of the group was spirituality. Mr. Langlais said, “Karina was formed on a spiritual path. My main interest was in the spirituality of the Kalinago people. The dominant religion at the time was Catholicism and they condemned the Kalinago spirituality because to them it was demonic”.

However, as the Karina Cultural Group sets the stage to celebrate its anniversary, they give thanks to the Great Spirit for guiding the group for thirty years. They also acknowledge all those who supported them and the cultural organizations who bestowed on them the E.O Leblanc trophy in 2003, and the Golden Drum Award. As a gesture of gratitude during a celebration on July 15, 2023, recognition certificates and plaques will be given to deserving members and others who have supported the group through the years.

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