Law enforcement officers found not guilty of murder in Antigua


Greenaway and children

All four law enforcement officers who were charged with killing Bruce Greenaway in Antigua and Barbuda have been found not guilty; a verdict that has shocked that nation.

On Tuesday, presiding judge Justice Colin Williams upheld a no-case submission in one of the most high-profile criminal trials in Antigua and Barbuda’s history.

The four accused defendants – police officer, Jason Modeste, and Defence Force personnel, Aliyah Martin, Armal Warner, and Shakiel Thomas have been set free although the Crown believed they acted jointly in strangling the Falmouth father of two.

According to reports from St Johns, on April 13, Greenaway’s lifeless body was found in the vicinity of Indian Creek days after his family reported him missing.

Reports are that he was last seen in the company of the four accused. He was allegedly seen in the back of a pickup truck being driven by Defence Force personnel.

During the trial that started in March this year, the court saw video footage in that regard.

When the Pathologist took the stand during the court hearing, he said Greenaway was strangled through some sort of “severe force applied to the neck”.

He said Greenaway’s neck was fractured to the upper wing of the deceased’s left thyroid cartilage and a hemorrhagic area on the neck.

Other hemorrhagic areas were also seen on his back, below his left buttocks, a part of his genitals, his forearms, the center of his chest, part of the chest plate, his brain, and membrane, according to a report from St Johns.

The accused officers

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  1. Lin clown
    June 23, 2023

    Who the cap fits.The police turned Rasta was not trained with
    (2) M60
    (3) Night vision goggles
    (4).45 cal pistols
    (5)Grenade launchers
    (7)Tear smoke
    (8)Jungle survival
    In 1983 after Maurice Bishop was executed at Fort George in Grenada,a group of police officers left Dominica on an American C 130 Hercules and landed at Pointe Salinas international airport.A number of those police officers worked directly with the US army(82nd Airborne,108th Division and the 65th Division)In 1984 the American government built a multi-million dollar military range at Trois Piton in Dominica.I March 1984 after their tour of duty in Grenada,about 34 police officers were trained in Dominica by the 7th Special Forces 82nd Airborne from Forte Bragg North Carolina,USA.So Mr.MEME from 1983 some members of the Dominica police were also highly trained soldiers.Now Mr MEME,you will agree your party UWP was kicked out of office for.
    (2) Victimization
    (3)Lies and
    (4) Greed.

  2. Baba Louie
    June 23, 2023

    @Peeping Tom, your repulsive vitriol is more annoying than a boil on one’s rear end. Please crawl back up to your birdseye view in the peanut gallery.

  3. MEME
    June 22, 2023

    @SHAMELESS Peeping Tom
    You must be a real lunatic or just a moron, by trying to compare the force when men like the one alluded to in your last sentence were serving to what we have now.
    Got off from whatever it is that you are smoking!!

  4. Kwame Nkrumah
    June 22, 2023

    I don’t get it. Read the two last paragraphs in addition to the statement of the Crown that it believes the four to be involved in his strangling; so how were they found NOT GUILTY???!! Am I dreaming? More details are needed.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  5. Ibo France
    June 22, 2023

    No astute government puts soldiers to do police work. Soldiers are not schooled in de-escalation techniques nor how to handle volatile encounters with civilians. Their duty is primarily to fight wars.

    All police services should have a Special Unit Division to deal with uprisings and civil disobedience in these tiny countries. For most of the calendar year these armies are idle doing absolutely nothing. Can these soldiers defend the country from external invasion by powerful forces? Absolutely not!

    Why do these small countries spend so much money on an organisation (army) that is mostly slothful? Corrupt leaders keep them around to put down civil disobedience and protests when the ‘leaders’ fall out of favour with the people The country’s meagre financial resources can be better spent on improving healthcare, education, social programs, et cetera .

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 4
    • June 24, 2023

      Isn’t that what Patrick John did in 1979 putting his well-trained death squad Defense Force to work on its people?

  6. Ibo France
    June 22, 2023

    This verdict cries out for immediate appeal. The victim was seen in the company of these four accused. The pathologist report clearly tells the deceased was brutally murdered.

    Under this Minister of Justice, the prosecution office, to put it mildly, is as weak as a wet paper bag. This is a colossal failure of a prime minister and government who are only interested in self enrichment.

    “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as much as those who are.”

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 4
  7. MEME
    June 21, 2023

    I grew up in a family of 4…My second brother served in the CDPF for over 30years. I never thought that i would develop such a dislike for the way our policemen in the OECS and Dominica in particular, behave and deal with the public.
    Most are stupid, ill disciplined, empty headed, badly trained and can’t approach the public.The business of using brute force on unarmed citizens is criminal in nature, and it’s time we have judges and magistrates with the gumptious to send those goons and criminals to jail. They are not police officers! They are criminals! In Dominica the police escalate simple situations instead of de escalating..They use battlefield weapons following a group of elderlies walking our streets on a Wednesday,,,,but 99% of them would refuse to go to Haiti or Jamaica on duty!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 3
    • Peeping Tom
      June 22, 2023

      “Most are stupid, ill disciplined, empty headed, badly trained and can’t approach the public..They are criminals! In Dominica, the police escalate simple situations instead of de escalating.” More BS from you. Can you do any better? You remind me of a dude called Sticky Fingers. There are some in Dominica who fit this description, no doubt. Some! There are such people in any organization. The overwhelming evidence, however, points to a disciplined, understanding, and restrained Force. Contrast what we have today to what existed when that wassi head rasta from Q95 was a cop.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 13
      • MEME
        June 22, 2023

        @Peeping Tom
        You are shameless. I know i would ensnare you after i humiliated you last time. Greedies and sticky fingered men like you are shameless.
        Stop being an enabler, doormat and shameless apologist for politicians who are hell bent on impoverishing your country…Dont hate me for exposing deceitful and greedy men like you. You bad example!
        Greedy, what else are you looking for? Haven’ you bled the country enough?Havent you stolen enough? You like living the life of riley, but you too have questions to answer.
        Sticky finger!

    • MEME
      June 23, 2023

      Oops with the gumption

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