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Don KEY,passports are not sold.Dominica passports cannot be sold it is and will always remain the property of the government of Dominica.Go educate yourself.
A poor third world country – Kelvar Darroux is another one. A government that is not looking after the interests of its people – these feel good press conferences. They say nothing. A Prime Minister we know who is a known person to be running around with so many women asking from escorts when you all travel and all of you all are involved with each other – embassy staff name calling with head strategist all women they had relationships with before bringing them into government jobs above others – Vince did it. Vince has foreign wife, girlfriend in st Thomas inner circle saying it. Who are these people – no one should listen to you all.
SUE ME. You all keeping meetings on American soil about labor party leadership. One of your mouthpieces contested elections in USVI and could not win even though there are so many Caribbean people and Dominican there. You all played the A…
Press Conference when you had to be behind bars. No country is dealing with Dominica. Vince Henderson is another idiot. Your wife is another. Denise is another one. Octavia Alfred is another one. Francine Baron is another one.
The prime Minister had to be behind bars. The alum of the school you went up to give the speech of climate change to how many others have you given. Trump fooled you the former mayor of New York- Guiliani fooled you they all turned themselves in. You have Pemberton in Media interned with Florida Law makers – I WILL TELL YOU – I am in politics and care about Dominica enough to risk my life and bold about it to let you all know. Everyone of the government officials intend to migrate to the United States you all have been to the EMBASSY
Do you think you have a government when all your ambassadors are foreigners?
Your tanker and ship registration ambassador, ocean and seas, and all others.
Which government is going to trust a government like yours?
I know the local media houses will be publishing all the inaccuracies verbatim mouthed by the two-faced Starboy of Duplicity-Corruption and Stupidity. The man is a legendary Liar. Consequently, every thing that emanates from his mouth MUST be verified before printed or repeated.
The press conference should have been about concrete solutions to the country’s present food stressed situation; traffic choked capital; 60% youth unemployment; dilapidated public edifices; starvation wages and salaries; law enforcement inability to solve crimes; the many ghost workers in the potbelly Cabinet. This sorry list of failures could be extended ad infinitum.
The country needs honest, discerning, insightful leadership to revive its fortunes. The present trajectory of the country is leading to cataclysm.
Another staged propaganda show by the ‘Not so Honourable PM’. Just to pick up on one issue, yes Skerrit we want proper electoral reform and if that involves a change of the constitution, let’s have. What are you afraid of? You will not be allowed to sell us a heavily diluted reform that’s good for you but bad for us!
That man is getting ready to ram his version of electoral reform up our behind with no grease so we better get ready. I need not say its going to be painful because if trying to poop can be so painful at times is not when a greaseless pole is being rammed up where the sun don’t shine it will not. You all got my drift unless if you are one of those that have gotten used to it.
He still believes that dumping our millions into a now defunct LIAT was a good deal. Imagine that! Trying to spin a bad decision in a perfect deal. Even on Haiti he is yet to say if he will send his Mongoose Gang to fight those criminals out there instead of him unleashing them on us especially now on Marigot people. Oh lord save Dca because I have a strong feeling its going to get worse so we better start planing.
This notorious, compulsive, unrestrained LIAR press conferences are meticulously choreographed to control the narrative locally and regionally. He gives long meandering answers to simple questions to bamboozle and confuse his unsuspecting cult members.
The lazy , local media practitioners ask him lollipop questions. Fawning journalists, it is strongly believed, are carefully selected and strategically positioned at these events.
Here are a few questions the stuttering incoherent imbecile should be asked:
*When will you exit the monthly $74K tax funded palatial mansion as you had solemnly
*Why don’t you order a forensic investigation into the 9 billion CBI scheme?
*Why has Ireland imposed visa restriction on Dominicans when you affirmed that the EU was fully satisfied with the new changes your gov’t had m
*What strategic eco comic plans yoh have put in place to drastically lower the unprecedented high unemployment rate and the escalating cost of living?
How do you advertise your citizenship program and expect us to pay 200,000 dollars for your passport while the value of this passport is decreasing day by day and you are not making any effort to save it, first Canada, then England and Ireland, and now the threats of the European Union ! Increase the price of the passport and restore your relations with England and Canada, and of course, don’t forget the financial transparency in the money from the sale of the passport! Stop things that threaten Dominica’s democracy and international recognition, the 2022 snap election was a mistake, it dealt a huge blow to democracy in Dominica.
Good advice for the unscrupulous regime. The way things are going a Dominican passport will soon be worthless for those foreigners who use it for visa free travel throughout the European Union.
Two more EU countries revolt the visa free access to holders for a Dominica passport and the CBI program will meet its demise. Everything Roosevelt handles turns to coal dust.