LIVE: Truck drivers assemble under Canefield cliff

The Dominican association of Truckers has called for all truckers to assemble under the Canefield cliff this morning to bring awareness to their lack of employment opportunities. Their trucks have been parked along side the Canefield cliff in a show of solidarity for their cause.

DNO brings you live coverage of the action. Facebook video live below:

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  1. November 17, 2021

    Hello and good morning my people. Why can’t an opposition party member submit a bill to the legislature sating that. On any Government project sixty percent of the workers must be unionized and locals. Then let’s see if the Prime Minister and he’s party members vote against that bill. If they vote against that bill then the people will know that they are the ones preventing our citizens from working on government issued contracts.

  2. Lin clown
    November 16, 2021

    Mr.Mark I am a Dominican-American who returned and built a house.Dominicans especially those who support UWP are very lazy.On a number of occasions Dominicans are given first priority and they keep F ing around,you have to beg Dominicans to work and they STEAL your materials.A job that is suppose to be completed in 6 months will be in 12.I understand the truckers but that BS about blocking roads supported by AHOLES like IBO,%,Bwa and RandyX is just BS.It took me weeks begging a Dominican to clean a piece of land,eventually I had to settle for a HAITIAN.

  3. November 15, 2021

    It’s only going to get worse,more suffering to come, feel sorry for some of you guys.

  4. November 15, 2021

    The man makes perfect sense. I just visited Dominica and witnessed the same preferential treatment given to foreigners at the Roseau Health Center over our Dominicans. this is the remnant of the slave mentality, where we put others over our own. This destroys the self esteem of our people. Dominican must wake up against this unfair treatment.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 5
  5. Loud and Clear
    November 15, 2021

    I just don’t understand that. These guys should not be packed on the side of the road but rather should be parked on both southbound and northbound lanes with their hood opened and some mechanic pretending to be trying to fix some engine problem. Bus drivers should do the same man. If all you doing something do it . Stop playing like hungry chicks 🐥 that looking for food. Send a strong message to Skerrit because if Dominicans don’t find ways to stop Skerrit he sure will find ways to stop all you

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 9
  6. Mark
    November 15, 2021

    There is plenty of work for truckers if they’re willing to work for the rates the contractors are paying. You cannot demand rates that were not used when the estimates were done. If the contractor budgeted $500. per day per truck, he will not pay you $650. because he will run out of funds before the project is complete. Plus, he is able to get his work done at his budgeted rates.
    Lastly, when you go to an employer to look for a job and he makes you an offer, you either take it or reject it. Remember we’re not talking about some highly specialized skill here where one might have some bargaining power. We’re talking about trucking.
    Most times, greed is what gets in the way and opportunities are lost because of that mindset. The cheaper guy will always win because it’s simply a matter of economics.
    Adjust your rates and win.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 13 Thumb down 11
    • Ibo France
      November 15, 2021

      You are just speculating as you were not at the negotiating table nor have the actual information. Stop your mischief. Why do you always support the elitists against the poor struggling man? It seems like you want the local truck drivers work for peanut change then could ill-afford to purchase tyres, diesel, oil, truck parts, and pay employees, etcetera.

  7. zandoli
    November 15, 2021

    In most countries a company must demonstrate it has made every effort to employ a citizen before they apply for a foreign to take up a position. It looks like there is no such provision in Dominica’s immigration law to protect employment for citizens.
    That’s a real shame.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 5
  8. jean baptiste
    November 15, 2021

    What a man sow that shall he reap,you all sow evil,now reap evil.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 2
  9. Ibo France
    November 15, 2021

    Dominica is in its third trimester of problematic issues. How much more can a beleaguered people take?

    These are the ordinary man’s living realities today:
    Rapidly Increasing Joblessness, Unlivable Wages, Abject Poverty, Unbearable Hunger, Rising Inflation, Overwhelming Cases of Crimes, Unprecedented Murder Cases, Mushrooming Homelessness – this list is innumerable.

    Dominica needs an astute and visionary leader to turn around the country’s fortune from manmade and natural disasters.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 6
  10. Ibo France
    November 15, 2021

    These truckers staged a protest recently. In a nanosecondd, here they go at it again. The local truckers need to be much more organized and refrain from accepting Skerrit’s words for he is not to be trusted. The man is a congenital liar.

    It would be advisable that the truck drivers make the habitual LIAR put any agreement in black and white. Let it be documented.

    Under the leadership of the present president of the Dominican Association of Truckers, nothing beneficial would happen for the members. The president is not assertive nor decisive. I was reliably informed that he said the present protest is not really a protest. Seems like it’s joke they making.

    A real protest would have been to take their trucks and block the damn road until there is a serious and definitive resolution.Any thing less is a fat joke.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 8
  11. %
    November 15, 2021

    Is that a protest? Set of jokers!!!
    You all need to be tested to see if you all have balls! What about blocking the roads?
    Noone is going to respond to you all, and i agree!!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 9 Thumb down 11
    • ?????????????????
      November 15, 2021

      Block the Road? Selfish! Are those commuting to Roseau in their business? Do you know what business persons have to go to town to do? What about sick people etc.,

      Stop the selfishness. Make your demands but do not deprive others of their tights. Strikes and demonstrations not doing anything. President and the others can demonstrate another way. Why do you instigate strife and deprive innocent persons? People like % it is high time to sit down and think objectively.

      Do you know what productivity is? When you prevent someone from doing their work, the economy suffers. There is a cost when people do not do what they have to do. Yes you need to take those things into account.

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