[Loop News] Former BVI ports director and son plead guilty

Oleanvine Maynard

A mother and son have pleaded guilty under a plea agreement to conspiracy to import cocaine in a scheme that also allegedly involved the former premier of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) Andrew Fahie.

As part of Oleanvine Pickering Maynard’s plea agreement, she has agreed to “cooperate fully” with prosecutors as Fahie’s jury trial is scheduled to begin on July 17. She has also agreed to many of the acts that were alleged in the initial affidavit, including conversations between herself and a confidential source (CS), who she and her co-defendants believed was a member of the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel.

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  1. June 16, 2023

    Hello and good afternoon my people. Well what she expect when she’s on a phone talking to someone about drugs plus she’s leaving the comfort of Tortola to go to Florida. I can’t understand how those people allow American agents to fool them. If you talking on the phone you must accept the fact that someone might be listening. Lady you and your son will die in prison in Florida.

  2. Chichi jr
    June 14, 2023

    That’s not good news for Chichi

  3. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    June 14, 2023

    Everybody in Government in the West Indies (Caribbean islands) from prime ministers, to Chief Ministers and civil servants want to be rich: The problem is, it’s difficult to get rich on a government salary on any of the islands, unless the government ministers decides to become thieves as we have in Dominica!

    In the cocaine business, one makes plenty of money; however, after the money, jail or death follows.

    Does it worth it?

    Wealth comes by investments, and even so; one have to invest into something that can be exchange for money, if you are lucky and someone wealthy die and leave their wealth to you; that’s the only other way!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 13 Thumb down 6
    • Kaka Hkodenn
      June 15, 2023

      The folly of human GREED.
      The frustrating part of stories as these, we, in the West Indies, can ill afford to have these situations for they impact the image of the region.
      And as for Dominica, only the most high can redeem us.
      🇨🇼🇨🇼🇨🇼🇩🇲🇩🇲🇨🇦 📿📿

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
  4. If we knew better
    June 14, 2023

    “She has also agreed to many of the acts that were alleged in the initial affidavit, including conversations between herself and a confidential source (CS), who she and her co-defendants believed was a member of the Mexican Sinaloa Cartel.”

    HMMM. Lady if i was you, id take my charge and keep my mouth shut. Hopefully they give you probation for good behavior. Either way you going and go prison. I say this because if you are snitching on the Sinaloa Cartel, you might not last long in jail AT ALL. Them man will send hitters to your cell on a daily basis. Trust me. Take your charge and keep it moving.

    • corre
      June 15, 2023

      It was an undercover agent pretending to be a member of the Sinaloa cartel. They weren’t actually from the cartel.

  5. Bwa-Banday
    June 14, 2023

    Don’t ever mess with the US!

    Some day soon those in Dca who have become entrenched in corruption and continue to violate US sanctions while partaking in money laundering will smell the coffee. Mark my word chou-moun-kay-paytay at the appropriate time and choosing of the US government. That big chinese building with alleged 24 hrs armed protection by the SSU and their PLA counterparts will become a thing of the past with far reaching consequences. In the meantime, let them continue to play themselves as they relish in the moment 8) 8)

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 5
  6. Ibo France
    June 14, 2023

    *Truth crushed to the ground will rise again.
    * Three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth.

    Whenever I hear about the former premier of the BVI, Andrew Fahie and this mother, Roosevelt and his ‘not so bright’ wife, come to mind.

    I’m reminded of the old adage my grandmother often repeated, “Time is longer than twine”. Roosevelt your day of appointment with a judge is as sure as the sunrise. The truth will be unearthed and it is not going to be pretty.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 5

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