20 retirees awarded for their long service at Dominica’s main hospital

Twenty retirees were on December 16, 2021, recognized and awarded for their long service to the healthcare sector in Dominica.

During the first-ever award ceremony hosted by the administrators of the Dominica China Friendship Hospital (DCHF), it was revealed that these individuals -many of whom dedicated several decades to the public sector- had retired between the years 2020 and 2021.

First to be awarded was Mr. Clayton Bryan, former hospital service coordinator who began work as a pharmacist in 1984 after receiving a certificate in pharmacy from Barbados Community College.

He was appointed senior pharmacist in 1999 and served in that capacity until 2009 when he became the first Quality Manager at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). In 2014, Bryan began his journey as the hospital services coordinator and served in that capacity until his retirement.

Medical Officer Dr. Chereuserta Joseph who started employment at the PMH in 1995, after completing medical studies at the People’s Friendship University of Moscow in Russia, was also among those awarded at the ceremony.

While Dr. Joseph works in different departments, he is best known for the extended period he spent working in the department of paediatrics where, according to his citation, he gained significant experience and exposure and became an invaluable member of staff in that department.

Among the staff nurses awarded were Anelta Wilkin, Marianna Jno Baptiste, Mary Gage-Carbon and Hildreth Agnes Walsh Davis.

As revealed in her citation, nurse Wilkin who dedicated 34 years of service to the health sector, has throughout her career displayed exemplary service in her field of work at various wards including the medical and surgical wards.

As for Nurse Jno Baptiste, who began her nursing career on the 16th of March 1987, over the years, she gained vast experience working in the surgical wards, the HIV clinic, the isolation unit and the infection control department. During her tenure, Nurse JNo Baptiste also acted as a ward sister on the Glover Ward and facilities manager on three different occasions.

This isn’t the first time that Nurse Gage-Carbon, who enrolled in the nursing assistant program on August 1 1996, is being awarded. In 2011, she was recognized by the Ministry of Health for her exemplary work, attitude and dedication.

Accolades were also bestowed on nurse Davis who began her career as a public servant in the Ministry of Health in 1991, advancing from a vector control operator to nursing assistant and eventually becoming a registered nurse in 2004.

Laundry Supervisor Ann Joseph was also lauded for the level of enthusiasm, work ethics and leadership she has displayed over the past 11 years.

Three ward aides who bid farewell to the DCFH were also recognized and awarded for their dedication for the past several decades. They are Mrs. Cyrilla Celestine who started working with the PMH in 1998, Ms. Veronique Roberts who  commenced employment at the hospital in 2005 and Mrs. Yolanda Dubisson-Christain who gave 35 years of service before her retirement this year.

Among the other awards were seven domestic workers who during their tenure, served in various departments, such as housekeeping, laundry, dietary. They include Editha Ferguson who served for nine years, Eugenia Ormond 24 years, Merina Edwards 23 years, Violin Sandy 12 years, Caryl Jerome 20 years, Marcella St Luce 19 years and Olivia Hector, 23 years.

Mr. Eddie Fraser, who served at the PMH maintenance department in the capacity of a handyman for 39 years,  psychiatric attendant Carbon Francis who dedicated  31 years to the job,  cleaner/caretaker Ramona Dublin-Bucnire and orderly Phillipson Simeon were also recognized for their passion, and enthusiasm during their time of employment.

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  1. Teddy
    December 18, 2021

    So you’re trying to tell me because a person has been in the public service for years you getting a award. Most of them come to work for love of money not work. The amount of slacking off
    work and stealing etc have been going on for
    years with some of them and I still get an award. Can’t believe we reach this stage in Dominica. It’s like giving a thief for long service for stealing and behaving badly

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 0 Thumb down 8
  2. Lin clown
    December 17, 2021

    There people stayed home to serve their country.Unlike Dale Dangleben,Gabriel Christian,Thompson Fontaine,Emanuel Jno.Finn,Views expressed,IBO France and Jonathan Y St.Jean waiting like parasites to suck blood from the hard work of Dominicans.

  3. Lin clown
    December 17, 2021

    CONGRATULATIONS to all.That is what NATIONAL SERVICE is all about.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 4

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