A number of families on island will benefit from the construction of 500 homes, an initiative now underway, according to Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.
“This week I will be signing off for another 500 homes with MMCE [ Montreal Management Consultants Est] to construct apartment units and townhouses in several communities,” Skerrit said during a radio interview. “At a special ceremony I will speak to the specific communities.”
He said there’s a huge challenge in communities like Roseau North where housing improvement is required.
“We have some land up in Bellevue Rawle; we will be doing some units,” the prime minister indicated. “We will also be looking at Roseau South. We are acquiring lands for Roseau South, particularly the people of Newtown, who really need some serious housing.”
The Mahaut area is also being targetted, Skerrit said.
“We will be doing some apartments in Jimmit, Lily Valley in Trafalgar and Cochrane. ….We also have some challenges and in Laudat; we will be addressing some housing there.”
Skerrit said the contract for the Pound housing project in Roseau Central has already been signed “but because of the land acquisition, we have had a hold up, so we are looking to address those.”
According to him, the government will proceed with two alternative locations “while we continue to negotiate with the land owners in Pound.”
The prime minister went on to say that under another government programme, 200 homes will be constructed.
“We have built some and the Ministry of Housing now led by the Permanent Secretary, is finalizing the identification of 200 lots,” Skerrit revealed. “Once we have those lots finalized, we will start the construction of 200 homes immediately.”
He said a factory for this will soon be set up in Belfast “which would improve on the efficiency of the implementation.”
He added that under the MMCE arrangement, 68 units are being constructed in Cottonhill in Lagoon, Portsmouth, another 68 in Georgetown Portsmouth, 123 in the La Plaine Constituency, 66 in Delices and 66 in La Plaine. He said the similar projects are being undertaken in Grand Fond, Castle Bruce and San Sauveur.
The government’s housing plan also includes the construction of 250 new homes in the Kalinago Territory.

Domineca is a rugid and beautyful country.I am a visitor
there 15 years ago. Am pleased to see the priminister
is trying to improve living there But disapointed to build
posible potential slum housing. Domicians need seprat
strong buildings with land to grow. I remember when i was
there the people are proud and worked hard but like to play I hope this continues god bless
they cannot afford these houses. They are used to their plots of land, however small it is, with their garden and chickens and goats etc running around. They will destroy these homes. They will bring down the property value of more astute communities. Look i hear they already fighting with each other in places like Point Michel. Now what going to happen, family members will think AA so and so get their “big” house. lets us go and stay by them, now you have 2 families living in a place designed for one small family. I even see they tying clothes line allll around the building to hang their clothes in Bellevue Chopin. No class no nothing. square pegs in round holes. Plus the drainage in parts of that development is below mediocre. They should have followed the design they did in San Sauver. These apartment blocks is not for country people. Try that in town for single professionals looking for middle income housing. But these you want to put low income people in? will become ghettos.
I dont understand this system. For instance in Antigua government have housing project but everyone knows the cost from 180,00 for 2 bedrooms, 224,00 for 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms. You have to find your own funding for your mortgage and the property is yours. They are not appartments but houses on plots of land. I would expect the same in my fare land of da
SEN SAY you are a lying Blue BedBug most Dominicians in the USA live in APARTMENT Buildings,they rent.Even if they buy a house they can hardly finish paying the house.And there is property tax.Your Blue LIAR.Most of us have either visited or lived in the USA.JA.
ok boy so ill vote for you your joker tell us how many you have all over the island
For the record, Montreal Management Consulting Est. is not in the construction business – they are in the citizenship by investment business and immigration consulting: http://www.mmce.org/en/.
So who is actually building these structures? Dominicans? Or imported workers? And when and where is the financial accountability? [Yes, I know that is the perennial question about the citizenship by investment program, but it bears asking again.]
In just about any other country, construction projects are undertaken by construction and engineering companies, not immigration consultancy firms. What are the particulars of the company which designed the buildings? Do they not have to be approved by the Planning and Engineering departments? There has been much said about the “resiliency” of these structures – so the plans should be public as well as the engineering sign-offs.
And yes, apartments = no personal land space for a garden – not even a communal piece of land at the site.
NH is building the structures.
Ross left, ahahahahaha
karma for the nasty ppl of D’a.
No dateline eh!!!!!!!
Dust in de wind i say!!!!
DR Dr keep shifting de goalpost.
That company handling publicity working hard for their money.
It’s obvious that they chasing and not leading!!!!!
why didn’t de government go to parliament and put responsibility on every MP (includes opposition) to deliver???? de government hold de whole pack of cards to themselves……….when you playing against yourself who is de loser?????
This is a sad state of affairs. A promise is a comfort to a fool!
DLP supporters don’t know how to defend these knee jerk reactions…….they want Lennox to help DR DR!!
Dr Dr don’t need Lennox help………..Lennox will overshadow him!!!!!!
Dr Dr have de most friends in de world …more than de Queen of England.
Performance means Nothing…….Leadership is everything
But wait! Before maria I was so happy to be the owner of my own home! As small as it was sitting on a small portion of land, with a back yard to grow a little veggi, and be able to bequeath this to one of my children apon my death along with a little saving in the bank or local credit union. But wait!!….. Things have changed instead am gonna settle for an apartment with little or no back yard, not sure if it will be in my name, Have no means of paying bills, have no job or can’t apply for a bigger job and higher pay, can’t even put an addition on the apartment if my family grows, not even sure if my kids can inherit it when I die or if I can sell, can’t be spontaneous, can’t have a little discussion with my kids or husband without Greta and samuel on either side of my living space hearing and spreading it all over, with Jack down in block C playing his music as loud as he cares to, and Marsha and Loretta quarreling in the yard. I need sleep but Can’t . Miss freedom. RED…
Beautifully expressed…and, like it or not, this is the sad reality.
This post encapsulates life in these apartments. It’s like being trapped in a concrete jungle. This what happens when there are no consultations with the people. Everything is decided at the top and you are forced fed. Bottom up government is much better than top down as the people play a more active role in the way they are governed. History has proven that this multiple apartment living leads to slums and can be dangerous and unhealthy in the event of fire., rodent infestation and gang activities.
Ya lt is good to complain at everything the Labour government set out to do, but if the government didn’t step in to help with housing projects. All of you including Lennox Linton would be on the air waves highlighting the problems people have no homes to go to and government is not concerned. But then what does one expect from two heads snakes and crocodiles…. God bless Dominica 🇩🇲 and Labour Party for ever we will stand by you!! One love.
So many comments on here about the economy and creating jobs. It strikes me that many people do not understand how the economy truly works. In most industrialised nations when the talk about growing the ecomy or stimulating the economy, they all usually follow the same path. Infrastructure projects. From road building, to bridges, ports, housing and even a border wall.
Too often people in Dominica don’t understand that governments have very limited job creating function, and when they do they are criticised. Take for example the building of 250 homes. Add that to the homes already being built by the government and private individuals and you have an increase in imports of materials, man power, services. You may need a few more people at the port, a few more to handle cargo at the airport, a few more at hotels, guests houses, restaurants, bars, farm, shop etc etc.
What you will not see is that 500 new jobs have been created, because they are indirect jobs. Its how the economy…
You do understand how the economy works. You got it right when you stated “that governments have very limited job creating function”. But you failed to recognize government’s function of creating the conditions necessary for private sector job creation. Those jobs that are sustainable rather than government handouts.
there are three things that come to mind when one thinks of Skeritt ‘s housing scheme # 1 when one is given or promised a house or apartment what are they told is the conditions for moving in besides voting D L P ? DO they pay rent according to their means ? who pays the utility bills ? is there a mortgage at reduced interest rate? then there is what I see in new York there is a lot of crime . This should be of concern because of the increase in crime in Dominica . Then there is the fact that this government seems to be following the line of china ,Cuba and others where peoples lives are controlled by the ruling party >who could forget these words MADAM SPEAKER THIS COUNTRY IS TOO FREE?
Is there a public procurement act in Dominica? If so, why is it not being used to conduct this public procurement contracts?
I am asking because all I am seeing is that Skerrit is signing contracts with so and so but I have not seen any Request For Tender / Request For Proposal going out for sellers to provide a bid/proposal.
Therefore the questions should be asked are:
1. Are we getting the best value for our money from these contracts?
2. Is the performance of these contracts and sellers are being monitored and evaluated?
3. What about quality control and fitness for use?
Please don’t say it’s being done as an emergency. Hurricane Maria was over one year ago.
Shelter is a basic need so the construction of houses is a good thing. However, it is much more preferable for people to earn sufficiently to build their own homes. Government’s block apartments are usually turned to slum areas after a period of time no matter how well intentioned initially. Incentivize the economy, create good paying jobs, allow people to construct houses of their design and reduce the dependency syndrome that has flourished under the stewardship of the current governing leadership of the country. This election gimmick will not work this time around, dead on arrival. We have seen this movie far too many times.
Ibo MALAPROP France, how many people that you know own their own land and can afford to build their own homes on their land? You so want to criricize and oppose for opposing sake you are blowing hot and cold.
You started by saying, Shelter is a basic need so the constuction of houses is a good thing. Then next you start criticizing the move. This FLIP FLOP movie by you UWPites has been played too many times. Dominicans are fed up with that. That’s the reason They can never ever put THE UWP to govern the affairs of the state. 5 MORE YEARS FOR LABOUR.
Those things look like barracks for refugees. No escape if things go bad. Can’t even plant the food we eat.
They look like the wooden ovens of the past …!
Wonder if you, Willeb, have a” jupa” in your name to live in!?
Agree with Willeb, having seen these hideous, inappropriate, ghetto-like buildings that stand out like sore thumbs in Castle Bruce and Grand Fond.
Some of these comments suggest that there are Dominicans out there who do not want to see progress and development for Dominica. I feel sorry for them and my advice to government is to let the jack … and dem bray until they neigh but keep building homes for those in need of shelter.
Herb I recall you as head boy when I was in first form at SMA you were in sixth form. After umptin years you have grown in more ways than one but still an opportunist as in 1970-71. Remember you were fired in The T& T gov’t right? Always do my friend keep on braying till you can’t no more. Be like Henry be quiet. Don’t be a JCAK URSELF.
You are not qualified to apologise for Skerrit. You are just singing for your supper. Just go and buy another bottle of Socca and rest yourself!
UWP supporters are real idiots.Most Dominicans own their house ie they built it or buy it.Very few people rent.Go to any village and you see.Before Maria everybody who live in housing scheme pay for their house.If you can afford you will pay if you cannot you will not.Did you Blue BegBugs not know there are people living,in the DIASPORA who has houses in the HousingScheme?That is supprising you Lazy Blue BedBugs.
Skerrit is a very good student of the University of Hugo Chavez that he and his friend Maduro graduated from. But I hope the people of Dominica take a good look at what happened to Venezuela less than five years after Chavez died, as the failed policies of Maduro, which he and Skerrit implemented on their people have FAILED miserably! If the policies of Chavez failed in an oil rich Venezuela, tell me how much more devastating it will be in Dominica where Skerrit has carefully planned our demise, by taking all our livelihood from us, including Ross University? Don’t say Ian Douglas didn’t warn all you with that dangerous Skerrit even if he stayed faithful to him, just to get a fat pay check
He & Ian are 1st cousins. remember who bought him his first suit and car in 2000.
Stop giving houses…create the environment for job creation. People will be able to get their houses themselves. Plus once people get things with no work, they do not appreciate it the same way. Look at the projects in USA.
While the RED CLINIC recipients may believe that this is the best thing that ever happened to them, Housing projects are not a good source of infrastructural development. This will continue to create dependency upon the government, whereby taking away the possibility of having your home ownership and private property. This is not as good as some people think.
. This will continue to create dependency upon the government, whereby taking away the possibility of having your home ownership and private property. This is not as good as some people think.
The Slants will be building their private houses on the best lands while Native Dumbsincans will be like sardines in apts, drugs ,fights crime generally gangs etc. That was /is part of the plan in the MOU. It’s already in action .Remember “build and they will come?”- The drugs the prostitution, the fights etc.
Please grow the economy so the people can work for themselves and have a disposable income.
Without a job and under-employment these folks cannot get a loan in the banks to better themselves , put food on their table even it they own these apartments.
So they are moved from POVERTY in a wooden house to MORE POVERTY in a concrete building.
And for this reason they should vote this GOVT??……….SMFH
And because of that Skerrit, the lying misleader expects votes.. Building houses for people (Venezuela style) is basic work for a government. The people need jobs.
Skerrit should be dumped at the polls this year..He has destroyed the working spirit of the ordinary man,for just one reason .To stay in power!! But that Shall not work!!Right now the oy this g he is relying on is sharing money ..Dominica with good money management should be a beacon in the Caribbean, but Skerrit is so scared of losing,he has become one of the world’s most profligate giver of money . Take it and vote this wicked man out!! The world is small,and Interpol is alive and well!!!
Skerrit Must Go
Skerrit Must Go
LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now
So these are no bid projects, nobody knows the cost and nobody is consulted prior to ask if they want these apartment style housing. Most importantly no one knows if they will own the apartments outright or if its rent they are paying. Its just shut ur mouth and taking what u get. Cause is beggers in the place so there can be no chosers.
Well here we go again…beckoning for votes…foul brain Dominicans as the late E O Leblanc rightly said
>> The government’s housing plan also includes the construction of 250 new homes in the Kalinago Territory.
Has anyone asked the Kalinago if they WANT these homes?
mahjee that happeing in the country. Taking rural farmers and residents and putting them in urban type housing. nonsense that happening there.
Just in case all you think that is for all you alone Skerrit Building Houses..think again. How many they build for themselves and never declared it? The corruption is Thick in DA..
Now if Dominicans can’t see 10 years down the line that this communal housing system, with no clear policy for ownership is merely a TEMPORARY measure then that explains why we can’t see through Skerrit’s ineptitude..
Dominicans we all need independence. We need to own our own lands, how will we leverage a mortgage to send our children to school..3 and 4 generations will be couped up in those apartments in 20 years if we don’t think Long term. #wakeup!!
Why’ wont the government give Dominicans the full story…the truth? We know that millions have been donated from the international community for rebuilding after Maria. They try to make it sound like Labor party has done so well economically that the government is now capable of providing new homes. No that is not the case. Through the good will of others after hurricane maria….Dominica can rebuild. Two different scenarios.
UWP supporters shamelessly say nothing is happening, yet they spend so much time talking about what the things that happening, like the housing programs, the new hospital , the constrution of five star hotels, road and bridge construction….I guess they are just blue vex things are happening.
Anon, are these apartment buildings rent free? Most of the (paying) recipients would have been in a great position to build a home of their own design if the economy was healthy. The present economy is on life support, livable wage jobs have all disappeared, the civil service is most dysfunctional, the country is a basket case instead of a bread basket. The time has come for Skerrit and his hangers-on to EXIT office. The voters will deliver this message by their votes at the upcoming general’ election.
i agree. trying to make it sound like is in their pocket the money come out. Nope. not me all you fooling.
I am for helping families with housing but building apartments in Dominica is a bad idea. Most crimes are committed when you start building housing projects. Dominicans are into single family homes. If you want to witness crimes in housing projects like the one the government is proposing go to Jamiaca, St Thomas or San Juan Puerto Rico. This is not Dominica way of living. Someone needs to talk some sense into the government. You might have the right to do it but it’s not always the right thing to do.
This is ridiculous
You know who else builds government housing with no characteristic belonging to the owner or distinction from the neighbours? North Korea. Just saying. Yes we know Dominica suffer back to back tragedies and the people are in need. But they need jobs not hand outs.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Skerritt is working hard to buy the souls of the communities that he knows has gone away from labor. There he is trying to fool Dominica again.is the contract signing going to be the same as the one signed for the construction of houses in Morne Jaune? He signed contracts to built houses in Morne Jaune and at the foundation stages all have been stopped sighting lack of funds. So how are you going to build OT start new ones when you cannot complete what you have started? Just another political gimmick. His plans for a snap election after the londonderry rally hit a snag when he unceremoniously and embarrassingly changed two thirds of his cabinet members and candidates for new unapproved candidates. As a result he is now coming with his housing project. Dominicans get smart. Skerritt realizes that he is at the end of his rule. A disparate frowning man will reach for a straw. Skeptic is motor than desperate now. Kick out labor. Dominica needs to breathe.
Skerrit I’m tired with your hand out when are you going to start the international airport all you do is encourage laziness skerrit must go is time for a change
If you give us a $ we will take it because it’s our passport money that you and your few top friends have been saving abroad and use as you all wish to. If you give us homes we will take them because you have destroyed our bread baskets and left us crippled and handicapped. If you build us apartments and townhouses we will take them, but we would much rather be in a position of strength, where we could choose or neighbors, are employed and be able to build our own homes where we want instead of putting us where you want like slaves on a plantation. You Roosevelt Skerrit enriched yourself at our expense. 20 yrs ago, when you first got into politics you had NOTHING! Not even a car or bicycle. 20 yrs later you forced us to close our stores, you destroyed our banana and coconut industry; you took Ross University and sent them to Barbados and left us poor, broke and nake while you and you handful of conies became millionaires. WE SHALL TAKE THE NEW HOMES BUT WE SHALL VOTE YOU OUT!!!
How very convenient on the eve of a general election.
Gullible voters fooled once again, with the elections around the corner the fools will fall for the con once again as usual and vote to continue giving themselves the SHAFT then wonder why they will never get ahead under the sorry shady leadership of the present crew. Where is all the money? Is it in the Treasury like it is supposed to be or in a personal foreign bank account. Enough money was donated by the world community after hurricane Maria to rebuild every house on Dominica to hurricane resistant standards, that money in the millions needs to be accounted for by an independent auditor from outside Dominica preferably by INTERPOL.
More apartments and townhouses!
In other words, urban housing for rural communities. You can say goodbye to yard-space and chickens pecking around your back door. Dominica does not have urban as the rest of the world knows it, but we do have rural that is the envy of others.
Furthermore, the trend is for working from the home environment, especially in terms of computer related office work. For that to be effective there needs to be a dedicated workroom. Elsewhere in the world incentives are being given for incorporating such a space. I doubt that the concept has been considered in relation to these developments.
I wonder if the people who think of getting houses have any complains. If you do not like the housing just stay away and shut up. They are not being built for foreign agents of chaos.
Dear Joseph,
Although recipients may not have registered “complains” I do know they have concerns.
If I am able to arrange a public debate on the issue of indigenous housing as against foreign designed housing estates, would you be willing to be one of the panelists?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Hmmm, Skerrit, you seem desperate ……….

Why you so desperate these days nuh? What or who make you so desperate?
All of a sudden, houses appearing like hot bread and construction ready to start IMMEDIATELY eh. Is that why you took the housing portfolio from Austrie and took it upon yourself?
Apparently you need to be seen, heard and associated in this election year with various gimmicks. Have your handlers told you to make the provision of housing the foundation of your case for re-election?
Roosevelt, what is the plan to address the maintenance & utility costs of these houses after occupants have moved in? Who will pay the bills?
I hope you have a plan to roll out as much jobs as the number of houses you claim you want to build so the occupants of these homes could assist in taking care of these facilities.
Or is the treasury going to be further burden with paying all the maintenance & utility costs of these buildings?
Well he said his Russian named son will be PM after him. That’s a form of Ideas of grandeur being manifested. There is a saying those the Gods plan to destroy first make them Mad. Boy is Medard mad!
Instead of aiding Medard to bow out and take his prison they are encouraging him. My fate for this guy is to put him in a cage and take him to the old market to show a once upon a time PM to passengers in port on a cruise ship. Just parade that little sucker so the tourists can see that AH who was so stupid and boldface that he was reduce to a monkeylike man.
and voila. labour win. low minded gimme gimme population has been fooled again. i have never seen marigot on a list. for anything. way to go skewoe
BiG are we totally screwed? Despite spending more than 55% of my life outside.I have dreams whenI question if I was ever growing up in DA.The mindset is so dif from my days on island. On a recent visit all I saw were people living to sewo,beggers of various backgrounds but all begging from the very poor asking a man to pay their bills or getting duty free on expensive cars. Sad ,sad, sad The island I once called home.
It ain’t home no more.Bc I an’t live amongst folk with such mentalities down there.
Poor people buying cars. you mean our poor people can buy expensive cars Wow. In the USA there are over half a million homeless people who can’t take the bus, and about that same amount on welfare. An estimated 7 people die violently by the gun every day. No where is safe from violence and bullying . But because you live in America you are trying to show that Dominica is a little hell on earth.
The suicide rate is rising in the USA, I prefer to be a poor begger living the sewo life than be a homeless being stressed out to suicide.
Several people I know have left England and the USA after retirement and return to Dominica to live because DOMINICA IS A LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN…..no stress. So those who want to sewo and beg fine. Those who like expensive cars fine….whatever make you happy.
If you have no mortgage, no car note, no credit card payment. If you are not living from pay check to pay check and when government shuts down you go broke. You are a happy man. SHUT UP !
if my memory serves me right last year i recall a ceremony in Kalinago Territory when 10 houses were delivered to 10 families in that community……with your big mouth on that very platform ….you announced that 1200 new homes would be delivered by independence 2018.
I may be wrong but that announcement came about middle last year.
that promise was dust in de air……you never delivered on that promise minister of housing Dr Dr PM.
what a shame …..disgraceful
personally delivering 10 houses and promising 1200 more within months was a big joke…..hahahahaha
i am not taking you seriously ……..this is a comedy show now.
and i don’t even think you could make a good clown either
dissident get the clipping where he said what you just wrote …. all you haters does eat sleep drink and dream of the PM so in all you head all you hearing all sorts of jumbies!!!!!! The man never said he was going to build 1200 houses in a few months in the kalinago territory…. stop hearing jumbie!!!!!!
BTW how many houses did Lennox and anyone from the uwp promised?????
how much money did parliament provide to de opposition leader from de funds collected by charity organizations around the world?
Skerrit in his personal capacity did not give us ANYTHING!!!
You want Lennox to go in his pocket and build apartment house for you?????
skerrit know all foolish promises he make with no delivery.
go and work !!!!!!!
Dissident You could diss this guy even more . He deserves it .However the people are not any better than him. He Manages to keep fooling & insulting 50K out of a 60K population. Are we so stupid,dottish cacoa or what?
…and the buying of votes continues.
Wait!….. Here is another piece of nonsensical thinking. A working government is being accussed of buying votes. Well, i hope they keep buying votes with the international airport, geothermal, seaports, scholarships, paying their bills on time and building hotels, just to name a few. You haters want to government to sit on their hands but it will never happen. What does your lazy UWP have to show to convince anyone that they are worthy to lead? Ah?? That they can deplete the treasury faster??
You got the red clinic bug badly. Typical Skerrit supporters
Marlon You got the BLUE MEALY bug badly. Typical LENNOX LINTON supporters
So Ron all the empty promises to talking about there couting? And which bills are paid on time, DSS, UWI, Petro Caribe? After 20 years we still hearing promises and you counting that?
Those of us who have pride n dignity, don’t want houses, we want jobs and a growing economy so we can work and build our own houses, pay our taxes, and get better roads and bridges so we don’t have to worry about risking our lives on these Bridges.
Be careful flyboy, a working government would focus on real employment instead of taking a short sighted socialistic approach. We have heard all these stories about geothermal project, int’l airport, and the rest over and over again. We need a government of less talk and more action, and that is Workers all the way.
Joe Linton, I like your style I have lived in the USA,Canada and a few caribbean islands.In the USA there is something we call section 8 Housing wise we are better than a lot of countriest The UWP BedBugs are saying the government should not build houses for the people.I hope the people who got houses vote against the UWP.
Ideas are not a working government. If all the things you claim are happening were actually happening then I would definitely give credit. But a hotel that is taking forever to build for tourist that are not coming and homes for people with no jobs are ridiculous. I will believe an international airport when I see it. Kudos on the new hospital but didn’t the most qualify medical people from the island flee after Maria? People are dying from non life threatening emergencies unless they are lucky enough to be flown to Martinique. Let’s be real Dominica foundation is in taters. I don’t know if UWP will be better but something needs to change in Dominica and no one should be in office this long. There should be term limits of 10 years.
all these projects you spoke of should have been complete already. I am surprised you didnt mention the decriminalization of Marijuana also. That is another promise that was made in 2014. But nothing yet. Wait for it still, keep voting them in while you are at it also. The seaport idea is also bumb in terms of its proposed location. All i want to know is if Maria hits again, Melville hall shut down by river, where will planes land if it is in Canefield by the airport you want to make a sea port? how will surrounding businesses in the Industrial site be affected? How will donkey beach, once a community gathering place of leisure, now destroyed by the AID Bank with the help of the government be affected? You think building something is progress, but you dont think of the impact of the monstrosity you build will have on the people. that is not progress.
The campaign is in full high gear,and letazy Skerrit is pleading/begging for pardon.. Building homes for people is a basic thing lazy,and wicked Skerrit..You need to be dumped even further by the electorate. If these very people were employed, they would have done so (build their own homes) themselves….You created this dependency syndrome by design!!
Wicked Leader!
Skerrit Must Go
Skerrit Must Go
LAZY Skerrit Must Go Now
How many persons in the diaspora employed and cannot buy or build their own homes??? being employed is just one part of the ingredient to owning your home, that’s why some places calls their home for the under privilege PROJECTS!!!!!!
Joe Linton quite a number of people in the diaspora own their own homes. In fact home ownership is higher amongst people of the diaspora than native born in places such as Queens, New York, and it starts with being gainfully employed. Not everyone who disagree with those communist style buildings is a UWP supporter. Single family units with emphasis being place on maintaining “nature island” feel and look would have been better.
The term diaspora simply means the dispersion of any people from their original homeland.
Hence all Dominicans living on any island in Caribbean are indeed living in the diaspora, as well and anybody from any other country living in a country where they were not born!
So, for this man to contend that people living in the diaspora working have a job and cannot buy a house shows how ignorant he is!
What is the difference of a Dominican leaving Dominica to take up residence in Guadalupe, Antigua, or any other island in the Caribbean where we know that cost of living is so high, and people work for starvation salary?
If one cannot build a house in Dominica for a lack of money how will they live in Montserrat/Antigua and buy a house, with honest money; working for starvation salary?
Any educated Dominican working in America earning $8,000.00 per month can buy a house valued at $450,000.00 dollars with 80% down payment $2,400.00 per month!
There are people working for government in Dominica who are paid less than three thousand dollars per year, how can these people build or by a house which cost between seven hundred thousand, and a million dollars?
That is ludicrous okay!
So, in order to justify the project way of living in Dominica, he is talking crap about people in diaspora and house.
There are places in America where people can still buy a house for under a hundred thousand dollars, hence the individual annual salary would have to no less than $45,000.00 dollars, per year; it depends in what State, and city one chose to live.
Nevertheless; some of them stay in Dominica make belief they know, and so much talk crap as if they know it all! The reason they build Apartment buildings in Europe, and North America is because of a lack building space.
How can one go in a village with so much open land talking about building projects, within five years will be slums?
yes that is true but you know very well the way it is done in DA is not the some as other Countries .Low income houses are being built and rented out according to the individual income.
@ Joe, low income houses are built and rented out or sold to low income individuals, and not just giving people keys to buy vote
Admin I erred when I responded to Linton: I intended to say if one wish to buy a $450,000.00 dollar house with 20% down, (not 80%), the monthly payment would be approximately $2,400.00 per month!
And the person monthly after taxes take home should be no less than $8,000.00 dollars per month.
If someone wish to buy a house priced below a hundred thousand dollars, their annual salary should be no less than $45,000.00 dollars annually.
That is a standard set; for both FHA & Conventional Loan, through banks, and private mortgage companies!
So, in the event you are allowing the previous this shall be the correction, if you wish not to clear the first, that’s okay also!