A Patriotic Call to Conscience – Opposition Leader, Hector John


Opposition Leader Hector John

Below is the Independence message of Opposition Leader, Hon. Hector John

Every year during Dominica’s Independence celebrations, we take time in demonstrating our national pride. Be it in music, dance, dress or local cuisine, we all participate in this culturally rich national festivity. As proud Dominicans, our level of patriotism takes center stage. During our celebration, we stand at attention and sing the National Anthem with patriotic pride beaming from our faces. We also recite the national prayer and pledge as we hold our country in highest esteem. The National Anthem candidly asked us to, “Strive for honour sons and daughters, do the right be firm be fair.” In the National Prayer we ask of God, “Bless, we pray Thee, our President, our Prime Minister, and other Ministers of State, our Parliament, and all who are set in authority over us and grant that under them we may be peacefully and justly governed.” While in the National Pledge we affirm the following words, “I promise to work diligently and to help build a prosperous and peaceful Nation.”

These powerful quotes from our National Anthem, Prayer, Pledge and the respect of our national flag strike to the core of our roles as citizens of our Blessed land. They call us to right order as we partner for the further progress and development of Dominica.

British politician, diplomat and historian, James Bryce was on point when he remarked, “Our country is not the only thing to which we owe our allegiance. It is also owed to justice and to humanity. Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong.” Bryce, died nine decades ago but today his words must appeal to the conscience of every Dominican. We should ponder and take seriously our loyalty to our Sovereign State. To whom do we owe our allegiance? As true patriots of Dominica, are we standing on the side of our Constitution? Are we doing what is right and just in order to bring out the true potential of our beloved country?

In recent times, Dominica has experienced repeated and deliberate subversions of her Constitution, in the process of the election of a new president and in the appointment of the acting Chief of Police. Our forefathers who brought Dominica into independence never envisaged this level of contempt for the Constitution. This is surely not in keeping with the leadership of any country who is “Partnering for further progress and development”. What is even more damaging to the sovereignty of the Nature Isle is the deafening silence of civil society. Individuals and organizations who should be protectors of the Constitution literally remained on the side and said or did nothing. To whom do you really owe your allegiance? This is a patriotic call to conscience.

To give this annual national celebration tangible meaning, there must be a concerted effort to ensure that our institutions of state are properly respected. We should make it our civic responsibility for reinforcing adherence to the Constitution without bias. The Nation Anthem, Prayer and Pledge must become an active part of our daily lives. We cannot leave such important state’s duty only for those in authority. There must be swift condemnation, rebuke, and if necessary, prosecution of those who violate the Supreme Law of the Land, including lawmakers. This will solidify the superiority of the Constitution.

As we discuss with visiting family and friends over a dish of crab callaloo or stewed manicou, let us not shy away from issues of national importance. Let us give them the prominence that they truly deserve. Let us encourage everyone to meticulously do what is right and just, as we partner towards building home, church, community and a prosperous country. Our leaders should always put the interest of the country first, whenever they are executing their mandate. Then and only then we will be, “Partnering for Further Progress and Development”. We will begin to see positive progress and development through genuine, frank and respectful partnership.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish every Dominican a patriotic, peaceful and enjoyable Independence celebrations. And may you hold this line from the National Pledge true to your heart, “Before God and all mankind, I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Commonwealth of Dominica.”

May God richly bless you and the Nature Isle.


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  1. Country
    November 5, 2012

    Excellent piece of writing. Now that’s a leader. Very sensible and breathtaking.

    • love to all
      November 6, 2012

      No , that was good writing, not leadership.

  2. Discard not ur bone
    November 4, 2012

    Alot of substance there, I feel fortified. A message from a man who is cool, calm and collective with no barking tone. Good. You need to give scare, rotty and ponny some tips as we strive to build the hurting Dominica.
    By the way, Ma Ti Pam tell me rotty was sent to St.V to do some drug sniffing. They are short of big breed dogs.

    • love to all
      November 6, 2012

      I am sure that Mr. John would be glad to hear you make those statements after he made such an excellent and breath taking speech, that emphasized be firm, be fear. I guess you didn’t understand the speech.

  3. watch dog
    November 4, 2012

    DNO needs to understand that theses comments are being read all over the world. I do understand that one has the right to be critical, but it has to be constructively done.

    • love to all
      November 6, 2012

      Well said. Some of them do it because they are hidden behind a key pad and a screen.

  4. November 4, 2012

    Inspirational message, Mr .John. Excellent. Your supporters are still out there. Happy Independence

  5. Prophet2
    November 4, 2012

    John, what do you expect when you have a dictatorship Government?

    • love to all
      November 6, 2012

      If there was a dictatorship in this country. You would not be able to type that statement.

  6. ()
    November 4, 2012

    This is an extremely POWERFUL MESSAGE, that should be read by not just the adults, but our school children as well. Extremely well put together.

  7. mm
    November 4, 2012


  8. jennifer Douglas
    November 4, 2012

    Very Good Mr John . Who won the raffle?????

  9. Not a herd follower
    November 3, 2012

    A very good message, Hector John. Be fitting for the times in which we live in Dominica.

  10. Roseau Valley
    November 3, 2012

    What a great speech! Filled with themes of patriotism, a sense of honour and pride in country.

    Perhaps, the Hon. Leader of Opposition should have volunteered his services to the Office of the president in preparing the president’s speech.

    Whereas the speech of the of the president unfortunately focused on our infrastructural, technological, and socio-economic development over the last 34 years, this speech was right on target. It recognized that there is a time and place for everything and on our 34th year of independence, it was inappropriate to use the occasion as a state of the country report. Hon. John focused on exactly what was needed to be expressed on this independence anniversary.

    I like, in particular, his emphasis and deliberate focus on “DO THE RIGHT, BE FIRM, BE FAIR” and his conscious use of words from our national pledge of allegiance to our flag and state, which other men who are supposed to be our symbol of pride and honour cannot proclaim without having a dark cloud of legitimacy engulf them in shame and dishonesty.

    Well done Mr. Hon. Leader of Opposition.
    Happy independence to you, the leadership of the UWP, its supporters and to all Dominicans (including those who are now ready to execute me through the internet for expressing my opinion).

    Roseau Valley

    • Gary
      November 5, 2012

      Politics is a game and one of the rules of this game is to tell the people what they want to hear,
      and speeches is one of the tools used especially on times like this, National occasions. Let us not forget that the highest appreciation for self or Country is not only to utter words, but to live by them, our actions and that is what the conscience of a true Patriot is. Let us remember it is very dangerous and unwise to be lead by speeches from Politicians, history have taught so.

      • .
        November 5, 2012

        It’s even more dangerous to disregard the constitution, and to tell your people ‘Go to Hell” “Go to Hell” “Go to Hell”. Man to mam we will marsh Them Up! It’s not none of your dam business…………………….. etc etc etc etc .
        Powerful speech, fitting for the occassion. One of the few well written speeches i have read for 2012.

        November 5, 2012

        And so Gary, your point is? Okay.. I guess you are saying nothing.

        So are you saying we should dismiss everything the Prime Minister and the President have said in their respective independence day speech? I know you ain’t saying this.

        From your tone, I get the feeling that you do agree that Mr. John’s gave a brilliant speech but you are too intellectually dishonest to aknowledge that.

        Let’s keep it simple Gary. Limit the discussion to the contents, tone, style of a delivered speech on the ocassion of our 34th Independence aniversary. Let’s not drift into the land of “actions” -for most of the significant ones by the PM and the President are regretfully disgraceful, counter-productive, unlawful and unconstitutional.

        As you know, I am fair, balanced and brutally honest with my views, which I express as I see it. There are times that I am critical of Mr. John but one simply has to admit that on this ocassion, he gave a much better speech than the Prime Minister and the President. In fact, even the Independence Day message of the Freedom Party was much more apt, practical and substantive.

        Roseau Valley

    • The informant
      November 6, 2012

      unfair, biased and politically motivated.

  11. Jean Williams
    November 3, 2012

    To you mr.John I wish you the same very well said

  12. de boxer
    November 3, 2012

    what kind of message is that.

    • Rosea Valley
      November 3, 2012

      A much better one than that of His Excellency, The President.

      • Child of Beauty
        November 5, 2012

        LMAO!!! I LOVE THAT ANSWER!!PERFECT :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • ideal
      November 4, 2012

      even better tham the PM’s speech

    • ______________
      November 5, 2012

      @ de boxer… One you do not have the basic education or intellect to understand, but one that i would grade EXCELLENT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. November 3, 2012

    Spagss you and your lot have lost every matter, constitutional or not that you have brought to court. In your position you will know that the High Court is the ONLY institution in Dominica that has been appointed by the constitution itself to interprete the constitution where there are different opinions. Get GOOD legal advice, not one that is charged with political, partisan malice and seek redress in the court. Once the court has decided (what ever the level) then the matter is over.

    • *
      November 3, 2012

      You are such a political fool. Any institution created by man has flaws. The very same court you are referring to as being almost flawless, has sentenced innocent people to death. I REPEAT INNOCENT PEOPLE! So don’t believe the court is the ultimate place where truth resides.Remove your political garments and stop attacking the messanger for the truth.Have an independent head. Having said that, this is a good and powerful message Spaggs. Don’t give up the fight.

      • wisdom
        November 4, 2012

        Very relevant.

    • November 3, 2012



      • mind set
        November 4, 2012

        You are so right. But, to @unlooker, I say: where ignnorance is bliss, it’s folly to be wise. Onlooker is of the same mindset as the babarian of yesterday, committing all manner of evil and want to go scott free.
        But I tell you; justice will come:

      • November 5, 2012

        It was the people who shouted “hang HIM” when they were given a choice between JESUS AND BARABAS. In our system it is the jury who have the final say. Please educate yourself before you make your statements.

    • john paul
      November 3, 2012

      Padnah It aint over till it is over !How long ? Not long!
      You have said Your piece and we say ours at least we did not tell You to “Shut up and stay in your toilet” . or “it is not Your Damn business”.Or “If You cant get a doll put Your hands between Your legs” or Whatever .
      Let us keep the discussion going it may look or sound like Nonsense but we do not want it to stop.
      Thank You Honourable Hector John,Leader of the Opposition Do Your Job and we are supporting You

      • Obama & Romney
        November 4, 2012

        Thumbs up~

      • November 5, 2012

        You need to tell Spags to go to the LEGAL PARLIAMENT where whatever he says will be recorded for posterity. Doing good things on the side is not good enough. We all want to hear him where it matters most. This is where he will set the stage for young and old to really hear, analyze and reflect on what he says. He is young and we want him to mature politically.

      • love to all
        November 6, 2012

        Yes, excellent speech by Mr. Hector. Only one thing and you may disagree. His speech only overshadowed his excellency, president William speech. The speech PM Skerrit gave was normal. Though I also question the nature of the speech as i often do.It always appear as a report to the nation on what was accomplished and what is intended. Not a bad thing, but to me not fitting.Just as only one stanza of the national anthem is played on the day of independence as opposed to the full anthem. And yes the speech given by Mr. Hector should have been given by His excellency, president Williams as the head of the country.

    • #
      November 5, 2012

      what does the garbage you wrote have to do with a perfect independence speech, message, what ever you want to call it… grow up slave

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